Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 17 - Shattered Plans

The first emotion that came to Sam's mind was not surprise or fear, it was just confusion...

" I cant understand a word she is saying..."

"she was speaking to me normally  when she was still wrapped around by the chain... Is the evil sword pretending like before... She definitely has some weird hobbies.. Wait is she even a she, or a he ... maybe it has changed the voice.....some weird fetish maybe...hah…"

The sword has been remaining motionless in front of him for some time as if closely observing him.

" w..ho ar..e you you..r di..ffer..ent.…"

Sam " stop pretending, You are much more powerful than me. 

Why are you trying to fool me with this drama.... I have freed you, at least out of courtesy help me get out of here... 

You as well as I know that it is not safe to remain here, the owner of the cave might return anytime.... 

He will probably imprison you in a more powerful chain the next time and my future might be worse.. 

So why don't we work together... "

evil sword " who are you... why can't I remember anything... I am feeling tired, I will rest for some time.…"

The sword just stabbed into Sam's chest, without a warning . 

Sam's heartbeat stopped for a second, but he was taken aback because even though the sword had stabbed into him he was not hurt in any manner. It just disappeared into his body.

Sam " are you trying to scare me to death... But, where did the sword disappear too..."

Sam used his spiritual sense to probe the surrounding and his own body, but he didn't find any clue. 

All of a sudden he started feeling weak as if a sudden feeling of weakness had latched onto him, he could feel something was happening in his lower dantian.

When he used his spiritual sense, he saw that the sword had entered his dantian and was creating trouble there.

  The sword was absorbing his brown and white gas greedily, which resulted in his sudden dizziness.

Sam " stop it, what are you doing... are you trying to kill me…"

A wronged voice was heard in replay " so stinky...I only took a little bit of energy...hmph..... Even if you combine all the luck, from all your previous lives... still I won't be even looking at someone as pathetic as you.... 

and now you have signed a temporary contract with me and refuse to share your energy with me …"

Sam " I was looking for some huge back up and seems like I have just found another mouth to feed... wait temporary contract... I should have known…"

Sam " you said you don't remember anything....? "

Evil sword " of course I had lost my memories, but it doesn't mean I have become a clueless idiot... 

There are still some bits and pieces of memories still left with me.

  But the major part of my memories are foggy. 

The memories of who I am, major events and people in my life are all gone.... but memories related to trivial things like cultivation, contracts and different grades of weapons etc. are all still intact... 

I am tired, don't disturb me anymore .... 

I would be in a deep sleep-like state for a while…"

Sam " Hey wait .... I need to ask you how to get out of this place…"

there was no reply, It was like his shouting ended up in deaf ears... he tried many more times to communicate, but the rock didn't even flinch...

Sam " I have wasted all that time and effort .... to get a parasite that is of no use... haaah.."

Sam was really angry but he didn't know where to vent it. 

He went out of the cave and screamed to his heart's content.

Suddenly his hands and legs started shivering, sweat started appearing all over his body. 

He felt like death had engulfed him from every side and there was no escape.

The first thought that came into his mind was, did the Evil sword do something else. 

But for some reason he knew that, it was not the cause. 

He had this urge to look up all of a sudden and what he saw made him land on his ass again. 

Two enormous burning meteorites had appeared in the smoke above, they were as big as mountains. 

He knew this was not some meteorites or mountains but two eyes that were looking at him, as if he was a small ant who had disturbed a humongous human.

The eyes and its owner disappeared the same way it appeared, so did the feeling of fear that he had experienced. 

It took him some time to gain the strength back in his legs, but his brain was working at 100% capacity.

He knew he had to get out of this place as soon as possible.....


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