Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 786: Corpse

Chapter 786: Corpse

The minced flesh began to meld together, barely forming the rough appearance of Charles' previous form. He was just about to teleport to the side when Paiper's remaining half of its intact body emerged from the nearby wall.

Paiper wasn't alone; K9, the humanoid figure with two raven heads, O5, the bloated old dog, and the reassembled, yet still grotesquely disfigured, T6 were with it.

There were also others who accompanied the four of them. Their appearances varied but were still equally bizarre. However, from their positions, it appeared that each of them was a member of the GK Council.

These figures were supposed to be at SITE 2, but they were standing in front of Charles for some reason. It didn't take long for Charles to realize that they were clones created by the Foundation rather than the same group he had interacted with at SITE 2.

The Foundation truly made sure that none of its resources was ever wasted. They hadn't created just one copy of the GK Council members—all of these figures before Charles were clones.

Staring at the deformed Charles from a distance, the GK Council members knew there was no longer any need for negotiation. Now that things had escalated to this stage, it was a fight to the death.

With a whir, A2's mechanical hand split open. Several black wires extended from within and quickly coiled around the cables on the floor.

"Initiate Plan Three!" A2 commanded. The next moment, the massive heart in the center began to beat furiously.

As the heart began to pulsate faster and faster, the surrounding lights dimmed dramatically. Traces of black wisps emerged from the heart, slowly forming a black veil that spread outward.

The moment the black veil occupied the space within the room, it became the black wall—the weapon that devoured everything in its path.

The massive wall rapidly consumed everything in its way—the various machinery and even the GK Council members. And with a deliberate slowness, it steadily advanced toward Charles.

Charles knew that if he were to let the Black Wall escape from this space, it would soon consume and annihilate the entire Subterranean Sea.

Without hesitation, Charles teleported himself straight into the colossal wall.

Absolute and overwhelming darkness greeted him. There was nothing apart from an inky dark expanse beyond the black wall. Charles repeatedly teleported deeper and deeper. Yet no matter how deep he went, it seemed like he could never reach the end.

This was extremely strange. By all normal and logical calculations, he should have already teleported out of SITE 6 itself.

Suddenly, there was a whoosh, and unseen forces in the darkness tore away pieces of Charles' flesh.

This was only the beginning. The unseen forces in the shadows attacked more frequently and continuously stripped away Charles' flesh with every attack.

All of a sudden, Charles stopped moving. He ceased teleporting and stood still, allowing his remaining flesh to swirl and twist, eventually condensing into a single, massive yellow eye.

The moment the yellow eye opened wide, a brilliant yellow beam shot out and pierced into the darkness. The entire darkened space seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

O5 Pogro slithered its grotesquely bloated canine form along the ground toward Charles, but before it could cover half the distance, its deformed body began to fall apart.

Invasive masses of flesh that weren't its own sprouted all over Pogro. In less than a minute, Pogro was reduced to a writhing, nauseating heap of flesh and gore.

Just then, two gigantic shadows entered the dark space—it was the Pedes. The Pedes outside had entered the space beyond the wall.

The two towering demigods, one on each side, charged at Charles. Due to Charles' influence, grotesque masses of flesh continuously sprouted across their bodies. However, an attack of this level was far from capable of stopping them.

Just as Charles was about to receive a direct hit from the double demigods, a soft warm light suddenly pierced through the darkness. It was a gentle and soothing sunlight.

With each passing second, the light grew brighter; its brilliance eventually tore apart the oppressive dark space. The previous extreme darkness was completely replaced by blinding sunlight.

Charles lifted his massive eye to look upward, and the entire SITE 6 split open. Above him, he saw a radiant sun hanging suspended in the air. It was Dawn One that they had found in Newbound City.

Meanwhile, the tiny Lily was floating in the heart of Dawn One. The light radiating from her transformed the sunlight from Dawn One into a spectrum of shimmering colors.

"Mr. Charles! I'm here to help you!" Lily's soft and hazy voice accompanied the warm golden light and reached Charles.

Empowered by Lily's sunlight, Charles blinked forward and materialized before the pulsating heart.

As the sharp sound of shattering glass echoed through the air, the heart abruptly ceased beating. The darkness within it slowly seeped out and coalesced into a dense black sphere.

"Gao…?" A chaotic, distorted voice emanated from the blackness. The black sphere trembled slightly before it suddenly dissolved, melting away like a snowman under the summer sun.

On the surface world, the darkness seemed to have dimmed further. The darkness that the Light God had brought away with Him was now returning to where it belonged.

Ignoring the darkness' call, Charles turned his twisted form toward the GK Council members. His hundreds of triangular, misshapen eyes glared at them.

"You have no idea what you have just done! You monster!" K9 shouted in fury; his two sharp beaks wide open, and his voice was trembling with rage.

Charles paid no attention to K9's screeches of fury. His attention was drawn to the increasingly blinding sunlight in the sky above. There was something amiss about the light.

Now that their plan had succeeded, it was time to retreat.

"Sparkle, take Lily, and get everyone out of here."

As soon as the two Pedes heard Charles' words, they took to the sky. Their intention was clear—they wanted to prevent Sparkle from taking everyone away.

However, Charles swiftly intercepted them. There was no need for him to defeat them. He just needed to hold them off and stall for enough time for Sparkle and the rest to escape.

That was his plan, but just as he was struggling to keep the two Pedes in check, the surroundings suddenly darkened.

Charles initially thought it was because Sparkle had teleported Lily away, but he soon realized that this wasn't the case.

He moved one of the deformed eyes on his body to look upward and saw a massive figure standing in the path of the sunlight. It was no one else but the corpse of the late god, Pede, that had been hovering in the air. Against all reason, the dead god had come back to life!

Despite losing his brain and most of his flesh and bones, the sheer size and presence of his body remained overwhelming. He loomed over the battlefield, his massive shoulders nearly touching the overhead dome. His oppressive aura was like a mountain poised to crush everything beneath it.

Without warning, a flash of light illuminated the scene, and a translucent, three-eyed skull materialized above the resurrected god's body.

When God Pede bent His colossal frame forward, Charles felt an immense weight, like thousands of pascals of pressure, pressing down on him.

The translucent, fanged maw of the three-eyed skull slowly parted and said, "If you think that you can eliminate me just from a physical level, you are gravely mistaken. As a HOD6 god, my existence is not confined to a mere physical form."

Realization dawned upon Charles in that instant as he stared at the colossal entity before him. The translucent skull was the central computer, and it had survived SITE 2's destruction!

"Dad! Let me help you!" Sparkle shouted as her form seamlessly merged with Charles' own, causing his writhing mass of flesh to expand rapidly.

God Pede's translucent three eyes looked downward at the ever-growing Charles. He then raised his right hand, that was only bones now, and swung it at Charles.

Luminescent green tentacles writhed and pulsed as a massive eye—the Eye of Edikth—opened slowly.

At the same time, the sun in the sky burned even brighter as Anna's grafted eye snapped open as well.


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