Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 7 - 7 - Young Titan talon.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Young Titan talon.

Liam took a deep breath, choosing to momentarily set aside Trick's playful antics. He concentrated and accessed his status interface once again.

His eyes quickly settled on the "Young Titan Talon" engram among the list of abilities, items, and information. Trick, perhaps sensing his interest, remained quiet for a rare moment, allowing Liam the space to read without interruption.


Young Titan Talon

The remains of the young Titans that Liam vanquished, this engram captures not just the essence of the Titans but also the condensed energies of the formidable creature he faced.

Though originally it channeled the might of the young Titan, the fusion with the monster's energy has lent it a unique radiance, a combination of primeval strength and the gleaming power of the crystal.

Titans, the behemoths of yore, ruled the lands with unmatched prowess. Their very steps caused the ground to tremble, and their roars could split the heavens.

The "Young Titan Talon" represents the phase when these Titans were still learning to harness their raw, unfathomable power. It's said that even at their youngest, a single swipe of their talon could carve mountains and redirect rivers.


Strength Augmentation: Increases the user's physical strength for a short duration, allowing them to perform feats of great power.


Endurance Boost: Enhances the user's stamina, allowing them to endure prolonged physical activities without tiring.


Seismic Stomp: Channels the essence of Titan's mighty footsteps. When activated, a powerful stomp can cause minor tremors in the immediate vicinity.


With a satisfied smile, Liam examined his newfound loot. "Hey Trick, how do I utilize this engram?"

Trick's playful tone chimed in, "Simple! Just wish for it to be equipped. Though, a word of caution."

His voice took on a more serious note, "Your current body capacity allows only one engram at a time. Overloading might bring about... consequences I believe you'd rather avoid."

Liam raised an eyebrow, sensing Trick's cryptic warning. "Consequences?"

Trick chuckled, "Let's just say it's something you wouldn't want to experience firsthand. Oh, and before I forget,"

His voice adopts a mock-lecturing tone, "you can't use the 'strength augmentation' or the 'seismic stomp' just yet. You need to learn control over arcane energy."

Liam's interest was piqued., "Arcane energy? What's that?"

Trick responded with a gleeful tone," Something that can shift, change, and transform from many sources. It's the essence, pure and so fine, of all energies that intertwine. . Once you unlock its power, you'll clasp."

Liam, rubbing his temples in exasperation, grumbled, "Why can't you give a straight answer? So, from what I gather, arcane energy is essentially a purer form of energy. Great. Now, how exactly do I harness and manipulate it?"

Trick responded with a tease. "Ah, but where's the fun in making things too easy? You seek the method, and that, my friend, is wrapped up in the ascension paths."

"Find one, complete your trial, and the way will become clear."

Liam, already weary of Trick's roundabout answers, snapped, "As if things is not hard already, Cannot you tell me more what is ascension path?"

Trick responded, wagging a finger. "You'll know an ascension path when you come across one. Until then, it's like describing a color you've never seen."

Trick's voice took on a more informative tone, "Ah, right! Since you already know about the Adaptive Form Change feature, you can utilize it to create various weapons or pieces of armor. Remember, you have to work within your current limit, which allows for a maximum volume of one cubic meter."

"Only one design can be registered at the moment, so choose wisely. Once it's set, the design becomes permanent, there's no erasing or doodling over it."

Liam's eyes narrowed, deep in thought. "yes, I should create a weapon first, but I have to be sure about its design and functionality. This is a crucial decision."

"Indeed!" Trick responded cheerfully. "Take your time and let your creativity flow. And don't forget about the importance of rest. You've been through a lot, and a nap could do wonders. You never know what challenges or adventures await us."

Liam couldn't help but chuckle at Trick's enthusiasm. "Alright, let's figure out this weapon first. I want something versatile, something that can adapt to different situations."

Trick's voice lilted in his playful tone, "Ah, thinking big and varied! I like it. But a small, teeny-tiny reminder for you - if you're going for something that shoots, you'll need something to shoot with.

Unless you've got a stash of arcane energy lying around, you might want to think on that."

He chuckled, "I mean, a gun without bullets is just a fancy stick, right?"

Liam's eyes sparkled with excitement, the cogs of creativity whirring in his mind. He began piecing together fragments of familiarity, crafting a unique concept.

"Back in high school, I was pretty adept with a staff, I'm familiar with its weight distribution and how it feels in hand. The base needs to be lightweight for swift maneuvers, yet durable enough for combat." he mused aloud, his voice filled with nostalgia.

"So, the foundation has to be a staff. But I also want the finesse of a blade, something that lets me make those swift slashing attacks."

He paused, visualizing the weapon. "But a long weapon could be a disadvantage in close combat," he pondered. "What if... what if I could split it right in the middle? That way, it offers versatility."

Growing more animated, Liam's thoughts raced. "And for those times I need to keep my enemy at a distance..."

A grin spread across his face. "A gun mechanism! Yes, that's it! A ranged attack option. And the trigger? Right there in the handle!"

"Alright, let's work on this," Liam said, his voice filled with determination. "I want the staff to be lightweight but strong.

The blades should be sharp, but also capable of channeling arcane energy when I learn to harness it. The gun mechanism needs to be seamless, so it doesn't interfere with the staff's other functions."

After a few moments of further deliberation, they had fleshed out the weapon's design in detail. Liam started materializing the weapon.

The staff took form, stretching to a length of 1.8 meters(70 inch). Its body shimmered with a dark, lustrous hue reminiscent of moonlit night skies. Upon closer examination, one could notice the faint pulses of blue arcane energy meandering like rivers across its surface, giving the sensation that the staff harbored a life of its own.

A beautifully curved blade, reminiscent of the young titan talon, emerged from both ends. Measuring roughly 30 cm, its serrated edge promised lethal slashes, a testament to the fearsome power Liam sought.

The blade's gleam hinted at a deadly sharpness, perfectly balanced for slashing and thrusting motions.

However, this was not just a weapon of melee. A concealed barrel was integrated into the blade's side, enabling ranged combat.

It lay hidden, awaiting the opportune moment to unleash devastating energy projectiles upon foes. And the trigger for this? Crafted with exquisite subtlety, it was embedded within the staff's handle, almost invisible and requiring just a nuanced pressure to activate.

With anticipation building, Liam grasped the weapon, feeling its cool weight in his hands. The grip seemed to meld into his palms as if custom-made for him, hinting at the synergy between wielder and weapon. The subtle engravings on the handle provided aesthetic beauty and tactile feedback, enhancing his hold.

Wanting to gauge its full potential, he separated the staff at its midpoint. With a firm twist at the staff's midpoint, It effortlessly transformed into dual weapons, each equipped with a blade and shooting mechanism.

The balance was impeccable, and Liam already envisioned a dance of combat.

He initiated a series of maneuvers, swinging the halves with ease. The wind whistled with each movement, echoing the promise of impending doom for any adversary.

He was eager to test the shooting mechanism but remembered Trick's words about not having control over the arcane energy yet. Trick, clearly amused, remarked, "You're getting ahead of yourself. In due time, Liam, in due time."

Liam smiled wryly, "Yes." Pausing, he continued, "It feels right. This weapon... it's an extension of me. I think I'll name it Talonstrike."

He continues to practice some combat stances, moving the halves fluidly through the air.

Liam would stop and admire his creation between bouts of intense practice, running his fingers along its length, feeling the arcane energy pulse beneath, waiting to be unleashed.

After a few hours, His muscles started reminding him that while his spirit was willing, his body still had its limits. A thin layer of sweat covered his brow, and his arms felt the strain of the constant movement.

Seeing this, Trick took on a teasing tone. "Well, look at you, dancing around with your shiny new toy! But remember, even the most playful pup needs its rest. Let me handle timekeeping, and I'll rouse you when it's the moment."

Liam, though reluctant to pause his newfound connection with Talonstrike, knew Trick had a point. "Alright, just a short nap."

Laying his weapon beside him, Liam felt the comforting presence of Talonstrike, its latent energy pulsating softly. As he closed his eyes, the gentle hum acted as a lullaby, ensuring a peaceful sleep.


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