Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 27 - 27 - Titan of Yore

Chapter 27: Chapter 27 - Titan of Yore

Upon reaching the encampment just outside the village, Liam immediately recognized Ensign Caelum amongst the soldiers, his usually meticulous uniform slightly unkempt and a sheen of sweat on his brow. Approaching him, Liam questioned, "Why are you here? Your friends were searching for you in the village."

Ensign Caelum shifted uncomfortably, "Apologies, Lieutenant," he replied, scratching the back of his head, "I've been assisting the others with tidying up the camp and got carried away."

Liam studied the ensign's face, sensing some evasion. 'Did you purposely avoid your friends?' he mused silently. Deciding it wasn't his place to pry, Liam handed over the letter, saying, "They left this for you." Caelum took the letter with a nod, murmuring his thanks, and promptly returned to assisting his comrades

Nearby, Alric's gaze was drawn to the makeshift training area. With an amused grin, he commented, " Seems like your makeshift arena might become a permanent fixture here. Could end up as a village attraction."

Zalya rolled her eyes playfully, "Who knows? I doubt we will ever be back here again, But if it becomes a landmark, I'll start charging admission!"

Irys chuckled, joining the playful banter, "Oh, imagine the tales the villagers will tell – 'This was the legendary training ground of the great saint Zalya!"

Overhearing their conversation, Liam couldn't help but join in with a smirk, "I think we all deserve a lifetime free pass. After all, we're the first audience of this 'landmark'."

Zalya laughed, "Fine, fine. Lifetime free passes for everyone. But only if you all leave glowing reviews for our arena."

After the soldiers had wrapped up their preparations, they began their march towards Ashenfall. Their journey led them through a majestic forest with colossal trees. Luminescent moss clung to the trees, and the forest floor gave the surroundings a surreal glow.

The creepers hung and weaved through the trees, embellished with delicate flowers that emitted a captivating scent. Liam, while gazing around, felt a sense of de ja vu. "This place... It feels like I've been here before,".

Liora looked around, taking in the ancient beauty of the woods. "This is the Forest of Yore," she explained. "Perhaps you've been sent here on an assignment in the past? This forest is renowned for its exotic creatures and rare flora."

Liam nodded thoughtfully, about to respond, when a thunderous roar echoed through the forest


The ground trembled beneath their feet, causing trees to topple and the earth itself to crack open. From the depths emerged a gigantic ebony claw, and a monstrous creature, nearly 40 feet tall, rose to its full height in front of the astounded group.

The beast was a mix of reptilian and mammalian attributes, walking on all fours. Its head boasted two imposing horns set above chilling reptilian eyes. A spine lined with protruding horns ran along its back, completing its fearsome appearance.

Liora's eyes widened in shock. "The Titan of Yore! But that's impossible! The last reported sighting of this creature was half a century ago. Why has it shown up now?"

But the Titan seemed uninterested in the group at large. Instead, its cold, penetrating gaze settled on Liam as if searching for something deep within him.

Liam's gaze locked onto the titan, memories surging back from when he first encountered this beast during his trial. Once filled with uncertainty and fear, Liam's eyes now blazed with determination and the flame of vengeance.

In the past, he had been clueless, weak, and hunted by this very beast. He had barely escaped with his life, only to be ambushed and brutally killed not long after. But now, time had fortified him; not only was he stronger, but he also had an army of 500 soldiers at his back.

Summoning Talonstrike, His fingers tightened around the hilt. Turning to Liora, his voice was steel, "Now is not the time for question. The beast is here, and we shall fight it." Without hesitation, he commanded the soldiers, "Fall back! Maintain distance and bombard the titan!"

With a powerful dash, Liam charged at the titan. Not far behind, Irys sprang into action, wasting no time supporting Liam in fighting the colossal titan. Zalya, Liora, and Alric assessed the unfolding chaos. Quickly giving out her command, Zalya bellowed, "Soldiers, spread out! Assume the bombardment stance, and maintain a safe distance!"

Liora and Alric, understanding the gravity of the situation, were quick to reinforce the command, summoning their own weapons and marching forward, signaling for their unit to provide a coordinated assault on the titan.

The soldiers swiftly move to encircle the titan. They move backward to create a safe distance. As they formed a strategic perimeter, others instinctively fell into place, creating a well-organized formation.

Ensign Caelum, surveying the scene with a sharp gaze, barked his orders, "Ready your firearms! Aim for the titan. Only shoot when you have the opportunity! Make sure to avoid hitting the lieutenant at all costs!"

The soldiers quickly got into a crouching position. They unsheathed their weapons - an intriguing fusion of a rifle and a sword. These weren't just ordinary weapons; they were runic guns.

The rifle's sleek barrel seamlessly fused with the blade, making it a lethal combination for both ranged and close combat. As Liam and the others dashed to the Titan, Caelum's voice rang out clearly, "Fire!" Without hesitation, a coordinated hail of energy bullets erupted from the soldiers' firearms, each directed at the hulking titan.

As the bullets rained on the Titan, each impact felt like a sting of a needle. While individually, the bullets didn't deal much damage, collectively, they made the titan flinch in pain, temporarily stalling its movements. Feeling the continuous sting, the titan shifted its attention to the source of the onslaught. With an earth-shaking roar, it prepared to charge at the soldiers.

Seizing this opportunity, Liam swiftly approached the beast, his dual blades glowing as it was imbued with fire. As he leaped into the air, the flames from his blades intensified. With a powerful downward swing, he aimed straight for the titan's eyes, releasing a burst of flames. The fiery slash temporarily blinded the titan, causing it to stagger back.

Meanwhile, Irys, with her broadsword in hand, took a powerful swing at one of the titan's legs. Although the blade didn't sink deep, it managed to cause the creature to bleed. In retaliation, the titan swung its massive claw at Irys.

With little room to dodge, she quickly used her broadsword as a shield and conjured layers of earthen barriers to defend herself. However, the titan's sheer force shattered the makeshift shield and sent Irys flying, her body crashing against a tree in the distance.


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