Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 23 - 23 - Village of Duskdale (2)

Chapter 23: Chapter 23 - Village of Duskdale (2)

As Theron, Elara, and Elder Marea excused themselves to prepare, Alice and Timothy re-entered the room, presenting a tray laden with warm tea and freshly baked English muffins.

With a quizzical expression, Alice inquired, "Where have my mother and sister gone?"

Liam, noticing her concern, replied, "Your mother is making preparations for your sister's imminent childbirth. Elara should be in her room."

Alice's face brightened, "Really? That's wonderful news!" Turning towards Timothy, she eagerly said, "Come on, let's check on Elara."

Timothy offered the guests a sheepish grin, "My apologies, Lieutenants. We've prepared rooms for you upstairs. The open doors indicate vacant rooms. I hope you understand. The family is preoccupied right now, but please make yourselves comfortable."

Liam nodded, "Focus on your family. We'll be fine." With a grateful smile, Timothy followed Alice, leaving the group in the comfort of the sitting room.

Alric let out a light chuckle, observing the bustling family, "What a lively bunch."

Zalya's eyes held a distant melancholy as she watched the couple depart, "It's heartwarming, seeing such familial bonds. If only every family could be like that."

Liam nodded in agreement, "It's truly a blessing to have such a family." Irys remained quiet, lost in her thoughts.

Sensing the undercurrents of emotion in the room, Liora remarked, "Seems many of us have our own family histories." She sipped her tea, then added, "I think I'll head upstairs for a bit of rest." With a stretch, she made her way up.

The room became tense in her absence, with only the sounds of tea being sipped and muffins being nibbled. Breaking the silence, Alric laughed softly at himself, saying, "Perhaps it wasn't the right time for such reflections. Still, for what it's worth, at least you still have a family with you."

Zalya replied, her voice tinged with bitterness, "Given my family's circumstances, it often feels like I have none."

Irys spoke up, her voice soft, "Both my parents are no more,"

Liam added, "My dad is missing, and my mom is no more." Looking to change the topic,

Aric interjected, "Perhaps we should discuss our current trial."

Liam leaned forward, his eyebrows slightly raised. "Have all of you received the new information?" he inquired. The members of the group exchanged confirming nods.

Irys, with a sparkle in her eye, lifted her hand, and tiny, rugged stones began to hover above her palm. "It seems we have been granted ascended power," she stated with evident excitement.

Matching her enthusiasm, Liam extended his hand, and a petite flame danced on his fingertips. "Fire energy, it seems."

Not to be left out, Alric raised his hand, producing a droplet of water that balanced precariously on his fingertip. Following suit, Zalya beckoned a shard of metallic crystal into existence above her own hand.

"We've each been granted tier 2 energies," Zalya observed. "Mine is metal, Irys wields earth, Liam commands fire, and Alric has water."

Liam contemplated for a moment and then turned to Zalya. "Considering our current situation, what's your take on this, Zalya?"

Zalya took a thoughtful sip of her tea before responding. "I believe the guardians will assess us based on our actions and choices here, Moreover, our primary objective seems to be intricately linked to the City of Ashenfall. This trial, I fear, is going to be far from simple." Her words resonated with the group, and heads nodded in agreement.

Placing her teacup down gently. Her eyes met each of her companions in turn. "We must take some time to adjust to our new abilities. It's crucial," she emphasized, her gaze lingering on Irys, who was seemingly lost in thought. Zalya continued, "How about we gather later this afternoon? We can hone our skills together. And before evening approaches, I'd like to return here. Assisting with the baby's birth."

The rest of the group acknowledged Zalya's sentiment. After they completed their meals, one by one, they began to make their way to their designated rooms, seeking a quiet moment of reflection.

Liam settled into his room, choosing a comfortable spot to sit and meditate. He closed his eyes and began concentrating, trying to harness and comprehend the fire energy within him. It felt different, almost like a living entity, but one he could bend and shape with his will. "Trick, what's your take on this new power? Do you think it's permanent?" he inquired.

Trick responded. "Oh, Liam, powers might come and go like the tides, but wisdom? That's an anchor that forever resides!"

Liam shook his head, chuckling, "You never give a straight answer, do you, Trick?"

Trick's playful voice echoed back, "Of course not! Where's the fun in that?"

Determined, Liam focused again on the fire, willing it to dance around his fingers. He visualized the flames forming a perfect sphere. For a moment, it took shape, hovering just above his hand. But then, just as quickly, it flickered and vanished. Frustrated but undeterred, Liam was about to try again when a knock interrupted his concentration.

Knock knock, Knock knock…

A rhythmic knock broke Liam's concentration. Rising from his meditation spot, he opened the door to find Irys standing there, dressed in casual attire.

Her loose, off-shoulder blouse was made of a smooth fabric, complementing her pale blue pants, which hung loosely around her legs, held together with an intricate leather belt. A small pendant lay nestled against her collarbone, shimmering with the soft room lighting.

Without waiting for an invitation, Irys strode into the room, sitting comfortably on his bed. She tilted her head, observing him. "How is the armor? I see you haven't changed it," she remarked.

Liam, becoming more familiar with her upfront manner, closed the door and replied, "This armor suits me just fine, and I didn't bring any other clothes to change into."

Irys pointed at the ornate wooden wardrobe against the wall with an amused smirk. "The elders thought of that. They've provided clothes for us."

Liam scratched his head, slightly embarrassed. "I wasn't aware. Still, I find it odd wearing clothes provided by people I barely know."

Raising an eyebrow, Irys teased, "So, I'm not a stranger?"

Liam stuttered, trying to find the right words, "No, that's... it's different.We've fought side by side, so..."

His words trailed off as Irys cut him off with a playful laugh. "Why don't you try on the clothes? They're not just ordinary fabric. They're imbued with special properties - they self-clean and regulate temperature. they're very comfy."

Liam, feeling intrigued, approached the wardrobe to inspect the clothes more closely. On closer examination, he noticed delicate engravings running along the seams of the fabric. The material was soft and felt oddly luxurious against his skin.

"Pour some water on it," Irys suggested a mischievous glint in her eyes.

With a shrug, Liam took out his water bottle and dribbled some onto the fabric. The clothes absorbed the water momentarily, but then, almost magically, the moisture disappeared, leaving the garment looking as pristine as before.

A look of genuine astonishment spread across Liam's face. Irys chuckled, "You're such an airhead sometimes. You should learn to guard your expressions a bit, especially when you step into the Shroud. Otherwise, you'll be an easy mark, like a country lad in a bustling city for the first time."

Liam scratched his head, a little embarrassed. "Is my face really that transparent?" He mused to himself.

Seeking some insight, he turned inward, "Trick, is that true?" From the depths of his mind, Trick responded with his usual playful tone, "A face like an open book can sometimes be a crook's best look!"

Liam replied, with mock indignation, retorted, "Crook? I'm a gentleman, thank you very much!"

Trick's playful voice echoed Liam's thoughts, "Ah, the crook doesn't even see his own reflection. Love truly lower one's intellect, doesn't it?"

Caught off guard by Trick's unexpected words, Liam's face flushed a deep shade of red. Irys, noticing the abrupt change, her amber cat-like eyes reflecting concern, quickly inquired, "What's wrong? Why did your face turn so red all of a sudden?" Without waiting for a reply, she leaned in closer and lightly pressed her hand against his forehead.

Liam's heartbeat quickened as their eyes met. Somehow, in the brief time they had known each other, he unintentionally let his guard down around Irys. He had always prided himself on maintaining a controlled demeanor.

Was it the intense, life-and-death battles they'd faced together? But then, he'd also shared such moments with Zalya and Alric without feeling this way. Could it be because of the unique gift she'd given him? Why had he accepted the armor so unquestioningly? It could have been tampered with, or it might have some hidden functionalities.

As these thoughts raced through his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if Trick might be onto something. Was he developing feelings for Irys?

Irys, her amber eyes filled with a mix of confusion and concern, With her hand pressed softly against Liam's forehead. "You seem fine. Why the red face?"

Liam gently lowered her hand and, eager to change the topic, said, "Never mind that. Anyway, what brought you to my room?"


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