Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 21 - 21 - Next Trial

Chapter 21: Chapter 21 - Next Trial

Having enjoyed a peaceful night, Liam stepped out of his tent, donning the Armor of Thorne, which felt surprisingly comfortable. His old clothes had become too worn, riddled with tears and loose threads. As he stepped out, the soft melody of a tune could be heard.

Zalya was by the campfire, engrossed in her cooking. Hearing Liam's approach, she glanced up, her eyes widening in surprise upon seeing him in his new armor. Nearby, Alric was absorbed in playing the flute, the source of the melody.

"Never knew you were such a maestro," Liam remarked, genuinely impressed.

Alric paused, a smirk playing on his lips. "Thanks. Nice armor, by the way. It was about time you switched things up. Where'd you get it?"

Liam grinned. "I got it from Irys. She give it to me last night."

Noticing Zalya's still-surprised expression, he addressed her, "Morning, Zalya. Something on your mind?"

She hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Irys gave it to you?"

Before Liam could reply, Irys herself emerged from her tent, lazily stretching. "Morning, airhead," she greeted Alric, her tone teasing. "And scoundrel," she added with a playful wink at Liam.

Alric rolled his eyes. "Can you drop the 'scoundrel' bit already? If others hear, they'll get the wrong idea."

Liam's cheeks reddened as Irys's amber; cat-like eyes met his. Memories of their last interaction flashed in his mind, making him stutter slightly. "E-ehm, morning, Irys."

Zalya, with a puzzled expression, asked, "Irys, would you mind assisting with the meal?"

Irys met Zalya's gaze and, with a shrug, moved over to assist her. The two shared a whispered conversation, their heads close together.

Liam, taking the opportunity, settled down next to Alric, who had resumed his flute playing, filling the air with a serene melody.

In the makeshift kitchen, Zalya whispered to Irys, "Did you give that to him? Why would you?"

Irys paused, her eyes searching for the right words."It's hard to explain, but it just felt... right. As if I was returning it to where it belong."

Zalya's eyebrows knitted in confusion." Felt, right? We only met him yesterday. And the last owner... the implications of that are…"

Before Zalya could finish, Irys interjected, "I know what you're getting at. Just... don't mention it to him. You know I prefer to trust my instincts, rather than overanalyze things. Since it felt right, I just went with it. We only met yesterday, but it's strange; it feels like I've known him forever."

Zalya looked skeptical and was about to voice more of her doubts when Irys interjected, "Okay, enough of that. You're aware I'm bad at cooking. You probably asked me over just to ask, so I'll just help you chop these."

Noting Irys's familiar tendency to deflect, Zalya sighed, "Fine, but we'll talk in details when we return."

After breakfast, they approached the gate leading to the next trial. With a deep breath, they stepped through, and the scenery changed dramatically. The space they entered was vast and breathtaking, a large crystalline chamber. Reflecting the ambient light in hues of blues, purples, and silvers.

Dominating the chamber's center was a majestic throne set upon a raised dais. Its intricate design made it seem as if it had been carved out of a single, immense crystal.

Sitting regally upon the throne was the Asura. Before the throne, hovering just above the ground, was a massive crystal, standing about three meters tall. Its surface shimmered, emitting a captivating and colorful aura. The myriad of colors swirling within seemed to be alive, pulsating in time with some unseen heartbeat.

The aura emanating from the Asura was undeniably overpowering, even for those who had encountered him before. Liam and Aric, although familiar with the figure, found their previous experience paled in comparison to this close encounter. Irys and Zalya, meeting the Asura for the first time, felt the weight of his presence pressing heavily upon them. As Zalya opened her mouth to break the silence, Asura's profound voice cut through the atmosphere.

"Step forward and present your crystals before the monolith," he instructed, his deep voice echoing in the silent chamber.

With a mutual, unspoken agreement, the group members nodded to one another. They moved in unison, encircling the imposing central crystal, and held out their individual smaller crystals. Reacting to their readiness, the Asura gestured subtly. In response, an intricate array of mechanisms is activated within the chamber.

The giant crystal at the center began to pulsate. Its rhythm synchronized with the smaller crystals. The resulting radiant display bathed the room in dazzling colors, momentarily overwhelming their senses. When the brilliance faded, they found themselves within an entirely different realm.

From his crystalline throne, the Asura watched the group's transition, a contemplative murmur escaping his lips. "What paths will they tread? Will the past cast its shadow once more?" Behind the depths of his eyes, a tapestry of memories and emotions hinted at countless epochs of wisdom and a few shadows of bygone regrets.

Upon regaining their bearings, Liam found himself standing outside a grand village gate. Towering walls made from thick timber, expertly bound and braced together, surrounded the entrance. Each plank was meticulously carved with intricate runes that emanated a gentle glow, hinting at a magical fortification much stronger than the wood suggested.

Positioned behind them, a battalion of 500 soldiers stood with impeccable discipline. Their alignment and the unwavering focus in their eyes were clear testaments to their rigorous training and unwavering commitment.

Liam, trying to piece together the sudden change, felt a rush of information flooding into his mind. He now bore the title and memories of a lieutenant and the power of Ascended. Under his command were 100 elite warriors, donned in cutting-edge armor and equipped with runic weapons.

There were four other lieutenants, each overseeing their respective squadron. Their collective objective was to journey to the city of Ashenfall. However, they had chosen to take a breather and gather provisions in the tranquil village of Duskdale.

Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, Liam looked around to find familiar faces. Alric, Irys, and Zalya were there, each also assuming the role of a lieutenant, wearing their recognizable gear, their appearances unchanged. His eyes then fell on the fifth lieutenant, a new face among them. Her name was Liora Valean, a Type 2 Ascended with the ability to control wood.

Liora stood as tall as Liam, her figure both slender and athletic. Her skin had a soft golden hue, contrasting exquisitely with her waist-length, dark green hair. Her hair seemed to have a life of its own, moving and flowing like leaves rustling in the wind, giving her an otherworldly beauty.

She was dressed in a custom-made uniform that highlighted her shape. The fabric was a rich shade of emerald, embroidered with delicate gold thread in patterns that mimicked vines and leaves.

Adorning her shoulders was an ornate mantle bearing the insignia of her rank and unit. Her eyes, a shade of forest green, wore a serene expression that commanded respect.

The massive wooden gate of Duskdale began to creak open, revealing a figure illuminated by the gentle glow of twilight.

The Village Chief, a graceful woman with auburn hair cascading in braided locks down her back, stepped forward. "Welcome to Duskdale, Ascended. My name is Anaya Maera Faelan, the chief of this village," she greeted, her voice resonating with warmth. "

Your message reached us before your arrival. Unfortunately, while we wish we could accommodate everyone, our modest village has only a little space. The remaining troops will need to set camp outside our walls."

Liora stepped forward, nodding respectfully. "We understand, Chief," he replied. "We'll have our ranking officers and some essential personnel stay within the village. The others are trained for such situations; they'll manage outside."

The Chief's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "Thanks for your understanding, Lieutenant. We've arranged the accommodations and also have food and drinks ready for everyone." As the soldiers began setting up camp, a few joined Liam and his companions in the village.


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