Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 18 - 18 - Rest(2)

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - Rest(2)

Liam furrowed his brows, taking a moment from the lighthearted exchange to focus on more pressing concerns. "Speaking of preparations, Irys, what about your weapon? Your greatsword didn't exactly make it out in one piece," he remarked.

Irys shrugged nonchalantly, an impish glint in her eyes. "Oh, that? I have two more in reserve."

His eyes widened in surprise. "Two more? Just how many did you bring along?" he exclaimed, a playful tone of mock irritation in his voice. Internally, he mused, Had I known, I wouldn't have lent you my Talonstrike.

With a smirk, Irys summoned another massive greatsword from thin air, its polished blade reflecting the ambient light, revealing intricate designs etched along its length. She twirled it gracefully for a moment before making it disappear. "I came prepared with five. It never hurts to have backups," she said with a cheeky wink.

Aric, clearly enjoying the banter, joined in. "Ever seen how brutal Irys fights? It's no wonder her swords keep getting destroyed," he teased, recalling the way she had wielded her weapon in battle.

Liam chuckled, "True. Hence the quest for a sword artifact, I presume?"

Irys nodded, looking a tad rueful. "Yes, my warhammer is sturdy, but my greatswords? They're not as resilient. They tend to... well, break," she admitted with a sigh.

Raising an eyebrow, Liam inquired, "Do you think you'll find a sword artifact during this trial?"

Zalya, now expertly flipping a sizzling piece of that luminescent blue meat on a pan, added her thoughts. "We're hopeful. Since we're the first to undertake this castle trial, the chances are higher. New areas often have at least dozen multiple ascension paths to offer. As time goes on and paths are chosen, the trial areas eventually close. It's been a while since a new area has surfaced."

Liam turned to Aric with a curious expression. "So, what kind of ascension path are you looking for?"

Aric's gaze seemed distant for a moment, a myriad of emotions flickering across his eyes. "At least a Type 5," he admitted, voice somewhat strained. "Whether it's genetic or symbiote doesn't matter. I need strength... to help my twins."

"You have twins?" Liam echoed, curiosity evident in his voice.

Aric let out a deep sigh, rubbing his temples. "It's a long story." He paused, studying Liam's appearance. "Speaking of stories, how did you land here, dressed like you've just stepped out of a casual walk at a park?"

Liam glanced down at his attire, the worn-out t-shirt and jeans contrasting starkly with the battle-worn surroundings. With a sheepish smile, he began, "Well, it's a bit of a wild story. I got this pendant in a package, and before I knew it, I was kidnapped. Somehow, the pendant fused with me, and, well... here I am."

Aric raised an eyebrow, a hint of disbelief evident in his tone. "Someone just handed you a soul gear out of the blue? Talk about a stroke of luck."

Zalya set down the plates, the aroma of the freshly prepared meal wafting through the air. As she dished out the portions, she looked over at Liam, a serious tone evident in her voice. "Once you return to your world, be on your guard," she cautioned. "Some Soul gears are incredibly rare, so rare that no amount of wealth can procure them. Moreover, your unexpected journey here would likely alert the Ascended of your planet."

Liam looked at her, eyebrows knitted in concern. "They'd know about this?"

She nodded, "While I'm not too versed with Earth's customs or technologies, most races possess mechanisms to monitor departures from their realm. The more sophisticated ones ca even trace where you've gone. However, if your soul gear can cloak your energy signature, then you might be untraceable."

Liam mentally reached out to Trik, seeking clarity. "Trik, does this Arcanum pendant have the ability to mask my energy?"

Trik's familiar, reassuring voice echoed in his mind. "Don't fret. The Arcanum pendant is no run-of-the-mill soul gear. It can effectively hide your energy signature when transitioning in and out of the Shroud."

Liam let out a quiet sigh of relief, feeling a bit more secure in knowing he had some form of protection against potential prying eyes.

Liam's spiraling thoughts were interrupted when Zalya approached him with a plate of food. The aroma wafted up, a blend of spices and scents he couldn't quite place, but it was undeniably enticing. The dish in front of him looked vibrant, with tender slices of meat he couldn't recognize, drizzled in a tangy-looking sauce and accompanied by a side of colorful, steamed vegetables.

"Thanks," Liam murmured appreciatively as Zalya set the plate down before him.

Across the makeshift camp, Irys took a hearty bite of her meal and gave a satisfied sigh. "As always, Zalya, your culinary skills are unmatched," she remarked, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Liam tasted a morsel, and an explosion of unique flavors danced on his palate. "Wow," he exclaimed, looking genuinely impressed. "This is truly delicious."

Aric, ever the teaser, couldn't help but chime in, "Savor it while you can. Not everyone gets the privilege of tasting a meal prepared by the future Saint of Zephri."

Zalya shot Aric a sharp look, her expression a clear warning. "I'm just a candidate," she retorted coolly, her voice carrying a hint of irritation.

Aric chuckled, taking another bite of his food, and continued, "Yes, but one of the mere three chosen to potentially lead an entire species."

She leaned in, her voice low and edged, "One would think with all the food in your mouth, you'd have less room for words. Be careful, you might choke."

Aric wisely decided to hold his tongue after that, opting to focus on his meal instead. Liam, sensing the tension, hesitated with his next question, but it was Irys who broke the silence.

"It's not a big deal," she told Liam in a casual tone. "Zalya just doesn't like it when her status is mentioned. She hates being treated differently because of it."

Liam nodded understandingly. "Don't worry. To be honest, I don't fully understand what it all means," he admitted with a light chuckle, diverting his attention back to the delightful dish in front of him. However, a thought lingered in the back of his mind. If Zalya held a significant status, then surely Irys, who seemed to share such a close bond with her, must be of a special status too.

Lost in his pondering, Liam's gaze inadvertently drifted towards Irys. Sensing his gaze, Irys met his eyes with a teasing glint. "What's the matter? Never seen someone beautiful, enjoy their meal before? " she remarked playfully, taking another bite of her food.

Liam, caught slightly off-guard by Irys's playful remark, cleared his throat and shifted the topic., trying to sound nonchalant, "How about teaching me a few of those combat moves of yours?"

Irys, momentarily surprised by the sudden change of topic, leaned back and regarded Liam thoughtfully. "You? Want to learn from me?" She chuckled, then took a sip of her drink. "Why the sudden interest? Looking to learn my fighting style?"

Liam scratched the back of his neck a bit sheepishly. "Well, seeing how you all handled yourselves back there, I realized I've got a lot to learn. I'm not aiming to learn your style, I honestly doubt I could. But understanding the basics, the foundational techniques, might help me craft my own way of fighting."

Aric, trying to stifle a laugh, chimed in, "It'll take more than a few lessons to match our level, you know. Especially if you keep getting distracted by 'beautiful things'."

Irys rolled her eyes at Aric but then turned back to Liam. "Alright, if you're serious, I can show you some basics. But you better be prepared to work hard. My training isn't easy."

Zalya, who had been quietly observing the exchange, turned her gaze towards Irys, her eyes narrowing slightly. Her expression questioned Irys's willingness to train Liam. The subtle shift in her demeanor didn't go unnoticed by Irys, but neither of them commented.


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