Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 16 - 16 - Challenge(final)

Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - Challenge(final)

As the dust and chaos swirled around them, Zalya, with eyes widened in horror at the approaching abomination, hastily shouted, "Irys!" The urgency in her voice jolts Irys back from her berserker trance.

Looking at the monstrous threat bearing down on them. She called upon her greatsword, summoning it back to her. However, instead of catching it as usual, she had a different plan in mind. Using all her might, she swung her Warhammer against the blade of the greatsword, propelling it with the force of a missile directly toward the crystalline abomination.

Aric felt the sheer force of the greatsword as it whizzed past him, the gust strong enough to tousle his hair wildly. The sword's trajectory was impeccable, aimed straight at the abomination. As it sailed towards its target, Aric swiftly pivoted, preparing his stance and mentally planning his next moves.

The Crystalline abomination, having detected the incoming threat of the greatsword, swiftly raised its shield to block. Upon impact, a resonating clang echoed across the battlefield, vibrating the air with its intensity. The greatsword, with all its momentum, ricocheted off the shield, but not without leaving a mark.

A spiderweb of cracks spread through the surface of the shield, revealing its weakened state. Similarly, Irys greatsword has fractures spreading across its blade.

Quickly, Irys closed the gap between herself and the abomination, seamlessly catching her greatsword mid-flight. In a swift decision, she dematerialized her Warhammer, using both hands to hold the greatsword. She lunged at the behemoth, targeting its side.

Assessing the situation, Aric initiated a simultaneous assault. Dashing forth, he aimed to flank the abomination from the opposite direction, intending to pin it down in a two-pronged strike.

A little distance away, Zalya directed Liam, "Help me with this arrow."

Without hesitation, Liam gripped the arrow shaft and with a swift tug, freed it from her shoulder. Zalya let out a cry. Her face contorted with pain as fresh blood spurted from the wound. But Zalya was prepared. She quickly applied a potent healing salve, which immediately sealed the wound.

Reaching into her pouch, she downed a vial of restorative liquid, its effects almost instantaneous as the color returned to her face. With determination, she locked eyes with Liam. "I'm fine now. Let's help them."

Liam and Zalya charged back into the battle, joining Irys and Aric as they fought the colossal crystalline abomination. The fused monstrosity swung its weapon in massive arcs, its arms moving with terrifying coordination.

Irys, wielding her greatsword with both skill and finesse, moved around the abomination. She skillfully angled her blade to parry, diverting the blows and deflecting them away.

On the opposite flank, Aric nimbly sidestepped a spear thrust that could easily skewer him. In a moment, another of the abomination word descended upon him. Without missing a beat, Aric brought up his sturdy staff, catching the blade and redirecting it away from himself with a powerful twist.

Spotting an opportunity, Liam dashed towards the abomination legs. Using his Talonstrike, he slashed deep into one of its legs. The impact was substantial, but the crystalline hide was thick, and the damage was not as significant as hoped.

Zalya's eyes narrowed as she quickly evaluated the battle, her mind racing. The crystalline abomination was a formidable foe. Its body is resisting their attacks. Only Irys, with her immense strength, could do real damage to it. And prolonged battles will be a huge disadvantage for them.

With urgency in her voice, she directed her group, "Let's create an opening for Irys to target its core!"

Liam focused on the abomination's spear arm, but he didn't give up hitting its leg. Every change He lunged forward, his Talonstrike slashing at the crystalline limb with precision. The abomination retaliated, its spear slashed and jabbed, attempting to parry and counter Liam's relentless assault.

Sparks flew as the talon met the hard crystal of the spear, causing an echoing clash with each impact. Shifting its massive body to deflect the strikes, but Liam was relentless. Sparks flew as the weapons met.

On the other side, Aric faced one of the sword arms. He danced around the blade, his staff twirling in a continuous flow as he parried and countered, deflecting every crushing blow and sharp edge aimed at him. His movements were fluid, yet every connection with the creature sent shockwaves down his arms.

The abomination was strong, and its attacks were brutal. One misstep and Aric found a gash on his arm, blood spattering as he gritted his teeth and pressed on.

Facing the abomination's sword and shield, Irys and Zalya coordinated their attacks with precision and synergy. Zalya, with her whip in hand, unleashed rapid lashes, targeting the joints and vulnerable areas of the abomination limbs.

Each crack of the whip echoed, and although it left visible marks on the crystalline exterior, it seemed to cause no damage.

Beside her, Irys was busy parrying the abomination sword as she tried to find an opening in its defenses. The abomination, quick for its size, executed a wide arcing swing. Irys, attempting to anticipate its trajectory, couldn't fully evade the blade's path.

The sword grazed her, tearing through her armor and leaving a searing gash on her thigh. The burning pain, rather than weakening her, seemed to invigorate her, raising her enjoyment.

Time passed, and the clash of weapons echoed through the battlefield. Together, they pushed the abomination, seeking to wear it down to find a flaw in its defense. They struck and moved, coordinated, but the creature matched them. It was a hard battle now in a stalemate. Wounds were inflicted on both sides, but neither was able to gain the upper hand.

Irys, refusing to let the combat drag on, parried another of the abomination's sword strikes and sprang forward, aiming her attack at the abomination's core. The abomination swiftly raised its shield to intercept her. Zalya, seeing the impending block, cracked her whip at the arm holding the shield. Slowing its movement just enough to give Irys a precious opening.

In a swift and fluid motion, Irys materialized her Warhammer and hurled it toward the abomination's face. The Abomination countered, using its sword to deflect the attack. But as the tattoo on Irys's hand glowed, a corresponding pattern on the Warhammer lit up. Mid-air, the Warhammer abruptly halted and then, responding to Irys's command, reversed direction, targeting the shield's inner side.

The unexpected maneuver caught the abomination off-guard. The Warhammer slammed into the shield, caving it inwards. Irys, not missing a beat, swung her greatsword with all her might, the blade colliding with the cracked shield. The tremendous impact destroyed both the shield and the greatsword, reducing them to smithereens. Irys clicked her tongue in mild annoyance, "Tch, there goes another one."

Losing its shield, the abomination momentarily staggered. Liam seized this window of opportunity, launching a rapid onslaught of attacks against its legs, his Talonstrike biting and slashing with relentlessly.

Aric, spotting the potential to further exploit this vulnerability, joined Liam, his staff whirling in harmony with Liam's attacks, focusing their combined force on the creature's leg.

The combined assault began to show results; the cracks began to grow, running like spider webs along the crystalline surface of the abomination's leg, compromising its stability.

Irys, never one to pause in the midst of battle, discarded her broken greatsword and gripped her Warhammer with both hands, charging directly at the creature's core.

Zalya, perceiving Irys's intent, acted swiftly. She swung her whip, ensnaring the remaining sword arm, tugging it back, and effectively restricting its countermove. Although it held for only a moment, that was all Irys needed.

With a powerful battle cry, Irys's hammer collided with the abomination's chest. The resounding 'Bang!' echoed throughout the battlefield as the sheer force of the blow sent the abomination reeling backward, crashing onto the ground.

The impact site on its chest now sported a sprawling crack, a testament to Irys's formidable strength. While the blow was significant, the abomination is still alive.

Seizing the opportunity, Liam split his Talonstrike, throwing one of the blades in Iry's direction. Her eyes quickly darted to the incoming weapon. With impeccable timing and fluidity, she spun, swinging her Warhammer to connect with Liam's blade, launching it with tremendous force towards the abomination's fractured chest.

The blade penetrated the abomination, and Iris landed on its chest. She proceeded to strike the blade further, each blow echoing with a resonating 'bang' that seemed to shake the very ground beneath them.

Liam could only watch, a mix of awe and disbelief on his face, as his weapon was used like a nail under Irys's sheer strength. Trick, ever the mischievous presence, quipped, "Oh, first you show off your weapon, then you lend it, and now she's using it to ram another guy?!" Liam's head throbbed at Trick's comment

On the third forceful blow, the blade finally pierced the abomination's core. Cracks radiated from its chest, spreading across its entire body like a spiderweb of destruction. With a sound akin to shattering glass, the abomination began to crumble, its form disintegrating into countless shards, signaling the end of the battle.


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