Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 791: Congratulations!

Chapter 791: Congratulations!

" Brother Jing, hurry up. It seems like Wan Wan is going to catch a fever!" Lin Yan could not help but worriedly say to his elder brother, though they were more than protective of Su Wan when they were travelling, making sure that she will not fall sick in such cold weather but with Su Wan being pregnant her immune system was not as good as it was before, she only stepped out a few times but she ended up catching the flu and now she was burning with fever.        


" I know!" Lin Jing snapped at his second brother, it wasn't that he was taking out his anger on Lin Yan but honestly, how can he not be worried sick as well? They tried so hard to make sure that Su Wan would not fall sick while she was pregnant, but in the end, fate had another idea!      

Seeing that the stairs of this small courtyard were covered in snow, Lin Jing could only slow his speed, if he was to hurry up these stairs and slip, it will bring more harm than good! Which was why he was rather careful behind him Lin Yan turned his head to look at Xiao Xu and said, " Mister Xu, go and bring some fever-reducing medicine and in case you find a doctor bring him as well."      

At this moment he did not care whether the doctor was a man or woman with Su Wan's life at stake, he did not care about something as small as the gender of the doctor.      

" I understand," Little Xu conceded before he rushed down the slope which led to the small village next to the ocean docks.      

Once Xiao Xu was gone, Lin Chen and the rest rushed inside the house which was taken care of by the servants which were appointed by Lord Fei. And because Su Wan was pregnant, Lord Fei even arranged a labour room which had a bed and some other things to be used when a woman went into labour.      

Lin Jing strode inside the small room and laid Su Wan on the bed and no sooner did he place his wife on the bed, he was pushed out of the room by his mother and grandmother-in-law.      

" Mother——" Lin Jing opened his mouth but he was cut off by Mother Lin who said sternly,    

" I know that you are worried but men are not allowed in the child birthing room, wait here until Wan Wan is done giving birth." With that, she closed the door with a bang leaving the five brothers to stare at the closed door.    

Lin Chen was the most speechless as he looked at the closed door and could not help but say, " Why can't we enter the birthing room? We are the fathers of that kid!"      

Lin Jing and the rest agreed with his words but there was nothing they could do about this, men were indeed not allowed in the child birthing room.    

With a helpless look on their faces, the five men stared at the door which was now shut.      

On the other hand, Su Wan was cursing in her head, she actually wanted to curse her husbands but the fever from which she was suffering made it impossible for her to even open her mouth much less scold those idiots.    

And to make things worse as soon as she opened her mouth, Grandma Shen placed a thick ginseng in her mouth and said, " Keep chewing it, it will give you strength. Giving birth to a child is a long process."      

Su Wan already knew that which was why even though her head was burning with fever, she did not dare to close her eyes. This was not the modern world where she could opt for a c-section, if she were to faint now then her child will be gone!      

Being married to that jerk, she always wanted a child, there was no way she was going to lose this child! This was why even though her head was going dizzy with pain and fever, Su Wan continued to hold on and started chewing on the ginseng which was given to her by grandma.      

As another contraction hit her, she felt her eyes roll back as she clenched the sheet under her hands tightly.      

" All right, you went to labour three hours ago and now you are dilated enough to push the child out, Wan Wan," Mother Lin took Su Wan's skirt off and then covered her abdomen with a clean bed sheet and then said, " I will tell you when you need to push, only push then. Do not push unnecessarily, make sure to save your energy in between."      

Su Wan was in so much pain that she could not even say another word which was why she only nodded her head to tell Mother Lin that she understood what she was talking about.      

Once everything was finalised, Grandma Shen stood next to Su Wan and placed her hands on Su Wan's belly, she was going to push Su Wan's belly to make sure that she does not suffer too much when she started pushing the child.      

" All right." After a few minutes when Mother Lin saw that Su Wan was dilated enough and told Su Wan to start pushing...    

These words were nothing less than granting amnesty to Su Wan, she wanted to get this child out of her as soon as possible!      

With Grandma Shen assisting her, Su Wan continued to push the child out of her body, with every push she would take a break and by the time she heard Mother Lin say that the child was almost there, the bed sheets under her body were covered with sweat.    

" Keep pushing Wan Wan," Mother Lin reminded Su Wan as the latter started to get tired slowly. " Do not stop now, I can almost see the crown of the baby!."      

Su Wan also knew that she had to keep on pushing which was why even though she felt like she was going to cross the gates of the underworld, she still used the last bit of her strength and pushed, this push almost took all of her strength as she fell on the bed while huffing and puffing, a scream tearing out of her lips.      

Along with the cry of a child.          


With the child crying so loud, Su Wan heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, it was over—— but why were her contractions not stopping?    


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