Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 690: A bet

Chapter 690: A bet

Lin Rui laughed as he bowed down and hugged Su Wan in his arms before pulling her onto his lap. " I see, my Wan Wan is really upset with me, aren't you? Sorry for making you worry but headmaster Yuan decided to make a stop at the capital before coming back and I as his disciple had no choice but to follow him."          


" To the capital? You went to the capital?" Su Wan's attention was immediately diverted as she turned to look at Lin Rui with a twist of her waist. " You mean to say that you and the headmaster went to the capital while returning from the prefectural city?"      

" That right," Lin Rui took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped Su Wan's face which was covered with sweat after taking care of the Su family. " I went to the prefectural city for the lecture as promised but then headmaster Yuan was suddenly called to the capital by the Emperor, he wanted me to meet with the Emperor so he brought me along with him."      

Turns out that while Lin Rui was taking lectures in the prefectural city, the Emperor who found out that Headmaster Yuan was there immediately sent someone to call him to the capital. At first Headmaster Yuan wanted to refuse but after Lin Rui mentioned that one of the concubines of the Emperor has been messing with Su Wan, his master immediately set off to the capital.      

After that what happened Lin Rui had no idea about the situation, all he knew was that after headmaster Yuan came out of the hall where he was meeting with the Emperor he brought a bunch of things with him and when Lin Rui asked why the Emperor gave him so many things the latter told him that it was a token of apology from the emperor.      

Of course, Lin Rui was no fool to believe that but no matter how many times he asked Headmaster Yuan about the truth, the latter wouldn't tell him anything.      

In the end, Lin Rui could only bring back all the gifts that has been bestowed upon him by the Emperor.      

" Come bring them all in," Lin Rui waved his hands and one by one the servants of the Yuan family started to bring the boxes that headmaster Yuan have asked them to bring to the Lin house. As the boxes were brought in, Su Wan was surprised to find that neither of the boxes contained clothes or anything else, all they had was seafood!     

" What is this? Where did headmaster Yuan get all of this?" Not only did the boxes have the most expensive red lobster and crab but they also had whiting fish, squid and small clams. " I didn't know that the capital had so many rare  things!" If she knew then she would have simply saved the money and bought a house in the capital instead of the town. They could have rented a house here.     

Lin Rui hugged her close and leaned against her neck before pressing a kiss on her exposed skin as he said, " They aren't from the capital, there is a territory a few miles away from the capital and they are known for their seafood. Though they don't know how to cook these things, because their territory is located near the sea, they have been catching all sorts of things from the ocean but they haven't been able to break through their poverty status. The official of that place wanted to curry favour with the Emperor so he sent these things to the Emperor but no one in the imperial palace knew how to cook these things either, so they had no other choice but to leave them behind."      

" Eh, then the Emperor gave these things to the headmaster Yuan because he wanted to get rid of these things?" Su Wan asked as she turned to look at her husband. The things in the wooden boxes were nothing less than treasures how come no one knew how to cook them properly?      

"No, silly." Lin Rui chuckled as he helped Su Wan to get up from the chair and pointed at the boxes that were sitting in front of him and said, " The headmaster had a little bet with the Emperor you see?"      

" A bet?" Su Wan blinked her eyes looking a bit too confused, she was sure that she was not able to catch up with what Lin Rui was saying but she could more or less understand that these boxes were no gifts. " What kind of bet?"      

Lin Rui smiled warmly at his wife who was smart enough to understand everything in just a few sentences. He knew that his wife was smart but now that he was looking at her, he couldn't help but feel that she was even smarter than those ladies in the capital.      

"It's nothing too hard," Lin Rui sighed as he thought about the irrational bet that his master made with the emperor. " You see, I told the headmaster about you being troubled by one of the Emperor's Concubine right?"      

Su Wan nodded.      

Seeing that she was on the same line of thought as him, Lin Rui further continued, " After I told my master that someone has been threatening you, he went to the Emperor,…I don't know what he said to him most probably he might have said something about you being a treasure as he always speaks of you very fondly and maybe that might have put the Emperor in a spot."      

" I am afraid that I am not catching what you are saying?" Su Wan indeed didn't understand what Lin Rui was saying, she could vaguely understand that something happened between the Emperor and the Headmaster but what did it have to do with Lin Rui bringing so many boxes of seafood?      

"Hmm, the headmaster didn't tell me anything but he didn't have to tell me much either," Lin Rui's brows creased as he said, " The Headmaster must have praised your cooking skills in front of the Emperor."      

" Huh?"      



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