Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 673: Hire workers

Chapter 673: Hire workers

" You can take Wan Wan back home, Ah Chen," said Lin Jing as he wiped the counter of their shop, the sales were pretty good today and since tomorrow they were thinking of introducing intriguing toys such as scooters and skating shoes, there were a few things that Liu Jing has to prepare in the shop, such as relocating a few things and moving the most exquisitely designed scooter in the centre of attraction spot, therefore, he needed to stay back but there was no need for Su Wan or anyone else to stay behind for him, he will be able to do it alone.         


" What are you saying Jing Ge," before Lin Chen could say anything Su Wan blew up as she looked at Lin Jing in disapproval. " The scooters and skating shoes might look like they are light but there are a bunch of boxes that you need to arrange and there is also the rocking horse that you are going to bring aren't you? It's heavy as it is, what's more, the soft cushioned sofa also needs to be restocked, if you do it alone then it will take the entire night, when will you come home? Are you planning to sleep in the shop?"      

Lin Jing was indeed planning to sleep in the shop, he knew that handling so much stuff would take at least the entire night and what was more he even received a few customised orders for the doll houses and thing designer dining tables, many noble ladies despite their ages liked these two things and immediately wanted to know if they could customise the order and since they were offering a very high price of twenty gold taels for the doll houses varying to a hundred when it came to the bigger one, the dining tables were even more popular.      

The same could be said for the men, they were very interested in the thing called the armchair that was covered with a soft coating of cotton and soft fabric, it was hard to make and the expenses weren't light either when Lin Jing made five armchairs, he was sure that he almost emptied half of his and Wan Wan's savings, the chair was so big and heavy, he thought that no one would like it but who would have thought that it will be very popular with the older generations. The old gentlemen' liked it so much that they immediately sent their servants to drag their sons and grandsons back, some even ordered their servants to drag them with their ears back, fortunately, the old men's children were very filial and they knew how to leave face for their fathers, none of them said a word as they were dragged to the shop.      

They were patient with their fathers who were ill-tempered like a child though some purchased the seventy gold taels worth of armchair without saying anything, some tried to talk their fathers out of it, only to receive a heavy lashing at the middle of the shop, in the end, those sons as well paid for the armchairs while the ones whose sons were late got so furious that they declared that if they didn't get an armchair they will go off food and medicine at once.      

The armchair after all became the symbol of their rich status, how can they not buy it when their friends bought it?      

Those sons were worried that their fathers will get themselves sick over a chair, so they hurriedly ordered a bunch of customised armchairs, what was more a few ordered two of them knowing that once the armchair was brought over to the house, their mother would demand one as well, so they might as well order two from the start to save themselves from getting an ear full.      

Even now Lin Jing felt like he was going to get overwhelmed with the number of bulk orders that he received, he was already getting a headache, if it was possible, he would have definitely refused but that wasn't the option after all as soon as he opened his mouth to refuse one of the old noblemen would make a fuss with their sons cursing and beating the latter with their canes.      

It was his first time seeing a father beating his son over an armchair so harshly, in the end, it was Lin Jing who took pity on those sons and took their orders but asked them to give him time, those men were so grateful to him that they not only agreed with his request they also increased the price of the armchair to eighty taels.      

" I say elder brother you will have to hire a few assistants," said Lin Chen as he got up from his chair after he was done cleaning the floor with a mop. " You won't be able to make so many bulk orders alone and even if you somehow manage to make them, the customers won't be happy with the late delivery."      

" But I am worried that if I hire people they will start copying things and then the novelty of our shop will decrease," said Lin Jing as he dodged the angry glare that Su Wan aimed at him, seriously he wasn't busying around like this because he wanted to, there was no other choice!      

Lin Yu turned to look at his brother as he raised his head from the ledger and said, " Why not sign a contract and then distribute what part which person will make? That way, even if they know how to carve the piece of wood, they will have a hard time understanding which part will go where, and at the end of the production you just have to fix everything up that way you will be able to save a lot of time and you don't have to work so hard as well."      

"But——" Lin Jing started to say but Su Wan immediately flared up as she slammed her fan on the table as she shouted, " No buts, we will do as Ah Yu's suggested, I didn't give you so many ideas to burn yourself out, I gave you so many ideas because I want us to live a comfortable life what is the point of that comfortable life if you busy yourself like this?"      

What could Lin Jing say? He simply agreed.     


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