Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 661 Welcome home

Chapter 661 Welcome home

  The Dong Tong town was much livelier and larger when compared to the village, its streets were smooth and wide enough for their carriages to pass with ease, and with shops that were boarding up both sides of the streets the bustle of the town was hard to ignore.  Because the Lin family set off early in the morning to avoid getting heat stroke while riding in the carriage, the sun was still on its way to rising from the horizon, and its brilliant amber hue illuminated the tiled roof and walls of the houses in the town. The houses were built at a small distance from one another unlike the village where huts seemed to have popped out like untended mushrooms there was also a big five-storey building crafted from nothing but chic wood and a huge board was boarded up on the very first floor of the building from the looks of it, it was a building solely dedicated for the art and poetry lovers. 

  Sounds of horses galloping on the streets surrounded them along with the shopkeeper's cries as they tried to attract customers to their shop. This alone was enough to show how prosperous the town was when compared to the village where they have been staying for so long. 

  Su Wan watched Qi Zhi looking out of the carriage window watching the stream of the bustling crowd who busily rushed around the streets, intrigued by his ohs and ahs, she too took a peek out of the window and sure enough this side of town was visibly different than the main market. Scholars with elegance and wits, officials dressed with sincerity oozing out of their skin, old men with their experience, and all kinds of people were walking on the street where their house was located, the sound of the peddlers shouting about their products slowly drowned down as they clip-clopped their way towards the end of the residential street. 

  Lin Jing has already come to this area of the town so he was very much used to the sight as well as the peaceful surroundings of the area where they were going to live from now on. He looked at Su Wan and his siblings who looked a bit tensed upon seeing the highly flourishing house and people who were so different from them and smiled with a soothing expression, "It's nothing to worry about, this place is different from the one at the village, no one usually brothers anyone here, as long as you are nice to them, they will be nice in return. Of course, there will be oddities around here as well but as long as you know how to deal with them, those people won't be a trouble." 

  This literally meant that Lin Jing had a face-off with these oddities and he declared them as his enemies on the top of his red book.

  Su Wan hoped that she won't ever meet these oddities about whom Lin Jing was talking because she wouldn't have been able to hold herself back and might chase them to the end of the world. 

  Lin Yu looked at his brother and asked, " Eldest brother have you told father and mother that we have moved? They will be returning in a few weeks, I don't want them to think that we have abandoned them." 

  In the past few months, their mother has undergone a completely different transformation, she was no longer as needlessly nosy as she was before and her temper has calmed a lot as well but she also seemed to have learned a new habit and that was mindlessly thinking about new scenarios that never existed or will never happen, most probably it was because of all the noon drama books she has been reading in her past time after their parents left the temple and started wandering around cities after cities to ease of their boredom. In their words, they were making up for the time they have missed and neither of the Lin brothers was eager to know what exactly was going through their heads and what they were doing. 

  "I have," answered Lin Jing with a small crease in between his brows. " I have told them what they need to know and even asked one of the men I have hired to take care of the melon fields to overlook the situation in case they miss our letter." 

  Lin Yu began to say something but then the carriage came to a halt and Lin Jing turned his head to poke out of the window and smiled. " We are here," then he stood up from his seat and opened the door of the carriage before he held out his hand for Su Wan to take. " Come on Wan Wan, I will show you around the house." 

  Su Wan took his hand and came down the stairs as she took in the view of the mansion that was in front of her, it was just as Lin Jing described her as—— Big. The door of the mansion stood on the southeastern corner facing the street and a wooden plaque that read 'Lin' was hung on the side of the door. When the two of them approached the house, an old man dressed in a plain door cotton shirt who was standing next to the door beamed at them before approaching the family, " Master Lin, I am glad to see you… if you would have told me that you were coming I would have prepared the house for the celebration." 

  "It's all right, Zhao Bai," said Lin Jing as he motioned his hand in his direction and introduced the old man to Su Wan. " Wan Wan, this is uncle Zhao, he used to be the housekeeper of the previous owner of the house and tended to the old couple, I saw that he was really good at his job so I let him stay," then he motioned his hand to Su Wan before introducing her to Zhao Bai. " Uncle Zhao this is my wife Su Wan and behind her are my brothers." One by one he introduced everyone to Uncle Zhao who smiled and bowed. "Welcome home, masters." 


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