Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 644 Wave of rumours

Chapter 644 Wave of rumours

  Su Wan spat on the ground and then started walking towards the fields once again muttering about idiots and dumb people, Lin Chen listened to her mutterings and said nothing, he knew that currently Su Wan was really angry and all the anger that she has been suppressing from last night was slowly coming out in small explosions. So, he zipped his mouth shut and just followed after her quietly.

  She was indeed very angry, it would be not wrong to say that Su Wan did have a little hope for the villagers, she thought that she has given them such a good opportunity to rise from poverty and start a new life again, so they might be willing to trust her against that Feng Zihang who has done nothing for them but she was wrong. The villagers not only believed in Feng Zihang they seemed to have also started spreading rumours around the village, so how can she be not mad? She was the one who helped them damn it! And they are the ones who were depending on her yet they backstabbed her like this? What the hell.

  She stomped to the fields while muttering under her breath but even then she didn't feel like her anger was going down if anything she was getting more and more angry with all the gazes that were being directed at her, she wished she could snap the teeth at the people who were pointing and whispering among themselves but she managed to keep a cool head and just walk past the narrow path that led to the fields. 

  The Lin house was at the foothill of the mountain and was far away from the main village, so Su Wan and Lin Yan had to walk through the very thin strip of road that joined the mountain and the village with wild flora scattered all over the place, these were the spot where the villagers came to collect pig weeds, so when they walked past these spots where the villagers were crouching and collecting pigweed they had to listen to a lot of mutterings and none of them was any good. 

  " Wan Wan, I will check the fields, you can go back home," said Lin Chen after a short while, he could no longer withstand the gossip that was going on between the villagers. He wasn't the point of discussion but he was feeling so bad, what about Su Wan then? She was the one who was being called a witch, a jinx and whatnot, if he hadn't promised his big brother that he will not fight with the villagers again then he would have rushed to the group of nosy women and have given them a chase for their life. 

  " I am fine," Su Wan gritted out, she was only angry because her baby was getting upset with all the raging emotions in her body, if not back when she was working in the night market she has heard things that were much worse than this and she was fine —— Cool and cucumber.  " They are just trying to make us isolated then let them, its not us who are dependent on them, they are the ones who are deepening on us to give them an opportunity to make it big, if they do not appreciate it then let it go." 

  Su Wan's motto was simple as that, she would not allow people who disrespected her to work for her no matter how good of an employee they were, a person at first needs to learn how to be grateful before anything else. If they can't even give their employer the respect they were due when they helped them in their time of need then why will she waste her time with such ungrateful people? 

  She has already marked a few women who sent their embroidery to the Lin house, and she knew what she needed to say to them when they come bringing their work to her house again. Since she was a witch then she might as well act like one, has anyone seen a generous witch like her before? Who allowed the villagers who talked behind her back to come and sell their embroidery to her house and earn money? 

  Well, too bad she wasn't the nice witch. 

  The rest of the walk to the fields was the same as the two of them entered the main village with the sun shining on top of their heads, they could hear the chatter that was going on in the village as they walked around the houses of the villagers, things like ——

  ' How can she?'

  'What is she doing here?'

  ' Quick get the kids inside,' 

  Could be heard as they walked past the houses and Lin Chen has to use up his entire life's worth of patience from stopping himself to lunge at the villagers. These ungrateful people!

  Su Wan too was slightly annoyed by them but she wasn't going to let them see that they were getting to her, so as cold face as possible she walked past the main village and headed to the fields.  So, what if they stay away from her? Is she relying on them for anything? puhlease, they were the ones who were relying on her so at least be careful about their situation.

  The fields were located outside of the village, a few houses were scattered over there as well but it was much quieter and thankfully, she was glad that her fields were away from the rest of the villagers because another murmur would have seriously caused her to explode, as the two of them got near their fields they saw two silhouettes crouching in front of their field and taking care of the burned crops, only when they got a little closer did they got a clear view of the Feng brothers who were working hard for their sake. 

  " What are you two doing here?" asked Su Wan a bit surprised, she was sure that the Feng brothers too might have been blown away by rumours that were running in the village given how superstitious they were but surprisingly they were actually taking care of her fields?


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