Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 29 - Torture , This Was Sheer Torture.

Chapter 29 - Torture , This Was Sheer Torture.

After?the meal , mother Lin?returned back?to her room for a nap while Su Wan?sat down?under?the tree shade?with Lin Yan and the others .?She knew that these five brats wanted to tell her?something , come on it was really hard to ignore with all of them furtively?glancing at her and in Lin Yu and Lin Chen case?blushing .

" What is it ?" asked Su Wan?no longer able to stop herself , after the brothers?took?few more glances at her " why are you looking at me like that ?"

" Wan Wan that ..That .. oh " Lin Chen?stuttered?as he spoke his face?turning?redder?and redder with each word before he finally took a deep breath and went "todayisourweddingnight "

Though Su Wan?was paying attention to him , Lin Chen?spoke so fast that she didn't?quite catch what he said thus she couldn't?help but furrow her brows " sorry , what was that ?"

Lin Chen?sighed then sighed again?- then he looked at his brothers?who were pointedly?avoiding his gaze?. What was this ? Lin Chen?who felt that he wse suddenly?abandoned?didn't?know whether?to laugh or cry . He knew that his brothers?too wanted to consummate?their marriage with Wan Wan?but they didn't?want?to talk to her about it .

How shameless??! If you have the guts then let him be the one to sleep with his wife first?!

Lin Chen?took a sharp breath?and then?gritted through?his teeth?" Wan Wan?today is our wedding night " enunciating each word?, Lin Chen?spoke then he quickly?glance at Su Wan?who paused for?a moment and then started?laughing?.

" Wan Wan?, what ?"

" Just look at?you " giggling Su Wan?poked?Lin Chen 's arm "??you just wanted to say this??For a second?you had me worried . I thought?you all were hiding some major?secret?from?me and decided?to come clean "

Lin Chen?didn't?know why His wife was giggling but since she wasn't?scolding him , does it mean that she agreed?for consummating??their marriage??

" Wife does it mean you agreed?" Lin Chen was so happy that?his grin streched even wider , while Lin Jing?and other looked at Su Wan?with anticipation.

Su Wan tilted her head and cocked an eyebrow.?Today she was dressed?in a simple dress and because she had been?working?hard since morning her hair was unkempt?too but still in Lin Jing and others eye?, their wife was the prettiest .?With sun shining upon?her head and wind rustling her loosened?locks Su Wan?was already?looking?really very beautiful?but then?she smiled?so beautifully that her?dimples appeared?and that made?her even more ethereal?and lively .

Lin Rui who was staring?at his wife without blinking thought that if Su Wan?even asked them to strung the moon at that moment maybe he really might?try to get it for her .

And the way his brothers?were looking at their wife , maybe?they were thinking the same thing as well .

" No "?Su Wan?shook?her head and refused Lin Chen?at once and barely?stopped the laugh that?was lodged in her throat when the five brothers?smiling faces dimmed and?they looked at her like?five abandoned?puppies?.

" But why ? " asked Lin Yan he knew that Su Wan?was no longer their brought?wife since she already?returned?their money from which they brought her but Lin Yan still felt unhappy . He was looking forward to Su Wan and his wedding?night as much as Lin Chen?, he finally?had a wife . Why does?he need to wait ?

" Because I'm?too young " explained Su Wan?and she was?speaking?the truth , this new?body of her was really young?only sixteen. And because the previous?owner wasn't?fed properly?, she - Ahem didn't?even properly?hit puberty?. In place of her double?D's there was now a flat iron board , call her vain?and superficial?but if she was going to strip for her men then she wanted?to enamored?them until their lower body?wanted no one else but her . But?something?like that?was impossible?with this bean sprout?body and - glancing?at Lin Jing , Lin Yan and Lin Chen 's muscular body she gulped , not possible they were just too big ( she is talking?about their figure and roughly imagining a certain * cough * ) , if she really did sleep with them , they might tear her in half no good !

And Lin Rui?and Lin Yu?weren't?small either , huhu - if she?really went to roll in sheets with them then she might as well be committing suicide?.

There was no way she could sleep with either of them , even though?she very much wanted to lick those gorgeous?popping muscles and eat these handsome brats clean . She still need to grit her teeth and wait until she finally become?an adult and build her strength?to withstand being under ( or on top of)?these five gorgeous?men .

Aiye , life was hard . Gulping down her saliva , Su Wan?moaned internally?. This was torture sheer torture?, why was God?so unfair?to her ? First he had her get cheated upon and then he sent her five eye candies?as compensation?but she can only 'eye' these eye candies?for?the next two years .

" Wan Wan?-"began Lin Jing who thought Su Wan was still angry??but Su Wan?who was trying her best to fight the devil's?temptation?hurriedly?cut him off?"?Just look at my tiny body !?I'm?still?too small and weak , there is no way I can consummate?our marriage?right now .?And I'm?really scared as well because my mother died young because?she got pregnant?with me before she became an adult , I am not ready?to become a mother so soon and I - I really fear dying "?Su Wan?pouted unhappily and started?playing?with the?broken threads?of her skirt?,what?she said was the truth , since this era had no good doctor , medical facilities?and epidural?many women lost their life during childbirth?. Su Wan?'s mother too lost her life while she was giving birth??to Su Wan?, mother Su faced?some complications?during?her labour and ended up bleeding?too much . Since , this era had no such thing?as blood transfusion mother Su died two days after giving birth because of?extreme?blood loss .

Su Wan?who was a modern?woman knew how dangerous and risky it was to give birth before your body was mature?enough?to bear children.?Thus , even if it meant to stomp on her desires?and live?while chanting the sutras?for the next two years , for the sake of her health and properly tasting these handsome husbands?of her's?she will grit her teeth?and wait !

Authors warning?: this book is a reverse harem which means it will have?some mature?stuff . Now author san wants to know if you all are okay with eighteen plus stuff?written?or do you want me to chop it off and keep it clean?.


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