Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 907: Much easier

Chapter 907: Much easier

With our guides, we quickly made our way across the lands of the Midra Kingdom. With the wyverns, we were able to reach our destination in no time at all.

Though as we were flying by, there were quite a few scenes of disaster down below.

There were monsters that were attacking the people of the Midra Kingdom and it seemed like a losing battle for them. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before they succumbed to the attacks of the monsters.

But there wasn't a single time where the soldiers of the Midra Kingdom that came with us asked us to stop and help them.

There were times where my subordinates asked them about this, but they just said...

"They're fine. Everyone has their own way of dealing with the monster attacks, it's not our business. Our business is to find the source of the monster attacks and save the entire kingdom. We cannot let ourselves be distracted by a few isolated incidents."

The way that they said this made it sound noble, but we knew what their real intentions were...

They were afraid.

They were scared that they might be caught up in the monster attacks if we were to go down and help these people.

So they gave this excuse to stop us from going down.

We certainly didn't have a reason to help them since they were citizens of the Midra Kingdom, but it did leave a bad taste in our mouth to leave them behind like this.

It was just that we had a role to play, so we couldn't just interfere as we wanted.

Just like the second prince, we had no choice but to leave these people to their own devices.

Perhaps I was hypocritical for judging the second prince for this when I was doing the same, but it did feel different since there was a different reason for abandoning them.

Or was that just me trying to make myself feel better?

Regardless of what it was, we quickly made our way to the first location that was pointed out to us.

This was a forest that was in the west of the Midra Kingdom.

This forest was one of the gathering places of the monsters that we had seen all over the Midra Kingdom, it was similar to the forest that we cleared back in our own kingdom.

It was just that this time, there was no need for us to enter the forest and slowly make our way through it.

That was because we had the wyverns.

Though we did have to bring the wyverns down a bit so that I could sense the demon energy and find the way to the crystal.

When we came down, it was easy to find the demon energy since it was so concentrated in this place. It was completely different from back in our kingdom where there were only wisps of demon energy here and there.

The concentration of demon energy in this place was almost terrifying.

At the same time, there were far more monsters that popped out when they saw us come down.

There were still goblins that were here, but it wasn't just goblins alone that tried to attack us. There were also different variants of goblins that appeared such as goblin shamans, goblin archers, goblin riders, and such. These variants of the normal goblins had different methods of attacking, so they were able to attack us even though we were in the air.

Only it was still much easier for us to deal with these goblins and goblin variants.

It only took a single blast of the wyvern breath to destroy the attacks that the goblins sent at us. At the same time, the wyvern breath fell down on the groups of goblins down below.

The goblins weren't able to defend against the flames that fell on them, or at least the majority of them weren't able to defend against the flames.

The special variants were able to use their powers to avoid being too injured by the flames, but the others were completely burnt to a crisp.

In no time at all, there were only the charred corpses of goblins that were on the ground.

Scattered around were a few variant goblins, but they were all injured to varying degrees. These variant goblins were no match for our wyverns that went down to pick them off individually.

In no time at all, the variant goblins had been completely wiped out by the wyverns. However, there were more variant goblins that suddenly came out of the brush. This was another group of goblins that was drawn over by the sound of the fighting. The moment that they came out, they immediately launched their attacks.

They didn't know what the situation was, but they attacked the wyverns when they saw the charred corpses of the other goblins. Those charred corpses told them that these wyverns wouldn't let them be.

It was just that they still weren't a match for the wyverns.

The wyverns just simply had to move up in the air and then release their flame breaths to burn

the goblins to a crisp.

From time to time, the wyverns did land and clear out the flames that remained.

After all, there was nothing to gain from burning down the forest completely.

In no time at all, this second group of goblins were completely destroyed and there wasn't a single goblin left.

This was much easier than when we fought the goblins in our own kingdom.

But it shouldn't have been easier since there were variant goblins that appeared.

It was only because we had the wyverns that it was much easier for us to wipe out the goblins.

There was a part of me that felt bitter as I thought, "Why did we not just use the wyverns


Well, it was because we didn't want to cause a commotion and scare our citizens.

That was the only reason why we didn't move the wyverns before.

But in the Midra Kingdom, there was no need to care about that.


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