Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 903: Lack of people

Chapter 903: Lack of people

When we landed in the capital, there was a reaction from Joan.

It seemed that she sensed that there were wyverns in this capital city, which was why she reacted.

As I had expected, the wyverns that we gave to the Midra Kingdom were in the capital and weren't deployed to any parts of the Midra Kingdom.

It seemed like the royal family and the nobles were only interested in defending themselves.

This really made my opinion of the second prince go down, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. After all, the second prince had sent that message, which meant that he most likely had some kind of plan.

He was the one that was in control of the wyverns, so if he was going along with them and keeping the wyverns in the capital, then he must have a reason for doing so.

Whether it was to fool his own father or the nobles.

That was what I chose to believe since I didn't want to think of him as the other kind of person.

The treatment that we received in the capital was the same as the treatment that we received at the border, though there was a bit of a difference. Instead of just leaving us be, they insisted on bringing us to the castle right away.

It seemed that the Midra Kingdom was suffering quite a bit that they wanted us to deal with this situation as soon as possible.

Well, it wasn't as if this was a bad thing since we also wanted to see the king as soon as possible.

It wasn't to help them, but to gauge what the situation of the Midra Kingdom was.

At the same time, I wanted to see the second prince as soon as I could to figure out just what his plans were.

Though when we arrived at the castle, I was surprised to find that...there were many people who were missing.

Compared to when we were here last time, there weren't even half the people that were here. Many of the people who seemed to be a part of the military had disappeared from this throne room.

It seemed that the situation in the Midra Kingdom was much worse than we thought. This was further accentuated by the king of the Midra Kingdom.

The moment that we stepped in, he said, "Thank you for coming to our kingdom and providing aid in our time of need."

The one that stepped forward was Klein who was technically the leader of our group. Since I was now the king, it wasn't as if I was able to come and go as I pleased. That meant that instead of being the one that led the group, I was hidden as part of the group.

I was given a special mask by the prime minister that would allow me to hide my face from most people, so there was no way that anyone would be able to recognize me.

Klein just simply gave a nod to the king before asking, "May I ask where are the wyverns that we provided to your kingdom last time?"

The king and most of the ministers revealed awkward looks when they heard this, but the words that came out of the king's mouth seemed very natural as he said, "They are being deployed all over the kingdom. This is a crisis for our kingdom, so naturally we need to use every single resource that we have."

"Is that so?" Klein wasn't fooled at all since I had already told him that Joan had sensed the wyverns nearby.

That meant that he knew that the Midra Kingdom's king was lying right to his face and he didn't seem to take that well. Though he didn't call out the Midra Kingdom's king in the end.

"Then may I ask where your generals are? We wish to get a general idea of the situation in your kingdom before sending out our wyverns to deal with the monsters."

The eyes of the king and the ministers all lit up when they heard this.

They had been expecting this group to be much harder to convince to help them, but that didn't seem to be the case. It even seemed like they were very willing to help them, which was a good sign for the Midra Kingdom.

Especially since they had brought all of these wyverns with them.

No one doubted the power of the wyverns since it was with just ten of these wyverns that they were able to secure the lands around the capital.

With the hundred wyverns that just arrived, they should be able to easily reclaim all the land that they lost.

At the same time, since they were the ones that were offering to help, that meant that they didn't have to pay them anything.

The economy had suffered quite a bit because of the monsters, so it wasn't as if they could really afford to pay unless they paid out of their pockets.

Not a single one of these nobles wanted to do that.

"Second prince, come forward."

As soon as the king said this, the second prince came out from the back of the crowd where he had been waiting the entire time and gave a bow to the king.

The king gave a satisfied nod before saying, "Go and help them with this matter. You have my permission to leave your other work for now and work with our allies here to solve the

monster crisis in our kingdom."

The second prince bowed his head and said, "Yes, your majesty."

I couldn't help slightly knitting my brows when I heard this.

It seemed that there really was a lack of people in the Midra Kingdom that he was even willing

to send the second prince right away.

At the same time though, I could hear that there was a trace of hostility in the voice of the


Had the second prince been caught while he was putting his plans in action?

Well, regardless of what it was, it was better to get the information from the second prince.


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