Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 899: Spread like hotcakes

Chapter 899: Spread like hotcakes

There was an awkward smile that appeared on Klein's face when he heard this question.

He just looked at me with that awkward look on his face as if he was hoping that I would turn away, but I just calmly looked right into his eyes as I waited for an answer.

In the end, Klein said with a sigh, "Your majesty, the problem is that we don't have a place to train in swimming. The river is too far away for a training session unless it's a full day session and there are no pools in the castle training grounds, so..."

His voice trailed off a bit as the awkwardness increased on his face.

But in the end, he still said, "If your majesty approves of this, then we would be able to build a pool and implement this as part of our training regimen."

Right as soon as his voice fell, he bowed his head and said, "Your majesty, please approve of this request on behalf of the royal guards. We promise that this will make us much stronger in the end."

The others had heard this and they all quickly bowed their heads to me as if they were seriously making this request.

It was just that...I wasn't fooled at all by them.

I could already guess why Klein had made this request of me.

He was trying to use me to get this pool on their behalf, but I wasn't that easy to trick.

I just shook my head and said, "If you want to implement this as part of your regimen, you should submit a proper request to your superiors. Once they've taken a look at your request, I'm sure that they will approve of it."

There was a bitter smile that appeared on Klein's face when he heard this before he tried to say something else.

It was just that I cut him off by raising my hand and saying, "This is something that I don't have the authority to approve."

Klein looked at me with his chin dropped, but I just stuck my tongue out at him.

I wasn't going to let him get me in trouble like this. If he wanted the pool, then he would have to get it himself without relying on me.

After all, the one that was in charge of the treasury and the finances of the castle was Haley.

If I were to approve of this pool purchase, there was no doubt that I would be in trouble.

I would rather lose favorability with the royal guards than let myself get in trouble with my wife for them.

Klein had no choice but to accept this in the end, but it seemed that they were happy about something else.

The other royal guards had already drawn their own sumo rings and were already pushing against each other. Even Klein went to join them after realizing that there was nothing to gain from trying to trick me.

It seemed that all of them had been interested in the sumo competition, it was just that they had been holding back the entire time.

But now that everything had been settled, there was no need for them to hold back anymore.

So they all started organizing their own sumo contest.

Even Klein was having fun playing sumo with the others.

Ariel went off with Erina and they organized a group of female knights that they started sumo matches with.

Since the one that I was accompanying was just having fun, there was no need for me to hold back at all.

I also went off to play sumo with Klein and the others.


The next morning at breakfast.

"I've heard that there was something strange spreading through the city." Angela suddenly brought up this topic.

We all looked at her with curious looks, waiting for her to tell us what it was.

She didn't explain as she asked the maid for a pen and a piece of paper.

Once the maid came back with what she asked for, she took them from her hands and started drawing something on the piece of paper.

Only when she was done did she turn the paper around for us to see.

The moment that I saw this, I couldn't help being surprised by what she drew.

That was because on this piece of paper was something familiar to me.

It was the sumo ring that I had shown the royal guards yesterday.

I didn't expect Angela to suddenly draw something like this.

Neither did Ariel who pointed at it and said, "Ah, isn't that the sumo ring?"

Angela was surprised by this outburst and looked at Ariel with one raised brow before asking, "How do you know what this is?"

Ariel pointed at me and said, "Well, he's the one that showed it to the royal guards


The others all looked at me in an instant when they heard what Ariel said.

Seeing this, I had no choice but to explain what happened yesterday.

"So it was like this." Angela said with a thoughtful look on her face.

I was confused by this, so I asked, "What happened?"

Angela snapped out of her thoughts hearing this and said with a smile, "It's not anything bad. It's just that there was this new trend that was spreading through the city, so I wanted to know where it came from just in case."

"Spreading through the city? Sumo is spreading through the city?" I asked in a confused voice.

Angela gave a nod before saying, "It's the newest craze and it's spreading quickly since it doesn't actually take anything to play. All the kids in the city are playing sumo now."

With a sigh, she said, "I was worried that it might be a plot from somewhere..."

She kept talking about her worries, but I really didn't hear anything.

There was a bitter feeling inside of me as I thought that this world really was starved for entertainment if even sumo was spreading this quickly.

As for how, I could already guess.

The royal guards had family in the capital, so they must have shown it to their relatives or

their kids, which was how it quickly spread.

I just never expected it to spread this fast.


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