Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 885: First time on land

Chapter 885: First time on land

We hadn't spent that long on the river, so the chubby dock manager was still there when we came back.

Seeing the ship come back, he immediately ran over to check on it.

Though the way that he acted, it seemed like he was more worried about us than the ship.

It was just that we could see his eyes drifting over to the ship from time to time as if he was checking up on it. No, even without that, there was something else that gave him away.

"My lord, I'm so glad that you're...back. I was so...worried this whole time!"

There were those strange pauses in between his words that came when he looked over at the ship to check on it.

It seemed that this chubby dock manager really didn't know how to divide his attention...

We just ignored it since we knew why he was worried about the ship, even more than our lives. It was his job to care about these things and even before that, the ship was something that many people relied on to make a living.

If it was damaged, then many people would have suffered for sure.

So it was only normal that he checked that the ship was alright.

It was just that he couldn't do it openly while we were still here.

However, he didn't get to keep going for long as someone lost their patience.

"Move out of the way!"

I heard this soft and beautiful voice coming from the ship.

It wasn't just me who heard this, but everyone else heard it as well.

My wives who were with me shook their heads with bitter smiles, but the chubby dock manager had a different expression on his face. He looked like he had fallen into a daze when he heard this voice.

It was like his soul had been pulled out of his body, just like the shadows had looked when they first heard this voice singing.

Even though it was shouting, even though it wasn't singing, there was still a charming tone to it.

This was just the natural charm that mermaids had in their voices.

The owner of this voice was Ariel who pushed her way past the shadows that were trying to stop her. Even though they had been trying to stop her, it wasn't as if they dared to use actual force since she was now a state guest.

So she was able to make her way past them easily and come down the gangplank to reach the dock.

The moment that she reached the dock, she stood still for a few seconds before reaching her hands up into the air and shouting, "This is it! This is the feeling of walking on land!"

She didn't stop with just this as she started running around on the dock, looking at all the different things that were here.

It was a good thing that there was no one else here, or they would have certainly thought that Ariel was an idiot.

At the same time, the chubby dock manager still seemed to be in a daze because of her voice, so he didn't really notice the things that she did.

The only ones that looked at her with looks like their world views had been shattered were the shadows and my wives. They looked like they were disappointed with her display, as if their image of mermaids had been shattered.

It couldn't be helped since Ariel was a special case in the first place.

There were many mermaids that were this interested in humans and the land to begin with.

The reason that we didn't bring her down right away was simple.

She was the monster that had caused all that trouble along the Kleen River and had caused all that trouble for this town. So we wanted to bring her into the town without anyone noticing just in case they put the two together.

We couldn't let anything happen to Ariel now since she was an important guest, so we had to take precautions.

It was just too bad that the one that this all revolved around didn't seem to care.

Shaking my head with a sigh, I said, "Stop messing around and come over here."

It didn't seem like Ariel heard me the first time that I said this as she kept running around, so I had no choice but to say it a second time. This time, she heard me and slowly walked back over with an unhappy look on her face.

It was like she was a child that was unhappy that her playtime had been interrupted.

I shook my head again and gave another sigh before saying, "Don't get lost, we're going into the town now. You can see many more different things later once we go into town."

The unhappy look that was on Ariel's face quickly disappeared when she heard this and she just as quickly gave a nod of agreement before looking towards the buildings in the distance. I gave another sigh before saying to one of the shadows, "Take care of the ship." He gave a nod before going over to the chubby dock manager. He wrapped his arm around the shoulder of the chubby dock manager and started bringing him over towards the office.

The chubby dock manager was still in a bit of a daze because of Ariel's voice.

Seeing this, I realized that I should probably take care of this before anything else.

So I pulled out a notebook and a pen which I handed over to Ariel.

"What is this?" she asked in a confused voice, but she still took them and looked at them carefully. She looked even more confused when she saw that this book was blank.

I said, "Don't speak from now on. Just write what you want to say in this book."

Ariel was naturally unhappy about this, but I explained it to her.

"If you talk and expose yourself, don't you think that it'll cause quite a bit of trouble. You won't be able to enjoy your time on land when the time comes."

Ariel had to admit that I was right, but it still looked like she was unhappy about this.

So I comforted her by saying, "It's just a temporary measure. We'll think of a way to solve this

later, alright?"

She just gave a simple nod, but it didn't seem like it cheered her up.


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