Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 876: Kleen River

Chapter 876: Kleen River

It took a week before the prime minister was able to arrange everything for me and I set out from the capital.

It was a strange feeling being watched from afar like this, but this was the only way that I could convince him to let me leave the capital.

If I didn't agree to this, there was no way that the prime minister would have let me go.

The entire shadow squad had been sent out just to watch over me.

At the same time, I had some strong guardians this time.

They weren't strong that they were unparalleled in battle, they were strong that they were people that I couldn't go against.

As if to spite me, he sent five of my wives with me.

The only ones that he didn't send were Rose and Haley who had important positions that they couldn't leave suddenly or else they might have all come with me.

After all, they had shown their displeasure at the fact that I was leaving so soon.

They weren't angry because they knew that I was doing this for a good reason, they were just displeased that I would be gone so soon after coming back.

That was part of the reason why all five of them had agreed to go along.

Though I knew that the prime minister had another reason for sending them along like this.

His reason was that they would be the only ones that could restrain me if I tried to do something crazy.

It wasn't as if I couldn't see where he was coming from, but it also wasn't as if they would be able to stop me if I really wanted to do something. They had never been able to stop me before and I doubt they would stop me now...

I knew that they supported me regardless of what I did, so it was hard for them to actually try and control me.

So I just relaxed and enjoyed the trip instead of thinking too much about it.

As we headed along, there were a few questions that they had for me.

The biggest one was...

"What is this monster in the Kleen River?"

This was a hard question for me to answer since it was hard to explain to them what it was without scaring them a bit too much. There was one defining thing about this monster that I just couldn't tell them.

So the only thing that I could say was...

"It's some kind of sea monster."

"Sea monster?" They all repeated when they heard this.

"That's right, a sea monster."

"Would a monster really come that far?" They were very confused when they heard this.

It wasn't strange since they were right about this.

The Kleen River was a river that ran across the entire continent, so it was a river that went all the way to the sea. However, that didn't mean that it was a small distance to go from the sea to our kingdom since we were a landlocked kingdom.

It was actually quite a long swim, so there were few ocean fishes that reached our area. Most of the monsters and fishes in the river were usually from the surrounding area, namely lakes and other rivers that fed into the Kleen River.

It was very strange for something from the ocean to come this far after all.

There weren't many things that would come this far away from their natural habitat after all.

But that was one of the reasons why this event was so special.

It was because one of those rare ocean creatures had actually come all the way to our part of the kingdom through the Kleen River.

If I were to explain any more, it would be giving too much information.

So I just shook my head and said, "It's a secret."

They all glared at me with unhappy looks when they heard this, but they didn't say a thing since they could see that I wasn't planning on saying anything.

In that case, they would just enjoy the sight of the river.

Since it was a large river, it didn't take us long to reach the Kleen River from the capital.

However, that didn't mean that we had reached the spot where the water monster was spotted and it would take a while in our horse carriages. We would have taken the wyverns if not for the fact that we had left in secret.

So we could only leisurely make our way to the area where the water monster was spotted. It took four days of traveling when we pulled up into a town called Greves Town.

This was a town in the middle of nowhere, but since it was along the Kleen River, there were quite a few people that passed through here.

It was basically a transit town built for people that traveled by boat and at the same time, it was a transit town for merchants that wanted to sell their goods to the surrounding area.

They would transport their goods to this area by boat and then rent carriages from this town to transport those goods to where they needed to go.

That was the basic function of this town.

As for why we were was because this was the town that was the closest to where the incident reported happened.

That meant that there were quite a few boats that were delayed because of this.

After all, no one wanted to sail in a place where there was a rumoured monster.

Everyone valued their lives, they wouldn't risk it just for profit that wasn't worth it.

It was clear that the mood of the town was tense, we could see it when we passed through the


The guards that were at the gates looked very tense as they checked the people entering the town, but it wasn't because of the people that they were tense.

From time to time, they looked at the Kleen River outside of town, as if they were afraid of something.

Or rather, it was better to say that they seemed like they were afraid of being attacked by something.


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