Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 873: Mercy

Chapter 873: Mercy

Since that matter was taken care of, there was nothing else that I had to do with the dark elves.

Or that should have been the case if there weren't a few dark elves that were different from the rest of the dark elves.

The reason why they were different was because I had made them that way.

Because of what I had done, there were dark elves who had their minds broken and couldn't function the same way as before.

As such, they had been locked up separately from the rest of the dark elves.

When we approached, we could hear the screaming that was coming from the separated area where these dark elves were being held.

"More, give me more!"

"Kill me! I don't want to live in this world anymore!"

These were the two kinds of things that were said by the dark elves trapped here.

But both sides seemed to be filled with despair.

It was as if they just didn't want to remain in this world anymore.

It just seemed like they wanted it all to end.

That was why I was here in the first place.

They didn't seem to react to the sound that we made when we entered.

They just seemed like they were completely lost in their own world.

Even when I tapped on the cage, it didn't seem like they reacted.

The ones that should have reacted were the male dark elves who were sitting in a fetal position in their cages. After all, I was the one that had ruined everything for them, so their hatred for me should have been something else.

But it didn't seem like they reacted to my face at all.

It was like they just didn't see me as they just sat there mumbling to themselves.

Like they had given up on life...

Well, that wasn't a bad thing...

After all, there was a reason why I was here to see them in the first place.

I was the one that had turned them into this, which meant that I was responsible for them until the very end.

Since it didn't seem like there was anything that we would be able to get from them, it didn't make sense to keep them in pain like this.

The reason that I had come here was to give them mercy.

But it wasn't as if they could just be allowed to go free since they were criminals who had come to attack our country in the first place.

There was only one way to give them mercy.

I gave a nod to one of the guards who had gone to get something that I requested.

That guard looked at me with a shocked look when he saw me nod at him like this, but he still brought the item that I requested forward.

It was a large executioner's axe.

This was used by the prison when executing the prisoners and since this was a prison for the worst prisoners in the kingdom, it naturally had a high number of executions.

These executions would be held in the prison itself, so the prison was well stocked on execution items such as these axes and other things needed.

Though the guard was skeptical of whether I would be able to use this axe or not.

It was quite the heavy axe since it had been designed to cut right through a person's neck and take off their head. It was an axe that wasn't something that just anyone could wield.

However, the muscle training that I had been doing had come in handy.

I was able to lift the axe by using both hands to hold it up.

With the axe in hand, I moved to one of the dark elves who was in a fetal position.

This dark elf was one that I was familiar with since he was the first one that I had tortured.

It was Vulme.

I gave a nod to the guards to put him in position.

They brought over a chopping block and made him put his head in place before holding him down while waiting for me.

Once he was in position, I moved forward with the axe in hand.

Before I could reach him though, the prime minister came forward to say, "Your majesty, is there a need for you to personally do this?"

The way that he was asking this made it clear that it wasn't just this problem that he had with this. The way that he was asking this clearly showed that he was worried about me since I had suddenly wanted to do this myself.

Even if I had caused the deaths of many people during the war, personally killing someone was not something that I had done before.

As someone who had done this before, the prime minister knew how hard the first kill was.

However, I knew that this was something that I had to do.

I was the cause of all of this, so it was my responsibility to give them mercy.

I shook my head and said, "No, it has to be me."

The prime minister had a concerned look on his face, but he still backed down in the end.

Though he did make sure to have two shadows come forward with me just in case something happened.

After walking over, I lifted the axe above Vulme's head and took a deep breath before saying, "Be on your way. You'll be at peace soon."

As if he recognized this voice, Vulme started to turn his head like he wanted to look up.

It was just that from his position, he wasn't able to look all the way up to see me.

At the same time, I had already started swinging the axe down.

When the axe cut through his neck and his head came off, there was a look of recognition in his

eyes as his head turned to see me.

In his final moments, there was a look of utmost hatred that appeared in his eyes.

But I didn't let it bother me since I had seen this look from others before. When it was over, I looked at the guards on the side and said, "Bring the next one."

Everyone looked at me with a strange look, but they still followed my orders.


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