Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 30 - 30 Merit Given, Vengeance For The Dead

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Merit Given, Vengeance For The Dead

"Is there really such a thing as a prophet in this world?"

[Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter], who was being pressed down by the police, shouted loudly.

Immediately after, his screen turned black.

"Dr. Chen, just confess."

"If this isn't metaphysics, I will stand upside down and eat shit."

"The person above has a strong taste, but I like it."

"Other than being a prophet, I can't imagine how else Dr. Chen solved this case."

The netizens excitedly waited for Chen Yu to explain himself.

"I know about his crimes because of the help of an expert."

Chen Yu stood up and walked out of the camera's range.

Because his revelation today was slightly exaggerated, he was prepared.

It was time to bring out his shield.

The viewers were dumbfounded after Chen Yu took out a portrait of a foreigner.

"We're fellow apprentices, Dr. Chen. I'm also a student of this expert."

A viewer with the online name [Little Constable Punishing Evil and Praising Virtue] sent a comment.

"By the way, why didn't [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] run away before the police officers knocked on the door?"

"It's not 20 years ago. Do you think he can run?"

"Dr. Chen, who is this foreign bearded man?"

The comments from the netizens rolled in, asking who the person in the portrait was.

"Richard von Krafft-Ebing." Chen Yu answered with a faint smile. "One of the founders of criminal psychology."

"I took a criminal psychology course at my university and learned a great deal from his work."

"Therefore, I was able to accurately analyze the crimes committed by [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter]."

Chen Yu took criminal psychology as an elective in university, but just to fill up his credits.

Even though Chen Yu was bullshitting, he never blushed one bit.

The netizens continued to pressure him.

Was criminal psychology that awesome?

It seemed that they should buy a few related books to read too.

Maybe they could eventually become experts in solving criminal cases too.

"A cold-blooded psychopath committing a crime will react differently than ordinary criminals."

"Ordinary criminals will fall into a long period of nervousness, anxiety, and fear after committing a crime."

"Cold-blooded psychopaths are different. They will develop a gaming mentality with the authorities."

"Every time they commit a successful crime, they will gain a sense of contempt for the authorities."

"This allowed them to achieve both intellectual and psychological happiness."

"[Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] is active on a livestreaming platform in order to take pleasure in exposing other people's privacy."

"Aside from destroying other people's lives in this manner, it's not like he's not doing this to continue playing his game."

If it wasn't for the help of Heavenly Screct Strategy...

Chen Yu would never have imagined that [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] was such an inhuman, arrogant scumbag.

If it were someone else committing the same crime, they would be hiding in the shadows, trembling, and praying to God to avoid getting caught.

No sane person would continue showing their face in public.

But [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] disdained hiding.

Every day, he must appear in front of the public.

"Heaven's net has long arms."

"Dr. Chen is mighty!"

"Dr. Chen, can you tell me when this demon will be executed?"

Reading this comment, Chen Yu smiled faintly and replied, "One and a half months later."

"Eh, why does this sound so familiar?"

"Of course, it sounds familiar. Dr. Chen said this more than 20 minutes ago."

"I recall now! Dr. Chen warned that [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter]'s illness would only give him four months to live. On the other hand, if he wants to know about his illness in advance, he can only live for one and a half months."

"Dr. Chen, what do you mean by four months?"

Another viewer was puzzled.

"In two months, the Jincheng City Police Force will introduce an advanced, comprehensive DNA detector," Chen Yu said.

"They will be conducting a city-wide DNA collection."

"The database will then issue an alarm when the sister of [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] is registered."

"The alarm will alert that she is highly compatible with the DNA sample left behind by the murderer."

"Following the clues, they will finally confirm [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] is the Demon of Jincheng."

Even without Chen Yu's appearance...

[Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] would soon be caught.

The irony here was...

Over the years, [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] has utilized the Internet and high-tech means to dig into people's privacy.

In the end, he would also be exposed because of technology.

It was a form of mockery.

Chen Yu was thinking about this when he remembered a saying: Tit for tat.

"Today was certainly enjoyable. I got to watch a business drama and then a criminal investigation episode."

"Those foreign business dramas are nothing compared to Dr. Chen's livestream."

"Dr. Chen, you've already revealed your secrets just now. Be careful, or the relevant departments will arrest and cut you up."

Chen Yu had previously used the founding father of criminal psychology as an excuse, but the netizens were skeptical.

They could believe Chen Yu could deem [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter] the Demon of Jincheng because of criminal psychology.

However, what he said exposed his true skills.

Chen Yu could predict what would happen two months later, so what else could it be if not metaphysics?

"Dr. Chen, stop acting. We are all on the same team. Why are you acting like someone you're not?"

"Dr. Chen, why don't you create a second account and tell us secretly?"

"Good idea. You can name your new account [Letting The Tao Guide You]."

Chen Yu silenced his audience for an hour after noticing they were about to discuss metaphysics again.

"It's one thing to joke around, but not about science. Okay, I'm going offline."

Chen Yu instantly felt two streams of merit and luck surging into his body.

One of them was so massive and powerful that Chen Yu thought his body was about to explode.

"What the hell is this?"

There was no time to think, so Chen Yu immediately locked his door and sat cross-legged on the floor.

Over the past two days, Chen Yu executed a total of six instances of the Heavenly Secret Strategy.

Yesterday was Zhou Kexin, [Cherry Blossom Trees Waiting for Rain], and Zhang Qingshan.

Today, it was Brother Xu, CEO Xu, and [Hangzhou City's Number One Entertainment Reporter].

Chen Yu had already digested the three wisps of merit and luck from yesterday.

During his earlier livestream, Chen Yu had only helped Brother Xu change his fate, so there should only be one wisp of merit and luck.

Why was there another one?

Moreover, such a massive one.

Two hours later, Chen Yu finally finished digesting these two wisps of merit and luck.

At the same time, he realized the profundity of that large strand of merit and luck.

Indeed, he had only helped Brother Xu change his fate.


Chen Yu had uncovered the murderer of 16 souls who died in vain.

Wasn't this a great merit?

One way to gain merit was to assist people in changing their fate.

Enacting vengeance for those who died in vain was an even better way to gain merit.

Following this train of thought, Chen Yu stood up excitedly.

There were many ways to obtain merit.

It had been proven that changing someone's fate and washing away the injustice of the dead provided merit.

What about persuading someone to return to the path of righteousness?

It was entirely possible that this would also be meritorious!

Chen Yu pushed open his door and prepared to head out for a meal.

He wanted to reward his clever brain cells.


An order was given from outside, and gongs and drums instantly rang out.

"Dr. Chen, I have prepared this little gift for you."

Zhang Qingshan, his son, and his grandson stood in front of Chen Yu's shop with a smile.

Before Chen Yu could react...

Two muscular men brought a statue down from a truck in front of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's eyes immediately widened.

What was this?

A gold statue of Sigmund Freud?


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