
Book 3: Chapter 147.2 – Not with you

Book 3: Chapter 147.2 – Not with you

USD: 1 Day after Cadre-S Graduation

Location: Van Biesbroecks star, Meltisar, MIL-1A Elevator, Tram Tunnel Emergency Point

Get me something to restrain him with! Fred yelled at another survivor, who just stood watching the scene blankly. Elis searched the kit and found a roll of medical tape and tossed it to him. He thanked her, then hog-tied the man despite his struggles.

Elis didnt have time to be impressed because just as he finished there was a loud popping sound, and then a torrent of air began to rush down the tunnel toward where the tram wreck was. A half-dozen people began to scream in their breath masks, while others panicked and retreated deeper into the room.

One had the foresight to rush over to the fallen locker grate and hand it to Fred, who slapped it over the entryway. That was fortuitous because they felt loose supplies and med-kits began to roll themselves out of the room in the rush of escaping air.

As suddenly as it started, a loud bang heralded the depressurizations halt. Elis lifted her mask and took a breath. The air was thin and chill, but it wasnt vacuum.

Which meant the restrained jerk on the ground was able to keep screaming about being murdered.

Fred looked down at him. If you dont stop, youre going to use up your air before we can help you.

The asshole ignored the warning anyway. If anything, he became even more irate. Until he suddenly went quiet.

Freds gaze fell on the man who had frozen up. You. Get over here. Youre going to share your mask with him.

The man shook his head and backed away, holding his hands up. I dont want to.

Fucking selfish bastard. Alright, who will share with this guy? There isnt enough oxygen in the air at this pressure.

No one in the group stepped forward, all seeming hesitative to do anything. Elis started to raise her hand, but Fred shot her a sharp look. Not you. Youre already injured.

He turned his gaze to the others. What is this, Piscium? Does he need to offer you credits to keep him from suffocating?

Finally, a woman stepped forward. Ill help. What do I do?

Fred fetched the medkit from Elis and went to work creating a small mask with some soft plastic, then taped it over the mans mouth and nose. A small tube attached to the womans mask allowed them to share the oxygen output.

Good enough. But we need to keep moving. Fred said, The pressure activated blast doors shut, but the rampancy will probably continue. Theyll cut this section loose from the station before soon, and we need to make it to the Hub and hopefully a shelter by then.

A frown crept onto Eliss face. Just why did a nurse know about nanite rampancy? She consoled herself that the medical personnel likely just knew about all the emergency procedures on the station.

We shouldnt go anywhere. We should wait to be rescued. One man said. That gained support from almost half the group. Including the woman who was sharing the mask with the restrained man.

Elis couldnt tell what it was, but Freds attention to the group flipped like a switch and he shrugged, then turned to her. We need to get out of here. Are you ready?

She wished she had her datapad so she could reply. After a glance to the rest of the group, she turned back to nod at him. He picked her up and carried her out. A few others decided to follow, but almost half of them stayed put.

Time lost its meaning. The pace wasnt as fast as before, and that only made the trek feel more arduous. The moment that bright white light began to spill into the tunnel ahead of them, Elis felt relief. They were almost to the transit hub.

A blue shimmer hinted that the hub was still fully pressurized, but as they pressed through the field, everything was silent. No emergency staff or people running about, and Elis had a sinking feeling that they had all been left behind.

Where is everyone? one of the survivors asked.

There are emergency escape bunkers across the station. We need to find one for this section. Fred said.

Fred aimed for a set of benches along a wall and set her down gently before sitting down to rest.

Elis closed her eyes and did just that. An overwhelming sense of exhaustion blanketing her. She hated it. Her new normal was anything but. It was enough to make her think of asking Nameless for medical help.

A few minutes later, one of the survivors called out. Its over here! Its locked!

Fred stood up and started to walk over toward it, leaving her forcing down an irrational fear of abandonment. It made sense for him to check it out before taking her over. Hed already carried her for further than shed thought a random person would be able, anyway.

He returned after a few minutes, but he had a grim look that didnt give her any relief.

Its locked. They gave us directions to somewhere else, though. The others already went ahead.


She took his hand, and then he lifted her up again.

Thanks for not leaving me behind.

Uh. Ill find you something to write with, when we get there.

Defeated, Elis buried her face against his shoulder.

It was over ten minutes later when she began to wonder where they were going. Theyd descended into an abandoned maze of corridors, storage rooms, and maintenance holes.

When they reached a shuttle deck, Elis eyebrows furrowed as she saw the shuttle waiting on the pad.

Fred must have noticed her attention since he spoke up. Emergency flights taking anyone left behind on the pods off the station.

When they reached the entry point, another man in a uniform saluted. Sir, station is on lockdown, but all small craft are permitted for expedited departure due to emergency conditions.

The words echoed in Eliss head as she phrased them in her head. Fallons eyes met hers, his realization of his cover being blown arriving at the same time as her understanding that he was kidnapping her.

He dropped her, but she was still faster as she pulled out the pair of scissors and stabbed him in the neck, her bodyweight dragging the blades through his skin and leaving a spray behind. As soon as the metal slipped out, she stabbed him again, this time in the side, but a savage kick stole her air and send her rolling up the ramp.

Restrain her! Fallon shouted.

The crewman that answered moved to grab her, but as soon as he came in range she grabbed him and shoved her scissors into his eye.

She wasnt sure whose shrieks were louder, but as she shoved the man aside, four more men appeared from inside the vehicle. The one in the front had a stun rifle and pulled the trigger.

Her world blinked out in a flash of light.


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