Shinrei Tantei Yakumo

Volume 3 Chapter 2

Volume 3 Chapter 2





‘Old man, you here?’

Gotou opened the door by force.

He found the person he was looking for right away. He was sipping tea at his desk by the wall in the room of about four and a half tatami in size.

He was Hata Hideyoshi, the perverted old man whose job as a coroner was his hobby.

Once Hata looked at Gotou’s face, he let out an ostentatious sigh.

Gotou was surrounded by guys like this. Wasn’t there anyone who was more honest and serious?

Ishii’s face showed up in Gotou’s grumbling mind. He was no good. Though he was serious, there was a problem with his level of it.

After shaking his head, Gotou sat on the round chair opposite Hata.

’What do you need from me this early in the morning? I don’t have the time to babysit you,’ said Hata, a frown on his wrinkled face.

This guy was annoying. Gotou didn’t have the time to drink tea with a demon either.

’There’s something I want you to look into.’

’If it’s an investigation, make a request through the proper channels. Last time I went in on my own, yes? I got quite a talking to for that.’

Hata let out a high-pitched giggle that didn’t sound human at all.

We don’t have the time to be laughing. It’s really creepy, so could you stop, you demonic old man –

’But I came all this way because it isn’t a request that I could make through the proper channels.’

’You like picking up trouble too, don’t you?’

Of course he didn’t pick up trouble because he wanted to.

Restraining his irritation, Gotou put a plastic bag with the mobile phone inside on Hata’s desk. It was their only clue right now.

The blood-stained mobile phone that had been left in Asami’s room.

’What’s this?’

’A mobile phone.’

’I can tell that by looking. I’m asking what the details behind it are. You really are an idiot.’

This old man just went and said whatever he liked. Gotou was at the point where he wanted to break his neck, but he didn’t have the time for that now.

’Yesterday, a woman living in an apartment suddenly disappeared.’

’A disappearance? Then why don’t you just investigate it normally?’

’It’s a bit of a messy situation.’


’Yeah. Seems like Ishii had been at the scene too. That woman had been talking on that mobile until right before they got to the room, but the door was locked.


’It was a locked room.’

If he told someone else that somebody had disappeared from a locked room, they’d probably laugh at him, but this old man – just him – was different.

This subject made Hata’s eyes sparkle like a child’s.

’Oh! Then this mobile phone was left at the scene. That is interesting.’

’Don’t get so happy, old man. It’s indiscreet.’

’But isn’t it interesting? I rarely see things like this.’

Hata let out another high-pitched giggle.

’I don’t know anything for sure yet. It could easily be somebody’s trick.’

’But Ishii-kun was at the scene as well, yes? If it were a trick, Ishii would probably have noticed.’

’That fool’s like a decoration. He wouldn’t notice even if a murder happened right in front of his eyes.’

Gotou felt exhausted thinking about that scared face Ishii had.

If Ishii were more reliable, he might have heard a different story, but since he was a fool, he only got information from the reporter Makoto and the exorcist Kamiyama.

He couldn’t know if the information had been distorted.

Gotou remembered the spiritual phenomenon he’d experienced in that room, but he decided not to mention it.

Inconsistent with his occupation, Hata showed an extreme interest in the occult. It might have given him a strange perspective.

’So what is Ishii-kun doing today?’

’i made him wait outside. We have to move on to the next place fast.’

’I see. I just have to analyse the blood on this mobile phone.’

’Exactly. This’ll be wrapped up quickly if it isn’t human blood.’

Hata picked up the plastic bag and looked at it with fish eyes. It felt like he’d stick out a long tongue and eat it if Gotou looked away.

’Well, anyway, that’s all I ask,’ Gotou said finally, and he left the room. Now, after the demonic old man was the monster cat.




’I’m coming in.’

Gotou opened the door to the <Movie Research Circle>.

Yakumo was sleeping curled up in a corner of the room. He really was like a cat.

’Oi, wake up!’ said Gotou, sitting down and clapping his hands.

Yakumo stirred restlessly. Just his right eye opened to look up at Gotou, but then he closed his eye again right after.


’Gotou-san, just by waking me up you’ve ruined my entire day,’ said Yakumo, still curled up.

Honestly, was this guy like this right after he woke up too?

’I don’t care – just wake up!’ urged Gotou, repressing his anger.

However, it still didn’t seem like Yakumo was going to get up.

’That’s enough.’

’I’m still sleepy. You have something to say, correct? Please go ahead – I’ll listen like this.’

Gotou raised a fist, ready to punch him, but he stopped himself. A hole would open up in his stomach if he tried to deal with Yakumo fair and square.

Well, fine. Yakumo and old man Hata were essentially the same. If he talked a bit about the case, Yakumo should eat it up like a fish caught by bait.

’Hey, Yakumo. There are some mysterious things in this world.’

’What are you babbling about?’

’Last night, somebody disappeared from a locked room in an apartment.’

’I thought that you had grown a bit, but I was too naive.’

’That wasn’t a joke. Somebody really disappeared. There were witnesses too. On top of that, it seems like a ghost made her disappear...’

Yakumo arched up like a zombie.

The monster cat was coming for the bait.

In a better mood, Gotou explained what happened last night in detail, including Kamiyama, the exorcist.

After Gotou finished talking, Yakumo sat down on the chair opposite him, still in a T-shirt and a jersey, while running a hand through his bedhead.

His left eye was naked so his red eye was exposed.

It was really a good thing he hadn’t brought Ishii. He would’ve made a huge fuss again.

’What do you think?’ Gotou asked Yakumo, who was rubbing at his eyes like a cat washing its face.

’I’ve never seen anything like that, at the very least.’

’It’s the first time for me as well.’

To be honest, Gotou still didn’t believe it.

The suspicious that he was being tricked hadn’t gone away.

’Under my reasoning, it is impossible for spirits of the dead to make somebody living disappear.’

’Ghosts are clusters of human emotions and have no physical influence...’ said Gotou, remembering what Yakumo often said.

’Yes, but that reasoning of mine has not be proven scientifically. To put it simply, it is only my guess,’ Yakumo said with a bitter smile.

’So are you saying it’s possible for a ghost to make somebody living disappear?’

’I did not go that far, but it would be wrong to think that what one does not believe does not exist. Even I would change my way of thinking if I were shown definite proof.’

’I see.’

There were many things about ghosts that hadn’t been explained yet. Since they could only infer from experiences, it meant there were countless possibilities.

’Well, putting aside whether the phenomenon truly happened, I have met that exorcist before.’

’W-w-what did you say?’

’Please don’t speak so loudly in the morning,’ Yakumo said, plugging his ears.

’When and where did you meet?’

’Yesterday, when I was investigating the apartment where the ghost I mentioned had appeared.’

’So what do you think? Do you really see him as an exorcist?’

’I don’t know. Even if he says he can see ghosts, that is a problem of subjectivity since nobody can completely turn into him.’

’How appropriate.’

’However, it is a fact that there was a spirit where he said there was one,’ said Yakumo, his brow furrowed. No matter what he said, it seemed like he was concerned. Well, for Yakumo, it’d be weirder if he weren’t.

’Which would mean he’s the same as you.’

’That would be the case,’ said Yakumo disinterestedly. He let out a huge yawn.

’This isn’t the time to yawn carelessly.’

’Why not?’

’Well, there’s a guy with the same power as you!’


’“And”, you say...’

Unlike Gotou, who was agitated, Yakumo sighed, as if to say ’Honestly’.

’I mentioned this before, but being able to see the spirits of the dead is just part of my disposition. It is only a little rare. It wouldn’t be strange if there were other people with the same disposition.’

Now that Yakumo mentioned it, it was just as he said.

It wasn’t like it was certain that Yakumo was the only person in this world who could see the spirits of the dead. Actually, Gotou knew another.

A man with two red eyes. A man who called himself Yakumo’s father.

Though it was true that there were many exorcists who were suspicious, Gotou couldn’t assert that they were all frauds.

’What do you want to do then, Gotou-san?’ Yakumo asked while stretching.

’What do I want to do? I want to find out why somebody disappeared.’

Seeing Yakumo’s attitude, it made how agitated he had been earlier seem stupid.

’Then just speaking here is pointless. At any rate, the place where – ’

’We’re going,’ Gotou interrupted.

’That will be one favour.’

Honestly, this guy was only reliable for that.




Ishii was sitting on the white bench right inside the school gates of Meisei University.

He was waiting for Gotou, who had gone to see Yakumo.

The truth was he should have gone with him. However, Ishii didn’t know how to deal with Yakumo. No, ’didn’t know how to deal with’ wasn’t the right phrase. To be honest, he was scared of him. He didn’t want to have anything to do with him if possible.

However, they definitely needed Yakumo’s help for this case.

The event from last night replayed in his head.

No matter how many times he simulated it, he didn’t find anything unnatural.

Somebody disappeared from a locked room in front of everyone. He remembered a horror movie he had watched before. A vengeful ghost dragging person after person into the dark. How terrible. He could be next.

Ishii felt something run past him.

’Ah, could it be Ishii-san?’

Haruka stood in front of Ishii, who had turned around at the voice.


’It’s been a while.’

Haruka bowed her head with a smile.

She matched her denim miniskirt with a pink camisole. It was a summery and refreshing outfit.

Ishii was captivated by the nape of her neck, which shimmered with a faint layer of sweat.

’What is it?’

’No, it’s nothing.’

His face red, Ishii hurriedly turned his gaze to his feet.

’Why are you here today?’ Haruka said, sitting across from Ishii. Ishii’s neck snapped around in his nervousness.

A refreshing citrus aroma tickled his nose.

’Ah, I, um, Detective Gotou asked, that Yakumo-shi, er...’

’There was some incident then. So he went to see Yakumo-kun.’

Haruka leant forward a bit and looked at Ishii’s face.

Ah, that wasn’t good. Haruka-chan. She was too defenceless. With that posture, he would be able to see her undergarments.

’Yes, well. That’s right.’

Ishii, who didn’t know where to look, pointlessly looked up at the sky.

’Aren’t you going to go, Ishii-san?’

It hurt to have her say that.

’Er, I, um...’

’Could it be that you’re afraid of Yakumo-kun?’

’No, er...’

He was lost for words since she had hit the bull’s-eye.

’Could it be that you really are afraid?’ said Haruka, like she thought it was unexpected.

It wasn’t really unexpected. It would be stranger if Ishii could connect to him normally.

’Haruka-chan, er, aren’t you afraid?’

’Of Yakumo-kun?’


Haruka stared afar, like she was thinking about something.

If Ishii had to say, her young face, for that moment, looked like an adult’s.

’Nope. I’ve never felt afraid of him.’

’I-is that so?’

’Though there’ve been many times I thought he would hit me,’ Haruka said, raising her right hand in a fist to imitate him.

Just as I thought, Yakumo habitually torments Haruka-chan. That’s –

’That’s unforgiveable. I will defeat your enemy, Haruka-chan,’ said Ishii, standing up in his irritation.

For a second, Haruka looked blank, and then she suddenly covered her mouth and started laughing.

’Ishii-san, you’re interesting.’

Ishii didn’t understand what was interesting.

’Interesting, is it?’

’Sorry. It’s rude to say something like that.’

’No, not at all. That’s not what I...’

The atmosphere had become somewhat awkward.

He really didn’t understand women’s thoughts. Ishii’s shoulders drooped like he had withered and he sat back down on the bench.

’Ishii-san, I think that you’ve definitely misunderstood Yakumo-kun.’

Haruka suddenly started speaking. Though she was smiling, the tone of her voice was firm and serious.

’Misunderstood... him?’

’Yes. Because of that ability, Yakumo-kun has suffered in a way we could never understand, and that has made him like a misanthrope.’


Ishii had felt that too.

In front of Yakumo, there was a wall that stopped other people from getting near him. Without showing his heart to anyone, he observed others from the outside.

’But... for this reason, he’s straightforward and can be very kind.’

Kind? Him?

It was difficult for Ishii to believe what Haruka was saying when he still doubted whether Yakumo even had feelings.

Rather, Haruka was much kinder for defending him even though he treated him that way.

’Is that how it is?’

’But since he isn’t honest, he behaved that way. When you become used to it, unexpectedly, he has his cute points.’

Haruka smiled happily.

Ishii didn’t understand even one millimetre of Yakumo’s cuteness, but at least he understood very well how cute Haruka’s smiling face was.

’What are you grinning about? It’s creepy.’

Gotou’s fist came down on Ishii’s crown in his happiness.

’D-Detective Gotou.’

Ishii stood up instinctively.

Yakumo was behind Gotou as well. He had sleepy eyes as usual, and Ishii couldn’t understand what he was thinking at all.

No matter what Haruka said about his being kind, Yakumo was a mystery to Ishii.

’Gotou-san, it’s been a while.’

Haruka stood up and bowed her head.

’Oh, it’s Haruka-chan. So that’s why Ishii was grinning.’

’No, I wasn’t really...’

Ishii made an excuse, but he shut up at Gotou’s glare.

’Did you bring trouble for Yakumo-kun again?’

Haruka said that sulkily and with a pout.

That expression was cute too. Ishii couldn’t help but grin a little again.

’You can’t really talk about other people.’

’Please don’t put me together with you, since I have no trouble this time.’

Haruka puffed her chest in pride.

’Ah, that so?’

Gotou snorted and then let his cigarette.

’Ah, Gotou-san. Smoking is forbidden on the school premises.’

’You’re too fussy. You’re becoming more and more like Yakumo. You won’t be able to become a bride.’

Gotou left that sharp parting remark and walked away briskly. Yakumo sighed and then followed him.

’Ah, wait, Yakumo-kun. Are you going to go?’


Yakumo replied flatly to Haruka’s question.

’About what you requested...’

’How was it?’

’It was just as you expected, Yakumo-kun.’

Haruka gave a proud thumbs up.

Yakumo looked like he was thinking for a while, but he finally raised an eyebrow like he had thought of something.

’There’s something else I’d like you to look into.’

After walking over to Haruka, Yakumo brought his face close to hers and talked to her quietly.

What on earth was he saying? Ishii indirectly approached them and strained his ears.

’Eh, that’s impossible.’

When the explanation was finished, Haruka objected loudly, but Yakumo continued talking like he didn’t care.

’The address is in the documents in my room, so pick it up from there.’

’Like I said, it’s impossible for me.’

’Don’t think about it too hard. You just have to go take a look.’

’But what will I do if I get caught?’

’You can just say sorry and run away.’


Yakumo ignored Haruka’s anxious expression and clapped a hand lightly on her shoulder, saying, ’I’m counting on you,’ and then he walked after Gotou.

– What on earth did he ask her to do?

Ishii wanted to know. Led by that impulse, Ishii tried to call out to Haruka.

’Ishii! We’re going!’

Gotou’s angry voice echoed from far away.

Ishii wasn’t sure which to prioritise, but he didn’t have enough courage to speak to Haruka so he followed Gotou’s instruction and started running.

He fell –




In order to change her mood, Makoto put aside her work and went to the lavatory.

Though there was a mountain of things she had to do, like checking manuscripts, the event from last night kept replaying in her head so she couldn’t concentrate.

She sighed, looking at her reflection in the mirror about the sink.

Where did Asami go –

If somebody abducted her, how did they take Asami out of the locked room?

Did she really get taken away by a ghost like Kamiyama said?

She didn’t understand anything.

She wanted to find Asami as quickly as she could, but right now all she could do was entrust the investigation to Gotou and Ishii.

She was irritated at herself for not being able to do anything during her friend’s crisis.

After sighing countless times, something suddenly passed behind her.

A chill went down her spine.

It wasn’t as if she had seen it clearly, but she had felt it.

Makoto stopped breathing and timidly turned around, but there was nobody there. She had merely been mistaken.

Her nerves might have been oversensitive.

Makoto let out her breath and looked at the mirror again when her mobile phone rang. Though the number was withheld, Makoto hurriedly answered, thinking, ’Could it be?’


She heard a noise that sounded like rain from the receiver.

’Hello. Asami?’

Makoto called out, but there was no reply.

However, she felt someone on the other end.

’Hey, who is this? Respond...’

Makoto called out again, but she was interrupted by a groan from the receiver.

She couldn’t tell whether the voice belonged to a man or a woman.

An ominous voice that sounded like it was struggling with pain –

’...Who is this?’

Though she was shaking in a strange terror, Makoto called out towards the phone.


The hoarse voice jolted her eardrums.

She could clearly tell this time. That was a woman’s voice.

Makoto threw her mobile phone in her surplus of emotions. It fell onto the tiled floor.

Her heart was beating so furiously it felt like it would burst out of her chest, and she was covered in a cold sweat.

Makoto crouched. Though she wanted to run away, she couldn’t move for a while.

How much time had passed? Her mobile phone was ringing again.

A paralysing fear ran through her body.

Makoto timidly took her mobile phone from the floor. The number displayed on the monitor was that of the exorcist Kamiyama.

– He might have found something out.

Makoto wiped away her cold sweat and answered the phone.


<My name is Kamiyama. Do you mind my calling your mobile phone, Makoto-san?>

She could hear Kamiyama’s characteristic calm voice.

’Not at all.’

A request –

’For me?’

<Yes. You mentioned that the first time there was a spiritual phenomenon, it was at a bar.>

’Yes, that’s correct.’

<Would it be possible to gather the members who had been at the scene then?>

Since she had exchanged email addresses with Shinichi then, she would be able to contact him. She could just have him talk to Yuuya.

’I think it’d be fine.’

<If we solve the mystery of the spiritual phenomenon, we will be able to save Asami-san.>

Kamiyama’s voice was filled with confidence.




Gotou looked up at the apartment Asami had disappeared from with a cigarette in his mouth.

Since something like that had happened, to him, it looked like there was a heavy atmosphere hanging over only the building and its surroundings.

Next to him, Yakumo was looking up at the apartment in the same way.

There was no way for Gotou to know if anything was reflected in those eyes, which were narrowed like they were looking at something bright.

’You see anything?’

’The sky and the clouds,’ Yakumo replied bluntly.

’I know that even without you telling me.’

’Then please don’t ask.’

As usual, only his mouth was skilful. He had completely sidestepped the point of his question.

Gotou clicked his tongue and turned around to see that Ishii already had tears in his eyes from fright.

Honestly, what a useless guy. There was no way for a person to disappear anyway.

’So this really isn’t some sort of prank?’

Gotou looked to Yakumo for agreement.

’If that were the case, Makoto-san, the reporter, and Ishii-san as well would be complicit.’

It was just as Yakumo said. Ishii and Makoto had been there. At the present stage, that was what it would mean.

Putting Makoto aside, Ishii isn’t the sort of guy who’d do that. But –

’The medium might’ve planned it.’

’At this point, he does not have a motive.’

’Well there’s that. Obviously he’d get some money with fraudulent exorcism.’

Gotou said the first thing that came to mind.

’It would have been different if he had saved her in the nick of time, but currently he would become the exorcist who failed to exorcise the spirit and let a woman be taken away by a vengeful spirit.’

It really was just as Yakumo said.

It would be unnatural to bring about his own failure on purpose. The best method would have been to save Asami just as she was about to be taken away, if he had wanted to trick them.

’The location is nearby,’ Yakumo muttered.

’The location?’

’Yes. The apartment with Rika-san’s ghost is nearby.’

’You saying there’s a connection?’

’I don’t know. I just said that it was nearby.’

’You’re quibbling...’

’Incidentally, Ishii-san, that exorcist came to this apartment before Asami-san disappeared, yes?’

Yakumo ignored Gotou’s objection and turned the conversation to Ishii.

’Ah, yes. He mentioned that. He came by that evening, but he thought it was a wandering spirit since there was nothing there...’

Ishii responded stiffly, as if he were talking to the chief of the police or something.

What was he getting so nervous for talking to a university student? He should hurry up and get used to him. Gotou restrained his feelings of wanting to hit Ishii.

’Perhaps he reached the same conclusion as I did,’ said Yakumo, narrowing his eyes a little.

The same conclusion –

’What do you mean?’

’There is no spirit here.’

Yakumo gave a firm response to Gotou’s question.

’Then you’re saying that exorcist called Kamiyama is the real deal?’

’Why are you so hasty in jumping to conclusions?’ Yakumo complained, and then he stood in front of the automatic door with the auto-lock.

’If you’d just let me say – ’

Gotou was riled up, but Yakumo was not concerned at all.

’Please hurry and open the door,’ Yakumo said with a yawn.

Gotou opened the door with the key he had borrowed from management the night before and took the elevator right by the entrance.

Yakumo and Ishii followed after him.

They went up to the ninth floor silently and went along the long and narrow corridor to stand in front of Asami’s room.

’I’m opening the door,’ Gotou said, and he opened the door.

Hot air rushed out from the room at his face, but he took off his shoes at the entrance and stepped inside the room.

Yakumo, who came into the room afterwards, walked about the room while running a hand through his messy hair.

Gotou sat cross-legged in the centre of the room and followed Yakumo’s movements with his eyes.

A square space of eight tatami in size. There was a bed, a sideboard and a television on the wooden floor – a normal room that could be found anywhere.

Since it was rented, it didn’t seem like there would be any secret passageways.

’Nothing stands out.’

Yakumo gave up after a while and sat with his legs stretched out across from Gotou.

’No good?’

’It’s no good.’

Yakumo’s brow was furrowed, and he ran his hand through his hair in his irritation.

’Damn, what’s happening...’

’That’s right. Ishii-san.’

Yakumo turned around and called out, cutting short Gotou’s grumbling.

Gotou turned to look for Ishii too, but he wasn’t there.

’But he was here just a moment ago.’

Yakumo cocked his head in curiosity. That guy probably left the room in his terror.

’Oi! Ishii!’ yelled Gotou towards the entrance. At the same time, there was the sound of footsteps on the floor, and then Ishii peeked in.

’W-were you calling me?’

’Don’t say “Were you calling me?”, you fool!’

’Y-yes sir.’

Ishii straightened his spine so he was standing still and straight.

After shaking his head like he didn’t know what to do with the two of them, he said, ’When you came into this room, Ishii-san, the door was locked, correct?’

’Y-yes. The door to the entrance and the window connected to the veranda were all locked.’

’And the door chain?’

’It wasn’t on.’

’Did you find Asami’s key?’

’Yes. It was on the table...’

’Nobody left the room.’

’That’s correct. At that time, there were three people in the room, just like now. I think it would have been difficult for somebody to leave the room without our noticing.’

Perhaps Yakumo might have thought that somebody had been hiding in the room and then escaped afterwards, but it was impossible in that situation.

It really was a locked room.

Yakumo put his finger to his brow. The expression in his eyes changed.

’So it really is like that... but then she... am I wrong...’

He kept murmuring to himself.

’Did you realise something?’

’No, not at all.’

Yakumo shrugged dramatically at Gotou’s question.

’Don’t lie! Didn’t you just say “So it really is like that”?’

Though Gotou drew closer to him, Yakumo didn’t move. He put his fingers in his ears to complain about the noise.

’You’ll annoy the neighbours.’

’It’s your fault for not talking properly.’

’I have no proof.’

’Just tell me the theory.’

’What came to my mind is only a possibility. If we head forward recklessly, we will be misled like with the last case.’

Gotou couldn’t deny that.

There was nothing more dangerous for a case than having preconceptions. If they didn’t look at all the possibilities, the carpet could be pulled out from underneath them.

But –

’What are you planning to do?’

’There isn’t anything to do but continue to straightforwardly investigate all areas, is there?’ Yakumo said with a yawn.

Well, it wouldn’t be as convenient as solving the case just from seeing the apartment. He wasn’t that discouraged, but he was still heavy-hearted.

’No going about it – I’ll reconsider everyone involved. Yakumo, you help too.’

’I would rather not.’

An immediate reply. Even if he was going to refuse, there had to be a better way to put it.

’Aren’t you curious?’

’I am curious, but I’m busy.’

’Busy? All you do is sleep,’ Gotou complained, a cigarette in his mouth.

’Honestly, have you already forgotten?’

Yakumo took the cigarette in Gotou’s mouth and handed it to Ishii.

’Forgotten what?’

’I have another case.’

That’s right –

The ghost of Sawaguchi Rika, who had committed suicide. Though Gotou hadn’t been the one to make the request, he couldn’t say he was unrelated.

Damn. This was really becoming troublesome.




’Honestly, he just does whatever he wants.’

Haruka walked down the road by the railroad as she looked at a memo.

Though she was half-hearted, she was following Yakumo’s instructions and going to meet the father of the woman called Sawaguchi Rika, who had committed suicide.

A train roared past, bringing a wave of hot air with it.

Yakumo had asked her to go talk to him while pretending to be a friend, but would she be able to do it well? She wasn’t proud of it, but she wasn’t the type of person who could adlib.

While dissatisfied at Yakumo, Haruka reached the place she was aiming for.

An old two-storey apartment made of wood. Sawaguchi Rika’s father lived in the corner room on the first floor.

Haruka kept looking back at the memo to make sure she hadn’t gotten the address wrong.

There’d be no problem if she acted naturally. She was just going to ask him a few questions.

Plus, she always caused trouble for Yakumo, so she should help out every once in a while.


Haruka gathered her determination and pressed the buzzer at the entrance with a trembling finger.

After waiting for a while, the door opened, and an old man with white stubble appeared.

He had an extremely stubborn-looking face and there were deep wrinkles on his forehead.

’U-um, is this Sawaguchi-san’s home?’

He nodded without saying anything.

’Ah, h-hello. My name is Ozawa Haruka. I was Rika-san’s friend. I was in the area so I wanted to put out incense for her....’

He stared at Haruka with a sharp gaze, and Haruka’s words fizzled out under that pressure.

– Yakumo, this is really bad. Haruka restrained the impulse to run away deep into her heart.

After looking at Haruka like he was evaluating her, he clicked his tongue.

She really had been found out. The feeling of wanting to give up spread through Haruka.

However, he kept the door open and turned away from Haruka to walk inside.

Did that mean he wanted her to come in?

’You’re putting out incense, right?’

While Haruka was hesitating, she heard his voice from the back of the room.

’Please excuse me. I’m coming in.’

Haruka went into the entrance after bowing, passed through the corridor and stepped into the tatami room at the back.

The room was six tatami in size with a Buddhist altar in it.

There were two tablets. One was Rika’s. The other was Rika’s dead mother’s.

There were white chrysanthemum flowers and manjuu[1] at the altar. It was well maintained.

Haruka felt bad for lying but she knelt in front of the altar.

There was a photo of a smiling woman.

She’s Sawaguchi Rika –

She had a smart and firm look, a cheerful and bright woman. That was the impression Haruka got.

When the photo had been taken, the woman probably had no idea what the future had in store for her.

That collapsed for her in an instant.

When Haruka thought about that, it made it hard to breath.

’What did you really come here to do?’

He said that while sitting cross-legged to Haruka, who had finished placing the incense and praying.


Haruka couldn’t find the words to reply in her surprise. She really couldn’t do adlib.

’You’re not Rika’s friend, right?’

’Why... do you think that?’

’You’re too young to be her friend. If she were alive, she’d already be twenty-seven.’

Now that he mentioned it, it was true. Haruka looked for an excuse, but she couldn’t find one. Plus, she had a question. If he knew she wasn’t a friend –


Why did he let Haruka into his home?

Haruka spoke, though she thought she would be crushed by her anxiety.

’You’re too nervous. I felt like Rika told me to let you in.’

His eyes narrowed and a sad expression appeared on his face.

She wasn’t sure if he would believe her, but she couldn’t lie to him. Haruka prepared herself to tell the truth.

’I am not acquainted with Rika-san. I’m really sorry for lying.’

She thought he would be angry, but she was wrong.

He looked at Haruka’s eyes silently. It seemed like he was waiting for her to continue.

Haruka took a deep breath and then started explaining the events that had brought her here.

Rika-san’s ghost was still wandering at the apartment.

If possible, she wanted to set her free, but she needed to find out why she died in order to do that.

She wanted him to tell her what he knew – anything was fine. If she had left anything behind, she wanted him to show her.

She didn’t think she explained it well like Yakumo, but she did the best she could.

’That’s ridiculous.’

When Haruka finished her explanation, he spat that out.

As she expected, it was no good.

Her feelings sank like she had fallen into a bottomless swamp –

’I had an older twin sister.’

Those words spilled out of Haruka’s mouth unconsciously.

Haruka herself didn’t understand why she had suddenly started talking about this. Though she felt doubtful, she couldn’t stop.

’But she died in an accident... I thought my sister might have resented me, so I’ve always been suffering. But recently, I finally found out my sister’s true feelings. You might wonder what this has to do anything. But even though the dead won’t come back, don’t you want to know the feelings the left behind?’

His lips were in a thin line and he didn’t reply.

’Perhaps your daughter – Rika-san – didn’t commit suicide.’

Haruka said the last bit like she was clearing out something that had been caught in her chest.

At first, she had been an outsider who was cooperating with Yakumo’s request, but at some point, she had empathised with Rika and really hoped that they would find out the truth.

’I want to know the truth, but how would someone like you that I don’t know anything about find out what I couldn’t for five years?’

’I can’t guarantee it.’

He snorted at Haruka’s reply like he had been made a fool of.

’Why are you doing something like this in the first place when it won’t do you any good?’

Haruka couldn’t reply. There would be no point in saying something hypocritical like ’I want to save her’ even if those were her true feelings.

’This is pointless,’ he said, refusing her bluntly, and stood up to leave the room.

My explanation really was no good –

It’d be fine if it was just her who was depressed, but she might have hurt him.

Haruka bit her lips to keep in the feelings building up inside her.


She looked up at the voice to see him standing there, when he had just left. He had a notebook with a red cover in his hand.

’Take it,’ he said curtly, and he held the notebook out towards Haruka.

Haruka accepted it, though she didn’t understand what was going on.

’What is this?’

’Rika’s diary.’

’Why are you giving me something so important?’

’I still don’t believe that Rika killed herself. Something horrible did happen to her, but Rika reported it to the police and was trying to get past it. Rika was so stout-hearted. She wouldn’t...’

His eyes were red, and he covered his face as he rubbed at his nose.

His feelings pierced through Haruka’s chest.

’I still think that Rika was killed – she didn’t kill herself, though the police didn’t believe me. Rika was a strong daughter. You’re the first person who’s told me that Rika didn’t kill herself. That’s why...’

His hoarse voice trailed off.

However, she understood even without hearing it. That’s why he was giving the diary to Haruka.

He had probably tried countless times to find out the truth behind the incident.

But he couldn’t do it. He still hadn’t given up now, after five years.

She was somebody he’d just met who might not know anything, but he saw a slight hope there.

’Please allow me to borrow this.’

Haruka stood up, bowed her head deeply and left the room.




After splitting up with Yakumo, Gotou first called Hata.

He wanted to know the results of the mobile phone’s bloodstain analysis.

<I thought you’d be contacting me soon. Since you’re impatient.>

After answering the call, Hata let out a strange giggle.

That was creepy. Demonic old man.

’So how was it?’

<That was genuine human blood.>

’W-what did you say...’

For Gotou, who had been hoping somewhere in his heart that the disappearance of the woman called Asami had been a prank, those were analysis results that denied it.

<Blood type O. Is that the same as the woman who disappeared?>


He felt dizzy as he replied.

<Though it’ll take some time, should I do a DNA test?>

’Yeah, thanks,’ Gotou said weakly, and he hung up the phone.

’Oi, Ishii. What do you think?’

Even though Gotou thought there was no point, he asked that question to Ishii in the driver’s seat.

Like he had been waiting for that, Ishii’s face lit up like a puppy’s before it got a treat.

’I think that she was whisked off to the spirit world by the vengeful ghost’s strong spiritual power.’


’The spirit world. Where people who have died go. The world after death.’

’You know.’

’In the past, there have been people who have gone to the spirit world temporarily while they were living. The gate that connects this world and that world is distorted somehow...’

What the hell is the spirit world? He should say something more convincing.

So, what to do now –

Gotou mulled over his thoughts while lighting his cigarette.

The beginning of this case was a get-together at a bar. Maybe he’d gather the members that had been there and talk to them.

Gotou called Makoto’s mobile phone the moment that came to his mind.

<Hello, this is Hijikata.>

After a few rings, Makoto answered the phone.

’It’s Gotou. You free now?’

<Actually, I was just thinking of calling you, Detective Gotou.>

Makoto’s tone was hurried.

If she was thinking of contacting me herself –

’Did something happen?’

<Kamiyama-san just called me, actually.>

’That exorcist?’

Gotou thought of the exorcist, black from head to toe.

Was he really the real thing? Gotou hadn’t arrived at that answer yet.

<Yes. He asked me to gather all the related parties in order to investigate the spiritual phenomenon.>

He can’t be thinking of doing the same thing –

’So what are you going to do?’

<I have contacted them to arrange a good time. If possible, Detective Gotou, I would appreciate it if you came as well...>

He had planned on going even if she hadn’t asked.

’Time and place?’

<It has been decided that we will meet at eight this evening in the bar. I will email you the address afterwards.>


Gotou spat out his cigarette and hung up.

If Kamiyama was there too, he had to call Yakumo again to have him check the situation.

Gotou called Yakumo’s number from his mobile.




Haruka tottered along while looking at her fingernails.

Though she’d gotten a big lead, that didn’t mean she was in high spirits.

Can we really find out the reason why Rika’s ghost is still wandering?

This diary is too heavy for me –

’You’ll fall if you walk like that.’

Haruka stopped at the voice.

She didn’t need to check. That voice and that tone – it was Yakumo. Yakumo stood in front of Haruka. She hadn’t noticed his arrival.

’Are you already done with what Gotou-san asked?’

’I thought it’d be dangerous with you by yourself. I came to check on you.’

Yakumo yawned.

’That so.’

’Well, with you looking like that, it seems like you were turned away.’

With a bitter smile, Yakumo ran his fingers through his messy hair.

She would normally get angry, but she didn’t feel like it right now.

Haruka handed the diary to Yakumo silently.

’What’s this?’

Yakumo was surprised – a first.

’Rika-san’s diary.’

’I see...’ Yakumo murmured as he took the diary.

The face of Rika’s father came up in Haruka’s head.

He still hadn’t accepted his daughter’s death after five years.

Following that image, her mother’s crying face on the day of her twin sister’s death came up.

’Rika-san’s father said his daughter didn’t commit suicide... but nobody believed him...’

’Does he have any basis for saying that it isn’t a suicide?’ Yakumo said disinterestedly.

Haruka felt incredibly angry. It wasn’t about basis or proof.

’That’s not it!’ she yelled, forgetting that she was at the side of a road.

’Rika-san’s father has been suffering by himself for so long... so...’

Haruka didn’t even know what she wanted to say herself.

Yakumo said something, but it was drowned out by the roar of the passing train and didn’t reach Haruka’s ears.


Tears fell from Haruka’s ears.

Why was she crying? She didn’t know. She didn’t know, but she couldn’t clear away the tight feeling in her chest or the feeling that a hole had opened up inside of her.

’My bad.’

Yakumo said that gently, completely different from how he usually spoke. He drew Haruka close so her head rested against his chest.

Her legs shook at the unexpected action.


’I gave you a tough time.’

She heard Yakumo’s voice close to her ear.

Though he normally wasn’t honest at all, the warmth of this contrary person slowly spread to her very core.

Haruka surrendered herself to that warmth and cried with all her heart.




Ishii parked his car in a coin-operated parking space.

He saw the entrance to Bar <Snake>, where the incident had begun, about ten metres ahead of him.

The neon sign with its red letters and black snake design gave an uncanny glow.

Gotou, in the passenger seat, tried to contact Yakumo countless times, but it seemed that he hadn’t been able to reach him.

Even though Ishii didn’t know how to deal with Yakumo, he had hoped that he would be with them this time. While he was a mystery to him, even Ishii understood that Yakumo’s insight and ability to see the spirits of the dead were indispensible to solving this case.

’That guy, running off at the crucial moment... well, fine. We’re going,’ Gotou said, glancing at his wristwatch.

’Er... do I really have to go?’

’Of course you do, idiot.’

Gotou’s fist came down on Ishii’s head.

Of course I do –

’Don’t dawdle.’

Gotou got off the car with a cigarette in his mouth.

’Y-yes sir.’

Ishii followed after him immediately.

There was nothing he could do this time. He would just be a hindrance. He had to be useful, even if just a little bit.

Ishii had gathered his emotions and started walking, but with timing like a surprise attack, something hit his shoulder from behind.


He shrieked in his surprise.

When he turned around, he saw Kamiyama standing there.

When he stood in the dim lighting with his black suit, it was uncanny how only his chiselled features stood out.

’So you came as well, detectives.’

’Ah, well...’

Before Ishii could finish his vague reply, Gotou cut in.

’We’re keeping watch to make sure you don’t pull any tricks,’ Gotou threatened, glaring at Kamiyama.

However, Kamiyama just accepted it with a smile.

’I won’t pull any tricks. I don’t have any expensive items to sell either.’

Just as he said, Kamiyama’s hands were empty.

Conversely, that made Ishii anxious.

’What’s your reason for sticking your neck in if you’re not selling stuff?’ Gotou asked, lighting his cigarette.

’At the first stage, I misunderstood the situation. Because of that, this is what the situation has become. Since I feel responsible, I would like to solve this case if I can. That’s all.’

’I hope that’s the truth.’

Gotou said that and then briskly went down the stairs that led to the bar in the basement.

’I wonder if he dislikes me.’

Kamiyama smiled self-derisively.

’Er, is this really OK?’ Ishii asked, turning his anxiety towards Kamiyama.

’What are you talking about?’

’If you’re going to be exorcising the spirit, won’t you need tools?’

’I said this before as well, but I can see the spirits of the dead. If anything, that is my tool.’

Kamiyama, looking full of confidence, followed Gotou down the stairs to the bar.

Please don’t leave me by myself –

Ishii followed the two of them down the stairs.




While Haruka boiled water in the kitchen, she looked at the six-tatami room. Even though she should have been used to her own flat, she felt a strange sense of discomfort. The reason for that was the person who was sitting while leaning against the bed – Yakumo.

He was flipping through the pages of the diary with a serious gaze.

Now that she thought more about it, they had known each other for more than half a year, but it was the first time that Yakumo had come into her room.

That made her a bit nervous.

Haruka took out two mugs, made hot cocoa for two and carried the mugs to her room.

’What is this?’

’Hot cocoa.’

’Even though it’s swelteringly hot?’ said Yakumo with a sigh.

He wasn’t cute at all. Haruka returned to the kitchen without saying anything, took out ice from the fridge and threw a large amount into Yakumo’s mug.

’Iced cocoa.’

Yakumo scowled and drank the cocoa.

Afterwards, he let out an ’Oh!’ in surprise and stared at his mug. She thought he was going to say something, but he just flipped through the diary pages and immersed himself in his task.

Does it taste good? Bad? Say something –

Haruka washed down her dissatisfaction with cocoa and sat on the cushion opposite Yakumo.

Then, she remembered how she had buried her head in Yakumo’s chest and cried earlier, and she went red all the way to her ears.

Though it had been embarrassing, at the same time, she had felt an enveloping warmth.

Did Yakumo think nothing of it at all?

Interrupting Haruka’s thoughts, Yakumo’s mobile phone started vibrating on the table.

’Your mobile’s ringing.’

’It’s Gotou-san.’

Yakumo didn’t look away from the diary.

’Is it OK for you not to answer?’

’It’s fine. That person should think by himself a bit more.’

’That’s strict of you.’

’That is a difference in opinion. This is also a form of kindness.’

That was a nice way of putting it.

After the mobile stopped vibrating, Yakumo stopped flipping the pages of the diary.

It seemed that he had found something.

Haruka peeked at it as well from the side. Rather than words, there was a design of a cross with something like a black cord coiled around it.

’What’s this?’

’Who knows,’ Yakumo said, running his fingers through his hair.

’I wonder if it has anything to do with her suicide.’

’I don’t know, but it seems like it is related to the assault.’


’This date. It’s the day she was assaulted.’

Yakumo pointed at the date written in the diary.

However, even if it seemed to be related at the current stage, they didn’t know what it meant.

Yakumo started flipping through the pages of the diary again. Haruka silently watched Yakumo.

With the page that the design was drawn on as a boundary, Yakumo’s expression became more suspicious. The contents of the diary had probably made an about-face after that date. Regardless of the actual person’s hopes and intentions, her life had changed.

Every day had probably been painful and difficult.

She felt a tight feeling in her abdomen just from imagining it, but that still was not even a fragment of the pain of a woman who had actually experienced it.

Even though the crime left such great injuries on its victims, the penalty imposed on the assailants was only a three-year sentence. If it was the first offence, there was a high chance that they would get a suspended sentence, which was equivalent to essentially nothing.

Finally, Yakumo took a deep breath and shut the diary.

Even Yakumo looked exhausted. He pinched his brow with his fingers and appeared to be thinking about something, but he suddenly looked up like he had thought of something.

’There’s something I’d like to ask you to do,’ Yakumo said with his eyes narrowed.

Eh, again –

Haruka readied herself. Since she had been helped so many times before, she didn’t mind helping out some, but she would like to hold back from something as difficult as the request Yakumo had made earlier.

’Don’t look so worried. It’s not anything difficult.’

It wasn’t something she could believe so easily.


’However, it’s slightly troublesome but simple work.’

Her sad nature as a woman was not being able to clearly refuse.




Gotou crossed his arms at the entrance of the bar and looked around.

Makoto, Shinichi and Yuuya, who had been at the scene, were sitting at the same table they had been that night, and the bartender was behind the counter, just as he had been.

Ishii, who looked like he couldn’t find a place for himself, was walking about nervously with shrugged shoulders.

In the centre of the bar stood Kamiyama.

It felt like he was going to put on a show.


Kamiyama clapped his hands together loudly and started speaking.

’Yesterday, everyone experienced a spiritual phenomenon here. Is that correct?’

Nobody replied to his question. However, Kamiyama didn’t appear to pay any attention to that and continued speaking.

’I believe you may already know, but Asami-san’s whereabouts became unknown last night. Suddenly, from a locked room...’

Kamiyama slowly started walking towards the table where the three of them sat.

Makoto’s face was pale, and she stared at him without moving. Shinichi was smoking with an unpleasant expression on his face, while Yuuya was tapping his foot like he couldn’t calm down.

After a beat, Kamiyama said, ’She disappeared.’

’She disappeared? There’s no way something as stupid as that happened.’

In his irritation, Shinichi put out his cigarette in the ashtray.

’No, this isn’t a lie. This is the work of a strong vengeful spirit. There are witnesses as well. Isn’t that right, Mr Detective?’

Kamiyama looked at Ishii sharply.

Ishii froze like his hands and feet had been bound, and he moved his lips like a fish, incapable of making a response.

’Asami did disappear from the room, but...’

Makoto answered for Ishii.

’I-is that true?’ asked the bartender from behind the counter, leaning forward as he did so.

’A woman did disappear, but that’s all. I don’t remember the police ever saying that a vengeful spirit did it!’

If he left the situation as it was, they would all be caught up in Kamiyama’s mood.

Gotou spoke wildly.

’In your position, Detective Gotou, you cannot help but say that, I see.’

Kamiyama’s smile was provocative.

It was infuriating, but Gotou closed his mouth, since he felt he would just get more caught up in Kamiyama’s words the more he objected.

’I will continue talking then. Regardless of the opinion of the police, I believe that Asami-san’s disappearance was the work of a vengeful spirit. Accordingly, I think it may be related to the spiritual phenomenon that you all experienced here.’

Kamiyama looked around at the faces of the people in the bar.

Everyone turned their eyes away from Kamiyama. There was an unpleasant silence.

’What do you want to say?’

Gotou cut in, unable to stand it.

’If my thinking is correct, everyone is in terrible danger.’

The bar grew noisy at Kamiyama’s words.

’This is just tasteless fraud, isn’t it?’

Shinichi’s language was harsh as he glared at Kamiyama.

’I have no intention of doing such.’

’You can’t be counted on. Nobody would honestly say they were going to.’

Shinichi’s complaint was natural. Nobody would reply ’Yes, I am’ if asked ’Are you a fraud?’.

’Well, it isn’t to be unexpected that you will not believe me. However, it is the truth.’

’Ridiculous,’ Shinichi muttered.

Kamiyama accepted those words with a bitter smile.

’There is one thing I would like to ask everyone. Could it be that strange phenomena have already started happening around you?’

At Kamiyama’s words, everyone started rustling.

’Something has happened, has it not?’

Kamiyama looked to the bartender, Makoto and Shinichi. Then, he looked to Yuuya, the youngest –

’A w-w-woman...’

Yuuya spoke, his gaze desperate.

’Shut it.’

Shinichi interrupted Yuuya without a moment’s delay.

However, Yuuya couldn’t stop now that he had opened his mouth.

’That woman was in my room and looked at me... “You die too!” That’s what she said...’

At the same time as he finished speaking, Yuuya held his head in his hands and let it hit the table.

’Um, actually I also got a call on my mobile phone today from an unknown number, and the person said, “Die.”’

Makoto spoke up to add to what Yuuya said.

’Er, I also heard the same words everyone else did last night at that locker.’

Even the bartender continued, pointing towards a locker by the lavatory.

I don’t want to accept it, but if everybody experienced the same thing –

Gotou lit his cigarette.

’I see. Then there is almost no mistaking it.’

Kamiyama looked up at the ceiling.

’Do you think you know what’s happening?’

Makoto stood up.

’Yes. Yesterday, I coincidentally met a woman’s ghost at an apartment. She held a very strong as well as deep resentment.’

’A woman’s ghost...’

’Her name was Sawaguchi Rika...’

’W-why’s she coming up?’

Gotou spoke up without thinking and drew closer to Kamiyama.

’It seems you know her.’

’You can’t be saying that Sawaguchi Rika’s the cause of this chain of spiritual phenomena.’

’That is exactly what I am saying. The spiritual phenomena that have been occurring around everyone are all her work.’

’Don’t be ridiculous! It’s not related at all!’ Gotou yelled, wanting to deny it wholeheartedly.

However, Kamiyama’s expression did not change a whit, and he looked straight back at him.

’I am not joking. She is wandering. Can you see them? Her pain, and her resentment.’

Kamiyama looked down and then opened each of his eyes with his hand and took something out.

’I can see them.’

He had taken out contact lenses. Upon looking up again, Kamiyama’s eyes were a flaming red.

This guy has red eyes too –


Ishii’s shriek echoed through the bar.

Gotou reflexively hit Ishii’s head and turned back to Kamiyama.

’Your eyes...’

’The spirits of the dead are reflected in my eyes.’

Kamiyama narrowed his eyes in the dim bar.

’You’re kidding.’

’I think that it is not a coincidence that everyone had gathered here.’

’What do you mean?’

Kamiyama smiled at Gotou’s question.

’I mean that one of the people here is the cause for her resentment. Of course, I won’t ask them to come forward. However, the person should know who they are. To disclose the truth...’

’That’s enough!’

Shinichi interrupted Kamiyama’s speech by hitting the table.

However, unlike Shinichi, who was agitated, Kamiyama did not seem concerned at all. He looked like he was observing a reaction he had expected –

’The missing Asami-san. She was carried off to the world after death, which is filled with suffering.’

’That’s insane.’



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