Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 31: Conflicting Ideals

Chapter 31: Conflicting Ideals

Babylon, year 11.

The tribe fell into chaos due to the wizards death. Men panicked, fearing that they would suffer under the rule of witches.

"Run away! It's not the Babylon of old anymore. It's hell!"

"Times have changed. The time of Gilgamesh, the heroic king, is over. It is now a dark age dominated by horrible witches!"

In their panic, they tried to escape from the tribe, preferring to take their chances against the wild beasts rather than stay in the tribe

"Circe cannot be forgiven!"

In the tribe, Medea and Cassandra stood facing each other, burning with anger. They calmed down the tribes warriors and decided to confront Circe. They had even resolved themselves to attack her if that was what it took.

They could no longer overlook her actions.

With the appearance of four more witches, they had enough power to protect the tribe and decided to suppress Circe once and for all. To their horror, they discovered that Circe had secretly grown much stronger than them over the years.

The two of them had to work together in order to suppress her.

Compared to the two good witches who had to suppress their emotions and desires, the Evil Witch Circe who freely used her powers and indulged in her desires had far less limits and was much stronger.

At this moment.

It was the 16th year of the Babylonian calendar.

The great guardian goddesses of Babylon, the three witches, were happily chatting while enjoying a bath. Things looked peaceful on the surface, but in reality, great tension lurked underneath this pleasant facade. After six years, Circes power was now at an unfathomable level, and the two of them could barely fight her to a draw even when working together.

"Well? My dear sisters, are you sure you don't want to try this?"

Circe gently stirred the water with her lily white hand. She lovingly looked at her sisters. "Instead of repressing yourselves all the time, indulging in your desires is the better way to practice and grow as a witch."

Medea smiled as she soaked in the spring. She tried to persuade her sister: "No, Circe. I don't think this is right. What will become of the tribe if we join you?"

Circe's alluring face turned serious as she considered the question. She quickly came up with a blueprint for a brighter future: "We will be the rulers of our tribe. Women will be in charge of defending the tribe. Men will be in charge of mating and producing offspring. We witches will have a few strapping men serve us each month. They can only be used once, but at least they will be able to die in bliss."

"That's tyranny."

Medea gently replied. "That would make us no different than the Hero King Gilgamesh, and the brutal Sumerians who had dared to defy God. Thats going against civilization and embracing savagery, which is not something that an intelligent species should do Do you know the role of history, the reason why the great Hero King had ordered it to be recorded back then?"

"What is the role of history?" Circe smiled and asked.

"The role of history is for us to understand the greatness of our predecessors and the hardships they faced when going against nature. Its so that we can select the right path based on the experiences of our forebears. Your path is one of savagery, not civilization. Youre following in the ancient Sumerians footsteps."

Medea continued: "Are you not afraid that we will call down a second apocalyptic great flood?"


Fear appeared on Circe's face.

The stronger she became, the more fearful she felt.

Right now, she could only kill an Arrah great beast with ease. Compared to the mighty Hero King of legend, she was hundreds of times weaker. Even the great being who could challenge the behemoth Fenba had died

Circe breathed roughly. After a slight pause, she laughed out loud.


She smiled alluringly. Submerged under water, her lily white body was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Pfft! Don't lie to me, sister. I'm not trying to provoke the Creator, and I'm not going to destroy other species and ruin the ecosystem. I may be a tyrant, but its only an internal struggle within the human race. He wouldnt care."

Circe smiled smugly. "Your progress over the recent years has been too slow, less than a third of mine. My method of cultivation is the quickest and the most enjoyable, why care about the men?"

Medea loudly retorted: "Your method of cultivation is too evil and has led you astray. We must search for the proper way to hone our powers."

Circe stopped speaking. Her face had grown cold. "If I can't convince you, then I can only use force to make you do as I wish."

She had a complicated expression on her face. "I never wanted to kill you two. Over the long years, you were my only true companions. We three sisters only have each other. You will come to understand that your little sister's choice is correct and I'm doing this for your own good. I just know that once youve followed my path, you will love it and understand my reasons."


Circe's face grew cold. An extremely frigid and eerie spiritual aura spread from her body, causing ripples in the water. "I will force you to accept men!!!"

"You've actually grown this strong."

Medea and Cassandra's faces contorted in dismay.


At that moment, the four beautiful witches appeared in an area beside the pool. They held black wooden staffs, and were draped in exquisite furs, with crowns of fresh flowers on their heads. It was obvious that Medea had also prepared for this. She planned to unite the power of all witches to defeat the unimaginably powerful and evil Circe. She could not be allowed to do as she pleased any longer.


"So what if you work together?"

Circe's violent power abruptly rose.

The water in the pool started to foam. The terrifying spiritual pressure caused turbulent ripples to spread, and dazed fishes floated to the surface.

"So this is the power of a witch?"

At that moment, a gentle voice suddenly interrupted them.

It came from a strange creature that they have never seen before, a mysterious three-eyed crow with black feathers. Before they even noticed, it had been standing there amid the trees, quietly observing them.


The witches were shaken.

Their spiritual aura covered the entire place. Medea and Cassandra fiercely defended their chastity, and no stupid and lustful tribesman could sneak into this place to spy on the three of them bathing. The consequence of forcing their way in would be an unbearable headache.

But now


All the witches present, including Circe, acted at the same time. Their fierce mental attacks converged together, and they acted as one to remove this unstable factor.

They were extremely decisive.

This convergence of spiritual power was so malignant and deadly that even the most fearsome giant beast would die in an instant, but their attack had absolutely no effect on the three-eyed black crow. It was as if it had been swallowed up by an endless void.

"How is this possible!?"

The three witches stared at the three-eyed crow in terror. "What kind of power is this"

"It's the power of meditation." Xu Zhi spoke from his perch on the tree branch.


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