She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 60: 060: See Through the Mask, Mrs. Lu

Chapter 60: 060: See Through the Mask, Mrs. Lu

Chapter 60 060: See through the mask, Mrs. Lu

Hearing this, Mrs. Lu still frowned slightly, "Will you cry when you see a stray dog dying?"

It's not like Mrs. Lu has never seen an emotional person.

But it was the first time she saw someone as emotional as Fang Hongyu.

Although the stray dogs are pitiful, they are not dogs raised since childhood. It is natural for a dog to cry when it dies, but without any emotion, she does not know how Fang Hongyu cried out. .

Fang Youling nodded, "Yes."

Old lady Lu narrowed her eyes, "Then she is really a sentimental child."

After saying a word, Mrs. Lu said again: "But don't you think it's fake?"

Old lady Lu also likes dogs very much.

I also raised it in the early years.

On the day the pet dog died, she cried all day without eating, and vowed never to have a dog again.

Hearing this, Fang Hongyu froze.

Old lady Lu said again: "Some kindness can be pretended."

Fang Youling and her husband started from scratch and developed the Tang family into what it is today. Naturally, she is not an ordinary person.

But she has been busy looking for her daughter in recent years, how can she have time to think about the people around her one by one?


Fang Hongyu has always been a good niece in her heart.

Once Fang Hongyu puts on a gentle and kind filter, she will never be able to see the essence through the phenomenon.

But Mrs. Lu is different.

Her opponent Hongyu didn't have any filter, so she could spot the problem at a glance.

Now that the conversation has reached this point, the old lady Lu looked at Fang Youling, and continued: "Youling, I don't think your niece is a simple person. If our life is a palace fighting drama, then she will take It's also Concubine Hua's script no matter what."

Concubine Hua focuses on palace scheming.

Fang Hongyu is also staging a scheming film.

The old lady Lu hadn't paid much attention to Fang Youling before, and hadn't gotten along with her much, so naturally she didn't know what kind of person she was.

Can get along through these few days.

Old lady Lu felt that Fang Hongyu was showing weirdness in everything.

Although Tang Qiushui was in school on the day she lost.

But these can't make it clear that Fang Hongyu has nothing to do with this matter.

Hearing this, Fang Youling looked up at Mrs. Lu, "Sister A Yao, I watched Hongyu grow up. I don't think she is like this kind of person."

Mrs. Lu understood that Fang Youling couldn't accept such a fact for a while, so she patted her hand, "Is she the kind of person you said was right, and I said yes. You just need to be more careful in your future life." .

Yes, the fox will always show its tail.

I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet.

As the words fell, the old lady Lu continued: "Take today's incident as an example, who would give a beggar thousands of dollars at once? Obviously, she wants to perform in front of you, to strengthen her respect for you." The impression of tenderness and kindness in my heart."

In fact, this is also a kind of mind control.

To use a very popular word on the Internet, it is the CPU.

Ms. Lu keeps pace with the times, often watches short videos, and has also listened to courses from psychologists. Therefore, she can see very clearly what Fang Hongyu does in front of her.

But Fang Youling is different. In addition to being busy with business matters, Fang Youling is looking for her daughter every day. How can she have time to listen to psychology classes, let alone watch short videos? Same.

If it was about doing business, Fang Youling could put Mrs. Lu in a sack and sell it, and Mrs. Lu would happily count the money for Fang Youling.

But in terms of human nature.

Obviously, Mrs. Lu sees more clearly than Fang Youling.

From Fang Hongyu's point of view, he could just see what Old Madam Lu said out of the corner of her eye.

But because of the distance, I couldn't hear the specific content clearly.

Fang Hongyu understands Fang Youling, but does not understand Mrs. Lu. Sometimes the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear.

What if the old lady Lu said something unpleasant, and Fang Youling listened to it again.

Then her hard work for so many years was in vain?


She has been in the Tang family for so many years, taking care of the inside and outside, and working so hard, why was she disintegrated by one or two words from Mrs. Lu?

Fang Hongyu's expression remained unchanged, she said a few decent words to the beggars, then walked to the side of the two elderly people, sighed and said: "It was really difficult for that person just now, he was homeless at a young age, and he was terminally ill. I think he is about the same age as Qiushui's younger sister, so I couldn't help but give him more money for a while, hoping that he can grow flowers all the way in the days to come and not suffer any more."

At the end, Fang Hongyu's eyes turned red.

One sentence has two meanings.

She seemed to be pitying the beggar, but she was actually pitying Tang Qiushui.

Tang Qiushui has been living outside for so many years, who knows if he has also been reduced to begging on the street?

In the Tang family, she never shy away from mentioning Tang Qiushui, because people only subconsciously avoid a certain topic when they are guilty.

And Tang Qiushui is Fang Youling's biggest weakness.

Hearing the words, Fang Youling's eyes were also a little red, and he turned his head to look in the direction where the beggar left.


Fang Hongyu is right, her Qiushui is about the same age as that person.

Saw him.

She seemed to see her daughter who had been missing for many years.

Thinking that Tang Qiushui might be like this beggar at this time, living on the street, seeing all the eyes of others, Fang Youling's heart hurts so much that he can't breathe.

Old lady Lu looked at Fang Hongyu calmly, feeling the urge to give her a thumbs up.


It is too high.

She said a lot of words, which made Fang Youling wary of Fang Hongyu, but Fang Hongyu only used one sentence to make those words fall apart instantly.

If what Fang Hongyu did was sincere, it would be Fang Youling's blessing.

But if everything is as I thought.

It's frightening to think about it carefully.

Old lady Lu's face remained unchanged, she looked at Fang Hongyu, "Hongyu, you are a kind and filial boy, no wonder your aunt likes you so much."

After the words fell, the old lady Lu took Fang Youling's hand, "If it were me, I would like it too!"

Defenses can not do without.

Before finding out Fang Hongyu's true face.

Old lady Lu would naturally not reveal her true attitude towards her.


Anyone can.


Half an hour later.

The car stopped at the gate of the Tang Family Manor.

Fang Hongyu got off the front seat, ran to the back seat and opened the door, "Auntie, Aunt Jin, we're home."

After finishing speaking, she helped the two old people get out of the car.

Several people just arrived home.

Lu Tang hurriedly ran over from the inner room, "Mom! Mom!"

"Tangtang, what's wrong?" Fang Hongyu looked up at her daughter.

Lu Tang said anxiously, "Grandpa, grandpa passed out!"

Passed out.

Hearing this, Fang Hongyu turned pale, "What's going on?"

Lu Tang was so worried that he was about to cry, "Grandpa said he would go for a walk in the garden first, so I went with him. Unexpectedly, he passed out while walking."

Fang Hongyu tried her best to calm herself down, took a deep breath, "Have you notified old doctor Wu?"

"It has been notified."

"That's good," Fang Hongyu looked at Lu Tang, and then said, "Tangtang, then you go to the door and wait for old doctor Wu." "Okay."

Lu Tang quickly ran towards the door.

Old lady Lu looked at Fang Hongyu, "Hongyu, did your uncle faint before?"

Fang Hongyu shook her head, "No."

Although Tang Shaowei has a history of hypertension.

But it was the first time that I fainted.

Fang Youling was trembling all over, looking at the old lady Lu, "Sister A Yao, do you think Shaowei will be okay?"

Daughter has no news so far.

If anything happened to Tang Shaowei, she would die.

"No," Mrs. Lu helped Fang Youling, who was nearly limp, "Don't Lao Tang have high blood pressure? It's normal for high blood pressure to faint sometimes. Don't worry, let's go see him now."

Fang Hongyu also came to support Fang Youling, "Auntie, Aunt Jin is right, uncle will be fine!"

Soon, the three came to the east courtyard.

Tang Shaowei was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his lips turned blue, and he was in critical condition.

Fang Youling knelt in front of the bed, tightly holding Tang Shaowei's hand, "Old man, old man, did you hear me?"

Tang Shaowei did not respond.

Fang Hongyu paced back and forth in the room, constantly looking at the clock hanging on the wall.

Old lady Lu is also very anxious.

she was thinking.

It would be great if Lin Wu was here at this time.

Lin Wu is so powerful, she will definitely wake up Tang Shaowei.

Da da da-

While everyone was anxious, there were footsteps in the air.

Then came Lu Tang's voice.

"Mom, grandma, old genius doctor Wu is here!"

Language falls.

A figure carrying a medicine box appeared in front of everyone.

Old Mrs. Lu originally thought that old genius doctor Wu was an old man with a long beard and gray hair.

did not expect.

The other party turned out to be an old lady who was as kind and friendly as she was.

Appears to be about seventy years old.

The facial features are not so delicate, but they give people a very friendly feeling, which makes people want to get closer.

Wearing a dark green cheongsam, with silver hair coiled behind his head, he is carrying a quaint medicine chest.

The face seems to be covered with a veil, which is quite mysterious.

Seeing someone coming, Fang Hongyu immediately stood up and said excitedly, "Aunt Wu, you are finally here."

Old genius doctor Wu was originally named Wu Muzhen.

She and Fang Youling met on the way to find their daughter ten years ago.

At that time, Fang Youling contracted a very rare infectious disease on the way.

High fever to forty degrees.

Almost died.

If it weren't for the old genius doctor Wu to rescue him in time, he might have died in Huangquan long ago.


She trusts Wu Muzhen very much.

Hearing this, Wu Muzhen nodded, and continued: "I've heard about Tangtang's situation, and it shouldn't be a big problem. You don't have to worry about it."

After saying a word, Wu Muzhen walked to the bed, stretched out her hand and lifted Fang Youling who was kneeling on the ground, "It's cold on the ground, get up quickly!"

Fang Youling looked up at Wu Muzhen, grabbed her hand, "Muzhen, please."

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

At the end of the sentence, Wu Muzhen put the wooden box aside, and began to feel Tang Shaowei's pulse.

All eyes in the room were on Wu Muzhen.

He didn't even dare to take a breath.

After a while, Wu Muzhen let go of Tang Shaowei's wrist, found a cyan porcelain bottle from the medicine box, poured out a black pill from it, and fed it to him.

Seeing this, Fang Hongyu immediately asked: "Aunt Wu, how is my uncle's health?"

Wu Muzhen smiled and said: "Your uncle has some underlying illnesses, plus he has been worrying over the past few days, which is why he fainted. I just gave him a Qingxin pill. If there is no accident, he will recover immediately. can wake up."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Shaowei opened his eyes.

It's a miracle!

Seeing his wife wake up, Fang Youling immediately rushed over to grab his hand, "Old man, are you okay? I was scared to death just now!"

"It's okay." Tang Shaowei patted her head with a smile, "Why are you still crying so much like when you were young?"

She loves to cry so much.

If he is gone.

How does she live alone in this world?

Thinking of this, Tang Shaowei's eyes dimmed.

Seeing Tang Shaowei wake up, Fang Hongyu also heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Wu Muzhen, "Aunt Wu, you are such a genius doctor!"

Wu Muzhen said with a smile: "Where is my genius doctor, it is your uncle who is auspicious."

Fang Youling looked at Wu Muzhen, and asked with some uncertainty: "Muzhen, is Shaowei really alright?"

"What? You still don't believe me?" Wu Muzhen asked with a smile.

Wu Muzhen saved her life, but if she can't, who does Wu Muzhen trust?

If it wasn't for Wu Muzhen, she would have died long ago.

Hearing this, Fang Youling was relieved.

Wu Muzhen put away the medicine box, and continued: "There are still a few patients in the clinic today, I have to go back immediately."

Although Fang Youling offered to hire Wu Muzhen as the family doctor of the Tang family with a high salary, she refused.

Wu Muzhen insisted on self-reliance.

As a strong woman, Fang Youling appreciates her character very much.

Hearing the words, Fang Youling looked at Fang Hongyu, "Hongyu, send you Aunt Wu back."

Although there is a driver at home, it is different for Fang Hongyu to personally deliver.

Wu Muzhen refused: "Don't bother the child, just let the driver take it off."

Fang Hongyu said: "Aunt Wu, if I don't send you back today, my aunt will definitely talk about it all day. Just give me this opportunity!"

Unable to refuse, Wu Muzhen had no choice but to agree.

Fang Hongyu followed Wu Muzhen's footsteps, and the two came to the door.

The driver has already driven the car over.

Fang Hongyu looked at the driver with a smile, "Xiao Li, come down. I'll take Old Miracle Doctor Wu back."

"Okay." Xiao Li got off the driver's seat.

Fang Hongyu opened the door of the passenger car, "Aunt Wu, please."

Wu Muzhen nodded and got into the car.

Fang Hongyu walked around to the driver's seat on the other side, and started the car at a leisurely pace.

Not long after, the car slowly left the Tang Family Manor.

Fang Hongyu held the steering wheel with both hands, looked ahead, and then said, "Aunt Wu, how is my uncle's health? Please tell me the truth."

Before Wu Muzhen could speak, Fang Hongyu continued: "My sister hasn't been found yet. If even my uncle can't survive, my aunt will definitely have a nervous breakdown. At that time, the big Tang family will face a situation where there will be no one to inherit it." Situation! So no matter what happens, please make sure that my uncle is in good health and spends this year safe and sound."

"Don't worry," Wu Muzhen lowered her head and straightened the skirt of the cheongsam, "With me here, your uncle will be fine."

Good morning everyone~

There are two more~


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