She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 51: 051: Come to the hospital immediately

Chapter 51: 051: Come to the hospital immediately

Chapter 51 051: Come to the hospital immediately

Lin Wu's words were in a light tone, but every word came to the ground with sound.

Lin Guixiang was vacillating at first, and she even wanted to accept Lin Guimei's suggestion, instead of going to a skin care store to take care of business, she would find a job washing dishes.

Because for a woman, nothing is more important than innocence.

But now hearing Lin Wu's words, she suddenly felt full of strength.


Those who clean up clean themselves.

One hundred dollars will always be one hundred dollars. No matter how trampled or talked about, it will not affect its value because of these external factors.

Only waste paper will be affected by the external environment.

If she suddenly doesn't go to the skin care store at this time, people will definitely think that she has a guilty conscience so she doesn't go.

Thinking about this, Lin Guixiang looked at Lin Guimei, "Xiaowu is right, we will not only continue to do this business, but also do it better!"

She wants to prove to everyone that she is not a piece of paper.

Hearing this, Lin Guimei only found it ridiculous.

Lin Guixiang and Lin Wu, mother and daughter, are they not waste paper?

Waste paper can also become a material for ignition.

One of them is a second-hand item that was abandoned.

One is a little country girl with high eyesight and low hands.

Lin Guimei looked at Lin Guixiang, "Sister, you want to prove that your idea is very good, but the question is how do you prove it? Is the business really that good now? Although the salary for washing dishes is a bit low, it is enough to keep your mother There must be no problem for the two of you to live in Qingshi. Although you have bought a shop in South Street, you can't just sit and eat, right?"

Needless to think, Lin Guixiang must be ashamed of washing dishes.

Ke Lin Guixiang is illiterate and illiterate, what decent job can she find?

Lin Guixiang didn't agree with Lin Guimei's words, she frowned and said:

"Xiaowu's skin care products are very effective, and the business has been very good recently. We won't sit back and eat."

As soon as these words came out, the mocking color in Lin Guimei's eyes almost came out.

Business is good?

Skincare products that work well?

Lin Guixiang is dreaming?

What kind of skin care products can Lin Wu, a yellow-haired girl, make?

Not bad face is the blessing of the Bodhisattva.

Illiteracy is illiteracy, even if she has already said this, Lin Guixiang still can't understand.

After finishing speaking, Lin Guixiang continued: "And now that I have learned how to read, I will try my best to make myself better, so as not to drag Xiaowu down. I won't embarrass you either."

Under the light, Lin Guixiang's eyes were full of determination.

Lin Guimei looked at her sister, slightly stunned for a moment.

During this period of time, she didn't communicate with her sister too much. Every time they met each other in a hurry, they went home. Now seeing Lin Guixiang face to face, she suddenly found that Lin Guixiang had changed a lot since she first came to Qingshi. few.

Her face is not so yellow anymore, the spots on her face are reducing, and even her temperament has improved a lot.

A month ago, when she stood with Lin Guixiang, others would suspect that they were mother and daughter.

Available now.

Who would doubt that they are mother and daughter?

If this continues, everyone may suspect that Lin Guixiang is the younger sister!

Somehow, Lin Guimei's mother-in-law's warning suddenly sounded in her ears.

Lin Guixiang does have some looks.

If you can marry a native of Qingshi, you will definitely be able to live a prosperous life.

So, from the very beginning when she came to join her, Lin Guixiang had a purpose!

Lin Guixiang really thinks that Qingshi natives are easy to marry?

She doesn't look in the mirror to see what virtue she has.

Still learning to read?

If Lin Guixiang learns to read, the sow can also climb trees!

Lin Guimei's expression remained unchanged, "Sister, whether you learn to read or start a business, I will support you, because these are the existences that witness your progress. But while making progress, we must also learn to see ourselves clearly. Ming Knowing that it is impossible, if you continue to move forward, you will only be bloody. As a younger sister, I still hope that you can think about what I said, dishwashing is also shameful with your own hands, and it is not shameful."

The implication is that it is shameful to do things that are not visible.

Hearing this, Lin Wu frowned slightly.

When Lin Guimei heard someone talking about Lin Guixiang behind her back, her first reaction was not to help protect her sister.

Instead, let my sister stop doing business.

This kind of behavior is no different from those who talk about Lin Guixiang behind his back!

Even worse.

"Auntie, I know you have good intentions. But how to go on the next road, how to do business, it is the business of me and my mother. Thank you for always thinking about us, but the way of me and my mother is just Don't bother you to worry about it."

Lin Wu's words are very euphemistic.

She was indirectly reminding Lin Guimei not to meddle in her own business.

Who is Lin Guimei?

Can she fail to understand the meaning of Lin Wu's words?

Lin Wu really doesn't know what to do!

If Lin Guixiang wasn't her sister, would she talk so much?

Although Lin Guimei was furious, she still gritted her teeth in order to maintain her demeanor: "Okay! Xiaowu, since we have already talked about this, then I will not say anything. I wish you a prosperous business. Make money every day!"

After saying this, Lin Guimei turned around and left.

Looking at Lin Guimei's back, Lin Guixiang sighed softly, and looked at Lin Wu, "Xiao Wu, do you think we offended your aunt? Anyway, she is also kind, do you think I should give it to her?" Apologize?"

If she wasn't Lin Guimei's sister, I believe Lin Guimei wouldn't do anything extra.

Lin Wu could understand Lin Guixiang's mood at this time. As an older sister, she always considered issues from the other party's point of view.

But this behavior is no different from the Virgin.

It will definitely suffer in the future.

What she has to do now is to correct Lin Guixiang's three views and completely change her appearance.

It's useless just to make your face look pretty!

Lin Wu frowned slightly, "Mom, if she was really kind, she wouldn't come to compromise with you when you were wronged and misunderstood. As a younger sister, her first thought should be to maintain your innocence, not step on Your dignity stands on the moral high ground to accuse you!"

This behavior is really disgusting.

Lin Guixiang opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but felt that what her daughter said was very reasonable, so she had nothing to refute.

"You are a typical pleasing personality. No matter what happens, you will always find problems on yourself. Have you ever thought that the problem is actually on the other party from the beginning to the end? For the sake of your younger siblings, you have Lost yourself, mom, I hope you can learn how to love yourself for the rest of your life!"

In the past, Lin Wu said so much, Lin Guixiang must not understand.

But not now.

She was stunned for a while, immersed in Lin Wu's words for a long time, but she didn't realize it. It took a long time before she looked at Ke Lin Wu and nodded.

The next morning.

The Lu family's old house.

Lu Lingli yawned and walked to the dining room. Mrs. Lu and Lu Ye were already sitting at the dining table talking.

Looking at the radiant old lady Lu, Lu Lingli was a little surprised and said, "Grandma, why have you lost so many spots on your face? Have you changed your skin care products recently?"

Not only are the spots gone, but even the complexion is much better.

This is also amazing.

"It's time to change the skin care products." Mrs. Lu nodded.

Lu Lingli's eyes widened, "What brand is it?"

Old lady Lu continued: "It's the domestic skin care product Beauty Yin that you looked down upon before."

Hearing this, Lu Lingli's eyes were full of disbelief.

Beauty chanting?

"The one who has never heard of it?"

"Yes." Mrs. Lu said.

Getting the correct answer, Lu Lingli's eyes widened.

At this time, Bai Lu and Lu Wenyu also came in from the outside. Hearing the conversation between the two, Bai Lu said, "Mom, don't be too happy. Some fake and inferior skin care products take a month to see side effects."

The old lady Lu has only used it for half a month.

After the words fell, Bai Lu looked at Lu Lingli again, "Lingli, don't use it foolishly."

Lu Lingli nodded, "Then I will wait another month."

My mother is right. Nowadays, there are many unscrupulous companies doing everything they can to make money. She can't lose her mind for the momentary beauty.

The old lady Lu looked at the mother and daughter, "Wait! Even if you two wait until the end of time, you won't wait until Meirenyin has an accident. Also, don't blame me for not reminding you, Meirenyin is currently applying for membership outside, and she will be in a month's time." There is no such good thing. You wont be able to become a member by then, so dont blame me for not reminding you.

Bai Lu smiled and said, "Mom, do you really believe in the gimmicks of those unscrupulous merchants?"

Membership cannot be done when it expires. These are just means to deceive consumers.

Only Mrs. Lu believed it!

It's too late to cry.

After finishing speaking, Bai Lu continued: "You just trust others too easily! Didn't that little girl also say that the mole on your hand is cancer?"

Hearing this, Lu Lingli seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the old lady Lu, "Grandma, how is the result of the biopsy you went to the hospital?"

Bai Lu smiled and said: "Your grandma was fooled, how can a mole be cancer."

Hearing this, the old lady Lu said: "Xiao Wu is not a liar, she may just be delusional! No one is a sage, even a sage can make mistakes, let alone her?"

Bai Lu was speechless.

What time is this, the old lady is still protecting that liar!

At this moment, the phone rang in the living room. The servant picked up the phone, and then trotted to Lu Wenyu with the microphone: "Sir, your phone."

Lu Wenyu took the microphone, "Hello, where?"

The voice of Dean An came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Lu, I am An Zhenbang. The old lady's biopsy report came out, and the result is not very good. The melanin has cancer. Please take the old lady to the hospital immediately. trip!"

Good morning everyone~

See you tomorrow~



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