She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 291: 291: Found! It was the future elder who was offended

Chapter 291: 291: Found! It was the future elder who was offended

Old Mrs. Ouyang just looked at Lin Wu with a smile in her eyes.

When she reached her age, she thought she would have no successors, but she never expected that God would give her such an outstanding and unique granddaughter.

While arranging Lin Wus hair, she thought silently in her heart:

"Old man, have you seen everything in the sky? Our granddaughter is very beautiful and smart. I believe she can support our Ouyang family."


My wife was unlucky. She didn't know that the Ouyang family had a queen until her death.

Thinking of this, Old Mrs. Ouyang continued: "Ah Wu, if your grandfather was still alive, he would definitely be happier than me."

What Mr. Ouyang envied most back then was families with grandchildren.

Grandma, Lin Wu asked curiously, What kind of person is grandpa?

"He is a strange little old man." Speaking of her wife, Mrs. Ouyang's lips curved, "Except for a bad life, everything is fine."

Grandma, dont say that, Lin Wu patted Old Mrs. Ouyangs hand and comforted her, Sometimes the end is also a new beginning.

Old Mrs. Ouyang nodded, "Ah Wu, you are right, the end is also a new beginning."

Perhaps that old man who was short-lived is living a good life in heaven now.

Soon, Mrs. Ouyang had an exquisite hairstyle, "Xiao Wu, do you think this will work?"

Lin Wu has three makeup artists tonight.

But because the elders hair buns have a special meaning in the capital, Mrs. Ouyang did it herself.

Lin Wu looked at herself in the mirror and said with a smile: "Okay, it looks very good! Grandma, you are so awesome."

Old Mrs. Ouyang looked at her granddaughter lovingly, "If you like it, grandma will tie your hair up every day from now on."

Okay. Lin Wu nodded slightly.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Who is it? Old Mrs. Ouyang asked.

Mom, its me.

Ouyang Yi's voice came from inside.

Come in. Old Mrs. Ouyang said.

The next second, Ouyang Yi opened the door and came in from the outside.

Mom, the time is almost up.

The auspicious time set is six o'clock in the evening.

Now that the guests have basically arrived, as the host, it is time for Old Mrs. Ouyang to go outside to entertain the guests.

As for Lin Wu.

It is natural to wait for the auspicious time to arrive before making the final appearance.

I know. Old Mrs. Ouyang nodded.

Looking at Lin Wu's face, Ouyang Yi exclaimed: "My daughter is so beautiful tonight."

"You mean I wasn't beautiful before?" Lin Wu looked at Ouyang Yi.

Of course not! Ouyang Yi continued: Awu, you will always be the most beautiful in dads eyes!

Then if I am the most beautiful, where is my mother? Lin Wu looked at Ouyang Yi.

Ouyang Yi: "." My biological daughter!

Digging holes for him to jump into as much as possible.

Fortunately he is smart.

"Your mother is naturally the most beautiful. It is precisely because of her beauty that she was able to give birth to a little beauty like you."

Hearing this, Lin Wu chuckled happily.

Big beauty, little beauty?

Ouyang Yi is good at using adjectives.

Old Mrs. Ouyang looked at Lin Wu and continued: "Xiao Wu, your father and I will go to the front hall to entertain the guests first. Xiao Zhou will take you to the front hall at six o'clock."

Okay. Lin Wu nodded slightly.

Old Mrs. Ouyang and Ouyang Yi walked outside, "Where is Qiushui?"

Shes over there.

Old Mrs. Ouyang continued: "We are going to entertain the guests. How can we do without her as the future hostess? Go and call her over."

Ouyang Yi and Lin Guixiangs relationship is very stable now.

Although the two of them have no plans to obtain the certificate yet, in the eyes of old Mrs. Ouyang, she is already the future hostess of the Ouyang family.

I just want to take advantage of today to introduce Lin Guixiang in front of everyone.

Okay mom.

Soon, Ouyang Yi called Lin Guixiang.


Old Mrs. Ouyang smiled and held Lin Guixiang's hand, "Qiushui, I look forward to the day when you can change your name to 'Mom' like Yi'er."

As if he did not expect that Old Mrs. Ouyang would suddenly say such a sentence, Lin Guixiang was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red.

Ouyang Yi frowned slightly and looked at Old Mrs. Ouyang, "Mom, if you want to say something, just say it to me. Don't make fun of Qiu Shui! She will be embarrassed."

He likes Lin Guixiang.

like very much.

So he didnt want to see Lin Guixiang suffer any injustice, even if it was just a joke.

Seeing that her son was so anxious, Mrs. Ouyang chuckled and looked at Lin Guixiang, "Qiu Shui, although our Yi'er is a straight-headed man who doesn't know how to adapt and doesn't understand the love between children, but I can guarantee that whether it is now or not From now on, as long as he is with you for a day, he will never say anything sorry to you!"

Although she has not been in contact with Ouyang Yi for a long time, Lin Guixiang knows that what Mrs. Ouyang said is not an exaggeration at all.

I have been getting along with Ouyang Yi for a while, and there has never been any conflict or disagreement between them.

Furthermore, Ouyang Yi is different from Mu Bacheng.

Mu Bacheng will subconsciously avoid problems or lie to cover up the truth.

But Ouyang Yi doesn't.

Ouyang Yi will not lie, let alone avoid. He will choose to face and solve problems intuitively.

When something happens, he will share it with her as soon as possible instead of hiding it.

And when faced with a problem, he never chooses to procrastinate, let alone let the problem stay overnight.

In the past, Lin Guixiang didn't know what a sense of security was.

After experiencing this relationship, Lin Guixiang realized that it was the sense of security that young people now talk about.

Everything is settled and everything is responded to.

Sometimes a girl's happiness is actually very simple, but it is just over-understood by thoughtful people.

After finishing one sentence, Old Mrs. Ouyang continued: "By the way, Qiushui, I heard that your brother and sister-in-law from your mother's side are also here! Please take me to identify them."

Okay, aunt, come with me, my brother and the others are over there.

Old Mrs. Ouyang followed Lin Guixiang's footsteps.

Ouyang Yi had already met Lin Bingqiang and Zhao Cuinong in advance. Someone called him at this time, so he didn't go there together.

Lin Guixiang brought Old Mrs. Ouyang to Lin Bingqiang and Zhao Cuinong.

"Aunt, this is my brother Lin Bingqiang, this is my sister-in-law Zhao Cuinong, and this is their child. My nephew Lin Guodong, nicknamed Jelly." After finishing her words, Lin Guixiang continued: "Qiangzi, Cuinong, This is Xiaowus grandma.

Old Mrs. Ouyang has a full head of hair, wearing a dark green cheongsam and a shawl of the same color. At first glance, she looks like a kind-hearted old lady.

Lin Bingqiang and Zhao Cuinong are also sincerely happy that their niece can know their biological grandmother and biological father.

Before Mrs. Ouyang could speak, Lin Bingqiang and his wife took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, aunt."

Hello. Old Mrs. Ouyang nodded slightly.

Zhao Cuinong looked at Lin Guodong and said, "Jelly, please call Grandma Ouyang."

Lin Guodong immediately called someone politely, "Hello, Grandma Ouyang! In the coming year of Ouyang, I think my sister looks like you."

Actually, I dont know where Lin Guodong is like him, but it just gives him a similar feeling.

Old Mrs. Ouyang was very happy and quickly signaled her assistant with her eyes to take out the red envelope she had prepared.

"I have long heard that our Awu has a cute little cousin. This is a meeting gift I specially prepared for Jelly. If you accept this red envelope, we will be a family from now on."

Lin Guodong took the red envelope with both hands and said generously: "Thank you, Grandma Ouyang."

Youre welcome, what can the family say thanks?

The guests on the side were a little confused when they saw this scene.

If they remember correctly.

Lin Guixiang, Lin Bingqiang and others are all relatives of the Tang family.

Why did the Tang family show up at the Ouyang family's family recognition banquet?

What makes them even more incredible is that

Fang Youling and Mr. Tang were actually there.

Although the Tang family is also a big family in the capital, it is far worse than the Ouyang family.

Logically speaking, the Tang family should not be qualified to appear here.

It can be done now.

Not only did they appear here, but the entire Ouyang family was also very polite to them.

As if they were distinguished guests.

Its so strange!

Could it be that the eldest daughter of the Tang family, who has been missing for many years, is also the eldest daughter of the Ouyang family? Someone in the crowd raised this question.

"It doesn't seem right. The eldest daughter of the Tang family is over forty this year. How could the head of the Ouyang family give birth to such a big daughter? Besides, I just saw Miss Tang and the head of the Ouyang family holding hands!"


For a time, everyone began to discuss the relationship between the two families.

Ji Liusu rushed here at the last minute.

She walked up to Old Mrs. Ouyang with a congratulatory gift, "Old lady, congratulations on finding Miss Sun, who has been missing for many years from Ouyang's family. This is a small gift prepared by my mother and I. Please accept it."

"Liu Su, remember to thank your mother for me." Old Mrs. Ouyang asked the housekeeper on the side to accept the things Ji Liusu brought.

Ji Liusu smiled and said: "Old lady, judging from the relationship between our two families, what you said is somewhat unfamiliar."

The mad doctor is gone!

The Ji family is currently the most shining family in the medical field.

Ji Liusu herself is even more formidable, so as soon as she arrived, she attracted everyone's attention.

So this is Ji Liusu, a descendant of the Ji family!

Miss Ji really has the demeanor of a miracle doctor. Miss Ji is so beautiful.

If nothing else, Miss Ji should be the most beautiful girl in the entire banquet hall.

Girls are more or less focused on appearance.

Even people like Ji Liusu are not immune.

Although my mother always said that beauty is in the bones, not the skin, moral character and medical skills are above all else.

But Ji Liusu felt that her mother's words were too one-sided.

Take now as an example.

If she was an ugly person, could she still cause a stir?

If she was an ugly person, would she still have so many suitors?

Ji Liusu narrowed her eyes without leaving any trace. She had to say that it was a great feeling to be sought after by others.


A second voice appeared in the crowd.

Miss Sun of the Ouyang family hasnt come out yet! Whether Ji Liusu will dominate the audience is still unknown.

Yes, yes, yes, what if Ouyangs sister, Miss Sun, is also a great beauty?

When will Miss Ouyangs Sun come out? Im so anxious.

It should be out at six oclock.

Three minutes to go.


Hearing this, Ji Liusus lips curled up slightly.

There is a high probability that Miss Sun of the Ouyang family is a beauty.

But not all beauties can compare with her.

Her appearance is called "Three Courts and Five Eyes" in traditional Chinese medicine.

Three Courts and Five Eyes are the best proportion among the facial features.

Some people are beautiful, but they have no soul.

And she!

But it is a special case where beauty and soul are together.

So Ji Liusu never worried that someone would compare with her in terms of appearance.

Old Mrs. Ouyang took Lin Guixiang to get to know many families who were friends with the Ouyang family.

Qiu Shui, this is Mrs. Situ. We have been friends since we were young. Just call her Auntie Lan.

Aunt Lan.

Old Mrs. Situ was stunned for a moment, "Who is this?"

Old Mrs. Ouyang then introduced: "This is the biological daughter that the Tang family found not long ago. She is also the biological mother of my granddaughter. She is also the future matron of our Ouyang family."

Mrs. Situ smiled and said, "Sister, congratulations to you, what a double blessing."

"Thank you." Old Mrs. Ouyang looked at Old Mrs. Situ, and then said: "By the way, why didn't I see Xiaozhe? Where are the others?"

When mentioning this matter, the smile on Old Mrs. Situ's face was a bit unbearable, "He, he is a little busy today?"


But she looked at the look on Mrs. Situ's face and saw that Situ Zhe was more than just busy.

It seems that this boy looks down on their precious granddaughter.

Thinking of this, Old Mrs. Ouyang was a little angry!

Her precious granddaughter can look at that boy from the Situ family, which is already his blessing!

He is pretty good.

He actually even set up a score.

But the person in front of her was her old sister, so Old Mrs. Ouyang said tactfully: "Xiao Zhe is young and promising, and will definitely have a big future. Not just anyone can catch up! You, what will happen in the future?" What a blessing."

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Situ's heart skipped a beat.

She knew that no matter how brave she was from now on, it would be impossible for Lin Wu and Situ Zhe.

Her grandson should never lose her temper at this time.

Its even more inappropriate to turn down tonights banquet at this time.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon it was six o'clock.

The person in charge of hosting the banquet tonight is a famous host from Beijing TV Station.

Now, the head of the Ouyang family is invited to come to the stage to deliver a speech.

Wearing a suit, Ouyang Yi walked up to the host and said, "First of all, I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my daughter's return banquet."

Looking at the middle-aged man talking on the stage.

Lu Ye was completely stunned.

He, hes not dazzled, right?

Since when did the head of the Ouyang family look like this?


Did he accidentally offend his future father-in-law?

Lu Ye suddenly broke into a cold sweat and wished he could find a crack in the ground to hide himself.

Mr. K, who has always been omnipotent, encountered an unsolvable problem for the first time.

Are you very hot? Old Mrs. Lu looked at Lu Ye and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

No, its not hot. Lu Ye tried hard to calm down.

Old Mrs. Ouyang squinted her eyes, "Why are you sweating when it's not hot?"

How strange!

Lu Ye took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead casually.

Saner, are you a little kidney-deficient?

She has heard that only people with kidney deficiency will break out in cold sweats for no reason in winter.

At this time, Lu Ye could no longer hear what Mrs. Lu was saying, and nodded casually, "But, maybe."

Old Mrs. Lu just wanted to make a joke, but unexpectedly, Lu Ye actually admitted it!

She covered her mouth in surprise.

No wonder!

No wonder this child keeps saying that he is unmarried.

It turns out that non-marriage is just an excuse.

The real reason is that his kidneys are not good.

Kidneys are a mans life.

How can he keep a girlfriend if his kidneys are not good?

"San'er! Why didn't you tell grandma earlier! If you are sick, you must get treatment. Although your disease is a bit difficult to talk about, we are all a family. I am your grandma, can I still laugh at you?"

Lu Ye just kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief. He just hoped that Ouyang Yi would never notice him. As for what Old Mrs. Lu was saying, he didn't hear a word.

Then let time slowly fade all this.

Finally, it faded to the point where his face disappeared from Ouyang Yis mind forever.


This level is not easy to pass.

Mrs. Lu looked at Lu Ye with a look of distress, "San'er, my poor child! When we get to Qingshi, grandma will take you to see a doctor, okay?"

"Hmm." At this time, Lu Ye was completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem.

He just wanted to avoid Ouyang Yi's sight.

In short.

Can't let Ouyang Yi see him tonight.

Seeing that Ouyang Yi was coming over, Lu Ye continued, "Grandma, let me go to the bathroom."

Xiao Wu is coming out soon. Where do you go to the bathroom at this critical moment? Mrs. Lu said speechlessly.

But soon, she was able to understand Lu Ye.

Frequent urination, urgent urination and incomplete urination are all symptoms of kidney deficiency.

How can a child who is 1.9 meters tall have kidney deficiency at such a young age?

Old Mrs. Lu sighed.

On the stage.

The host set the time at six o'clock on time, "Now we invite the eldest daughter of the Ouyang family, Ouyang Wuru, to the banquet hall!"

The name Ouyang Wu was the final decision made by Mrs. Ouyang and Lin Wu after many discussions.

She is of Ouyang family blood after all.

At the family recognition banquet, it is natural to change the surname, but the surname in the household registration book remains unchanged.

Musicians began to play live.

The lights in the banquet hall also changed.

The stage was ignited with bursts of dreamlike white smoke.

at the same time.

The door of the banquet hall, which was originally closed, was opened by the staff at this time.

A beam of light comes in from outside.

It makes the girl look like a fairy.

She was wearing a slightly retro off-the-shoulder dress, and her long hair was meticulously tied up, making her already graceful swan neck look even more beautiful. There were no extra hair accessories on her head, only a side tassel clip.

The tassels are inlaid with diamonds, emitting a dazzling light every step of the way, like water illuminated by the midday sun. '

Few people can resist the magnificence of diamonds.

She is the first.

No one expected that the rumored eldest daughter of the Ouyang family would actually have such a good appearance.

It is as if there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the earth.

Even Ji Liusu was stunned.

She originally thought that the rumored Miss Sun of the Ouyang family was just a little girl.

But now, Xiaojiabiyu has become a bright and beautiful woman.

She is a flawless beauty, even her figure is so good.

Ji Liusu bit her lip. Naturally, she felt unhappy when her halo was suddenly taken away by someone else.

Before Ms. Sun of the Ouyang family came out, she was the most beautiful woman in the room!

What now?

She can only be reduced to second place.

But she is number one at all times!

When did you become second?

Old Mrs. Ouyang felt the astonished eyes of everyone. She slightly raised the corners of her mouth, held her granddaughter's hand steadily, and walked to the stage step by step.

Walking to the center of the stage, Mrs. Ouyang took the microphone handed over by the host and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, I would like to introduce to you, this is the granddaughter of our Ouyang family who has been missing for many years, Ouyang Wu! In the future, Awu will also be mine The only heir to the Ouyang family."

Good morning everyone~

See you tomorrow! (*3)


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