She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 276: 276Promotion

Chapter 276: 276Promotion

Wang Huan is a grateful person.

Otherwise, I would not have chosen to work for an appraisal agency under the Tang Group as soon as I graduated.

In fact, at the beginning, she just came to work here with the attitude of giving it a try. After all, her abilities were limited, and Fang Youling was the chief CEO of Tang Group.

As the chief CEO, what does Fang Youling want?

Unexpectedly, she helped her benefactor by accident.

Wang Huan was also very excited to be able to help his benefactor find his daughter. He was even happier than winning five million.

This can at least prove that your efforts are rewarded.

Hearing Wang Huan's words, Fang Youling was stunned for a moment.

You thank me? What do you thank me for?

Fang Youling and Mr. Tang help so many children in impoverished mountainous areas every year. It is normal for her not to remember Wang Huan.

After all, Wang Huan is just one of the poor students receiving assistance.

Wang Huan looked at Fang Youling and then said, "Mr. Fang, I am one of the poor children in the mountainous areas that you have sponsored. When I was thirteen years old, due to family reasons, my parents wanted me to drop out of school and work to support my younger brother in school. It was you who promptly He showed up in our village and told them that men and women are equal and that girls of all ages should study hard. He also subsidized a large scholarship fund for our village and exempted us from school tuition, miscellaneous fees and food expenses! Your support In just ten years, if it hadnt been for you, I might have been like my cousins who dropped out of school, got married and had children at the age of seventeen or eighteen, and now Im an ordinary housewife in the mountains!

Wang Huan gets scared every time he sees the lives of his cousins.

Her cousin is only two years older than her.

She is already a mother of two ten-year-old children. She can only work on the farm and take care of her children at the same time every day.

She has only graduated two years ago.

Every time she chats with her cousin, she can see the uncontrollable yearning for the outside world in her cousin's eyes.

But whats the use of yearning?

Her life has been imprisoned by reality.

Fang Youling nodded, "So that's it."

After understanding the whole story, she also appreciated Wang Huan even more.

This is a good boy who knows how to repay kindness.

After finishing his words, Fang Youling continued: "Xiao Wang, but you should thank yourself more. I have sponsored many children, but not many of them can really get out of the mountains."

She just provided a platform for Wang Huan.

It was Wang Huans hard work that allowed her to successfully escape from her family of origin.

The person who really changes her destiny is herself.

Wang Huan looked at Fang Youling, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I have a little bit of cleverness, but before Cholla Horse met Bole, it was just an ordinary horse in everyone's eyes."

Wang Huan understood his situation very well.

Although he is only thirteen years old.

But she clearly remembered that her parents had already contacted her neighbor's sister who worked in a textile factory. If Fang Youling didn't show up yet, she would have to go to work with her neighbor's sister.

So, Wang Huan is really grateful to Fang Youling.

Fang Youling smiled and said, "What do you think of Liu Zichen?"

Wang Huan shook his head, "I only have a superior-subordinate relationship with Manager Liu, and I don't know him very well."

In the workplace, snitching is the most taboo.

Although Liu Zichen's reputation in the workplace is average, she cannot directly make trouble in front of Fang Youling.

Because there are some things that Fang Youling can definitely find if he wants to.

Fang Youling nodded, feeling that Wang Huan not only knew how to be grateful, but was also a measured person.

Such a person, as long as she is given a chance, will definitely achieve great things.

Wang Huan continued: "Mr. Fang, do you have anything else to do? If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

Well, lets go back. Fang Youling nodded.

Wang Huan turned and left.

Just when Wang Huan was about to disappear from sight, Fang Youling spoke again, "Little Wang."

"Mr. Fang, do you have any other instructions?" Wang Huan stopped and looked at Fang Youling.

Fang Youling smiled and said: "Xiao Wang, work hard."

"Well," Wang Huan nodded, "Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I will definitely work well."

After Wang Huan left, Fang Youling called his secretary.

Secretary Zhou.

"Mr. Fang, what are your orders?" the secretary said respectfully.

Fang Youling continued: "How long has Wang Huan been employed at Huaxin Bioidentification Institute?"

Fang Youling had just asked his secretary to check Wang Huan's personal file, so Secretary Zhou remembered Wang Huan's information very clearly and said, "She has been working at Huaxin for two years."

Two years, Fang Youling leaned back in her chair, Its time for her promotion. Lets let her be promoted to the department manager of the appraisal department.

Department manager?

Hearing this, Secretary Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then reminded: "Mr. Fang, the current identification department manager of Huaxin Biological Identification Center is Liu Zichen. If Wang Huan is promoted to manager, will Liu Zichen continue to be promoted?"

Then go up?

Fang Youling snorted coldly, "Tell him to get out of here and leave!"

Get out of here and leave?

Secretary Zhou was stunned again.

Tang Group has regulations that if employees are laid off without reason, half a year's salary must be subsidized.

Thinking of this, Secretary Zhou continued: "Do we need to compensate him for half a year's salary?"

Liu Zichen almost caused her to never be reunited with her daughter in this life. Fang Youling had done her best by not pursuing his legal responsibility. How could she subsidize him for half a year's salary?

Go tell him, if he still wants to stay in this industry, get out of here! Otherwise, Ill turn my back on you!

Secretary Zhou knew that this matter was not simple, so he didnt ask any more questions. He nodded and said, Okay, Mr. Fang, Ill do it right away.

Fang Youling nodded, "Go quickly."

Huaxin Biological Identification Center.


Liu Zichen is assigning work to everyone in the office.

There are a dozen employees in the small cubicle.

After handing over the work, Liu Zichen walked over to a beautiful girl with a hot body.

Mikou has been coming to Huaxin for a while, right?

Manager Liu, its been two and a half months since I came to Huaxin. Mi Kou looked at Liu Zichen.

Liu Zichen nodded, "Then it will soon become a regular job."

As soon as he heard the word "confirmation", Mi Kou's face was full of excitement.

Huaxin Biotech is a subsidiary of the Tang Group, with very good benefits and benefits, including a trip to Europe every year.

It is the dream company for fresh graduates.

Mi Kou turned to look at Liu Zichen, "Manager Liu, do I really have a chance to become a full-time employee?"

There were a dozen people from their school interning at Huaxin, but Huaxin only admitted three people, so the competition was particularly high.

Mikous performance among this group of interns was not very outstanding, so he was very worried about whether he could become a full-time employee.

Liu Zichen smiled and said, "It depends on your performance."

Performance? What performance?

Mikou frowned slightly.

Liu Zichen put his hand on Mi Kou's shoulder, lowered his voice and whispered in her ear: "Come to my office in ten minutes. I will discuss it with you carefully and correct the problem."

Mikou was stunned.

Why does she think Liu Zichen's words are a bit strange?

Is it an illusion?

After a moment, Mi Kou nodded, "Okay."

Liu Zichen wouldn't do anything to himself in this clear day, right?

Liu Zichen's eyes were full of satisfaction. The hand covering Mi Kou's shoulder moved. In the next second, his fingers directly hooked up Mi Kou's shoulder strap and gently pulled it.

Mi Kou never expected that Liu Zichen would make such a move, and his eyes widened immediately!

What is Liu Zichen doing?

Did he do it intentionally or unintentionally?

Liu Zichen didn't see anything strange on his face. He patted Mi Kou on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Work hard, Mi Kou, I'm optimistic about you."

After saying this, Liu Zichen turned around and left.

The office is very quiet.

No one said anything.

The workplace!

It may seem like a calm situation, but in fact there are many unspoken rules and turbulent waves.

Liu Zichen is not only their immediate boss, but also a key figure in deciding whether to retain intern employees. Therefore, many female college students who have just entered society have suffered at his hands.

Mi Kou looked at the colleague next to her, "Sister Ling, do you know why Manager Liu asked me to go to his office?"

Originally, Mi Kou was not worried.

Until Liu Zichen pulled her shoulder strap.

Who is a good person who would pull a girls shoulder strap?

How is this different from sexual harassment?

If Liu Zichen hadn't been her boss, Mi Kou would have given him a slap in the face.

Zuo Ling has been with Huaxin Biotech for more than two years, so she certainly knows what Liu Zichen is planning.

But she couldn't say.

Because Liu Zichen had a backer in Huaxin Biotechnology, and it was a very strong backer. Otherwise, he would not have dared to play with the hidden rules so blatantly.

Zuo Ling could only smile and say: "Manager Liu asked you to go to his office because he must be communicating with you about work matters."

Li Shuai beside him also nodded, "Sister Ling is right."

Hearing what his colleagues said, Miko breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing his colleagues fooling an intern like this, Wang Huan, who had just returned to the office, couldn't bear it. He walked directly to Mi Kou and lowered his voice and said, "Manager Liu has evil intentions. He asked you to go to his office alone. I'm sure No good intentions."

Mi Kous eyes widened, Huan, Sister Huan, is it true?

Wang Huan nodded.

You didnt lie to me? Mi Kou looked at Wang Huan.

Im not lying to you, Wang Huan said concisely: Last year, a girl was raped by Liu Zichen.

The rest is self-evident.

Mikou's face was pale and he did not dare to say anything more.

It took quite a while before Mi Kou realized what he was doing and tugged at the hem of Wang Huan's clothes, "Sister Huan, is Manager Liu really that kind of person?"

She was very confused.

Afraid of being unspoken by Liu Zichen, but she didn't want to lose her job.

What if Wang Huan was lying to her?

After all, other colleagues said that Liu Zichen was fine.

Wang Huan put down his work, looked at Mi Kou, and said seriously: "I can only say that I didn't lie to you, and I have always lied to others. As for whether you believe it or not, you have to judge for yourself."

In fact, Mi Kou already had the answer in her heart, she was just unwilling to do so.

So no matter what she says now, it is not as good as Mixo's own judgment.

As a colleague, she has already said everything that needs to be said.

Mikou nodded, his face seemed calm, but in fact it was already turbulent.

Ten minutes came quickly.

Liu Zichen couldn't wait for Mi Kou, so he asked his assistant to come over to urge him.

Mi Kou looked around and said, "Zhang, Zhang Zhu, I'm sorry, I haven't finished my work yet."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhu quickly understood what Mi Kou meant. He looked around the office and said, "Xiao Zhao, come with me to Manager Liu's office."

Xiao Zhao stood up immediately and said, "Okay."

Xiao Zhao, whose full name is Zhao Zhengtao, is one of the oldest employees in the office. He is currently competing with Wang Huan for the position of deputy manager. He usually likes to make small reports. Almost as soon as he entered the office, he walked up to Liu Zichen and said, "Manager Liu , this is all Wang Huans fault! Originally, Honey Kou was coming to your office, but Wang Huan whispered something in her ear. Wang Huan is so blind that he dares to ruin your good deeds!"

Hearing this, Liu Zichens face was filled with anger.

This Wang Huan!

Her courage is too great!

She is like this and still wants to be promoted to deputy manager?

Its simply whimsical!

Go! Go and call Wang Huan! Liu Zichen said angrily.

Zhao Zhengtao immediately said: "I'll go right away!"

A minute later, Wang Huan and Zhao Zhengtao came to the office.

Manager Liu, are you looking for me?

Liu Zichen squinted his eyes, "Let me ask you, what did you say to Mi Kou?"

I didnt say anything. Wang Huan is a man who has a great sense of justice and never bows to evil forces.

Liu Zichen continued: "Don't think that I don't know what you did secretly! Wang Huan, I will give you another chance. Go and call Mi Kou over right away."

Wang Huan raised his head slightly, "What if I don't go?"

Liu Zichen sneered, "Then you don't even have a chance to compete for the position of deputy manager!"

Zhao Zhengtao succeeded, and then said, "Wang Huan, just admit your mistake to Manager Liu. Young man, why are you so ignorant of current affairs!"

Wang Huan looked at Zhao Zhengtao, the sarcasm in his eyes undisguised, "Zhao Zhengtao, do you think everyone is like you? You are a slave!"

This Zhao Zhengtao is simply Liu Zichens lackey.

Hearing this, Zhao Zhengtao became very angry and pointed at Wang Huan with a pale face, "Who are you talking about?"

Wang Huan is really crazy, he can even say such a thing.

Im talking about you. Wang Huan said one word at a time, Zhao Zhengtao, think carefully about whether you are so servile or not! People like you are simply disgusting!

Since the words have been spoken, Wang Huan will not shrink back. It just so happens that she has been unhappy with Liu Zichen for a long time, so she can say everything this time.

"And you," Wang Huan looked at Liu Zichen standing aside, "you are not a good person either."

Liu Zichen narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay, very good! Wang Huan, then I will officially inform you that you don't have to come to Huaxin to work tomorrow! Pack up your bed and leave immediately!"

Hearing this, Zhao Zhengtao was very excited. Wang Huan is a very capable person. Once she leaves Huaxin Biological Identification Center, his chances of promotion will be much higher.

Who do you want to pack up and leave?

At this moment, a cold voice came from the air.

Then two figures walked in from outside.

Liu Zichen's expression suddenly changed when he saw the visitor's face. He immediately went up to meet him and said with a smile: "It's always you! What strong wind brought you here?"

Good morning, dear friends~

See you tomorrow^_^


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