She Shocked the World After Marrying a Repairman

Chapter 236: 236: As witty as Lin Wu

Chapter 236: 236: As witty as Lin Wu

After finishing her words, Fang Hongyu walked in from outside while supporting Wu Muchhen.

Fang Youling immediately stood up and said, "Mu Zhen, it's so hard for you to make a trip so late."

"What's the hard work? This is what I should do, as long as Brother Tang is fine."

Fang Hongyu glanced at Lin Wu and tried her best to hide the sarcasm in her eyes, "Auntie, if I had known that Xiao Wu knew medical skills, I wouldn't have gone to pick up Aunt Wu."

Fang Youling said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Xiaowu would be able to do medicine, but she is young and certainly doesn't have as much experience as you, Aunt Wu."

By the way, Mu Zhen, let me introduce you, this is my daughter Tang Qiushui.

After saying that, Fang Youling turned to look at Lin Guixiang again, "Qiu Shui, this is the Divine Doctor Wu I just told you about. Your dad and I have been old friends with Divine Doctor Wu for decades. You can just call her Aunt Wu." .

Looking at Wu Muchhen, Lin Guixiang felt that this person was somewhat familiar.

just like.

Seen the same thing somewhere.

Especially the eyes.

But she had never seen this person before.

This feeling is really strange.

Lin Guixiang suppressed the doubts in her heart and called with a smile, "Aunt Wu."

Wu Muzhen's face was filled with a kind smile, and she reached out and held Lin Guixiang's hand, "Qiu Shui, your parents have really worked hard to find you these years. Fortunately, Huangtian has paid off and finally brought you back." .

At the end of the sentence, Wu Muchen's eyes were red.

Seeing Wu Mu Zhen's eyes were red, Fang Youling also felt a little sad, and said in a hoarse voice: "This is my granddaughter Lin Wu, Mu Zhen, you can just call her Xiao Wu."

Wu Muchen's eyes fell on Lin Wu, looking at her with eyes.

Lin Wu politely said, "Grandma Wu."

Okay, Wu Muchen nodded, What a good girl, Sister Youling, your granddaughter is a smart one! I just heard that she can also do medicine. My child, do you study Chinese medicine or Western medicine?

Traditional Chinese medicine. Lin Wu answered.

Traditional Chinese medicine?

Wu Muchen came into contact with traditional Chinese medicine at the age of 15 and studied it for more than 20 years before achieving some success.

Lin Wu is only 19 years old.

Can she cure Mr. Tangs problems?

"It's great. Western medicine is so popular now that many people have forgotten Chinese medicine. Young people should learn Chinese medicine and carry forward what our ancestors left behind." Speaking of this, Wu Muchen paused, "Did you just diagnose What disease does your grandfather have?"

Lin Wu spoke in a calm tone, "Grandpa's health is mostly caused by heart disease. Now that my mother has come back, his heart disease has been mostly cured. He can be cured by just taking a few Chinese medicines."

Hearing this, a look of doubt appeared in Fang Youling's eyes.

Lin Wu has just diagnosed that her husband has been poisoned.

Why didnt she say anything?

Wu Muzhen nodded, her eyes full of admiration, "Not bad, not bad, your kid does have some strength. No wonder your grandparents like you so much."

After finishing her sentence, Wu Muchen looked at Fang Youling and said, "Sister Youling, I think your Old Tang family is going to have a great doctor in the future!"

Fang Youling smiled and said, "Then let me lend you some good words."

Fang Hongyu spoke at the right time, "Auntie, since Xiaowu is also good at medicine and can cure uncle's problem. It's so late now, so I'll send Aunt Wu back to rest first."

Although it hasnt been long since Fang Youling met her daughter and granddaughter.

But she knew that Lin Wu had never been a talkative child.


She believed in Lin Wu.

Hearing this, Fang Youling nodded, "Okay, then send your Aunt Wu back to rest quickly."

Fang Hongyus eyes flashed with a sarcastic light.

Originally she said this to remind the young spirit below that only Wu Muchen could save Mr. Tang here.

Unexpectedly, Fang Youling trusted Lin Wu so much.

Lin Wu cant even identify the correct cause of Tang Shaoweis illness, so how can she have the ability to treat Tang Shaowei?

Its really crazy!


She will regret it sooner or later.

Wu Muchen looked at Fang Youling, "Sister Youling, I'll go back first. If anything happens, you can ask Hongyu to contact me at any time."

Okay. Fang Youling nodded.

Lin Wu asked the servant to bring a medicine box from her room.

This medicine box was brought by her from Qingshi.

There is everything in it.

Lin Wu took out the acupuncture bag from the medicine box, then looked at the other servants in the room, "You all can go out."

"Okay, Miss Sun." Several servants immediately left the room and closed the door.

Lin Wu took out a silver needle from the acupuncture bag.

It plunged directly into Mr. Tangs temple.

Then there is the Renzhong acupoint.

Zan Bamboo Cave.

In just a few seconds, the acupuncture points on Mr. Tangs head were covered with silver needles.

Fang Youling was sweating coldly when she saw this scene, "Xiao, Xiao Wu, what are you doing?"

Acupuncture removes toxins. Lin Wu answered.

It turns out to be acupuncture!

Fang Youling breathed a sigh of relief.

She knows that there is a very magical therapy in traditional Chinese medicine called acupuncture.

But I have only heard of it.

Never seen it with my own eyes.

I thought that the art of acupuncture was only something that existed in martial arts novels, but I didnt expect that it existed in real life, and her eldest granddaughter knew it.

Lin Wu continued: "Hasn't Grandma Wu given grandpa acupuncture before?"

"Never had."

There was no complicated look on Lin Wu's face. "Can you tell me about her? For example, how did you meet Grandma Wu?"


"Speaking of which, your Grandma Wu is still my savior." Fang Youling's thoughts suddenly drifted to many years ago, "Fifteen years ago, your grandfather and I heard that there was someone in a remote mountain village in Wucheng. After hearing the news, we rushed there overnight. At that time, transportation was not as developed as it is now. It took us three days to enter the village. The village was very large and surrounded by mountains. When we went, it happened to be during the outbreak of infectious diseases. "

"Unfortunately, your grandfather and I both contracted infectious diseases and had high fevers. One morning, when I went out to find your mother, I fainted on the side of the road. It was your grandma Wu who saw me and saved you and me. Grandpa, if it werent for her, we might have died long ago.

So, before finding her daughter and granddaughter, Wu Muzhen was the person Fang Youling trusted the most.

After all, this person gave her a second life.

According to Fang Youling's description, Wu Muchhen should be a local of that small mountain village.

Lin Wu frowned without leaving a trace, "Then how did she follow you and grandpa to the capital?"

"When you, Grandma Wu, were young, you were actually a poor person," Fang Youling's voice almost choked when she said this. "Back then, she married an inhumane woman. She was rejected by her husband's family because she could not have children, and she was also subjected to domestic violence. The night your grandpa and I were about to leave for the capital, she was beaten half to death by her husband again. Your grandpa and I saw how pitiful she was, so we offered to take her away with us."

"At first, your grandma Wu was unwilling at all. She is such a stupid and loyal person! She felt that a woman could not live without a man. It was not until I persuaded her again and again that she reluctantly agreed to leave with us."

"Because of her good medical skills, I opened a small medical clinic for her after returning to the capital. Later, she became the family doctor of our Tang family."


Lin Wu nodded slightly, and then said: "What about my cousin? Can you tell me about her?"

Xiao Wu, are you curious why your cousin has been living in our house? Fang Youling asked.

Yes. Lin Wu didnt hide anything.

Fang Youling talked about Fang Hongyu.

When talking about her short-lived brother, Fang Youling had a painful expression, and when she talked about Du Juan, her expression turned to anger.

"That woman Du Juan is so cruel. When your cousin was only twelve years old, she cruelly abandoned your cousin and ran away with all your uncle's property! As a result, your cousin became an orphan at a young age. , I saw how pitiful your cousin was, so I took her home."

How old was my mother at that time? Lin Wu asked.

Your mother was still in my belly at that time. Fang Youling replied.

Lin Wu nodded slightly, "Then what was my cousin's reaction after my mother was born?"

"Your cousin has always been a good and obedient child. She likes your mother very much and often helps me take care of her! The day your mother disappeared, she was in school. This matter obviously had nothing to do with her, but she I have always blamed myself, saying that if I had not gone to school that day, your mother would not have been lost."


Lin Wu frowned slightly, her long eyelashes covering the emotions under her eyes.

Fang Hongyu was not at home that day. How did she determine whether Lin Guixiang was lost or not abducted?


The fact that my mother got lost was not an accident at all.

Grandma, there is something strange that I have always found.

"What's the matter?" Fang Youling raised his head and looked at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu's red lips parted slightly, "You said that you did a paternity test with my mother eighteen years ago, but the result showed that the DNA comparison was unsuccessful, right?"

Yes. Fang Youling nodded.

The identification system was very complete eighteen years ago, and you invested in that identification center. Dont you think this is strange?

Fang Youling didn't think anything about it even if Lin Wu didn't tell her about it. But when she mentioned it now, she just felt it was full of doubts.

In other words, if you never find my mother, who will be the biggest beneficiary?

Of course its Fang Hongyu!

Thinking of this answer, Fang Youling's heart trembled and her face turned pale, "No, Xiaowu, your cousin, she shouldn't be this kind of person." That was the child she raised by herself.

And its still connected to him by blood.

Fang Youling couldn't believe that her niece would do this to her.

Lin Wu must have guessed wrong.

Lin Wu knew that Fang Hongyu was Fang Youling's only relative from her mother's side, so naturally she couldn't accept this fact, "Grandma, don't be so anxious. I'm just guessing now."

After finishing her words, Lin Wu changed the topic and continued: "Grandma, what do you think of Grandma Wu's medical skills?"

Of course thats very good! Fang Youling said without hesitation.

Lin Wu shook her head, "I think she is just a quack."

Quack doctor?

Fang Youling frowned slightly, "Xiao Wu, how can you say that about your Grandma Wu?"

Lin Wu smiled, "Grandma, grandpa's illness is clearly heart disease plus chronic poisoning. But when Grandma Wu asked me what my grandfather's illness was, and I answered her that it was heart disease, she didn't correct me. This shows that she doesn't understand at all. Medical skills!

Is your grandfather not poisoned at all? Fang Youling asked.

Lin Wu didnt explain, she just pulled out the silver needle on Mr. Tangs temple and said, Look at this needle.

Lin Guixiang couldn't help but gasped, "Xiao Wu, why are these needles all black?"

Fang Youling was also very surprised.

This silver needle was originally shiny, but now it looks like it has been stained with ink.

Lin Wu continued: "This is the venom discharged."

It is well known.

Silverware will oxidize and turn black when exposed to toxic substances.

This is also the reason why silver needles are used for acupuncture.

Fang Youling was stunned for a moment, "But your grandma Wu's medical skills are obviously very good. Over the years, Wu's Medical Clinic has also had a good reputation."

If Wu Muzhen was really a quack, she would have been reported long ago!

But if Wu Muchhen was not a quack doctor, why couldn't she see that Mr. Tang had residual poison in his body that had not been eliminated?

For a time, Fang Youling had a lot of thoughts.

"If I guessed correctly, she was testing my medical skills when she asked my grandfather what his illness was." But what Wu Muchen didn't expect was that Lin Wu's answer was also testing her.

Why is she testing you?

"Because she never wanted to cure grandpa's disease from the beginning to the end," Lin Wu said in a calm tone, and expressed her guess, "Maybe she wanted to use grandpa's disease to contain you.

No, it wont happen, Fang Youlings face looked very ugly, Grandma Wu, you shouldnt be that kind of person.

She and Wu Muchhen have known each other for so many years.

The relationship between the two is that of friends and sisters.

She couldn't believe it.

"You have been friends with her for many years, and I hope she is not this kind of person," Lin Wu's voice was loud, but her words were resounding, "But grandma, have you ever thought about why she lied to you? You With such a good relationship with her, she should be the one who hopes that grandpa will get better after you the most."

Fang Youling was speechless for a moment.

After a while, Fang Youling said: "But why is she doing this? Xiaowu, you just said she wanted to contain us, how can she contain us? What good will it do to her to contain your grandfather?"

If Wu Muchen really wanted to harm them, there would have been no need to save him fifteen years ago.

Fang Youling really couldnt find Wu Muzhens motive.

"I also want to know what her motives are, but judging from the current situation, her relationship with her cousin should be much closer than you think." Lin Wu now has a very bold idea. But confirming this idea requires Fang Youling's cooperation, "Grandma, I want you to act in a play with me."

"Acting?" Fang Youling boasted that she had met many people in her life, but she really couldn't tell what her granddaughter was thinking, "What kind of acting?"

Lin Wu smiled faintly and spoke her plan in a low voice.

Fang Youling nodded, "Okay."

Although Fang Youling did not believe that Wu Muchen had ulterior motives, she was still willing to cooperate with her granddaughter's plan.

Only in this way can we prove that Wu Muchhen is innocent.

Half an hour later.

Mr. Tang slowly woke up after the acupuncture.

Seeing that his wife finally woke up, Fang Youling was very excited and immediately held Mr. Tang's hand, "Old Tang, you're awake! How do you feel now?"

"What's wrong with me?" Mr. Tang had no memory of his fainting.

He only felt as if he had slept.

"You just fainted. Fortunately, Xiaowu is here to give you acupuncture."

Xiao Wu? Mr. Tangs eyes widened, My eldest granddaughter is so powerful!

She even does acupuncture.

very nice.

You can brag again tomorrow.


the other side.

After Fang Hongyu sent Wu Muchhen to Wu Medical Center, she did not go home immediately. Instead, she took advantage of the night to go to a dilapidated factory in the suburbs.

This neighborhood has been deserted all year round, making it very eerie at night.

Fang Hongyu was not afraid at all, she opened the door directly and walked inside.

There is a light on inside.

The mysterious man in black clothes was already sitting and standing there waiting for Fang Hongyu.

She had her back to Fang Hongyu. When she heard the footsteps, she spoke lightly.


Fang Hongyus face was very ugly, Didnt you say that Fang Youling would never find Lin Guixiang?

But now!

Lin Guixiang was not only found, but he even stepped on her head and defecated.

Just thinking about what happened in the past few days, Fang Hongyu felt unlucky.

The mysterious man sighed, "I didn't expect Fang Youling to do a second paternity test with her."

Normal people will give up after a paternity test fails.

But who would have thought that things would take a turn for the worse.

Fang Hongyu said angrily: "I told you a long time ago that Lin Guixiang should not be left as a scourge in the world!"

If they had taken action earlier, what would have happened to Lin Guixiang now?

"Confused! Do you really think those policemen are just decorations?" The mysterious man frowned slightly, "We want to enjoy the glory, but we can't risk our own lives!"

It is now thirty-five years later.

Not thirty-five years ago!

Its strange that he was so careless back then that he spared Lin Guixiangs life, but now hes left Fang Hongyu in such big trouble.

After a while, the mysterious man comforted him again: "Don't worry, the Tang family will be yours sooner or later."

"Mine?" Fang Hongyu sneered, "Fang Youling now wants to let Lin Guixiang and her daughter inherit everything in the Tang family. How can I still have my share!"

The mysterious man continued: "Don't we still have special medicine? According to the original plan, let Tang Shaowei take the special medicine, and then find an opportunity to make Fang Youling paralyzed in bed. At that time, the Tang family will still be able to control Lin Guixiang and Lin Wu. Two country women calling the shots?

Hearing this, Fang Hongyu narrowed her eyes and calmed down for a while.

"The current situation of the Tang family is very complicated. To be cautious, you should not take out the special medicine for the time being. After all, the person in charge of treating Tang Shaowei now is Lin Wu."

Fang Hongyu immediately understood and said with a smile: "So, no matter what happens to Tang Shaowei in the future, it is Lin Wu's problem and has nothing to do with me."

The mysterious man nodded, "You need to find a suitable opportunity now and secretly feed the special medicine to Tang Shaowei. However, you must be careful. There is only one special medicine, so don't waste it."

"Tang Shaowei's side is easy to solve. The problem is Fang Youling. How should we make her paralyzed in bed? Or, how about tampering with the car?"

No, if you tamper with the car, you will definitely be found out by the traffic police. Technology is too advanced now.

What about tampering with the food? Fang Hongyu continued.

The mysterious man shook his head, "No way. These methods will leave evidence!"

In the past, this method could have been followed, but now Fang Youling has found her biological daughter.

If Fang Youling becomes paralyzed in bed for no reason, Lin Guixiang will inevitably call the police.

At that time, not only will the plan not be completed smoothly, but it will also be a waste of money.

This wont work, and that wont work either! Then what do you think we should do?

The mysterious man smiled and said, "Hongyu, we have been waiting for you for so many years, why are you in a hurry?"

Having said this, the mysterious man paused, "Fang Youling is already over eighty years old. Once she gets older, she is prone to osteoporosis. Tell me, she accidentally fell in the garden, is it possible that she will suffer from osteoporosis?" What about paralysis?

Fang Hongyu's eyes lit up and she had an idea instantly, "I know what to do!"

As long as you know, remember to be careful in the Tang family these days, and dont let them see any clues!


The morning of the second day.

The first thing Fang Hongyu did when she got up was to take Lu Tang to visit Tang Shaowei.

Tang Shaowei was lying on the bed. Although he was awake, his mental state was still not good. His face was pale. When he saw Fang Hongyu, he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Uncle, I specially asked the kitchen to make chicken soup for you, please drink some.

Lu Tang picked up the bowl and said, "Grandpa, let me feed you."

Just as Lu Tang was about to feed Mr. Tang soup, Fang Youling walked in from the door, "Hongyu! Put down the bowl quickly!"

What, whats wrong, aunt?

Before Lu Tang could react, Fang Youling took the bowl in her hand and looked at Fang Hongyu, "Hongyu! Xiaowu specifically told her that your uncle can't eat anything too greasy for the time being."

Good morning everyone~


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