She Reincarnated with the Ancestors of the Emperor

Chapter 11: I Raised a Bunch of Useless People

Chapter 11

Nanny Li said, "This was gifted by the Second Madam for the Old Madam's 50th birthday."

Chu Tianjiao took the jade pillow and walked outside to examine it carefully in the light.

A warm jade the size of a palm was already very valuable. A piece large enough to be carved into a pillow could be considered priceless.

Chu Tianjiao thought that given her second aunt Madam Xue's personality, gifting this as a birthday present to Old Madam Chu was suspicious in itself.

When sunlight shone on the jade pillow, a faint egg-sized shadow could be seen inside.

Chu Tianjiao asked Qingluan to fetch the Heavenly Crow Sword from their chambers, then swung it at the jade pillow.

Nanny Li wanted to stop her but didn't have time. Unable to bear seeing this priceless warm jade pillow ruined by Chu Tianjiao, she covered her eyes in distress.

Old Madam Chu inside the room heard the commotion and came out. Just as she was about to scold them, she saw Chu Tianjiao crouching down and prying out a white jade ball from within the pillow.

"Thousand-year ice jade!" Wang Elderly Physician exclaimed in shock as he took the jade ball.

"What a vicious scheme!"

This thousand-year ice jade hidden inside the warm jade could conceal its coldness. When touched, it would feel slightly warm.

But if Old Madam Chu used this pillow long-term, she would still be affected by the cold poison.

This cold poison was different from drug poisoning. It was more like a chronic wind evil entering the body, so when it flared up, it resembled wind-cold.

After hearing Wang Elderly Physician's explanation, Old Madam Chu sneered, "They really think highly of this old woman!"

In front of Wang Elderly Physician, the Chu family members refrained from mentioning that the jade pillow was gifted by Madam Xue.

Chu Tianjiao was most concerned about how to cure the cold poison in Old Madam Chu's body.

Wang Elderly Physician looked troubled, "If it were ordinary drug poisoning, I would just need to counteract it based on the drug properties. But the cold poison from this thousand-year ice jade is extremely potent. I suggest restoring the remaining warm jade first. If the Old Madam continues to use it daily, it may suppress the effects somewhat."

Chu Tianjiao caught his implied meaning and anxiously asked, "Just suppress it?"

Wang Elderly Physician stroked his beard and said hesitantly, "I will try to prepare some medicinal decoctions to see if they have any effect."

Seeing Wang Elderly Physician's complete lack of confidence, Chu Tianjiao's heart sank.

She bowed deeply to Wang Elderly Physician and pleaded:

"Elderly Physician, please tell us what medicine can save my grandmother. No matter what it is, I, Chu Tianjiao, will find a way to obtain it for my grandmother even if I have to climb a mountain of blades or dive into a sea of fire."

Wang Elderly Physician said, "This old one has only read about the cold poison of thousand-year ice jade in books and has never encountered such a case before. However..."

Hearing Wang Elderly Physician's hesitation, Chu Tianjiao was nearly dying of anxiety.

Old Madam Chu was much calmer. She pressed down on Chu Tianjiao to calm her, then smiled and said:

"Elderly Physician, our two families can be considered old friends. When the old Marquis was alive, he was also under your care. If there's any way to let this old woman live a bit longer, please don't hold back and tell us everything you know."

"This old woman isn't afraid of death, but my son is currently fighting on the frontlines, so I can't die just yet."

Wang Elderly Physician also knew that Old Madam Chu couldn't pass away now.

If Old Madam Chu died, the Marquis of Liyang would have to observe a mourning period.

Even if the Emperor waived it, learning of his mother's death while on the frontlines would surely devastate the Marquis of Liyang and affect the war situation.

Wang Elderly Physician gritted his teeth and said, "This old one once read in a book about a type of fire turtle that lives in extremely hot places. Its flesh is said to be very warm and can counteract the poison of thousand-year ice jade."

"But this old one doesn't know where exactly these fire turtles can be found."

"Fearing that the existence of these fire turtles might just be baseless rumors, this old one was hesitant about whether to mention it or not."

After finishing, Wang Elderly Physician prepared to take his leave, "This old one wants to go back to consult some ancient texts and carefully consider before prescribing medicine for the Old Madam."

The Chu family thanked Wang Elderly Physician, giving him a generous payment and gifts. Chu Tianjiao escorted Wang Elderly Physician to the mansion gates.

Before parting, Chu Tianjiao bowed to Wang Elderly Physician: "Grandfather Wang, please keep the matter of Grandmother's poisoning confidential for now."

Wang Elderly Physician looked troubled, "I should report to the Emperor first thing."

Chu Tianjiao bowed deeply and pleaded, "Grandfather Wang, as you saw today, someone went to great lengths to use thousand-year ice jade to harm my grandmother. The situation is grave.

Even the Emperor's inner circle may not be clean.

If the Emperor asks, please just say that my grandmother has some body aches and you prescribed some medicine to treat it."

Wang Elderly Physician did indeed have a deep relationship with the Chu family. Moreover, Chu Tianjiao kept addressing him as "Grandfather Wang," emphasizing their personal relationship rather than official duties. Considering the dangers behind this matter, Wang Elderly Physician could only sigh and nod in agreement.

Chu Tianjiao returned to the main courtyard to find that the room had already been tidied up.

The servants had been sworn to secrecy.

Old Madam Chu was reclining on the couch, looking somewhat tired.

"Tianjiao, come here."

Old Madam Chu beckoned, and Chu Tianjiao nestled close to her.

Old Madam Chu stroked Chu Tianjiao's head and praised her, "My Tianjiao has really grown up. Tell Grandmother, you've been clinging to me lately, have you already noticed something amiss?"

Chu Tianjiao hadn't actually noticed anything unusual before. She only knew from her past life's memories that Old Madam Chu wouldn't live much longer.

After some thought, Chu Tianjiao said to Old Madam Chu, "Grandmother, I had a dream some time ago..."

After Chu Tianjiao selectively recounted her experiences from her past life under the guise of a dream, Old Madam Chu fell into deep contemplation.

Chu Tianjiao, afraid of frightening Old Madam Chu, anxiously observed her expression.

Then, Old Madam Chu snapped out of it and gave Chu Tianjiao a flick on the forehead.

Chu Tianjiao yelped "Ouch!" and jumped off the couch, holding her forehead.

She heard Old Madam Chu spit out, "I can't believe I gave birth to a bunch of useless fools!"

Chu Tianjiao didn't understand why Old Madam Chu was angry and looked at her in confusion as she scolded with her hands on her hips:

"According to your dream, in your past life, you foolishly married the Fourth Prince, and then I died?"

Chu Tianjiao nodded obediently and took two steps back, fearing Old Madam Chu might hit her again for cursing her with an early death.

Unexpectedly, Old Madam Chu stood up excitedly and pointed at Chu Tianjiao, scolding:

"I know you're not the brightest, but you're saying that as soon as I died, this great Marquis of Liyang's Mansion was ruined by others? That's infuriating!"

"Your father, a first-rank marquis who has led troops for over a decade, actually fell into a trap set by the Dongyi People and died in battle within two years?"

"Your second, third, and fourth uncles, all died pathetically. Your second aunt remarried, and in the end, only your third aunt was left to take care of you and your siblings?"


Chu Tianjiao was in tears.

Everything she said had actually happened in her past life.

Old Madam Chu spat in disgust, "A family of fools, did I give birth to a litter of pigs? Once this old woman dies, they just let themselves be bullied like that?"

Chu Tianjiao was a bit confused by Old Madam Chu's reaction.

Shouldn't Grandmother be more concerned about how important her life was to the Chu family right now?

Why was Grandmother constantly scolding Father and the uncles for being stupid?

If Father and the uncles found out about this, wouldn't they blame her for instigating it?

Finally, Old Madam Chu stopped scolding.

Only then did Chu Tianjiao dare to approach and help soothe her.

After catching her breath, Old Madam Chu rolled up her sleeves and said:

"This won't do. I need to quickly instruct the kitchen to add a dish of pig brain to every meal from now on, to nourish the brain."

"The whole family must roll up their sleeves and start studying! Reading can enlighten the mind. What use is martial prowess alone if you end up being outmaneuvered until nothing is left?"

Seeing Old Madam Chu's agitated state, Chu Tianjiao realized that Grandmother must have deduced that the scenario from her "dream" was entirely possible, which was why she was so anxious.

After Old Madam Chu had given a series of instructions to Nanny Li, Chu Tianjiao asked:

"Grandmother, Nanny Li said that warm jade pillow was a gift from Second Aunt. Shouldn't we question her about it?"

Old Madam Chu scoffed, "What's the use of asking her? Neither this warm jade nor the thousand-year ice jade is something that fool Madam Xue could afford."

"When your second uncle returns tonight, we'll ask him first to avoid alarming our enemies."


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