She Got Pregnant After a One Night Stand with a Werewolf

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

One year after Zhou Ziyou and Gray Tail got together, they held a wedding ceremony.

The main reason was that if they didn't get married and obtain a marriage certificate soon, the resentment of a certain Wolfman brother would burst through the roof.

Every day, Zhou Ziyou was stared at by him with the look of a "Scumbag woman", which put immense pressure on her.

Gray Tail was very insecure. He almost didn't want to leave Zhou Ziyou's side for even a step. If she went out, he wanted to follow her.

If she smiled at the delivery guy, Gray Tail would get anxious, but he wouldn't show it too much. He was afraid of bothering her, afraid that she would feel he was too controlling, afraid that she would feel restricted.

When he was severely anxious, he would crawl onto the roof after Zhou Ziyou fell asleep, facing the cold wind, with an indifferent expression as he gazed down at the myriad of lights in the city.

Now, among those myriad of lights, there was also one that belonged to him.

Would it... exist forever?

Did it... have an expiration date?

At his age, he was considered young in the human world, let alone the average Wolfman lifespan of three hundred years. He was too young, but his eyes always held a calmness that didn't match his age. Other Wolfmen of the same age were still playing around, mischievous and curious about everything related to humans all day long.

Gray Tail was different. He had no interest in human electronic games, animated movies, cuisine, or scenery. He almost had no recreational activities.

No wonder Zhou Ziyou used to call him an old man.

After being together for half a year, Gray Tail decided to find a job and earn money.

In the past, if one Wolfman was full, the whole family wouldn't go hungry. Now he had a wife, and there would be cubs in the future. If he didn't earn and save some money, it wouldn't be enough to use later on.

Among the Wolfmen, the male partner only needed to hunt—just keep hunting, make jerky and freeze it as food reserves. They had very few needs besides food, only occasionally needing to exchange jerky for clothes.

When holding a mate ceremony, they also had to use a lot of jerky and beautiful snow stones to have wedding attire tailored at the wolf tailor's.

Humans were different. Even after satisfying their hunger and having enough warm clothes, they still had many recreational hobbies that required spending money.

It was like a bottomless pit that could never be satisfied.

Seeing what others had, they wanted it too.

Zhou Ziyou's good friend was Shang Xi, who was the mate of the alpha, with an excellent status and wealth. In comparison, Zhou Ziyou chose him, who only had a house and a car after buying them and didn't have much money left. He couldn't let her choice go to waste.

Although he couldn't compare to the alpha, he still wanted Zhou Ziyou to live a life where she wouldn't envy her good friend's lifestyle too much.

Actually, he was overthinking it. Zhou Ziyou wasn't a woman with great desires. As long as she had food and drink, it was enough. She wore a hat that fit her head.

She could stay indoors for several days without going out. The hustle and bustle, wealth and luxury of the outside world didn't interest her much. She just wanted to nestle at home and live a simple, ordinary life.

When Gray Tail proposed finding a job, she also helped think about it. Gray Tail had no education or special skills. Oh, he could drive.

Then, Gray Tail became a taxi driver.

He would come back for lunch at noon. Zhou Ziyou would call him when the food was ready. After eating, he would go out to work again.

After working for a month, he felt it wasn't enough. The money wasn't sufficient.

In the past, when he was alone, living in a cave and hunting when hungry, a few thousand yuan was already a lot for him. But not anymore, especially with cubs to raise in the future.

Not to mention the low pay, the human passengers were also too annoying, talking excessively, spraying overpowering perfumes, and even secretly taking pictures of him.

It happened like this: that month, Gray Tail didn't earn much money, but he became a small internet celebrity instead.

Initially, it was on a very popular social media app. A somewhat famous beauty blogger with some fans posted:

[Today, after finishing shopping, I took a taxi back. The driver was so damn handsome, young, with a mohawk, and chiseled features like they were sculpted. So cool! Those hands on the steering wheel, oh my god, they looked so good I could die. I tried chatting with him a few times, but only got a one-word reply: "Oh."]

[Family, I'm not praising myself, but when have I ever received such treatment? Usually, I hate it when taxi drivers chat with me, interrogating me like a census taker.]

[This young driver bro is the absolute best! I saw that he was totally my type, so when I got off, I wanted to get his contact information.]

[But you know what he said? He didn't say anything at all, just walked away.]

Surprisingly, there were many replies under this post: "I think the blogger is from Qingcheng, right? Then it must be that cool bro."

"My sister also took his taxi before and told me she saw a manga male lead."

"Haha, I've also taken his taxi. I didn't have the courage to ask for his contact back then, but I secretly took a photo: picture."

In the picture, the girl was clearly taking it from the back seat, only showing the driver's side profile, a straight nose bridge, slightly pointed chin. The young man wore a black hoodie, with broad shoulders and long legs folded in the seat, his slender, fair hands resting on the steering wheel.

This post immediately went viral.

"Is this bro an athlete?"

"Wow! The most handsome taxi driver!"

"Three minutes, I need all his information."

When Zhou Ziyou came across the posts about Gray Tail while browsing the internet, she was dumbfounded.

"Gray Tail!! You're famous!"

Gray Tail sat next to her on the couch, holding one of his hands and playing with it, occasionally pinching it. He frowned slightly as he looked at himself being discussed in various ways on the phone.

"Ah, having a high visual value is good nowadays, you see? Look at this one, her name is Bai Wei, she's the latest popular model, with a head of long white hair, even her eyelashes are white, like a beautiful snow woman! She's so beautiful I could faint. And she's so tall too, probably around 1.8... 1.83 meters?"

Gray Tail glanced at it and said, "It's White Tail..."

"It's called Bai Wei, Wei as in smile~~"

Gray Tail shook his head. "No, her name is White Tail. She's a Wolfman."

"What!?" Zhou Ziyou was shocked.

Something flashed in her mind, as if she had heard Gray Tail mention before that Wolfmen were famous for their beauty.

"Wow!! Oh my god, a huge bombshell!"

Zhou Ziyou felt like she was harboring a massive secret, so restless that she had to share the news with Shang Xi immediately.

Meanwhile, Gray Tail looked pensive. White Tail was a Wolfman, yet she appeared on human television and phones. Wasn't she worried about exposing her identity?

What was she doing?

Wolfmen had always kept a low profile in the human world.

Even the alpha rarely appeared on camera.

However, it didn't take long, just a couple of days, before an unfamiliar phone number called.

Gray Tail didn't answer, but the other party sent a text: "Gray Tail, pick up the phone. It's me, White Tail. I'm introducing you to a job opportunity."

Gray Tail paused for a moment, then answered the phone when the other person called again.

"Hi hi, little Gray Tail, how are you!" White Tail's pleasant and enthusiastic voice came through the phone. Zhou Ziyou's ears twitched, and she immediately drew closer.

She stared at the phone with suspicious eyes.

Gray Tail actually knew some woman?

Gray Tail explained directly, "She's White Tail."

"What!" Zhou Ziyou widened her eyes.

On the other end of the phone, White Tail said, "Haha Gray Tail, I heard you have a mate now. Is that your mate beside you?"

"Yeah," Gray Tail nodded.

Zhou Ziyou controlled her excited feelings and said, "Um, Miss White Tail, hello."

"Hello to you too, meow, Gray Tail's mate."

"Gray Tail, I saw you yesterday, and you seem to be quite popular with pure humans. Are you interested in being a model? My agent thinks you're not bad."

Gray Tail was silent for a second, then asked, "What are you doing?"

"Making money," White Tail answered without hesitation. "Raking in a ton of money. Pure humans' money is so easy to make. Who would rely on Gu Wen in the future? I'll have my own money too."

Gray Tail pursed his lips, "Is it a lot of money?"

"Let me put it this way, I can buy three houses a month now."

Gray Tail's pupils dilated, and he immediately said, "I'm in."

Zhou Ziyou was surprised that her usually quiet and obedient partner suddenly wanted to become a model. The first thing she thought of was not about being able to make money, but rather...

"Have you thought this through? What if your identity is discovered, or you lose control and your ears show..."

"Don't worry, we don't lose control that easily."

"You're lying, you clearly lose control quite easily. I've seen it happen multiple times."

Gray Tail coughed lightly and touched his nose, "Only you've seen it frequently."

"That's different."

In front of his mate, could it be the same?

Looking at Zhou Ziyou's round and fair body, he adored her so much and wanted to be close to her.

Zhou Ziyou was hugged by Gray Tail, and the two clung to each other intimately. Gray Tail nuzzled her neck, played with her hair, kissed the back of her hand, and pinched the soft flesh on her hands, treasuring her immensely.

"Ziyou, let me go, okay?"

He wanted to make some extra money. They already had one round one at home, and after getting married, there would be plump little cubs. Chubby cubs would definitely be adorable.

Tomorrow there will be cubs, ah, their side story is about to conclude, haha. Although I'm a bit reluctant to end it, there's no choice. Nowadays the royalty fee is only a few dozen yuan per day, and I'm not writing for the royalties anymore. It's just out of love for this book and a sense of responsibility to you all. But I can't write forever either. It's about time to conclude and let me rest for a while.

The next chapter has been updated and is under review.


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