Shadow Ruler

Chapter 2.4

Chapter 2.4

The tough guy who helped us escape from that town told us that he had collected a lot of evidence of their embezzlement and other things, and after he let us escape, he was determined to expose them to the world and have them die socially.

We dont even know the name of the town. We dont even know the names of the family. And the random transfer magic that they used to move us around And we have no evidence The fact that we cant do anything about it is also true Ill leave it to that person.

Masters mother said. Words gain power when they hold strong feelings.

Wow, what a nice mother you have.

I heard that word is called the spirit of speech, though.

Is it some kind of special magic?

She was a mysterious person in many ways. While she was alive, she was kind to me and the cat, she fed us, and she read to us often.

If it were possible, I would have liked to have met her and talked to her.

Not at all If that person had lived, Master would have lived a happy life. Alright! Im done talking about this! Master, lets rest now, shall we? I think weve reached our limit, dont you?

Bird-san, you know exactly how I feel.

Actually, I am too tired and sleepy.

But Bird-san, how can you understand this girls situation? Even though she doesnt speak and has no expression on her face.

The reason she is expressionless is that she has never known any happiness, so she has not been able to develop emotions and has pushed them inside. And its not that she doesnt talk, she cant talk.

. What do you mean?

That damn lord!!! He crushed Masters throat just because she cried too much at night. !!!


Isnt that too much?

Thats why hes not Masters father! Hes a scumbag! Id kill him myself if I could! Thats why Cat and I decided to protect Master together.

I see I think I understand how close the three of you are and how much you care about each other.

So you guys are like her parents.

Well, yeah. He only brought a glass of water and a small piece of bread that was too hard for her to eat, which was almost the same as fasting, so we brought her nuts, wild vegetables, and medicinal herbs to feed Master. We were sneaking in while trying not to be seen by that guy, into the room where Master was locked up.

Even if I wasnt in your shoes, Id feel the same way as Bird-san

So, where were you headed?

We saw what looked like a town over there, so we were heading that way, taking frequent breaks

Oh, yeah, thats the closest town to here. We were on our way to that town, too.

Its not over yet.

What was Lily doing?

You know from the fight earlier that I can use water magic, right?


My water magic is a bit special and reacts very excessively to my emotions. So when I want to defeat someone, my attack power increases, and when I want to heal someone, my healing power appears. Isnt that strange?

Thats unusual Maybe you could help Master with her injury?

There are too many old wounds She is lucky that she has only a few injuries on her face, but other than that, she is covered with injuries at a level where nothing could be done The most I could probably do is make it a little faded and when it comes to her throat I probably wont be able to do anything about it Im sorry.

Dont worry about it. It is that Worthless Lords Fault to begin with.

Well Do you want to go with us?

Why? Thanks, but whats in it for you?

Im here to help. Besides, in a way, you guys are the reason I have so much to cash in. Plus, theres a Traumawolf in the mix.

The term Traumawolf referred to a large-sized dog that is one size larger than the dogs.

The bigger the dog, the stronger it was.

Its going to be hard for you guys to carry all this with you, and youd better have some money, right? And the medical care and clothes for the girl?

But we cant take all that because theres also your shares, right?

What are you talking about?

Eh? Is it different?

No, of course not. I can tell from the marks that you guys took out about 40% of those guys. Besides, it looks like the young lady took out one of the three Wolves Its amazing that she beat the Wolf, even if it was just by accident.

So, well need to split the money for that, and wed appreciate it if you went with us. Besides, it would be hard for us to feel good about it if we were to receive the portion of the money that you guys have taken down.

But we cant do anything in return, you know?

Well, we want to take care of her until she settles down somewhat, so wont you come with us? If you dont, Ill make her mine, okay?

Im not giving her to you!

Then youll come with us, wont you?

Yes, we are grateful for the help.

So, adventurers are like this? I was going to a town with a group of adventurers who were in charge of collecting money by fighting and helping others.

I tried to walk as fast as I could, thinking that I would be a nuisance if I didnt walk by myself, but Lily-san carried me in her arms.

Then there was Cat-san on Dan-sans head, and Anne-san was petting Bird-san on her shoulder for some reason.

Zell-san is lightly fighting Cat-sans tail as we go along.


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