Seven Sins System

Chapter 316: Agony I

Chapter 316: Agony I

Seven Sins System Chapter 316. Agony I

Once we emerged from the portal, the surroundings shifted dramatically, leaving us stranded in the heart of an eerie forest, far removed from the comforting lights of civilization.

The dim moonlight barely penetrated the dense canopy of towering trees. Sinister, glowing eyes blinked from the darkness, revealing the monsters' watchful gaze. 

Fear clung to the captives, and their voices fell silent as they gazed around in terror, realizing the direness of their situation.

"Ah… perfect!" I muttered as I inhaled a deep breath, savoring the malevolent anticipation. My sinister smile widened as I reveled in the macabre atmosphere, already teeming with the unmistakable scent of impending death. Although the gruesome spectacle had not yet begun, it was only a matter of moments before the forest would bear witness to a nice horror.

My tentacles shifted, positioning one of my male hostages in front of me. His face was etched with a deep, palpable fear, and he quivered like a trapped animal on the brink of oblivion. I relished this moment, for the terror in his eyes was a delectable appetizer to the feast of fear and agony that would soon follow.

"Now you can scream as loud as you want," I taunted him, my voice dripping with sadistic glee.

"No… Please no!" he begged, his voice a pitiful whimper, his pleas desperate and frantic.

I responded with a chilling, malevolent laugh that echoed through the eerie silence of the forest. "Oh, c'mon... Don't give me that shit," I retorted, my tone mocking and heartless. "Isn't that precisely what you said to Liney before, right?" I asked, my words laden with venomous irony. "Now, it's your turn to experience the very horrors you once inflicted upon her innocent unborn child."

Raising the colossal pincer, I held it before me.

His eyes bulged with terror as the dreadful reality set in. "No..." he pleaded, his voice quivering, desperation seeping into every word. "Please, no!" His screams pierced the night, growing louder. The sheer terror in his eyes was palpable.

But, of course, I remained unmoved by his pitiful cries. Instead, a wicked smirk curled upon my lips, a sinister satisfaction derived from his torment. In this dark and twisted dance of vengeance, there was no room for mercy or remorse.

The monstrous pincer clamped down upon one of his legs with crushing force, and in a merciless yank, I began the gruesome process. I knew precisely how much strength to exert to make each pull agonizingly painful but not instantly fatal.




I tore into his leg three times, each cruel pull sending searing pain through him. His anguished screams filled the forest, begging for mercy that would never come. The onlookers could only watch in terror, paralyzed by the horrific spectacle.

"An eye for an eye," I declared, waving his severed leg still impaled upon the ghastly pincher in front of him. With a malevolent flick, I released the pincer's grip, and the severed limb thudded to the forest floor.

The macabre ritual repeated, this time targeting his trembling hand.

His once defiant body now hung limp and broken, the sheer agony etched into his feature. But I was far from finished. With the same horrifying pincer, I continued my gruesome work. Again and again, I pierced his body, each thrust aimed to avoid any fatal points. The sadistic act seemed to stretch for eternity as his screams of torment filled the air, mingling with his companions' terrified gasps.

It was a relentless symphony of pain.

The man hung limply from my tentacle, his breathing shallow and ragged, barely clinging to life. I wore a look of feigned disappointment, my sadistic amusement hidden behind a facade of mock sympathy. "Almost dead already? How weak!" I taunted, my voice dripping with cruel mockery.

Raising his battered body high above the forest floor, I turned my attention to the growing horde of monsters that had been drawn by the scent of blood and the anguished cries of my victim. Their numbers had swelled, hungry eyes fixed on the grisly scene.

"Ready for dinner, everyone?" I asked with a chilling smirk, relishing the anticipation of their impending feast. It had indeed been far too long since I had indulged in the torment of evil mortals like this.

The forest seemed to come alive with the enthusiastic roars of the hungry monsters. They gathered beneath the dangling figure, eager for the grisly feast that awaited them.

I watched with a cruel satisfaction as the anticipation in their eyes matched my own sadistic thrill. With a final, chilling command, I uttered, "Okay. Bon appétit."

With that, I loosened my grip on the dying man. His body plummeted from my tentacle, and the monsters descended upon him with ferocity. It was a gruesome spectacle.

The body slumped and fell, its descent marked by the horrifying sound of tearing flesh and eager growls from the monsters below. They pounced on it with an insatiable hunger, their sharp claws and gnashing teeth tearing the corpse apart with gruesome gusto. Limbs were ripped from their sockets, and organs were devoured with ravenous delight.

Amidst this nightmarish scene, I turned to the others, my sadistic grin undiminished by the horror around us. "Let's continue, shall we?" I said, my voice carrying an unsettling calmness. 

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