Seven Sins System

Chapter 3: A Devil Among The Mortals

Chapter 3: A Devil Among The Mortals

Seven Sins System Chapter 3. A Devil Among The Mortals

"Nghh..." I grunted and opened my eyes slowly. But I quickly regretted it since I prefer darkness to the blinding sunlight that pierced my eyes.

I raised my hand to block the light and forced my weak body to sit. My skin could feel the prickly grass beneath me.

Slowly, I opened my eyes once again, staring at the calm clear river in front of me with the green grass beneath me.

'Is this mortal realm?' I thought. My eyes stared at the river blankly. My head was still heavy, trying to connect everything. Not to mention nausea that hit my stomach. I felt like I just woke up from the worst hangover in my life.

The breeze ruffled my black hair and bit my skin. The sun in the clear blue sky bathed my body with warmth. The gentle sound of the wind mixed with the sound of river flow greeted my ears. It was so peaceful here...

But my peace only lasted a few seconds, two women's screams from behind me brought my attention back to my surroundings.

"Kyaaa---! Pervert!"

I got up and turned to the source of the voice. But I could only see two women running through the bushes in a hurry. Then I looked from side to side to see who the pervert was, but I couldn't find anyone.

Even though I was confused, I was sure it wasn't me since normally humans would call me a monster or demon.

I frowned.

"What pervert?" I said in a nonchalant tone.

But when I shifted my gaze down and I could see my naked dick dangling casually in my crotch, it was my turn to scream.

"Ahhhh! Where's my clothes?!"

I groped my head and couldn't find my horns.

"Where are my horns?!" I tried to summon my wings, tentacles, and tails but the system answered me with something else.

[You cannot use your tentacles before level 5.]

[You cannot show your horns before level 5.]

[You cannot use your wings before level 20.]

[You cannot use your tails before level 30.]

[Your true form will be disabled as long as you haven't broken your third seal.]

[Fake status has been activated. ]

[Demonic Aura has been disabled. ]

"This is ridiculous!" How the hell, I, the prince of the shadow realm take the same form as a human?

I quickly snapped my fingers and used my Demon's Clothes. A skill used by a demon to create his own clothes out of his Demonic Power. Unfortunately, the system responded to me with something else.

[Skill failed!]

[Demon's Clothes cannot be used in this realm!]

"Really?!" I protested. How could I carry out my mission if I don't even have clothes?

This time my father answered my protest.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you. A guy named Carl will pick you up later. He is a human who has made a contract with me. He has also prepared everything for you, including your new identity, your job, and your place. In return, just fulfill his request." His voice came out of nowhere.

"Also I forgot to give you this." A dark blue cloth landed elegantly on my head. My hand took it and opened it. My jaw dropped either in shock, annoyance, or anger once I recognized what it was. It was his shorts!

"That's your bonus. You don't have to thank me," he added. His tone made him sound like a wise man while his words said otherwise.

I threw it to the ground out of rage.

"This is your fucking shorts! At least give me a better one!" I snapped.

"Hey, you're 423 years old. Stop complaining like a brat!"

"I'm 523 years old! You even forgot your own son's age!" I threw my anger out.

"Uh... Well, I had so many thoughts lately so... Ahahaha."

That fucking 'Ahahaha' pissed me off even more.

"Give---" Before I could finish my words, another hard object fell on my head. It managed to make me grimace before I picked it up and realized it was a phone. It wasn't a new model. A shabby one if I could say.

"Since I can't use my Telepathy to contact you once the portal is closed, we will be in touch with that phone. Remember text only, no call allowed. You can send your photo with it or the evidence. I will send my selfie once in a while in return. That's all. Good luck on your mission and make me proud, son."

His last sentence made me cringe in disgust since he never called me that before. Moreover, who needed his selfie?!

"Seriously?! You're going to leave me with just this?!" I shouted again.

This time he didn't answer me.

"At least give me a newer model!" I said in depression. I referred to the phone.

Again, he didn't answer me.

I exhaled tiredly.

"Right... He's gone," I muttered in a much calmer tone.

Reluctantly, I took the shorts and wore them since I had no other choice. Well, it was better than naked.

Then I threw myself to the ground, and lay down on the grass one more time, trying to calm myself down and swallow my anger. My eyes fell on the blue sky above me.

I realized my power imbalance could give me problems one day since the power of wrath tends to swallow the user's logic and common sense. And I knew the only way to reach a higher power was to reset and balance it. Still... After all the hard work I had put in, I felt like I was kicked out of my own house...

I knew I should have checked my system, but the heavy feeling in my heart made me refuse to do it. At least, I wanted to calm myself down a bit.

Before... I was a strong demon prince. The Lord of Wrath. My aura alone could make other people run away or lower their heads in fear. Only a few people had the guts to look me in the eyes. My dad, my sis, Ivy, and some royal demons.

But now I'm a human...

I couldn't feel my aura and knew I had lost my strength. I even couldn't access my original form. Wasn't that pathetic?

A few minutes later, the sound of footsteps approached from my side.

"Excuse me, sir," he said doubtfully, mixed with his panting breath.

After another exhale, I sat down and turned to that human. Somehow I managed to calm myself down quickly despite my loss. I knew what I had to do was concentrate on what I would gain later.

"You're Carl, right? Shall we talk in a better place?" I said in a calm tone.


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