Seoul Object Story

Chapter 73: Gyeyang Mountain Temporary Camp - Aftermath (3)

Yellow Detective POV:


Researchers from the Sehee Research Institute arrived at the underground vacant lot.

A tall man and a woman with a ponytail.

The female researcher from Sehee Research Institute strode over and yanked one arm of the gray Reaper that junior 1 was hugging.

But junior 1 didn't want to let go, clinging onto the Gray Reaper and not releasing it.

Thanks to that, the sleepy-looking Gray Reaper was dangling in the air, both arms held.

When I gave a look, junior 1 released her hands with a very reluctant expression.

Even after that, junior 1 gazed wistfully at the Sehee researcher walking away from the vacant lot while holding the Gray Reaper.

"Senior, why am I not a researcher from Sehee Research Institute?"

A mumbling in a sad voice could be heard.

As the Gray Reaper disappeared, the Golden Reapers also started vanishing one by one, soon to be all gone.

Junior 1 was hugging the handful of remaining Golden Reapers, consoling her regret.

In fact, the man from Sehee Research Institute had tried to collect the Golden Reapers too.

But some Golden Reapers clung to junior and absolutely refused to come off, so he gave up, leaving the ones now in junior's arms.

Instead, she received some cautions from the man, but there was nothing special said, perhaps because Objects had not been revealed as harmful yet.

Rather, the instructions from the association people were more of an issue.

They strongly advised not to take the Golden Reapers outside the camp.

"I guess you guys are the only ones I can trust."

"You guys won't disappear, right?"

Junior 1 kept talking to the Golden Reapers, who couldn't understand.

If she keeps this up, I'll have to tell her to get a mental contamination test.

The unexpected thing was that junior 2, who showed an odd attachment to the Golden Reapers, was behaving calmly.

It didn't seem like her attachment was any less than junior 1's...

Looking at junior 2 now...

Her posture is stiff and she keeps looking around, is something uncomfortable?


??? POV:


A secret Research Institute affiliated with the association.

In the deepest part of that Research Institute, there was a peculiar isolation room prepared.

It wasn't a severe isolation room made of steely metal, nor an ordinary one made of bricks or concrete.

The isolation room was made of a transparent material that hardly reflected at all.

The isolation room was so transparent that its boundaries were invisible, creating the illusion that the isolated subject was floating in midair.

Trapped in this boundaryless isolation room/prison was a man who had once served as the director of the central Research Institute.

The man, also called the 'Maker', lay there as a mangled corpse, abandoned in the transparent isolation room.

Surrounding his transparent confinement were sophisticated surveillance equipment.

Not just visual observation by humans, but various devices including CCTVs were monitoring the director.

Devices measuring all kinds of readings like infrared, vibrations, temperature were abundant.

Besides staff for visual monitoring and monitoring the devices, soldiers were also on constant standby.

Within this stringent enclosure from which escape was impossible, the director opened his eyes.

Looking around, the director instantly realized the situation he was in.

Having lost all the Objects he possessed and isolated, the director contorted his face.

All that was left for them was the endless repetition of conquering the Research Institute.


He stood up and pounded on the transparent isolation room wall.


Thud Thud Thud.

There was no blind spot, no shadow to hide in.

He could not escape the watcher's gaze.

The sophisticated surveillance equipment recorded every blink of the director's eyes and every breath he took. The constantly focused lenses captured the director's appearance in meticulous detail, leaving no area uncovered.

"But...there's still work to be done! I still have things to do for humanity!"

The director shouted while pounding on the transparent walls that left no fingerprints.

However, the observers showed no reaction, their faces expressionless.

Those who valued silence as a virtue simply stared at the screens with an almost obsessive concentration, their faces obscured by the dim lighting.

"I succeeded in manifesting Objects, just a little more and Objects will be in humanity's hands!"

"Eliminate Nameless, eliminate Steel Tower!"

"Yes, the Gray Reaper! I must kill the Gray Reaper! The enemy of humanity that obstructed me working for humanity!"

The director began summoning researchers secretly from under his feet while shouting loudly, but...


A gunshot pierced his brow from the ceiling, and the director collapsed as a corpse.

The director's first day in the isolation room ended like this.

And without any special 'incidents', it would continue this way.


Reaper (MC) POV:

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Finally, back to Sehee Research Institute isolation room.

In the center of the cozy room illuminated by a soft pumpkin-colored light, I was lying on a plush bed, savoring the coziness.

The always pleasantly maintained blue sheets rippled with soft wrinkles, gentle like the tranquil waves of the sea.

On this sea of comfort, a ghost cat lay languidly, yawning.

As if after a faithful adventure, the sleepy-looking cat was indulging in this comfort.

Around the room, plush cushions and soft rugs added to the cozy atmosphere.

The potted plants with lush blue leaves arranged by Yerin, and the newly placed sweet vanilla-scented air freshener also fit the room's ambiance nicely.

On the TV next to the cozy bed, they were discussing the previous incident.

[How is it realistically possible for the government to have been completely unaware until a pseudo-religious group that started in China crossed the sea, entered Incheon, and massacred citizens?]

[This was an intentional massacre condoned by the government!]

[Just look at the actions like withdrawing police personnel and abandoning administrative management a few days before those men in black robes attacked - it's clear the government was aware but turned a blind eye.]

The TV panel raised its voice while waving around work instructions issued from the government to the police station.

It was about the tragedy at the Gyeyang Mountain Temporary Camp located in Incheon.

The shocking story of residents living in the camp being massacred overnight.

Moreover, the perpetrators of the massacre turned out to be an unidentified pseudo-religious group!

That religious group was actually quite famous as a cult in China.

A religion that worshipped a massive golden flame as a god.

A terrorist group notorious across China for destroying all kinds of Objects.

Terrorists who destroyed Objects, including those secured by the Research Institute.

Not only that, but a terrorist group that also attacked humans and staff trying to stop their destructive operations.

I listened carefully to the news about the ninja's religious group I was interested in, but the information I wanted did not come out.

Why do they carry pudding?

Why do they worship me?

And most importantly, where do they sell that pudding?

It was a news report lacking the most crucial information.

I took a chestnut and changed the TV channel while munching on it.

As I flipped through the channels looking for something interesting, an intriguing story caught my eye.

A jet-black emperor penguin, like a shadow!

In the photo, there was an amusing penguin waddling and dancing.

It was a remarkable Object that supposedly came alive and danced in the photo if taken with a Polaroid camera.

Oh, it looks kind of fun.

If I keep watching that penguin, maybe Yerin will notice and get me one?


Junior #2 POV:


The Golden Reapers clinging to Senior Detective and Senior Hammer all melted and disappeared into thin air.

Thanks to that, we were able to carry out the procedures for leaving the camp.


Deep breath.

Discreetly, carefully.

Senior Detective is too perceptive, so I need to act as natural as possible.

I was moving the Golden Reaper hidden inside my clothes.

This was the only place it wouldn't be noticeable, so I had no choice.

Fortunately, the Golden Reaper remained still inside my clothes.

Now, if I wait a little longer, I can leave the camp.

As soon as I leave the camp and part ways with the seniors, my mission to secretly smuggle the Golden Reaper will be a success!

Thanks to Senior Detective's connections, the investigation we had to undergo when leaving the camp was just a simple Q&A session.

"Well, since the request is over, shall we part ways? Or should I give you a ride to the detective agency?"

"I... I'll go straight ahead. I have somewhere to be!"

"Is that so?"

Hiieekkkk, Senior Detective's gaze feels piercing for some reason.

Did he notice something?

"Senior! Why are you staring at Hyejin like you're trying to bore a hole in her body?"

Senior Hammer smacked Senior Detective's back.

Wow, that was an extremely loud sound. It must have hurt.

For some reason, I felt like Senior Detective would have noticed if Senior Hammer hadn't intervened. Nice one, Senior Hammer!

Now, if I leave the camp, take a taxi, and go straight home, my Golden Reaper smuggling will be a success.

Maybe I got too complacent, which was the problem.

The Golden Reaper suddenly started squirming.

I covered its protruding head with my hand and looked around, but fortunately, it didn't seem like anyone noticed.

Phew, that was a relief.


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