Seoul Object Story

Chapter 65: Gyeyang Mountain Temporary Camp (5)

Reaper (MC) POV:


Looking down at the ghost cat from the rooftop of a nearby building where I was hiding, the Gyeyang Mountain Temporary Camp was in a mess.

The traces of the joyful party were scattered and destroyed everywhere, which saddened me.

I also like parties!

The overturned grill lay on the floor, spilling its contents, and the well-roasted golden chicken skewers were rolling on the dirt floor, dripping their juices.

In the vacant lot where the party ended, beings that were neither human nor Objects were running around like zombies.

Next to the wrecked party site, familiar faces were hiding.

The yellow detective leaning casually against the brick wall, holding a gas lamp.

The detective junior with a tense expression, holding a large hammer.

They both exuded an atmosphere that was somehow different from before.

Hmm, if I had to put it into words, they had become half-Objects?

Well, a person who can throw someone like a baseball can't be an ordinary person.

I tried to watch the cat's adventure with a movie-watching sensation, but something started to stimulate my senses.

Should I say it as a 'bang!' sound that only I could hear?

It felt like something creepy suddenly appeared somewhere in this corner of the camp.

The most strongly felt was an enormous malice towards humans.

I alternately looked towards the corner of the camp and where the cat was.

Huh, I wanted to keep watching the cat's great adventure....

But the cat will probably be fine, since the detective and junior are capable.

And Watson is there too!

Leaving the detective's group behind, I started hopping towards the direction where I felt that creepy sensation.


Yellow Detective POV:


Some characters that I remembered seeing near that rooftop appeared and disappeared on my monocle.

The words I saw were the 'Gray Reaper'.

The Gray Reaper that seemed to be observing us had suddenly disappeared somewhere.

The Gray Reaper that should be at the Sehee Research Institute appeared here.

I know that Gray Reaper is an Object that is often falsely accused....

But it's unavoidable to be suspicious when it keeps appearing at crime scenes.

Why did it show up here?

Still, if we could get help from the human-friendly Gray Reaper, it would have been much easier....

Rescuing Junior 2 seemed to be quite troublesome.

The three-story building where Junior 2 was hiding was surrounded by the camp residents.

The fact that there were many people at the welcome party had become a problem instead.

She had locked the rooftop door and was holing up, but it would be difficult to hold out for long.

Unlike the zombies commonly seen in movies, since the camp residents have intelligence, it would be impossible to keep resisting.

They were already trying various methods, such as bringing ladders or trying to climb the walls.

Junior 2 only had about 3 bullets left.

Hmm, there's nothing I can think of.

It seems that in order to get the client and Junior 2 out, we would have to lure the camp residents piled up like a mountain outside, and only then would there be a possibility.

Fortunately, those residents had zombie-like habits.

The habit of chasing us mindlessly instead of using their heads when they spot our group.

If they didn't have that habit, it would be like fighting against a well-organized militia, and escaping from there would have been really difficult.

If that were the case, we would have been caught when we were sneaking through the alleys at first.

"Alright, come here."

A simple plan explanation.

I would draw their attention and lure all those zombies away, while Junior 1 would take Junior 2 and the client to a safe place.

Unexpectedly, the most important part of this plan is that cat.

We have to hope that the cat guides them to a safe place.

When I explained the plan, the Object cat meowed as if it understood.


Junior 1 POV:


Senior recited the flimsy plan and suddenly got up and ran into the vacant lot.

Clap clap.

He clapped twice to draw everyone's attention.

"Everyone. It's getting late, shouldn't we wrap up the welcome party?"

Senior's words made the camp residents start drooling and rushing towards him in droves.

And senior didn't even glance at me and started running away in the opposite direction.

After waiting for the commotion to subside, when I looked over the wall, all those people had disappeared completely.

The vacant lot where they had a welcome party, grilling barbeque and eating chicken skewers until recently, had turned into a complete mess.

I entered the empty 3-story building and knocked on the locked rooftop door.

Knock knock knock.

After waiting a bit, Hyejin, with a pale face, opened the door while holding the unconscious client in her arms.

The revolver tightly gripped in both hands was trembling, and she still seemed flustered.

"What on earth, what on earth is going on? Everyone was so kind earlier."

“Yeah, yeah, everything's fine, no problem.”

I could only hug her tightly and pat her on the back.

After comforting her for a few minutes, Hyejin finally calmed down enough to converse.

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First, I had to ask why the client passed out, and what situation arose that required using a gun.

"The client suddenly lost consciousness on the rooftop. The reason... I don't know."

"Then do you not know why you were attacked either?"

"I don't know that either. We were just having a normal conversation..."

Hyejin didn't seem to understand this situation at all.

"Senior and I saw something strange while wandering around. Some kids were eating a dog raw. Seeing that, I thought 'we need to leave quickly!' but then I heard gunshots and the camp people attacked us with rolled back eyes, it was chaos."

"By any chance, were those chicken skewers they gave us actually dog meat?"

"Ah, no way...."

While securing the client with cloth to move her, Hyejin made a very ominous sound.

Ah, no way.

No, it couldn't be, dog meat would taste different, right?

"Come to think of it, these people seemed obsessed with 'tourists'."


"They kept asking everyone they met if they were tourists, who they came with."

"I think I had a conversation related to that too, so were we attacked for not being tourists?"

"Who knows. But it's clear this place is strange, so we need to resolve the client's request quickly."

I picked up the client on my back and called to the cat, who was sitting on the wall and yawning.

"Kitty! Now guide us to a safe place."


The confident looking cat started guiding us while swishing its tail.


Yellow Detective POV:



I let out a ragged breath after sprinting down the unfamiliar streets.

There was no time to catch my breath while fleeing from the relentless zombie horde.

I jumped over brick walls, circled around narrow alleys, and knocked over trash cans and structures, but I couldn't seem to shake off the zombies.

Ah I'm going to die, this kind of physical exertion is not my thing...

Even now, the gas lamp I'm holding is swinging wildly in my hand.

If I asked Watson to hide me, it would resolve immediately, but I decided to endure a bit longer.

I know it's okay to ask Watson 3 times, but Watson is still unsettling.

While fleeing from rooftop to rooftop, something strange caught my eye in the periphery.

What is that?

Late at night, dressed in black.

Though not clearly visible, from the glimpses I could see, a considerable number were gathering.

People wrapped entirely in black cloth like ninjas.

Coordinated movements.

Unusual attire.

I've never heard of such a group dressing like that in Korea.

They infiltrated the camp and started massacring the residents.

Without saying a word, just blending into the darkness and attacking indiscriminately.

Thanks to them, the number of camp residents chasing me was decreasing dramatically, but those black-robed people looked too suspicious for me to be purely happy about it.

Since the situation changed, it seemed better to regroup with the juniors quickly.

I raised Watson and said,

"Watson, conceal my appearance"

"Watson, conceal my appearance"

"Watson, conceal my appearance"

With a mocking laughter, the spreading smoke turned my body transparent.

I'll just hurry back, something strange is happening.


Junior 1 POV:


Near the container house, we looked around and saw a wall-like structure made of construction materials densely surrounding the area like a fortress.

From the outside, it looked like a pile of stacked construction materials being stored.

Inside, there was a fairly spacious area and a small container house.

The place the cat guided us to was truly a perfectly hidden spot.

Hyejin looked around with a worried expression and said, "Will they be able to find us here? It's completely out of sight and in a really remote area..."

"Don't worry, senior will definitely find us. To be honest, senior's intuition is more like an Object than the Objects he carries. And if he can't find us, he'll contact us by phone, right?"

We didn't need to worry since senior was extremely good at finding places like this.

Hyejin would also get used to senior's way of doing things after some time.

Putting our worries aside, we sat on the chairs inside the container to rest, and then we heard a groaning sound.


Shaking her head from side to side, the client 'Sua' woke up.

Hyejin approached the awakened client in a friendly manner, "Are you feeling better now?"

"Ah, it seems I passed out. I'm sorry."

The client still seemed disoriented, swaying unsteadily.

Well if she had only been gone for about a month and came back to find everyone she knew had turned into zombie-like beings, it's understandable to be shocked.

After regaining her senses, the client Sua spoke with a very confused expression, "Ah, this may sound like a strange question."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"I can't remember well."

"What was my name?"

The client started saying strange things.


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