Seoul Object Story

Chapter 50: Theme Park (1)

The sound of the TV echoed hollowly in the isolation room, and I was fidgeting out of boredom.

'She's late...Yerin...'

I was bored lately because Yerin couldn't come often these days.

So to kill time, I was wandering around the Research Institute when I discovered a new isolation room.

New Objects had been brought into the Research Institute.

There were a total of 3 new Objects I found while roaming the Research Institute.

Each new Object had a brief note about its source written on it.

Two were found by the 'cute puppy', and one was transferred from another Research Institute.

It seems like they used to only bring in Objects occasionally before, but lately they've been increasing the number of Objects in isolation whenever they're bored.

One of them was the creepy Object roaming around in that isolation room full of sand.

Its name was oddly named to the point where I wondered if this was really its name.

<Skull Spider>

Should I really consider this a spider?

It looks more like bone rather than a spider...

The Skull Spider looked less like a spider and more like a hand bone crudely tied together with spider webs.

In fact, it was hard to see it as a human hand bone, since it had over 20 fingers.

If you consider the fingers as a spider's legs, the number of legs far exceeded that of a spider.

After observing it for a while, its behavior felt a bit insect-like.

It would burrow into the sand and hide, then leap out of the sand to ambush any easy prey that passed by.

Since it was just bare bones with no flesh, I watched curiously to see if it actually ate anything, but it didn't seem to eat its prey.

It would just tie up its successful hunts with spider webs and bury them in the sand.

It also displayed spider-like behaviors like gliding with its webs or shooting webs.

As I continued to observe it like ants, I realized that it looked a bit like spiders.

But it looked too creepy to actually touch with my hands, so I skipped that and headed to the isolation room where another Object was kept.

This isolation room was starkly different from the others.

It was a large outdoor facility, like a racing circuit.

A spacious courtyard with roads and intersections recreated inside the isolation room.

The name of the Object isolated here is <Perfect Navigation>.

It was a stylishly designed navigation system with beautiful wood grain patterns.

It had an artistic, high-end furniture vibe to it as an Object.

The only issue was that it was attached to a three-wheeled bicycle.

When I snuck into the isolation room and got on the three-wheeler, the unpowered navigation system turned on by itself.

"Please state your destination."

A crisp voice flowed out of the navigation system.

The navigation screen displayed a detailed map of the area around the Research Institute, even depicting people and vehicles moving around in real-time.

It really did seem like a truly 'perfect' navigation system, as its name suggested.

Usually, Objects this useful tend to stay with their discoverers instead of ending up at the Research Institute.

But the fact that it was here implied a high chance of it having some critical flaw.

Still, it looked kind of fun.

Ting ting.

As I slowly pedaled the three-wheeler, a clear ringing sound came from the metal connected to the wheels.

Probably a device to easily locate the moving bicycle's position inside the large isolation room?

As the bicycle moved forward, the navigation system spoke up.

"Switching to free roam mode."

The three-wheeler moved forward slowly at my pedaling pace, making a clear ringing sound.

This isolation room was set up like a bicycle playground of sorts.

Quite a dangerous playground, except for that part it was fun.

As I rolled the wheels, metal balls would sometimes roll out in front, or metal human figures would pop out at crosswalks.

Every time, the navigation system detected every single one of them and gave me instructions to avoid them at just the right timing.

A bit of an exaggeration, but it felt like I could drive on the road blindfolded!

As I wandered around the three-wheeled bicycle road, fog started to rise gradually.

Wow, did they even create a device to recreate such bad weather conditions?

The thick fog made it impossible to see even an inch ahead, which should have made it difficult to move around, but thanks to the navigation system, it wasn't a problem at all.

The navigation system was actually projecting light to simulate the external environment.

With an excited feeling, I increased my speed with a smile on my face.

It was more enjoyable than I thought to pedal quickly on the completely white road where nothing could be seen.

A somewhat uneasy yet wondrous feeling overlapped, giving me quite a thrill.

However, the fun time that seemed endless in the thick fog where even the bicycle wheels were invisible, came to an end.

The fog that had filled the surroundings suddenly disappeared.


And then I rolled down a steep hill.

Tumbling down, the place I ended up was a graveyard of three-wheeled bicycles.

Many bicycles were scattered around this graveyard.

I'm physically immune, so I was fine, but it was a height that could have killed an ordinary person if they fell.

We will rely solely on your kindness! Click here!

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I ghostified out of the isolation room and read the description of the Object.

<Perfect Navigation>

<A navigation system that requires no electricity, sensors, or data connection.>

<Newly created roads are instantly recorded and guided by the navigation.>

<Even roads that have been damaged in accidents or collision sites are immediately recorded and guided.>

<Traffic congestion is instantly recorded to provide the fastest route.>

<Caution: Once you start relying on the navigation, it generates fog at random intervals. Trusting the navigation during that time will lead to fatal accidents.>

<It often guides people towards cliff-like locations to make them fall.>

I thought it was a good one, but it turned out to be an evil navigation system...


Detective POV:


I picked up a photo soaked in blood scattered on the floor.

"A cute puppy photo?"

A dismembered corpse, a torn notebook, and a cute puppy photo.

It feels like I should remember something, but I can't recall.

I definitely feel like I should remember it...

"The 'Maker' tested 'Nameless' huh. That criminal tried to solve a global Object issue. So they stole the Cube?"


The black figure covering the lady's eyes from the horrific basement environment said something puzzling.

'Nameless' sounds like a name I've heard before.

What was it?

"Don't bother trying to remember. It'll just give you a headache."

"Well, I'm not really into pointlessly worrying anyway. This puzzling stuff is probably related to Objects again."

Feeling frustrated, I brushed my hair back.

"So did you at least find out anything useful from this mess?"

"Not really any useful information. Just traces of an attempted futile act."

"We missed the Maker, then."

Employees in blue uniforms started descending into the basement in large numbers.

They'll probably poke around with professional equipment, trying to find even the smallest clue.

Chasing the Maker is quite interesting, but without a request, I should head back to the office and wait for the next one.

"Junior, let's go back!"

"No, senior! Where are you leaving Hyejin behind?"


Reaper (MC) POV:


Leaving the Skull Spider and the navigation system behind, I arrived at an Object kept in a sturdier isolation room.

The moment I saw this Object, I had a feeling.

This one seems like it'll be fun!

The Object was a walking doll.

A round, ball-like face.

Its eyes and mouth were crudely sewn shut, and it wore a colorful clown-like outfit.

Aside from the face, it was quite a nice doll.

The problem was that the face looked unnervingly realistic, which made me feel uncomfortable.

The doll walked around inside the isolation room, nodding in greeting and holding out an envelope.

Written on the envelope was "You're invited to Smile Theme Park!"

So it seems the name of this Object was written like this:

<Theme Park Invitation Doll>

The doll walked around pitifully alone, holding out the invitation, but none of the Research Institute employees accepted the invitation.

In fact, accepting an invitation from an Object was a declaration that you were willing to risk death.

The doll that had been toddling over held out the invitation to me.

Hmm, it feels like something fun might happen if I accept that invitation?


??? POV:


A lonesome shared graveyard.

Leaning against a tree, I waited endlessly for someone.

Secret Central Research Institute employees were positioned all around the graveyard to guard me.

The secret Central Research Institute did not send me back to prison.

Instead, they put me in charge as the vice director of the secret Central Research Institute.

Even in a situation where it became impossible to summon the director Object, they deliberately left the director's seat vacant and made me the vice director.

And as the vice director of the secret Central Research Institute, my first duty was to wait at some grave for some person.

I was waiting with the conviction that since that man had been freed, he would definitely come here.

Because it was his mother's grave.

Footsteps approached.

I looked up to see the man with the same face as 30 years ago.

The man looked at me with the same emotionless eyes as 30 years before.


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