Senior Brother, Stop It, You Are A Villain!

Chapter 139.2

Chapter 139.2

It has to be said that even if it is not used to suppress soul entities, but used to simply smash people, the Evil-Suppressing Qixuan Seal is still very powerful.

As the seal fell, the rock formation that was already full of cracks was instantly shattered.

Under the impact of the air pressure below, the rock formation immediately turned into countless gravels, which shot upwards with a bang!

And along with the gravel, there is also a turbulent air current like a raging wave!

If not prepared in advance, the strength of the crushed stones rising alone is enough to shoot an Innate realm cultivator into a sieve, and a Gold Core realm cultivator will inevitably be seriously injured.

But Feng Shao had expected it. He had summoned the Golden Crow Sword in advance and used the Golden Crow Sword to protect his whole body.

The moment the gravel shattered, Feng Shao immediately summoned a steel plate with a diameter of half a meter and activated the magic circle on the steel plate.

This steel plate is one foot thick but weighs ten tons, which shows how dense it is.

After being activated, the steel plate swelled in an instant, completely blocking the drill hole in an instant.

Afterward, eight steel nails were ejected from the edge of the steel plate and nailed firmly into the rock wall.

The steel nail was more than one meter long, and it fixed the steel plate in place in an instant, and the turbulent airflow that was originally gushing out suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Feng Shao waited for a while, and seeing that the steel plate was not moving at all, as stable as Mount Tai, he wiped off his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Great, the most difficult step has been done so the next job is easy.

This steel plate is also a magical item. Its function is to block the outlet at the beginning, and then it is used to perform the first round of pressure relief.

Therefore, in addition to the current shape of the steel plate, it can also be in a cone shape.

After activating this form, the steel plate will become a hollow pointed cone, which is densely covered with air vents, which can export part of the natural spiritual energy to complete the first round of pressure relief.

However, before activating this form, the pipes must first be installed.

In the next few days, Feng Shao turned into a hard laborer, continuously loading steel pipes into the hole.

This job is not too difficult, and when Feng Shao gets tired, he can hand it over to other people.

Therefore, a considerable part of these tasks were completed by disciples of the Taiwei Sect and the disciples of Jiuyou Sacred Land.

And among these people, Zuo Linglan and Lu Qingyuan did the most.

The laying of the pipeline should also take into account future use. To this end, Feng Shao dug a horizontal tunnel at a depth of about thirty meters underground and led the pipeline under the river to the opposite bank of the river, which is where Feng Shao planned to build the city.

But before building the city, the formation of the moat must be preset. The big formation that Feng Shao used to protect the city is the famous “Twenty-Eight Constellations Formation” from Qiankun Palace.

The orthodox twenty-eight constellations formation usually has thirty-one nodes.

The twenty-eight nodes on the periphery are arranged according to the orientation of the Eastern Azure Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Vermilion Bird, and the Northern Black Tortoise.

The three nodes in the center are arranged according to the three stars of Taiwei, Ziwei, and Tianshi, and serve as the eyes of the formation to control the entire formation.

This formation is in line with the celestial phenomena, has insufficient attack power but sufficient defense, and is very suitable as a city-protecting or sect-protecting formation.

However, the twenty-eight constellations formation is considered an ultra-luxury version among all the city-protecting and sect-protecting formations, and most sects and cities simply cannot afford it.

When Feng Shao designed the Taiwei Sect’s protective formation, he didn’t use the twenty-eight constellations formation, but the five elements life and death formation.

The biggest feature of the five elements life and death formation is that it can run endlessly, has no dead ends in defense, and can deal with attacks of various attributes.

In addition to the more complicated layout, the only weakness is that the defense is slightly weaker.

Of course, this is compared with the twenty-eight constellations formation.

If you only look at its loss, the price/performance ratio of the five elements life and death formation is definitely extremely high.

The consumption of the orthodox twenty-eight constellations formation is already extremely terrifying, but the consumption of the secret twenty-eight constellations formation of Qiankun Palace will be doubled.

This large formation of twenty-eight constellations, in simple terms, is based on the orthodox formation of the same name but can be arranged in reverse.

Under normal circumstances, the defensive formation can activate the front formation or the reverse formation alone, and its power is already impressive.

When the positive and negative formations are activated at the same time, they can echo from east to west, defend from north to south, and add many changes, making it difficult for those who break the formation to start.

If you break the formation hastily, you may even be counterattacked by the formation and die on the spot.

This is an offensive and defensive formation. It’s hard to say in the entire Upper Domain, but at least in Dongzhou, it’s the only one.

However, the consumption of such a powerful defensive formation is of course not trivial.

To put it bluntly, even if it is the three major Sacred Lands, if they want to activate this kind of formation, they may have to invest a whole year’s income in it.

Yunjian Pavilion does have the financial resources, but they will not spend so much resources on a mountain-protecting formation.

So why would Feng Shao dare to use this formation?

The reason is simple. He can’t afford the consumption of spirit stones, it really is way too expensive. But Feng Shao is different, he has no plans to use spirit stones, but a steady stream of natural spiritual energy!

With the natural spiritual energy veins as the backing, what kind of formation can’t he support? Not to mention a big defensive formation, even if there are a hundred more, the natural spiritual energy vein can afford it!

That being the case, he has no need to be petty! He will only use the best ones!

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