Selling the Main Character’s Shares

Chapter 4

“Commander, you can’t! Don’t we have something urgent to do? That’s why we deliberately refused to attend the Duke’s banquet… I’ll send a separate person to this lady, so for now, let’s just leave.”

As soon as the man who had supported me helped me up, the other man next to him hastily threw out those words.

But what followed was a reply as sharp as a knife.


Flustered by the abrupt rejection, the escort’s gaze turned to me, who was wearing high heels. He looked at my hapless appearance from top to bottom before lowering his voice.

“But if you get involved in something so unnecessary…”

Despite the worrying words, the man cautiously supported me without answering and headed towards where the horse was standing.

Then, he immediately placed me atop the horse at once.

“You can’t just pretend to pass by an injured person and let it go, as if you had never seen them.”

The man who had now also mounted the horse himself, spoke coldly to his companion, then, as if he had never just done such a thing, said to me in a gentle manner.

“Make sure you hold on tight.”

As soon as he urged the horse forward, the black horse let out a huff before beginning to gallop onwards.

The man manouvered the horse quickly, yet with great skill. Although the fierce wind scratched my face and whistled in my ears, I couldn’t even summon the ability to roll my eyes, as if my whole being had turned to stone.

It was because the conversation they had just had was still floating around in my head.

‘Don’t we have something urgent to do? That’s why we deliberately refused to attend the Duke’s banquet…’

The image of Emma, who was complaining before the banquet started about a missing guest who should’ve attended and would’ve raised their standing, was still vivid in my mind.

She had said that the guest was so important that I should curtsy twice, three times, and if need be, four times if necessary, so even if I wanted to forget about them, I wasn’t able to.

Among the guests who couldn’t attend the banquet, if it was the ‘Commander’, then…

I bit my lip as hard as I could.

‘This is crazy! You’re Leonon, the Commander of the Holy Knights!’

Leonon Berhardt, a renowned name, even for me, who had basically been imprisoned within the Dukedom for two years.

There was a reason why the war in which Periot participated in ended up lasting for two years. This was because, not only was the area that was to become the main battlefield both cold and dreary, but it was also notorious for being infested with various kinds of monsters.

Thus, the Order of Holy Knights stepped out to fight against them, and therefore, the news of their amazing performance became a fact known throughout the Empire.

So how excessive would the rumors have been if it was about the Commander of the Holy Knights, the one who stood at the forefront of all that?

I was even more familiar with the name since the maids often giggled and kyaaa kyaaa-ed about him whenever they had the chance to.

Something about how he was the most handsome man or gentleman on the continent, and how he wasn’t actually a human but a blond angel instead or something like that.

Come to think of it, they had all said that his long, loosely tied blond hair and heavily decorated medals on his white uniform were trademarks of his.

‘I should’ve known right away.’

But it was still rather fortunate. There was no way he would know about me when he had also been confined to the battlefield for two years like Periot.

But you never know. Even if Leonon didn’t recognise me, the escort might.


My saliva slid down my dry throat. I pressed my hood, which was fluttering in the wind further over my face.

I wonder how long we traveled like this. The horse’s hooves, which had been moving constantly, stopped in front of a large iron door.

I slowly raised my head and looked at my surroundings. There was a high wall in front of me, and beyond that, a round dome-shaped ceiling could be seen.

“This is the knight’s private training center. Since it’s a place supported by the Holy Knights, there’s a resident doctor who’s always here.”

At those words, the escort sighed briefly with an expression that disagreed with his words. However, as if he had already resigned himself to this fate, he grabbed the thick doorknob and rapped on the iron door.

Commander Leonon dismounted from his horse with a light motion that made it seem as if he was flying. I used that opportunity to take a closer look at his face.

The first thing that caught my eye was his brilliant and beautiful blond hair that was loosely tied up. His blue eyes which resembled the ocean waves, and sharp, sculpture-like nose also caught my attention, one after the other.

Despite there being a deep scar left near his chin, he was still a handsome man with a calm and gentle disposition, not a savage one.

I couldn’t properly examine him earlier since I was in a hurry to run away, but his face was seriously so good looking that I wondered how such a thing was humanly possible.

Ah, so that’s why the maids would always cause such a fuss…

As I secretly nodded in acknowledgement, three men dressed as knights appeared from within the walls.

“Welcome back!”

As soon as they saw Leonon, they immediately sheathed their swords into their scabbards at their waists and saluted him politely.

“Since you’ve come without even sending any prior notice, can we assume that something bad has occurred?”

“Someone was injured.”

Leonon led the horse by its reins towards the door.

“Take me to the doctor right away.”

Unlike in the forest, the surroundings were bright thanks to the numerous lamps on top of the gate. Thus, they must’ve also spotted the badly torn and dirty dress and bloody feet.

The faces of the disciplined knights stiffened for a moment.

I wiggled my feet and tried to cover them somehow with the hem of my dress, but it was all in vain. The gaze of the knights didn’t even think of moving away from my feet.

After a moment of silence, one of the knights who seemed to have a high position among the others stepped forward and said.

“…I understand. Then first, please record the patient’s identity and name on the visitors list.”

“No. I don’t want to leave a record of this visit.”

At the resolute reply, the knight that had spoken exchanged glances with the other knights with him, as if he was embarrassed by the reply, and added cautiously.

“Commander. I’m really sorry, but this is a private property. Please follow the rules.”

I never expected to encounter something like this when I had only thought of escaping safely. I made a quick decision.

“The fact that you’ve already helped me this far is more than enough. From here on out, I’ll go by myself.”

Although I had whispered only loud enough for him to hear, Leonon didn’t budge at all.

“If a problem arises, I will take full responsibility.”

He merely said in a heavy voice.

Then, something very surprising happened. The path opened up wide at his words.

I was able to realize how absolute his orders were to the knights.

After passing through the door, another wide, well-maintained road appeared. The sound of horseshoes clattering down the damp road completely full of the night dew dispersed as lowly as the mist.

‘I’m so glad that I bumped into this person on the way.’

There was a sense of relief along with the gratitude. The hold my hand had on his sleeves this whole time, was also slowly released.

Before long, a small, single story building that was clearly illuminated appeared in front of me.

“Be careful when you get off.”

Leonon jumped off his horse first and held out his hand to me. I took his hand and slowly descended from the saddle.

However, as soon as I touched the floor, a small scream erupted from my mouth.


My heels were sore beyond words. Not only was walking difficult, but even taking off my shoes seemed to be a pain.

Even though I had only taken one step, it had hurt my whole body so much that tears had welled up in my eyes. In the end, I couldn’t overcome the pain and my body trembled violently.

“Oh no.”

With a brief sigh, a gentle voice touched my ears.

“Please forgive my discourtesy.”

As soon as he had finished saying those words, my feet were gently lifted into the air.

Wait, no, it wasn’t just my two feet.

My whole body was floating in the air.


It was when I was waving my arms around in a flustered manner.

Ding dong! 

「Mr ‘This area’s hype1 king’ has bought your shares.

100 shares, 200 shares… It’s exceeded 300 shares!」


The name that made me doubt my eyes suddenly started buying shares.

Ding dong! 

「Ack!!! This princess can’t stand being hugged anymore! Everybody, make some noise!」

At the same time, a shocking (?) message filled the screen, no, filled my eyes.


A short scream escaped my mouth out of embarrassment. Thanks to this, his footsteps stopped due to the misunderstanding.

“My apologies. Did I put too much strength into it?”

Leonon looked at me with a face that began to look embarrassed.

“Where are you feeling uncomfortable?”

“Oh, no! What do you mean uncomfortable?!”

I hurriedly shook my head and added.

“It’s so comfortable, I almost fell asleep!”

A cheesy2 reply came out of my mouth in my fluster. Although I closed both eyes tightly in regret, the water had already been spilled.

“If so, then that’s a relief. If you experience any inconveniences, please let me know.”

However, although Leonon wasn’t embarrassed at all by what I had said, I still continued to pray.

Ding dong! 

「An additional 100 shares have been sold.」

「Considerate guys like that aren’t all that… Be the star of my heart ★」3

Stop it, I’m begging you to stop!

Leonon continued to stride forward, even whilst I was in the midst of screaming internally with a hot face. As I entered through the door which the knights had opened for us, the cool air along with the unique and peculiar smell of medicinal herbs tickled my nostrils.

Presuming he had been told in advance, the doctor came out from in front of the door.

“Is this woman the patient? Please come this way.”

I quickly came to my senses at those words and grabbed his arm to gently shake it.

“I, I can walk by myself. I must be heavy, so please let me down…!”

However, Leonon shook his head firmly.

“It’s fine. What are you going to do if the wound gets worse?”

A strand of long, soft blond hair fluttered against my chin.

The instant I moved to scratch the area that felt ticklish.

“…And don’t worry. You’re not heavy at all.”

His smug laugh and deep voice subsided.

Ding dong! 

「100 shares have been sold, yet again!」

「You’re not heavy at all, so don’t worry… Click4… You’re not heavy at all, so don’t worry… Click… You’re not heavy at all, so don’t worry… Click… You’re not heavy at all, so don’t worry…」

My face was burning, as if it was on fire.

Am I really the only one who can hear this bell? I’m asking whether I’m really the only one who can see this comment?!!

It’s a situation where if it’s ever discovered, I’ll die of shame…!

“If it’s not too impolite to ask, may I ask how you ended up like this?”

Leonon asked cautiously. As I made eye contact with him, I quickly raised the corners of my lips. Although it was a little embarrassing since his face was so close to mine, it would seem too impolite of me if I avoided his gaze.

“Ah, that…”

Ding dong! 

「Guilty of making eye contact. Also guilty of smiling. If you two don’t get married, you’ll be sentenced to life in prison!!!」

…What did you say?!

The answer I was about to give him disappeared in an instant.

“I’m asking you since I think I can help you. Ah, my name is Leonon Berhardt. I’m not a suspicious person, so don’t worry.”

Ding dong! 

「Mr ‘This area’s hype king’ is buying 100 shares again.」

Even the voice of Leonon, the Commander of the Holy Knights, was drowned out and couldn’t be heard due to the loud bells.

It was as if someone was holding ten bells in both hands and ringing them right next to me.

“Based on your reactions earlier, it seems as if you’re being chased… Right?”

Ding dong! 

「Commander, do you happen to need one more horse? I’ll only need to eat a bit of hay…」

Ding dong! 

「Sir Love, I Commander5 you…」

Ding dong! 

Argh, I can’t take it anymore!

“Shut up!”

I couldn’t stand it anymore and screamed out.

“No, but like, why are you so talkative?”

Let me talk too! Let me talk!

…After I clicked my tongue and grumbled, I finally remembered that I was still in Leonon’s arms.

‘Oh shit.’

Suddenly, silence came like a lie.

Leonon looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. Even I was embarrassed by that face, and randomly let loose a stream of excuses.

“No, that’s not it! Those words weren’t aimed at you, Commander! It was because the sounds of the bells were too loud, so I told them to shut up…!”

No way. I’m just digging my grave even deeper…!

Although it was already too late, I quickly shut my mouth to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Ha, so it was silent once again.



The wind that blew in from the open door messed up his hair that seemed like golden light.

An extremely bleak voice, very different from the one when he had given orders to the knights earlier, landed in my ears.

“I…I’m sorry.” (Lorella)

His eyes, which were already drooping slightly, went down even further.

[1] 주접 is internet slang for comments that fans use to show their affection for their idols. they’re usually exaggerated, funny, witty, and vERY over the top (use of puns is very common.)

a good example is the one the system in this chapter uses to express how much it ships the two of them (tbh all of the comments from the system are good examples LMAOOOOO:

「Guilty of making eye contact. Also guilty of smiling. If you two don’t get married, you’ll be sentenced to life in prison!!!」

fans who do this will usually call themselves a ‘hype man’ or ‘hype king’, so if you see me use ‘hype’ or ‘cheesy’, just know i’m referring to this word.

here’s another good example of a 주접짤:

[2] it’s a pun using the word 별로 [soso, not my taste] and 별(로) ([become my] star), since they’re homonyms.

[3] the sound a tape recorder makes when it resets, so we can assume the system is glitching and malfunctioning.

[4] it’s a the last syllables of 사랑해 (i love you) and 단장님 (commander), are switched with each other to make ‘(title) love’ and whatever 단장해 is (gn the tl of that was so weird, idk how to tl it hSDFLKJDSF)


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