Seized by the System

Chapter 69: The Three Most Dangerous Types of Extraordinaires

Chapter 69: The Three Most Dangerous Types of Extraordinaires

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After Qiao Zishan had a proper assessment, his face was slightly relieved and wondered aloud, “Uncle Xu, weren’t you in charge of the new Aristocratic Cultivation Club because you lost to Aunt Hai? This term’s members should be mostly normal people and only three Superpowered Individuals, and even then none of these three are offensive types. You are only teaching them, how did you even get injured by Morality, and with such serious injury?”

Xu Weihua shook his head, “Don’t ask. Tell me, is this tricky to heal?”

Qiao Zishan said, “Naturally, there is no problem if we start the treatment now. Fortunately, I was just choosing seeds to inherit the cultivation methods of Morality. If you had gotten to me a day later, this Morality will be entrenched in your body. Any time you had an evil thought, it’ll trigger an outburst which will only slowly dissipate after a few months. I will drive it out for you now. But I could sense this person who hurt you was on the defense. Am I right to assume that you had actively looked for a fight before you were hurt by this Morality?”

Xu Weihua felt a sense of relief washing over him as he heard he could be healed.

After that, he said nonchalantly, “Zishan, you’re right. I was in class and I wanted to turn it up a notch to scare them off a little so they could understand how times had evolved. I didn’t expect one of the super cook kid to have Morality Protection just like you. I couldn’t have seen it coming, so when I tried scaring him, the Morality in his body surged out and hit me. It was just a freak accident, luckily I came looking for you in time.”

Qiao Zishan had been outstation a while back, so he did not understand what had happened. He started healing Xu Weihua as they were conversing.

After all, no matter what, Morality was something familiar to him, he would not commit any mistake even if he closed his eyes dealing with it.

He paused after Xu Weihua’s spoke and asked, “Super cook kid? You mean the kid called Fang Ning? I think I got it now, it must have been because of Vigilante A. This whole thing wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t always looking down upon normal people.”

Xu Weihua ignored Qiao Zishan’s last sentence, knowing his nephew had always been blunt. He was only curious about the first part, “What does it have anything to do with that legend? Was he not the one who is cultivating the Relentless Path, who likes being alone, and who does not care about any other humans aside from his white snake?”

Qiao Zishan replied, “Fang Ning is different, the restaurant he opened is Vigilante A’s personal favorite. Vigilante A had a strong sense of justice, aside from cultivating the Relentless Path, he also cultivated Morality. I can feel it, but I couldn’t tell how he managed to cultivate both at the same time. He had never told anyone about it, and even I couldn’t tell the level of his Morality Cultivation Base. This Fang Ning has superb cooking skills, if he had been close with Vigilante A, he must have been under Vigilante A’s protection, or else he wouldn’t have Morality Protection.”

“With this new piece of information, I can say this much, Vigilante A’s Morality attainment is at least one level higher than mine now that he could protect someone else with it. However, whatever I said today must be kept secret from everyone, including Zijiang. Uncle Xu, it was only because you experienced it that I gave you the explanation, so it doesn’t grow into something larger in your heart.”

Xu Weihua nodded, “I didn’t expect that, good to know. Knowing too much about Vigilante A may not turn out to be a good thing, there were still other people keeping their eyes on him.”

Qiao Zishan replied, “As long as you understand.”

Xu Weihua was conscious of the flow of air that kept knocking about in his body. It was only after it slowly dissipated that he truly was relieved. With that over, his eyes turned cold.


As Qiao Zishan was treating Instructor Xu, everyone else was watching the curriculum video. The attendant’s attitude was much better than Instructor Xu’s. He had been answering the members’ questions with utmost respect.

The curriculum video was a collage of videos. Its title was “The Three Most Dangerous Types of Extraordinaires”.

The video was segmented into three short videos.

The first video was titled, “A Word and A Blow, Kill A Family Whole Type.”

As soon as the title was shown, everyone was startled. They were not expecting the curriculum video to be a horror movie or a murder mystery.

The attendant explained, “This is a real case that had just happened in one of the states in the USA, it had only been 27 days. We had obtained the information through the Global Special Affairs Joint Processing Office. The information was kept secret toward the mass, and will not be released onto any public channels.”

At this point, a member raised his hand and asked, “We’ve been here for a while, but we still don’t know what the history of this Aristocratic Club is, can you briefly explain it to us?”

The attendant nodded and answered politely, “Of course. The Aristocratic Cultivation Club that you’ve joined was affiliated with the Institute for Special Training by Truth Department. It’s specially opened for the public to spread the knowledge of cultivation. As of now, it’s just a prototype of the plan, so the faculty wasn’t fully assembled. There will be more instructors after it is fully formed.”

“The class beside you are some official students chosen from all over the country. These are specially opened to recruit students from the schools. All of them are the cream of the crop, invited to join after passing multiple tests. They were set up far before this class, and they have grown into the current structure of six grades with each grades having several dozens to thousands of people. They were taught mainly by Truth Department’s Old Man Xu himself.”

The difference between the attendant and Instructor Xu was evident. The attendant was only a normal person, so he answered whatever he was asked. Not only that, he elaborated his points without anyone asking follow-up questions.

Watching the video clips after listening to the backstory had prepared everyone psychologically. The source of this clip was definitely trustworthy, so everyone started paying attention to the clips.

The first video clip was only ten minutes. It was short and simple.

A young American man had taken his car for a ride with his girlfriend, but he accidentally splashed water onto a pedestrian who cursed him “to die along with his family”. Not only did he not apologize, he retorted by swearing, and zoomed away after his girlfriend flipped the pedestrian off.

Soon after, patrol police had found them to be dead on the night itself. Following that, his and his girlfriend’s families passed away in their sleep as well, the servants were the only ones who were spared. In the end, it was only through security cameras that the verbal altercation between them had surfaced to be the only conflict they had in the two weeks prior.

The attendant explained in the end, “The pedestrian was shot to death during his arrest by the Special Forces of America. Similar cases had happened repeatedly in the States, and many of the perpetrators had been arrested or shot to death, but it didn’t deter following cases.”

“Some people believe it was caused by a certain demon, and the pedestrian was only one of the demon’s vessel. We categorize this kind of Extraordinary killers as A Word and A Blow, Kill A Family Whole Type. Their triggers usually lie in the daily conflicts.”

After watching the clip, everyone was a little spooked. Sudden deaths like this cannot be defended against.

The snippy Instructor Xu was not merely scaring them, things like that were common in China. They were sure that they had good manners, so it would not happen to them. However, if anyone in their family happened to be careless, would it not be an unsalvageable tragedy?

Fang Ning was not scared at all, his body was guarded by the System, so he does not even need sleep. As for his soul, if nothing was happening he would be hiding inside the System anyway, so he was not at all scared to be found by the demon…

Aside from him, there was only the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses who stayed calm after watching the clip. He only absent-mindedly adjusted his glasses, his helplessness and struggle seeping out from his eyes, but his lens reflected beams of chilling gaze.

The second video was based in Europe.

Its title was “The Usurping Puppeteer Type.”

The content of this clip was longer and it ran for more than half an hour. The duration in which the event was portrayed spanned ten years.

However, the content was still easy to understand. Not much scheming was involved. It was about an evil witch who spent a dozen of years to slowly convert a rich household into her puppets. The puppets then gave her their money to her enjoyment.

The evil deed was exposed when some of the household members went to pay respects at a holy site. A divine worker who was passing by noticed their fragmented soul and finally captured the witch who was secretly burned alive.

Just as the third clip was about to roll, Instructor Xu reentered the hall. He waved his hand to stop the video just at the title rolled, “Irregular, Unexplainable, Kill-for-fun Type.”

“That’s enough, spare them the horror,” he instructed the attendant, who immediately stopped playing.

“The third one, if you must know, is pretty much like a child who likes torturing ants. Naturally, in this story, we are the ants, the unknown figures were the child. They might piss into a nest of ants, or they might burn them with a huge magnifier in the air, or they might dig a sand maze let the ants find their way out. In short, we would never know why these disastrous incidents would happen to us.”

It could be that he had just got himself injured during Fang Ning’s retaliation, his words were not as sharp.

However, no one was relieved, most of their faces were extremely somber, some even have their hands clasped on their brows as if they had been thinking of strategies.

Instructor Xu glanced over them. ‘You thought you were powerful and rich, but in front of the forces of the new era, what are you? Speaking of which, even I don’t amount to anything. Surely, Hai Cheng was right, power was always right. Looks like I have got to resign from this position and pick up training again, or else embarrassing moments like this is just gonna keep repeating, it’s so humiliating.’

Even as he thought so, he said stubbornly, “It’s fine, it was just a minor accident. I had been drinking too many supplements recently, so my blood circulation was a little too excited, ha, ha. I’ll be fine after vomiting some blood. Look at me, don’t I look well enough to continue giving you lessons now? I’m not lying.”

Everyone thought simultaneously, ‘As if we would believe that. You were gone for such a long time, you expect us to believe you when you said you went out to vomit blood for fun?’

However, what they really wanted to know, the reason Fang Ning was able to emit this white light, the instructor had not brought it up at all, as if it never happened.

Without him actively trying to explain, no one dared to raise their hands to ask. After all, it was clear the instructor was not in a good mood, no one would willingly want to be humiliated by him.

“Alright, the break’s over. Let us continue with the class. Fang Ning, come on, let’s continue with your affinity test.”


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