Seized by the System

Chapter 121: Turn-based Battle Commentary and the Godlike Teammate

Chapter 121: Turn-based Battle Commentary and the Godlike Teammate

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the black force field appeared and blocked the fire from attacking the caskets, Anderson said with slight disappointment.

“As expected, you can tell where my weak spots are with just one look. The Empty Fort Strategy didn’t work at all. But if I don’t put the egg under care, I would worry about those mice stealing it. It’s such a bother to not be on my turf.”

However, their disappointment was slight, as soon as they defended their weak spots, they retaliated suddenly!

In the next instance, the tiny fire dragon evaded and a tiny scar appeared on the scales on its head.

“You’re really fast! This is the first time ever someone had evaded my Spiritual Slash… You must have a high-level combat AI chip somewhere in your body. No living being could evade the attack even with their absolute reaction speed. Being a true dragon must be nice, you have a strong bloodline, you can easily adapt to anything. Normal Descended ones could not install these AI chips in their bodies, let alone letting them control their body to perform these extreme maneuvers.”

Fang Ning was creeped out by their claim. ‘Who exactly is this guy? They could almost guess correctly…’

The System was converted from an idle game programming and came with a default combat AI. After conversion, it became something beyond human capability.

‘Thank goodness they could only look at the truth through a narrow lens, it’s impossible for them to know about the System.’

The fire dragon zoomed by, bringing another bout of scorching flame to the black force field.

At the same time, a whirlwind surrounded the whole of the force field, forcing the flames to disperse.

The whole scene looked like an overturned wok being burned.

As soon as it finished blasting fire, the dragon’s torso was ripped apart before reconstituting again.

Anderson spoke again.

“What is this skill? You can separate your body into pieces and immediately reassemble? I only remembered seeing a devil fruit with this ability in One Piece, but you actually can use abilities that appeared in anime! Could it be that you true dragons really have that much advantage over humans?”

Fang Ning had been hiding in the System Space for a long time. After many experiences with combat in that form, he figured something was wrong.

“He’s stalling.”

The System replied, “Refill the Aggro Bar…”

Fang Ning said, “Understood.”

With unknown bosses like this, Fang Ning would not play around. Whatever the god of combat said, he would follow.

[System Notification: The Host entered Fury Mode, Aggro Bar will refill automatically after consumption.]

As long as both sides started a seesaw battle and not the kind that would end in a split second.

With Fang Ning’s years of training in webnovels and gaming, he could understand the turns of combat.

With his programming background, he concluded that the battle had become a turn-based combat and could summarize the current battle in the following format:

The System, “I fart in your general direction.”

Anderson, “I deflect, then I slash.”

The System, “I evade.”

Anderson, “I explain…”

The System, “I ignore, then I fart in your general direction again.”


The combat was simple and clean, but Fang Ning completely understood the danger involved in it. Anderson’s attacks are silent, deadly, and sudden.

With the low-level Absolute Defense, every time an attack arrived, the body part that was attacked could be separated and stored in the System Preservation Area, effectively nullifying the attack.

However, a few times the attack targeted the dragon’s head, the System had only been able to avoid it in the last second.

If it were any other powerhouses, they could only defend against the attacks without the System’s reaction speed that was far greater than normal computer AI.

After a few attacks, Anderson focused their attacks to the dragon’s head.

However, the System’s maneuver was inhumanly precise. If it could evade once, it would be able to evade every time, as long as the opponent did not use other effects.

Compared to the body, a dragon’s head was smaller and can dodge faster, minimizing the risk of being hit.

Both sides had fallen into a stalemate. Weirdly, none of them chose to change their strategy up, instead choosing to remain in the same turn-based combat mode.

After a while, Fang Ning realized the two inhuman beings were like playing a game of chess, each thinking there’s a chance to win just by continuously maintaining the performance level.

He started not understanding it again.

As Fang Ning confirmed it, he started worrying. It could not be helped, no one knew what Anderson had up in their sleeves.


In the room of Elder Ancestor Bai, the two spectators are making commentary on the combat.

Bai Shixin was really focused, he did not want to miss anything.

Elder Ancestor Bai said, “Shixin, when you used to be able to fight, how many of Anderson’s attacks do you think you can defend?”

Bai Shixin said without hesitation, “Not even one. His Spiritual Slash was too powerful, it was the quickest attack I have ever seen. Aside from its unpredictability, it seems to also have the ability to tear apart any material. Not even human’s missile rockets could stand a chance against it. With this as his trump card, it was no wonder he could become the vice president of Global Power Balance Association, he’s scary.”

Elder Ancestor Bai said, “Mm, you’re self-aware. To counter Spiritual Slash, organic beings like us could only defend with our own power. However, Anderson’s stalling did confirm your guesses about Vigilante A.”

Bai Shixin said, “Right, Anderson did come from the highly-technological America, combat AIs are not unheard of over there. Some may even be in research, so Anderson can be so confident, unlike my purely uneducated guess.”

Elder Ancestor Bai sighed, “Too bad, there’s a shortage of top talents in computer programming. All that we had our eyes on were invited into the Truth Department, becoming one of them. I reckon they were all utilized in the mysterious major projects by the Nets Above Snares Below. They must be developing the technology to combine combat AI and cultivation, which we have no budget for.”

Bai Shixin said, “Elder Ancestor, no need to be worried. The technology is good, but doesn’t it have its cons?”

Elder Ancestor Bai smiled and replied, “Of course there are, is there even such a thing as being completely benevolent? After they were equipped with these technological items, if they want to advance their cultivation, it would be like climbing a mountain with added weights, it’s just a dream.”

Bai Shixin nodded agreeably and pointed at the other screen, “The Truth Department’s people are here.”

Elder Ancestor Bai stole a glance and said distastefully, “A bunch of cannon fodders, they would only be pulling their own legs…”


Xue Ba was leading Qiao Zishan and other people. It stopped at one of the hallways. It had smelled the scent of fire from afar. With its master’s instructions, it would not advance further, naturally.

It started explaining to the other people.

“My master is in the hall right there, but the enemy is strong, so he asked me to hide as far away as possible. It’s still about three Chinese miles from here, but I can’t get close. I can feel it, some fatal danger is hidden between here and there.”

“What would you like to do? I must warn you, I can sense that the power within the room was far stronger than any of you can resist. Don’t say that I look weak. I have followed two owners before this, I’ve traveled to the north and the south, I’ve seen more battlefields than you could imagine.”

Qiao Zishan said, “There’s a new report. They’re cracking the essential part and will need about two hours. This battle might be dangerous, so we should be ready.”

Hai Lan heard him and her eyes started flashing blue light. Soon, layers upon layers of blue ice armors appeared on everyone, but the armors would not impede on their movements.

Ding Xiang clapped her palms together, and everyone started glowing with a greenish light.

Qiao Zijiang said, “From the visuals Long Fan left us before it died, the enemy is stronger than ever, probably some sort of attack utilizing spiritual sense, we have had reports like that. Usually, the range of attack is limited, so we would fare better if we attack from afar.”

Qiao Zishan nodded, “Alright, Mo Xing, start with replenishing Hai Cheng’s energy, and Hai Cheng, use your Celestial Gaze attacks. Only your Celestial Gaze has the attack range, and with other people supporting, it would have enough power. Other people be prepared to take turns replenishing her energy.”

Xue Ba was confused, ‘The underground tunnel had so many twists and turns, it was impossible to see into the battlefield. What do these humans want to do?’

It soon found out.

Qiao Zishan and the rest did not even try to enter the hall where the battle was happening.

Qiao Zijiang summoned a tiny armadillo which started digging according to the direction Xue Ba had pointed…

The ground was made up of mountain rocks, but they were nothing in front of these armadillos.

Three Chinese miles was about 1,500 meters. The armadillo was really efficient, about a dozen minutes later, a narrow, long, straight tunnel appeared among the rocks that allowed one eye to see through. In the end, with a soft thud, a dim light appeared at the other side of the tunnel.

Qiao Zijiang said, “It has dug a tunnel to the hall. Too bad that it’s killed straight away, another demon spirit for me to resurrect.”

Qiao Zishan beckoned to the back, and Hai Cheng came forward.

He stood in front of the tunnel. The tunnel was dug perfectly, as the hole lined up against his forehead.

Before long, a blood-red eye appeared between his brows. This time, it was not a blue light, but a red light that shoots straight at the black force field.

Mo Xin immediately stood behind Hai Cheng with his palms on his back.


Seeing the newest visuals from the screen, Elder Ancestor Bai paled, and Bai Shixin did not utter a sound.

In the battle hall, with Qiao Zishan’s entrance into the battle, the scale of victory started tipping over to favor the System.

Fang Ning suddenly turned into a second commentator, “Keep it up, the black wok started to destabilize!”

After a while, “Right-o, the red light is getting stronger, we have hope!”

The first commentate was still Anderson.

“Huh, Elder Feng retreated too soon, with their Death Snipe, these people from the Truth Department wouldn’t be able to even get close.”

The fire dragon sent out another stream of dragon flame.

“Is the plan really going to fail? There will be no better chances in the future.”

Anderson’s speech was weird. As failure closed in, disappointment was in their voice, but there was not a hint of despair, unlike the others. They did not say things like, “Impossible!” “How could I have failed here”.

“Hmph, they hid outside of my attack range, they really are the Truth Department of China.”

“But I will have my moment…”


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