Seized by the System

Chapter 118: Apparently Someone Wants To Kill that Dog of A Vigilante

Chapter 118: Apparently Someone Wants To Kill that Dog of A Vigilante

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lei Juedong stretched his hand to Robert when the latter nodded in understanding. “Alright, now give me the bullet you will use later. I need to cast some spells.”

Robert flipped open his box and retrieved an ammunition belt consisting of specially made bullets. He handed it over to Lei Juedong.

Lei Juedong frowned at that. “You only have one shot. Take that one bullet that you’re going to use later and give it to me.”

Robert then went to pick one bullet and gave it to the man. It was as if a shock went through the man’s core, and the man tensed for a split second before deflating into a way skinnier version of himself just like the old man did. The tall and buff man became as thin as a bamboo in just a blink of an eye.

Then, another puff of even denser black mist surfaced from this freshly made bamboo man, and it all went into that one chosen bullet.

After Lei Juedong finished his procedure, he did not return the bullet to Robert. Instead, he signaled Rose, the middle-aged woman, to come over. Rose seemed reluctant, and she did not go and take the bullet either. Instead, a similar shock went through her, and the same puff of black mist appeared for a moment before it immediately went into the bullet. Her body, too, deflated just like her partners, and her skin became even saggier.

After all that, Lei Juedong finally passed the bullet back to Robert. With one finger, he pointed at the direction of the Vigilante A and roared with vigor, “Alright! Death Snipe is now ready to deploy! Luobo Teda, go and get me that dog of a vigilante!”

Robert took the bullet and stood with his back straight like a soldier. “Yes sir!”

Instead of resting just like the old man, Lei Juedong continued to stare at Robert like a hawk even after he passed his instructions. It was evident that Robert was a professional, as he quickly found a perfect spot and settled down. He then started to assemble his sniping weapon – a Barrett M82.

He laid prone on the ground and started to aim. Rose, the middle-aged woman, just stood at the side after she finished her spell, entirely ignoring the proceedings. Lei Juedong, on the other hand, stood at the side as Robert’s lookout.

As he looked at Vigilante A’s direction once again, a cruel grin stretched his lips, his eyes hopeful. Every time he saw his prey from afar, entirely helpless and defenseless when they got shot into pieces, how the people around the prey would look around with terrified eyes but could never find even a trace of the killer, he would feel a rush of extreme excitement. That was so much better than those first-person shooter games!


Mo Xing was given the task to inform Vigilante A after Qiao Zishan and his people have concluded their action plan meeting. However, just as he approached the rock where Vigilante A was sitting, the hero disappeared into thin air before he even had the chance to speak.

Mo Xing was stunned, and the next thing he heard was a soft ‘bang’. He immediately turned to seek for the source.

Just a few hundred meters away, a bright glow of white light surrounded the area, and then a huge puff of bursting smoke appeared. Then, the sky was filled with shreds of grass and dirt, and they sprinkled to the ground as if a sandstorm just occurred.

After that, he saw Vigilante A walking out of the sandstorm, an upset black dog in one hand. The expression on the dog was almost too entertaining, its face wronged, eyes terrified, and somehow a streak of confusion was in it too.

Before Mo Xing could react, he heard another round of whooshing sounds. At that exact moment, a thick, icy blue layer appeared on all of their bodies, including the Vigilante A who was walking back to them. None of them were without the blue layer, aside from the yellow dog that was nowhere to be found. The dog hid itself so well that the protection buff couldn’t locate its target.

It did not take Vigilante A long to glide himself back into their ranks with the black dog in tow. He somehow managed to remain expressionless.

“Venerable Dragon God, may I be allowed to ascertain what had occurred just minutes before?” Qiao Zishan immediately inquired.

At the same moment when Qiao Zishan spoke, Fang Ning in the System Space scrolled back to read the System Notifications. In every battle, him being a total shut-in, would be confused most of the time. If his body was entirely controlled by himself without the aid of Sir System, he would’ve been shot to a sieve long ago.

Whenever that happened, he would reread all the System Notification in an effort to understand what happened in that short yet intense battle. This time is no exception too.

[Sniper David Robert shot Brett the Black Dog with Death Snipe!]

[Robert’s multiple buffs are in effect.]

[Phantom Glimpse: A tenfold increase in sight.]

[Perfect Accuracy: The next bullet attack has a 100% chance of hitting its intended target.]

[Undetectable Stealth: Locked target would only sense fatal danger only a second before the strike hits its target. Only then will the target be able to defend themselves.]

[Death’s Touch: If the target did not equip special defense, there is an extremely high chance of an instant kill.]

[Defence Break: After a failed instant kill, there’s an extremely high chance that the target’s armor defense will be ignored.]

[Fatalistic Hit: There’s a certain chance to deal double damage to the target.]

[Brett the Black Dog is fatally threatened. Nearby System Maps are temporarily unlocked for 24 hours. Thousand-mile Assistance is active.]

[System expended minimal Morality Points to save Brett the Black Dog in time.]

[System expended 5 Morality Bars and 5 Aggro Bars to activate Defence Skill: Celestial Protection.]

[Celestial Protection temporarily evolved into Mighty · Morality Protection. Attacks reflected!]

[Robert experienced Morality Rebound!]

[Robert is resisting Morality!]

[Robert is not harmed.]

After Fang Ning finished reading, he realized that there was so much he didn’t understand, and that irritated him. Was he really hopeless in combat? Was his performance deteriorating? Still, this was no time for him to ask the genius questions. All that needed to wait until he finished dealing with Qiao Zishan and the others.

After Qiao Zishan posed his question, all eyes were on Vigilante A, anxiously waiting for the answer.

Vigilante A replied, “Nothing much, it’s just that someone tried to snipe us from very far away.”

Qiao Zijiang’s face dropped immediately after she heard that. Immediately, she yelled, “Aunt Hai, quick, add 3 more layers to our defense.” A round of whooshing was heard, and that icy blue layer suddenly became much thicker than before.

“Uncle Cheng, please scout the situation now.” Qiao Zijiang turned to Hai Cheng next, who was standing beside her. Without any hesitation, Red-eyed Celestial Gaze was immediately used, and the blood-red eyeball in between his brows appeared to scan towards that place a few hundred meters away with a blue light.

The blue light only scanned once, but Hai Cheng’s face was white as sheet at the end of it as he hushed, “Oh, this is bad, it’s the Death Snipe! Quick, hide!” Then, he quickly appeared to tug Mo Xing, who was not far away from him, before running full speed to the back of a rock.

The people stood rooted like tree trunks, but they soon heard another voice.

“Take cover now!” This time, Qiao Zijiang was the one speaking.

Although Qiao Zishan was the leader, and Ding Xiang was the second-in-command, all immediate combat commands were all handled by her, the Female Zhuge Liang. After she spoke, there was no longer any hesitation. Everyone lowered their bodies and looked for a hiding spot immediately.

However, Vigilante A did not take any heed. He placed the black dog down and disappeared into thin air…


“F*ck, you have a death wish don’t you?” Lei Juedong kicked the prone Robert, causing the latter to roll a few meters away and slam into a rock with a hard wham. Robert couldn’t help but cough up blood.

“Sir, please don’t kill me,” Robert pleaded with difficulty as he covered his mouth with his hand, “They’re too strong, I couldn’t kill them. I’m just an ordinary human, please don’t put the blame on me. I really followed all of your instructions just now, and I aimed accurately at the target.”

“Followed my motherf*cking instructions you did, you punk!” Lei Juedong was shaking with rage as he went over and took the sniper by his collar. Although the sniper was a strong Caucasian male, he was as helpless as a chick before this bamboo of a man. “I want you to get me that dog of a vigilante! Why did you go and snipe his black dog!? Tell me, are you an undercover spy from the GASATO 1 .

Robert’s eyes were filled with confusion. “I don’t know the GASATO is I just followed what you ordered me to do. Didn’t you stress that that black dog was Vigilante A’s dog? I just got you that Vigilante A’s dog, no?”

Lei Juedong’s face went red with his pent-up frustration and rage. “Grade 5 International Certificate in Chinese, huh? Great, amazing, spec-f*cking-tacular! Anderson, you f*cking duckbrain! Luobo Teda, why don’t you go and f*cking die now?”

“Hold on!” Just as Lei Juedong was seconds away from tossing that Caucasian dude down the mountain, the old man that was gazing at the bottom of the mountain suddenly shouted. “Put down Luobo Teda. I just checked the effects of the snipe. Vigilante A is indeed formidable. He actually went to protect the dog and didn’t avoid the Death Snipe! He faced it head-on, and could survive that as he executed an emergency rescue! I truly have underestimated him.”

“Luobo Teda, although you hit the wrong target, you did it well that it gave us something better than we originally expected! If you were to directly aim your attack at Vigilante A, it’ll be of no use, too. Shooting at his much weaker dog, though, gave us a much better effect. At least we forced him to use more of his powers! It’s better as a delay tactic.”

Lei Juedong never expected Robert’s idiotic mistake would bring that man such a good contribution. Now, he had lost his well-preserved image. Not only did he not apologize, he even threw Robert on the rocks.

Robert tried to hold it and stopped himself from moaning in pain. Instead, he wiped some of his blood and quickly crawled up and ran to his sniping position, trying to disassemble the weapon and store it back into the box.

Since he knew that he only had one shot, it was natural for him to assume that they would need to shift their location. There was no time for them to waste here.

“Shift immediately! How is it possible that he would be here so soon!” Moments later, the old man suddenly grabbed Robert and shrouded them both in black mist. He looked grim, and the next second, both of them disappeared into thin air.

Lei Juedong and Rose did not have the time to react. The time they spent being stunned has cost them their only escape opportunity, as the next thing they felt was two dragon-shaped vitalities slamming into them as it shot from beneath the mountain.

Lei Juedong’s face morphed into one of disbelief. “Impossible! I killed so many powerful beings and yet I managed to escape every attempt! How would I die here?”

Just after he finished his sentence, he exploded with a spectacular BOOM, and the sky was sprinkled with his blood and flesh.

Rose’s expression was white as sheet as she shook in terror, clutching her heart. She knew that she had run out of luck. All of her skills were for disguise. Even though her abilities suffered the same drop as Lei Juedong, she was much weaker than her late partner. If he died almost immediately, how many seconds would she last?

As that thought came to an end, Rose found that she was already coughing up blood. She only had half a second to be confused before she suddenly collapsed to the ground, no longer moving.

Only then did Vigilante A appear on the peak of the mountain. He surveilled the area before he bowed to pick up two items. Then, he glided away.


At an extremely secluded col in the mountains, Xue Ba the Yellow Dog was squatting between a few rocks while Brett the Black Dog squatted obediently beside it. The two dogs listened intently with their ears up at Hai Cheng’s explanation of Death Snipe to Qiao Zishan and the others.

“That Death Snipe that I spoke of before was something the Global Special Affairs Joint Investigations Office shared with us. It’s a Top Secret Level Code Red, and according to intel, it was founded by three wicked Death Aura practitioners from America. They could cast terrifying spells on highly skilled snipers, thus allowing them to attack from an extremely long distance. The effective range is at least 20,000 meters.”

“These snipes are extremely powerful and aim only powerful people. However, these attacks differ largely from missile-like weapons as they’re almost impossible to detect. Those that were targeted could not sense the fatal threat against them, and all of their shots will always hit their intended target. As the shot was done extremely far away, they would’ve left long ago when the other party spent much time and effort to find their location.”

“The actual principle behind Death Snipe is still unknown, and the GASATO has already set a bounty of 100 million USD for it. Of course, the real value of the principle is worth much more than that, so no one would be willing to go and hand it in for the bounty even if they found out what it actually is.”

The audiences’ faces would change with each of his sentences. So that’s what happened! Maybe that might not be something major for the Venerable Dragon God, but the rest of them are all mortal beings…


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