Sect Master’s Immortal Journey

Chapter 596: 9 Cities

Chapter 596: 9 Cities

Jiuqu League is the largest river in the northern part of the Grand Dust World, with a total length of over 100,000 miles and numerous tributaries, flowing through several mortal kingdoms.

Jiuqu League, composed of various cultivation forces, firmly occupies the most vital area of the Jiuqu River and has established cities on both banks of the river.

Over a thousand years ago, the Azure Origin Sect, Jade Sword Sect, and other Primordial Spirit sects took the lead in establishing the Jiuqu League. Many cultivation forces came together and built a great city on the high and steep northern bank of the Jiuqu River, serving as the headquarters of the Jiuqu League. This is the origin of Jiuqu City.

During the city's establishment, the predecessors possessed an incredible Divine Ability, even though they lacked naming talent. In the Grand Dust World, there is no Fourth Rank spirit vein, and the Third Rank spirit vein is the highest grade available. However, even among Third Rank spirit veins, there are distinctions.

When building Jiuqu City, there was already a Third Rank spirit vein in the area. Later, with the help of skilled Geomancers and Primordial Spirit True Monarchs, they drew multiple spirit veins from nearby regions and merged them with the original Third Rank spirit vein.

With the combination of these spirit veins, Jiuqu City possesses an exceptional Third Rank spirit vein, making it one of the best in the northern part of the Grand Dust World, capable of accommodating multiple Gold Core Daoist Masters for cultivation.

In fact, Jiuqu City is home to over a hundred thousand resident cultivators, thanks to the support provided by this powerful spirit vein.

Jiuqu City, established jointly by various cultivation forces, surpasses even the conditions of the Azure Origin Sect and Jade Sword Sect, the two most potent forces in the Jiuqu League. It serves not only as the headquarters of the Jiuqu League but also as a symbol of its strength.

The city boasts a plethora of buildings and countless shops, bustling with cultivators coming and going. It truly is a prosperous place.

Although Meng Zhang had heard of the illustrious name of Jiuqu City before, it wasn't until he witnessed the magnificent city from the sky that he was profoundly awestruck.

Meng Zhang and his companions had left the Deadly Sea of Sand months ago, accompanying Jin Li True Monarch. Their first stop was Great Wind City, where they stayed for some time and had in-depth exchanges with the Lu Family and the Gu Yue Family.

While Jiuqu League appeared flourishing, internal conflicts were brewing. In recent years, changes in the surrounding situation have caused concern among many wise individuals, fearing internal and external threats.

Despite having their own supporters, the Lu Family and Gu Yue Family increasingly valued their alliance with Taiyi Sect and sought to befriend Jin Li True Monarch.

During a private conversation with Gu Yue Huaidie, Meng Zhang learned about the problems Jiuqu League had faced in recent years. The most powerful sects within the Jiuqu League, Azure Origin Sect, and Jade Sword Sect, had been increasingly at odds, leading to numerous conflicts and disputes.

Previously, the Yellow Lotus Sect played the role of mediator between the two sects, coordinating their relations and preventing major conflicts that could endanger the entire Jiuqu League. However, after the disappearance of the Yellow Lotus Sect's Cult Master several hundred years ago, the sect's internal turmoil caused its influence and power to decline significantly, making it unable to continue playing its original role.

Aside from the Yellow Lotus Sect, there was also the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce within the Jiuqu League, which had considerable strength and gained respect from Azure Origin Sect and Jade Sword Sect. However, as its leadership was composed of businessmen, they tended to be opportunistic and tried to appease both sides rather than take sides.

The other forces within the Jiuqu League kept their distance from the internal struggles of the high-ranking members unless the matter directly concerned them.

Due to the deepening conflicts between the two giants, Azure Origin Sect and Jade Sword Sect, many other forces within the Jiuqu League had started taking sides. Additionally, some scheming individuals within the League were instigating further discord, leading to growing unrest.

While internal issues could be temporarily managed due to the restraint of the high-ranking members of Azure Origin Sect and Jade Sword Sect, the real headache for the Jiuqu League was external problems.

On the northern edge of the Middle-Earth Continent, the Dali Dynasty was rapidly rising to power.

In the Cultivation World, the existence of cultivation forces primarily revolved around clans, sects, or alliances. Cultivation-based nations were not common, but the Dali Dynasty was indeed an exception.

Starting as an ordinary mortal dynasty, the Dali Dynasty gradually expanded its influence. After overthrowing the sects that controlled the mortal dynasty, they directly waged war against the surrounding cultivation forces.

According to some Primordial Spirit True Monarchs' assessments, the emperor of the Dali Dynasty cultivated a rare Grand Dao, possibly the Emperor Grand Dao, the Domination Grand Dao, or the Tyrant Grand Dao.

This emperor was invincible and had defeated numerous Primordial Spirit True Monarchs and slain countless powerful individuals. His generals were formidable cultivators, and their armies were led by various Dao soldiers.

The Dali Dynasty's military campaigns conquered many sects and caused immense pressure on nearby cultivation factions, although some Holy Land Sects in the Middle-Earth Continent might view these rumors as jokes.

However, the surrounding cultivation sects felt the tremendous pressure emanating from the Dali Dynasty.

The ruler of the Dali Dynasty seems to have some self-awareness and refrains from expanding directly towards the center of the Middle-Earth Continent. Instead, they are expanding northwards, away from the Middle-Earth Continent, by first occupying these peripheral areas.

In just over a thousand years since its establishment, the Dali Dynasty has become a formidable and terrifying force. Any cultivation faction that stands in its way is either forced to submit willingly or completely annihilated.

Within the territory of the Dali Dynasty, there are special rules for the Cultivation World. The Dali Dynasty is the supreme ruler of the Cultivation World. All cultivation forces must be subservient to the Dali Dynasty, pledge loyalty, and obey the government's orders. Only such cultivation forces recognized by the Dali Dynasty can survive within its territory.

Any cultivation faction that dares to defy the Dali Dynasty is considered a demonic faction, and all its members are to be exterminated.

The Crossing Severing Mountain Range used to separate the Dali Dynasty and the Jiuqu League. This mountain range, along with the Grand Crossing Mountain Range to the west, are the two giant mountain ranges in the northern part of the Grand Dust World. Many cultivation forces surround the Crossing Severing Mountain Range, and the most powerful three sects have formed a loose alliance known as the Three Sects Alliance. The relationship between the Three Sects Alliance and the Jiuqu League has always been good, and they are very active in various affairs of the Cultivation World.

The Dali Dynasty continues its expansion to the north, and the Crossing Severing Mountain Range blocks its path, making the Three Sects Alliance its next target.

The Three Sects Alliance is formidable, with each sect having a Primordial Spirit True Monarch in their ranks, and they are unwilling to submit to the Dali Dynasty. The conflict between the Three Sects Alliance and the Dali Dynasty began around a hundred years ago. Facing a strong enemy, the Three Sects Alliance needed to concentrate all its strength, so they recalled their cultivator troops sent to fight against the Barbarian Clan in the Yuantu Great Prairie, leaving the Jiuqu League and the local cultivation forces to confront the Barbarian Clan.

However, even with their full efforts and deployment of all their resources, the Three Sects Alliance couldn't resist the onslaught of the Dali Dynasty. After suffering defeats in several critical battles, they lost their initiative on the battlefield and were forced into a defensive retreat.

The leadership of the Three Sects Alliance knew that their complete defeat was only a matter of time unless external help intervened. So, they sent envoys to the Jiuqu League.

Their intention was two-fold: first, they hoped the Jiuqu League would lend them a helping hand based on their long-standing friendship. Second, they wanted to present the dire situation and instill a sense of urgency in the Jiuqu League's high-ranking members to take proactive actions against the Dali Dynasty.

Upon receiving the envoys from the Three Sects Alliance, there were two completely different opinions within the Jiuqu League.

One faction believed that the Dali Dynasty would inevitably target the Jiuqu League after dealing with the Three Sects Alliance. Led by the Jade Sword Sect, an sect of Sword Cultivators with a bold and aggressive spirit, they advocated launching a preemptive attack on the Dali Dynasty before it could strike at the Jiuqu League.

The other faction thought that, so far, the Dali Dynasty had not shown any hostility towards the Jiuqu League. It would be foolish to provoke such a formidable force based on unreliable speculation. Even if the Dali Dynasty intended to expand northwards, it might face many problems and need time to recuperate and consolidate its internal strength after defeating the Three Sects Alliance. The Jiuqu League had ample time to devise a plan and was not necessarily required to engage in war with the Dali Dynasty at present.

Furthermore, with the withdrawal of the Three Sects Alliance's cultivator troops, the Jiuqu League still had to face the extraterritorial Barbarian Clan as a formidable enemy in the Yuantu Great Prairie.

The Jiuqu League should prioritize resolving the extraterritorial Barbarian Clan on the Yuantu Great Prairie if they truly intend to go to war with the Dali Dynasty, trying to avoid fighting on two fronts. "Rangwai bi xian anni" means "to pacify the external, one must first secure the internal." For the Jiuqu League, the imminent threat lies in the nearby Yuantu Great Prairie.

Supporting the latter opinion is the powerful Azure Origin Sect, one of the two leading factions within the Jiuqu League, the other being the Jade Sword Sect. The current disagreement between them is a reflection of their long-standing rivalry and a clash of ideologies.

True Monarch Jin Li was invited to join the Jiuqu League by True Monarch Azure Mist, marking her as associated with the Azure Origin Sect. Taiyi Sect, as Jin Li True Monarch's protected sect, will inevitably be drawn into the internal conflicts of the Jiuqu League.

Many discerning individuals within the Jiuqu League have a sense that significant changes are imminent.

The powerful and influential Great Wind City chose to ally with Jin Li True Monarch, which is a prudent move to strengthen their own position regardless of any changes in the Jiuqu League.

Despite Azure Origin Sect's opposition to starting a war with the Dali Dynasty at present, they are also actively working to enhance their strength. True Monarch Azure Mist's enthusiastic invitation for Jin Li True Monarch to join the Jiuqu League is related to this. Within the entire Jiuqu League, there are no more than twenty Primordial Spirit True Monarchs. An additional one holds significant importance.

Gu Yue Huaidie wanted to inform Meng Zhang of these inside information so that he would be more aware of the situation once he arrived at the Jiuqu League's headquarters, Jiuqu City.

Although the situation within the Jiuqu League is complex, it's inevitable for Meng Zhang to learn about these internal affairs once he spends some time in Jiuqu City.

Gu Yue Huaidie's early disclosure was both a gesture of goodwill and a warning for Meng Zhang to stay alert. In the eyes of outsiders, Taiyi Sect and Great Wind City seem to be allied, so if Meng Zhang gets involved in any conflicts or violates any taboos due to ignorance, it may also bring trouble to Great Wind City.

Meng Zhang did not expect the situation within the Jiuqu League to be so complicated, and he wonders if joining the Jiuqu League with Jin Li True Monarch would ultimately bring good fortune or misfortune.

Accompanying Jin Li True Monarch, Meng Zhang and the other members of Taiyi Sect stayed in Great Wind City for a considerable amount of time. Jin Qiao'er, who was traveling with them this time, cherished the opportunity to visit such a bustling place as Great Wind City.

Years ago, when Jin Qiao'er was just a Refining Qi cultivator, she had an unpleasant experience in Great Wind City. Now, as a Gold Core cultivator, not to mention her master Jin Li True Monarch, her identity alone prevents her from acting recklessly and drawing unnecessary trouble.

Lu Family and Gu Yue Family attach great importance to participating in the grand ceremony at Jiuqu City. Each of them provided a large Cloud Boat for travel, which is a rare and hard-to-find transportation method on the market. Within the Jiuqu League, there are not many sects capable of crafting such a massive Cloud Boat due to the scarcity of materials and the lengthy refining process, often taking hundreds of years to complete.

Compared to the two giant Cloud Boats provided by the families, Taiyi Sect's Third Rank flying boat is of lower quality. Taiyi Sect's boat trails behind the two large Cloud Boats like a small attendant.

After leaving Great Wind City, instead of rushing to Jiuqu City, the group took their time, enjoying the scenery along the way, consuming a considerable amount of time. Jin Li True Monarch and Meng Zhang, aware of the current situation in the Jiuqu League, did not want to arrive in Jiuqu City too early, afraid of being entangled in internal conflicts.

Although Jin Li True Monarch was invited to join the Jiuqu League by True Monarch Azure Mist, she may not necessarily tie herself to the Azure Origin Sect entirely.

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