Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 6: Sons of Chaos

Chapter 6: Sons of Chaos

"With this, I'm ready."

Jake went back to his mind, to the dungeon room. Having successfully completed a meditation he was completely ready.

He took a pill from the sack bag M gave him.

It was a blue pill with nine clouds on it. It gave a serene feeling which was quite different from the talisman. If the talisman were like a ray of sunlight, the pills would be the clouds and sea that went with the flow of nature.

The Blue Lake pill was no ordinary pill. It was a divine pill that helps stabilize one's mind. It was an incredibly difficult pill to produce, requiring about fifty ingredients of godly caliber.

Jake needed the pill to stabilize his mind, the processes to come were dangerous and if his concentration was disturbed, even by a second, it could lead to death.

Jake swallowed the pill, with a gulp.

His stomach shone with a blue radiance, which spread to his entire body.

A feeling of surreal went through him. Jake had never felt more at peace in his life. He felt unburdened like everything was irrelevant.

"WAKE UP!!" Jake bit his lips as he shouted.

He was dripping with sweat, 'It was just the first stage and I almost fell to a pill!!'

The illusion of the pill almost got him. Luckily, he was able to resist it with his strong will.

Having taken the pill, he did his final review.

"The New Dawn Scripture is divided into nine stages; Serenity, Release, Armament, Crux, Subjugation, Extraction, Primal Spark, Subsistence, Rebirth. I have completed the first stage, which is to stabilize my mind. The next is the second stage, Release..."

The second stage was a rather simple one, just like the first one. The Release stage was all about releasing the beast caged in Jake, hence the name.

Jake took a deep breath. He felt muddled, 'All my life, I have been focused on keeping a tight leash on the beast. Now, I'm to release it.'

But that wasn't going to stop him. If that was what was required for the success of the scripture, then he would do it.

"One, two..."

He concentrated on his dantian, his stomach region. He could almost feel the beast laughing at him, mocking him.

He shrugged it off. He wouldn't let his emotions cloud him.

With a push, he opened the gate of hell.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Sounds could be heard from Jake's body, like the sound of someone breaking past the wind barrier.

It grew louder until purple energy ferociously blasted out of his body.

The beast was free.

The purple energy kept expanding until it met the veil of the dungeon room, but that wasn't an obstacle for it. It mercilessly tore apart the veil.

It was free.

Free to destroy.

It roamed the chaotic space, like its own playground. Anything it touched got destroyed to nothingness. No trace of it left.

The space around Jake was barren, evidence of its ability.

Before he could do further, Jake moved on to the next stage, the Armament Stage.

The stage involved Jake activating half a set of items called the Dharma Collection.

The Dharma Collection are a bunch of [Order] items that release Order energy that counteracts Chaos energy. An example of such an item would be the talisman posted on Jake's chest. Its energy is what kept Jake alive all this while, what caged the beast.

Out of the sack bag, Jake brought out a lot of items. They were multiple talismans like the one he had, runes, lamps, etc.

They exuded a silver radiance that challenged the raging purple energy. Their presence was so sharp that if not for the pill he took, Jake would have been affected.

Seeing that the Dharma collection kept the purple energy at a standstill, Jake proceeded to the next stage, the Crux stage. It was an important stage, a trial test stage.

The name of the stage was enough to express its importance. At this stage, Jake had to control the suppressed Chaos energy. If he failed, the result would be his life. Jake was not exempted from the dangers of chaos energy. Though as a son of chaos he had a degree of immunity to it, he would still be injured if the energy lashed at him.

Jake took out a liquid kept in a small bottle.

It was the Tonic of warmth, created to protect the body from any body damage.

As he drank the tonic, Jake realized that he couldn't put a finger on the taste. It was not sweet, not bitter, not strong, not soft, he could taste salt in it.

It almost tasted like that of pee!!!

"Could still be urine? Fuck! Did I drink urine? " Jake was stunned.

"A whole me drinking urine! Where is my godly image?" tears streamed down his face as he faced the most embarrassing moment of his life.

"Well, I suppose I could find comfort in the fact that if it was urine, it would have to be from a divine beast. Yup. Yup," For the success of his scripture, poor Jake had to cast an illusion on himself.

Rest in peace, Jake. We will not forget your efforts.

After his image has been stained, Jake focused his anger on what he was doing.

Jake tyrannically declared, "Bend to my will!!"

He pointed his index finger at the purple energy.

Yet, there was no response from the chaos energy.

"Fuck you, I declare you to bend!!" This time Jake pointed his middle finger at the purple energy. He got a response, except it wasn't what he expected.

As if sensing Jake's tyrannical tone, the purple energy galloped to Jake. It fiercely bit down on his middle finger.

"Ahhh!!!" Jake looked down and he couldn't see his precious middle finger, "Not fair. Now how do I curse people?"

Before he could talk further, the middle finger grew back. It was the effect of the Tonic of Warmth.

His eyes glistened with determination as he engaged the chaos energy.

Just him and the purple energy. Battling.

It was a battle of control. Every time he willed the chaos energy to his control, the chaos energy would rescind the control.

It got to the point where the frustrated Chaos energy decided to finish it once and for all. It went closer to Jake, as it entered his body.

Tunneling inside him, it destroyed everything in its path.


It was like being ripped apart to Jake. Fortunately enough, the tonic he took combined with his innate healing abilities helped him repair them back. Still, it didn't lessen the pain he felt. The pain was torturous; his cells were destroyed, his skin scraped off and his mind experienced them all at once.

Alarms going through his head, warning him to give up as that was the logical choice. But Jake didn't, if anything, the pain only helped him concentrate as he reached a deeper state of mind.

"All my life, I have been living in your shadow. I have been scared of you, following your every bidding, your tantrums. I am sick of it. Because of you, I do not know what life is, not know what it is like to play recklessly, because I have been stuck with an atomic bomb in me. Now that I have a chance to escape such fate, I shan't GIVE IT UP TO YOU!!" He shouted in a fit of rage.

It was all it took to awaken something hidden for years in him.

Silver and Blue lights rose from his body. The Silver lights coagulated to form a mighty dragon with four limbs. The Blue light formed an ethereal figure with multiple patterns on it.

At the mere sight of these figures, the chaos energy shuddered. The pressure from the two was domineering enough to stop it.

"Are these manifestations of my bloodlines? M once said there was a high possibility that I had one, but I didn't expect them to be two." Jake commented. Due to the seal imposed on him by his parents, he never got to activate his full power.


He always felt he had a lot of potential, but he could never unearth them. It was sad. The feeling of being caged all his life. That was what chased him to seek perfection. If he was perfect, there would be no need to be caged, he could just do whatever he wanted. He wouldn't be a bird without wings.


The two bloodlines stopped the chaos energy in its tracks, they didn't even have to do anything, their mere presence was enough.

With that, the fourth stage was concluded. Jake moved on to the fifth stage, Subjugation.

At this stage, Jake had to move back all his suppressed chaos energy back to his body.

The reason was due to the abrupt release of chaos energy from his body which could potentially destabilize him.

Compared to what he went through in the previous stage, this stage was way easier for Jake.

With the full Dharma Collection and his bloodlines' suppression, Jake pushed back the purple energy into his body.

Through his connection with the chaos energy, Jake could feel the suppression from his bloodline and Dharma collection. It was like a star was pressing down on him. Immediately, he broke out in sweats.

The gravity generated from the pressure was immense.

It didn't take long for the chaos energy to go back to his body

Jake moved on to the next stage, the Extraction stage.

It was quite ironic that Jake went through all the efforts only to push the chaotic energy out of his body again.

Well, there is a hidden fact in this stage, sons of chaos are branded with an affinity for chaos energy. If it was easy to push the talent out of them, wouldn't they have done that?

The purple chaos does not represent his Son of Chaos' status. The energy is produced from his body by absorbing the energy available wherever he is. So, no matter what, his body would continue to reproduce Chaos energy.

What he needed to do was to push them all out to give him a breathing space to perform the next stage. By pushing them out, he meant everything. The last time he only pushed out the energy; this time he would push out the core too.

He alone was not enough for that. To do that he needed help.


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