Secret Killer

Chapter 14 - Becoming A Criminal


After driving the car for 10 kilometers, Leon crashed it into a wall.

He immediately looked at Layla with a concerned look on his face and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Layla nodded.

"It wasn't a crash anyway. You just bumped to the wall," she added.

They crashed because Leon lost control of the car after the car's front tire suddenly exploded.

Leon turned on the car, but it didn't turn on because of the faulty engine.

"Why was that doctor driving such an old and crappy car anyway?" he muttered in annoyance.

Leon let out a sigh and uttered, "Let's get out."

The moment they got out of the car, it exploded. Although, the fuel in the tank was really low, so the explosion wasn't even harmful.

However, had they stayed in the car, they would have been badly injured.

"What now?" Layla wondered.

"We walk," Leon answered with a shrug.

"How far are we from home?" Layla asked with a curious look on her face.

"We could have reached there in the next ten minutes if we had the car. But I guess it's going to take a while now," Leon asserted. "Unless… we steal a new car."

Leon glanced around to see if there was any car parked on the streets, but as expected, there wasn't.

The purge was almost over, and the sun was about to rise, so Layla was a little relaxed, knowing no one would hurt them now. Leon, however, had something else in mind.

He grabbed Layla's hand and said, "Let's go to the main street for now."

After walking for a while, they reached the main street.

Leon hoped to see a car or any vehicle, but the streets were abandoned.

Leon sighed again.

After noticing Leon sighing, again and again, Layla pulled Leon's hand and said, "Do you want me to carry you?"

"Heh!" Leon scoffed.

"What?" Layla pouted and uttered, "Why are you laughing?"

Leon laughed out loud and said with a chuckle: "I just imagined you carrying me, and I didn't like how it looked."

Layla raised her brows and asked, "How did it look?"

"You couldn't even walk one step," Leon replied with a grin on his face.

Layla frowned her face and started walking at a high pace.

"Don't run, or you will fall!" he yelled while laughing.

Leon ran after Layla to catch up to her, but when he got closer to Layla, she started running.

After running and for a while, Layla stopped to catch her breath. She looked back to see Leon wasn't following her.

"Where… did…— Leon!" she yelled with an anxious and petrified look on her face.

"Leon!" she yelled again.

After walking and looking around for Leon for a while, she started crying.

"Leon!" she shouted with a broken voice.

Someone tapped on her shoulder from behind and said, "Are you lost, little girl?"

Layla looked back to see Leon standing in front of her with the same grin on his face.

She hugged him and muttered in a low voice, "Where were you?"

"I was right behind you, enjoying you freaking out and yelling my name while crying," Leon stated.

"Why would you do that to me?"

"To show you that you can't live without me." Leon placed his hand on Layla's shoulder and continued, "So don't you dare run away from me."

Suddenly, a mini truck came at full speed and ran over Leon and Layla, or so would have happened if Leon hadn't pushed Layla back. However, he couldn't save himself from the truck.

"Haha! Suckers!" the young man driving the truck said.

"How dare they flirt in front of me. I am going to kill all the couples!" he declared.

The front of the truck was filled with bloodstains. Seemingly, he had run over people all night.

The man thought he had run over Leon and Layla, but he was mistaken. Layla was safe, and as for Leon, he was under the truck, holding onto a pipe.

He slowly made his way to the side and climbed on the side of the truck. Then, he quietly moved to the door and entered the truck from the other window.

The man driving the truck noticed Leon entering the truck, but it was too late.

Leon kicked the man in the face and slammed it on the steering wheel. Then, he unlocked the door and threw the man out of the truck.

"That's why you don't keep windows open." Leon took the wheel and slowed down the truck to U-turn it.

After driving the truck to the next circle, Leon U-turned it and drove to the same street where he kicked the man.

Leon saw the man running for his life as the truck approached him.

"Sucker," Leon muttered and hit the man before crushing him under the truck.

"It feels good to run over people," He laughed.

He drove the truck and stopped it in front of Layla.

"Get in."

Layla got in the truck, and Leon kept driving it for some minutes before crashing it into a store.

"You crashed on purpose, didn't you?" Layla asked Leon.

"Yup!" Leon replied. "Our home is right around the corner, so we don't need this truck anymore."

"And besides…" He looked at the store banner, which had 'Convenience store' written on it, and said, "We have got shopping to do."

They got out of the truck and covered their head with the hoodie in case the cameras in the shop were recording.

After getting what they wanted from the store, they made their way to their home.

"Be careful. Someone might be living in there," Leon warned Layla.

After looking into the house from the windows and seeing no one inside, Leon decided to break the glass window.

He slowly entered the house and walked around downstairs to confirm no one was there. Then, he carefully went upstairs, and there was no one.

Leon thought no one was home, or maybe they were hiding somewhere he couldn't find, but when he glanced at the walls, he saw the picture of his family.

The house was full of dust, and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years.

"So this is still our house," Leon asserted.

Leon opened the front door and let Layla in, but Layla stopped on the porch and glanced around.

"What's wrong? Leon asked. "Come in already."

Layla opened her mouth and uttered, "My mother is buried here somewhere."

Leon grabbed Layla's hand and pulled her into the house.


Weekly target.

100- 2 chapters.

200- 4 chapters.


Author's note- I think the flashback needs one more chapter. Don't forget to vote!


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