Second Try Idol

Chapter 96: Debut (19)

Chapter 96: Debut (19)

The break was short. Right after we finished talking about the live show and dance challenges, a knock at the door disturbed our peace.

“The ingredients must be here! I will check it out!” Lee Jin-Sung leaped up and made a beeline for the door, only to let out a baffled gasp. “What the heck is this? Why are there so many boxes?”

“Did a whole bunch of them arrive?" Park Yoon-Chan sauntered over to the entrance and then shot a puzzled glance back at us.

“What's going on?"

“We've got a mountain of boxes here." Certainly, all of this wasn't just for grilling meat and whipping up Doenjang Jjigae. With a furrowed brow, I stood to inspect the chaos outside the entrance, where boxes were stacked so high they nearly blocked the door.

“What in the world? Please don't tell me all this is meat?" Goh Yoo-Joon was utterly dumbfounded, so he hefted the top box and peeked inside. Then, he exhaled a sigh of pure exasperation. “This is going to be a marathon cooking session, isn't it? Whether it's spicy pork ribs or anything else."

“What's inside?" I pried open the box further to reveal its contents.

“...” Oh man. I shot a glare in the direction of the production team's lodging. The box was crammed with unmistakably outdoor prep items like charcoal and a grill.

“Does this mean we are doing this outdoors?"

“Looks like they are throwing us a barbecue party," Lee Jin-Sung commented and then took out a folded tent from one of the boxes.

“A tent... are they serious?"

Meanwhile, Joo-Han frowned deeply and started kicking the obstructive boxes aside. “All that effort for a precise seventy points at karaoke, and they pull something like this?"

“Joo... Joo-Han... hyung..." Park Yoon-Chan was clearly concerned and clutched at Joo-Han's arm, as Joo-Han seemed like he was moments from storming the production team’s quarters in a fury. However, Joo-Han wasn’t that kind of an asshole. He just reassured the worried Park Yoon-Chan that he wouldn’t go fight with the director and then started tearing into the boxes with a simmering rage.

“Everyone, let's get moving. If we want to eat anytime soon, we gotta hustle." With Joo-Han at the helm, we kicked into high gear, prepping for the barbecue bash and setting up the tent. Joo-Han seamlessly flitted between the barbecue squad and the tent team, translating instructions and simplifying them for us. Thanks to his dedication, our preparation time was cut in half, going from an hour to just thirty minutes.

“Feels like the only true downtime we had was playing with the puppy when we had just arrived."

“Healing for Chronos? Nah, it's more about healing for our viewers," Goh Yoo-Joon mused while diligently working on the grill. Meanwhile, Joo-Han had wandered off to prepare some ramen, accompanied by a grumbling Jin-Sung. Surprisingly, the management team didn't seem bothered by the breach of the no-ramen rule, implying they were flexible as long as we stuck to the provided ingredients.

Stationed beside Goh Yoo-Joon, Park Yoon-Chan and I were busy fanning the flames and muttering to each other. We vowed never to fall for the production crew's tricks again. Their version of a “trip” or “healing” wasn’t what we had thought of, so we really felt like we were getting a crash course in variety show survival from Chronos History and Flying Man.

“Yoo-Joon, is the fire good to go?"

“Yeah, it's lit. But back off, it's scorching." Goh Yoo-Joon ushered us away and set the grill in place. At this moment, Joo-Han returned with Jin-Sung and a pot in tow, which they then placed atop the grill.

“Start with the ramen. Grilling the meat's going to take a while," commanded Joo-Han.

“Good news, guys! The Doenjang Jjigae ingredients are all prepped. I saw it while helping Joo-Han hyung. That's a relief, right?"

Goh Yoo-Joon, Jin-Sung, and Park Yoon-Chan then huddled around the ramen pot. Our hunger from the non-stop shooting made us move our chopsticks so fast that they blurred when they moved, snatching up noodles.

“Seeing you guys eat makes all this worth it," said Joo-Han. Seated next to a tent, he watched us with a warm smile. I then sat beside him, cooling my fire-warmed face, and grabbed a slice of pork belly.

“I'll take over the grilling," I said.

“Hyun-Woo, are you not joining them for ramen?"

“I'm fine. Better to grill now so they won't have to wait later." As I laid the meat on the grill, Goh Yoo-Joon slipped off his work gloves and handed them over. Soon, Joo-Han came over to lend a hand with the grilling and said, “Everyone, ears open."

“What's up?" After all eyes turned to Joo-Han, he scanned the group and nodded as if steeling himself. “I have been mulling over this for a while, but what do you say we all drop the formalities and talk casually from now on?"

“...Excuse me?" We were all dumbfounded, and I was no different. It was such an out-of-the-blue suggestion that I wondered if I'd misheard or if Joo-Han had snuck off for a drink out of stress.

“Joo-Han hyung, what's gotten into you? Did something happen?" Goh Yoo-Joon snatched the tongs from Joo-Han’s hand and probed him. Park Yoon-Chan also set his chopsticks down and felt Joo-Han's forehead. “You are burning up. Are you feeling okay?"

“No, it's just the heat from the grill, you goof," mocked Joo-Han

“It's because of those darn production folks. Now, our Joo-Han hyung is sick!" Jin-Sung yelled, his eyes darting around and searching for the production crew.

Joo-Han's brows turned into a tight frown. He was evidently not thrilled with how the members were taking it all in.

“Listen up, guys. That's not the point here. We are a team now, right? It got me thinking, do we really need to keep up this whole formal charade?"

“...Man, Joo-Han hyung, you really are the grown-up among us. What you just dropped was pretty epic."

“I get the feeling that you are all a bit wary of me, but honestly, I'd rather we all got comfortable with each other," Joo-Han said.

Lately, I had observed Joo-Han taking on a more active role—whipping up ramen and contributing more to our conversations. Perhaps, his recent karaoke performance, where he let loose and shed some of his dignity, was his way of bridging the gap among us. Having assumed the leader role for around fifty trainees ever since his trainee days, Joo-Han naturally distanced himself from us. He was a bit more guarded than the rest of us as he shouldered more responsibility.

Eight years down the line with Joo-Han, I only got scolded whenever I really messed up, but the others might be more intimidated by him. But really, was there any need for him to keep this distance with his own team?

“Sure thing, Joo-Han," blurted Goh Yoo-Joon.

“...You cheeky thing!"

Goh Yoo-Joon dropped the formalities in a flash, earning a swift kick from Joo-Han. Ah, that lovable goof...

“If you are kicking off the casual talk, it'll make things easier for the rest of us too. I'll ditch the formalities, so Yoon-Chan, Jin-Sung, feel free to follow suit." I threw this suggestion into the mix, and while Goh Yoo-Joon and I easily slipped into a more relaxed way of speaking, the others seemed to wrestle with it a bit. However, Joo-Han didn't look like he would press the issue.

“Guys, check out the sky. The stars are just unbelievable!" Utterly mesmerized by the blanket of stars above, Goh Yoo-Joon filched a phone from Joo-Han's pocket.

“I'm gonna put on some tunes to match this vibe."

“Go for it."

“Hyun-Woo, meat is ready."

I received the grilled meat from Park Yoon-Chan with a pair of tongs and settled back into my chair. Soon enough, Goh Yoo-Joon's chosen melody wafted through the air, creating a laid-back, cozy night scene.

“Yoon-Chan, can I snag this piece?"

“Huh? Oh, no, not that one. It's not done yet. Try this piece instead."

Jin-Sung chatted away comfortably with Yoon-Chan, who reciprocated albeit a bit awkwardly. The warm atmosphere then blended into the tranquil night around us.

“Joo-Han, why aren't you eating any of that meat? You've been at the grill forever!"

“Are you out of your mind?!"

“Ahahaha!" Goh Yoo-Joon and Joo-Han's playful squabble seemed like it could use a different venue. Full and feeling toasty, I found my eyelids growing heavy, and finally, I pushed myself up. “Think I will rest in the room.”

“Off to bed, Hyun-Woo hyung?" Jin-Sung asked.

I nodded and made my way toward the house. Thoughts of needing a shower circled my mind until I laid eyes on the bed in the open room. All of a sudden, the notion of skipping it on a trip didn't seem so bad.

‘Forget it, I'm just wiped out today.’

As soon as I sank onto the bed, I fell into a deep sleep.


“Where's Hyun-Woo?"

“Looks like he is tired. Must've been beat."

“Already? It's barely 8 PM."

“He's not the most resilient out of us. Trekking all the way here, belting out songs, dancing, and getting the barbecue going, he's held up pretty well." Goh Yoo-Joon's comment was met with a nod from Park Yoon-Chan.

“He was looking worn out from the get-go."

“He needs the rest, so let's not disturb him. We can handle the cleanup," said Joo-Han.

The night seemed to be winding down, yet nobody made a move from their seats. They were all too entranced by the sound of dying embers and the peacefulness of the night. This moment of calmness was a rare treasure for them, a respite from the relentless pace of their lives.

“By the way, Joo-Han hyung, did you ever get around to telling Hyun-Woo about that thing?" Park Yoon-Chan's question prompted Kang Joo-Han to shake his head.

“Not yet. Didn't feel like the right moment."

“That thing? What's that about?"

“What are you two on about?"

Curiosity flared in Goh Yoo-Joon and Lee Jin-Sung’s eyes. Park Yoon-Chan then glanced at Kang Joo-Han, who readily nodded in agreement, so he continued, “Turns out, Joo-Han hyung's been crafting a solo track for Hyun-Woo."

“What! Why keep it a secret? Why's it just for Hyun-Woo hyung!"

“Seriously? Since when? Yoon-Chan, how did you find out?"

“Just... you know... during the 'Parade' video shoot, I heard Joo-Han hyung playing this gorgeous tune on the piano and asked him about it." Park Yoon-Chan grinned, remembering the day.

Back when they were filming the music video, a melody that Joo-Han played struck a chord with Yoon-Chan and Hyun-Woo. It was a beautiful but unfamiliar piece. After the filming wrapped, drawn to the music, Park Yoon-Chan asked about the song's title.

Then, Joo-Han responded nonchalantly, without any particular expression. “I made it myself. It’s a congratulatory gift for Hyun-Woo for his debut.”

Since it wasn’t done yet, Park Yoon-Chan couldn’t reveal it to Hyun-Woo.

Kang Joo-Han smiled sheepishly. “I'll give it to him once it's done. Keep it a secret for now. Good timing, Yoo-Joon, could you help with the guide recording?"

“Huh? Oh, sure, no problem. This is quite sudden news, though."

“What about us!? Why don't we get a present!? Joo-Han hyung, can't you make me a dance track?" Lee Jin-Sung clung to Kang Joo-Han, whining.

Kang Joo-Han patted his head but firmly shook his head. “Not right now, Jin-Sung. I'll get around to making tracks for you guys too. Just understand why I'm doing Hyun-Woo's first."

“Right, Jin-Sung." Goh Yoo-Joon pulled Lee Jin-Sung away, adding his two cents. “Joo-Han and Hyun-Woo have been training together for a while, and I'm all for starting with Hyun-Woo's track."

For Kang Joo-Han, all the Chronos members were dear younger brothers, but Suh Hyun-Woo was special. He was a ten-year veteran trainee and had joined two years before Joo-Han, doggedly holding on to his dream of debut. Of course, there were times when he seemed as if he'd given up, teetering on the edge, but Joo-Han couldn't forget the desperate fight that Suh Hyun-Woo showed in his last audition.

Joo-Han was the person who, as a hyung, had been supporting Suh Hyun-Woo's debut from the closest quarters for eight years, so he decided to give his own composition to celebrate his dear friend's debut.


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