Second Try Idol

Chapter 89: Debut (12)

Chapter 89: Debut (12)

I gazed at Park Yoon-Chan while I bent over, before leaping forward with the dancers in sync.

Even if the sky falls and the ground crumbles

You will be by my side

Skyfall, Skyfall?

As I dramatically collapsed to the floor, the dancers swiftly grabbed my legs, yanking me backward in a choreographed maneuver. Struggling to stand back up on my knees, I let out a groan without realizing it. Performing “Parade” four times, rehearsals included, was tough even on the sturdiest teen joints. Also, the part where I was dragged by my legs was a fan favorite, so each time I performed it, I deepened my movements for a greater impact.

The fleeting splendor will vanish with nightfall

Join me

You will want to see me entrapped in an illusion once more

You need me?

The second dance break commenced with a charming piano melody. The other members gracefully retreated, clearing the spotlight for Lee Jin-Sung and me. Our footwork flowed flawlessly. I received a cane from a dancer, using it to block Lee Jin-Sung's chest, only for him to swiftly seize the cane's end and pull away.

In the center of the stage, I performed a solo to the mellow music, gradually kneeling as I felt my body fully warmed up. This particular stage, I believed, was executed flawlessly—a testament to Chronos's resolve not to let it end just yet.

No matter where you are

I will be there?

Then came the moment when my fellow members' hands gently touched my back. After turning my expression solemn, I raised my head to sing the final lines.


The song concluded, and it was time for me to focus on the camera.

‘One, two, three...’ I counted silently, my focus fixed on the camera. Resisting the urge to blink for about eight seconds seemed easy until that moment.




Out of the blue, Joo-Han blew air into my eyes. Caught off guard, I blinked and lost the challenge. Feeling confused and slightly embarrassed, I just laughed and bowed.

“Good job!" Hearing the director's praise, we relaxed our postures and waved to the production team and fans.

“Thank you!"

And with that, Chronos's Music Case pre-recording wrapped up.


“Hyung, you made me blink on purpose, didn't you?"

Joo-Han nodded in response. “Yeah. I thought it'd be a hit if we covered their song and uploaded it to UTube. The Rings will love it."

“That's true. We always stick to serious tracks. Covering a Street Center song could be a fun challenge," Lee Jin-Sung chimed in, effortlessly mimicking Street Center's debut song, “ONE.”

The live broadcast of Music Case had started. After greeting all the senior artists and distributing albums, we returned to the waiting room, not realizing that a music broadcast meant being confined to the station all day.

Frustrated with the waiting room's stuffiness, Goh Yoo-Joon suddenly shouted, "Anyone need to use the restroom?"

His call echoed unanswered until he specifically said, “Suh Hyun-Woo, go to the restroom with me!"

“What? I don’t want to!"

“I will buy you a bottle of pop."

“Ah, can't say no to that!" I stood up, following Goh Yoo-Joon, while Joo-Han and Lee Jin-Sung snickered behind us.

“Hyung, I want chocolate milk."

“And I'll have a cup of Americano from the coffee shop."

“...You want us to trek all the way to the cafeteria?" I retorted, glaring at them, and then turned to Park Yoon-Chan, who was still fixing his hair. I then asked, “What about you?"

“Uh... Morning Rice[1] for me. But it's okay if they don't have it."

“Really? Old-school taste, but okay. I'll be back."

With that, we left the waiting room, heading toward the restroom.

“Joo-Han hyung wants Americano from the cafe, so I'll grab his coffee after hitting the restroom," I said. Upon hearing this, Goh Yoo-Joon seized the opportunity to grab my arm and steer us toward the cafeteria.

“Come on, let's head out together. Honestly, I just needed an excuse to escape the cramped waiting room."

We ordered Joo-Han's Americano and additional coffees for the staff before taking our seats in the cafeteria.

“Americano from the cafe? Looks like we've really leveled up," commented Yoo-Joon.

I just chuckled, reminiscing, “Do you remember our trainee days? Coffee from the cafe was a luxury, and we only drank canned drinks from the convenience store."

“And even those were off-limits if we splurged on cup noodles. But hey, guess what..." Goh Yoo-Joon’s voice trailed off mid-thought. It wasn't like him to hesitate, so I raised an eyebrow, intrigued and prompting him to continue.

“What's up? I am skipping playing Crazy Arcade today."

“No, it's not about that. Actually, this time I-"

“Hey! Isn't that...?" A familiar voice interrupted us, so we both looked up to see Reina, clad in a sleek office outfit, approaching with a beaming smile.

We quickly stood to greet her. “Hello, Senior Reina!"

“Oh, don't be so formal. Are you guys here for coffee? I'll buy them for you."

“No, no! We've already gotten ours."

With her commanding aura just like during Pick We Up, Reina exuded the vibe of an experienced professional star. She remarked, “I'm here for a program meeting, but what a pleasant surprise to see you guys here. You're up for first place today, aren't you?"


“Best of luck!" Reina seemed genuinely happy to see us. After exchanging brief pleasantries, she left the cafeteria, disappearing into the lobby with her manager.

“It seems like Senior Reina is joining another show already.."

“I can't wait to find out which one."

Reina was known for her exclusive appearances on music programs, and her presence alone served as a boost to the show's ratings.

Could it be that show? Again After Rainfall. The show not only skyrocketed Reina's popularity but also significantly boosted the other participants' music sales and variety show appearances.


The vibrating bell interrupted my thoughts. Goh Yoo-Joon checked the notification bell and stood up. “We've got Joo-Han hyung's coffee and the staff's. What about the others?"

I replied, “Jin-Sung wants chocolate milk. Yoon-Chan, Morning Rice. And Hyun-woo, a peach drink."

“Why do you refer to yourself in the third person?" With that, he handed me the box of coffee and headed to the vending machine nearby for canned drinks.

“Thank you.”

Of course, Goh Yoo-Joon was paying for mine.

“Is Yoon-Chan's drink really that good? Sounds like rice water to me."

“He claims it's sweet and creamy."

Loaded with drinks, we made our way back to the waiting room. We then had to wait until our drinks ran low. With all the performances wrapped up, we joined the hosts on the ending stage.

The battle for the first place of the week unfolded between Chronos and Street Center. Both groups, touted as monster rookies from Pick We Up, were vying for the coveted top spot in their debut. Having clinched first place last week, Street Center looked particularly poised for a repeat victory.

The announcement for the closing of live text voting came, and the hosts geared up for the climax.

“A fierce clash of monster rookies! Street Center and Chronos. Who will be this week's winner?"

“Let's reveal the results!"

Music and Album Sales Score

Chronos: 3,751

Street Center: 3,238

Global Fan Voting

Chronos: 210

Street Center: 1,000

Social Media Score

Chronos: 1,200

Street Center: 900

Broadcast Score

Chronos: 0

Street Center: 300

Live Text Voting Score

Chronos: 4,280

Street Center: 4,099

“And the winner is!"

Chronos: 9,441

Street Center: 9,537

“Congratulations to Street Center!" The announcement echoed, followed by a burst of fireworks.

The score difference was so heartbreakingly small. A breath stuck in our chests, but we soon went over to congratulate Street Center. It was a tough pill to swallow, especially considering our nervousness stemming from the global fan votes.

Both High Tension and Street Center had enjoyed the benefits of hefty overseas investments since their debut, while our agency YMM, struggled to keep up with just domestic promotions. We reluctantly handed over the first-place debut spot to Street Center with the recurring sense of being at a disadvantage.


As we prepared to leave, our manager cautioned, “Watch your expressions as you exit. There'll be a sea of cameras and fans as always."

“Hyung, is it okay if we chat with the fans for a bit?" Lee Jin-Sung's hopeful voice cut through the air, but our manager's response was a firm shake of the head.

“Sorry, we need to head straight in."

Lee Jin-Sung's shoulders drooped at the reply, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sympathy as I ushered him out of the broadcasting station. “We can exchange quick hellos and check on them, but no lengthy conversations."

I reminded him, to which he resignedly agreed, "Guess we'll only get to say thank you."

As we stepped out, the fans' cheers enveloped us in a warm embrace. “They're here! Look, my darlings look so amazing!"

“Jin-Sung! Yoon-Chan! Joo-Han! Please, take these!"

“Yoo-Joon! Hyun-Woo! Please look over here!"

The crowd was larger than usual, undoubtedly because of our first stage at KEW.

“Thank you!" we shouted, our arms laden with gifts and letters. We also made sure to lock eyes with each fan, acknowledging their support as we made our way to the van.

Suddenly, the excited chatter of our names by the fans shifted into a buzzing commotion.

“What's going on?" The members turned around, all perplexed and murmuring among themselves.

“What's that? It's enormous."

“Hyun-Woo hyung, check that out," said Lee Jin-Sung as he gestured toward the crowd.

“Why?” With the gifts in my arms, I turned around, feeling puzzled. In that instant...

Click! Click! A flash of light momentarily blinded me.

“Whoa, that startled me!" I exclaimed, blinking rapidly.

“What on earth..."

Then it happened. "Suh Hyun-Woooo!"


My name boomed through the air, so I instinctively tensed, looking toward the owner of the voice. After another flash and click, I was at a loss for words.

'Is that camera for real? It's massive!' There she stood with her hair tied back, wielding a camera that looked more like a cannon than a photographic tool, its focus squarely on me.

“How much does that thing cost?" Joo-Han murmured, his voice laced with awe. The surrounding fans had ceased their cheering, also taken aback by the appearance of the passionate photographer. They seemed to recognize her as they whispered among themselves.

“Is she famous? Everyone seems to know her," I whispered.

Catching a glimpse of the photographer, one of our stylists gasped and exclaimed, “Oh my god! That's Yoo-Jin! The one we were just talking about!"

“Yoo-Jin... The famous Topside?" Joo-Han asked, to which the stylist nodded emphatically. There she was, the enigmatic figure from the rumors, in the flesh. Her camera was impressively large just as rumored. Unbothered by the whispers around her, she continued her relentless pursuit of the perfect shot.

“What the heck. I heard she closed her previous fan page, and she is now zeroed in on Hyun-Woo. We've hit the jackpot," our manager muttered and then gently nudged my back.

“Hyun-Woo, smile at her camera for a bit."

“Me? Okay." I flashed a smile and waved at the camera. The flash went off once more, and she responded with a satisfied thumbs-up, her face breaking into a grin.

“Thank you! We have to get going now!" I bowed quickly and followed our manager into the van. His face radiated excitement. As he started the car, he spoke confidently, “Our Hyun-Woo, you're one lucky guy. Mark my words, in the next few months, you are going to see your fanbase multiply several times over."

1. A drink made of three different types of Korean rice (white, brown, and black rice). It kind of tastes like sweetened almond milk to me. I personally don’t like it, but I find out that many elderly people like them! ?


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