Second Try Idol

Chapter 42: Survival Entertainment Show - Unit (10)

Chapter 42: Survival Entertainment Show - Unit (10)

As the main vocalists of their respective groups, Suh Hyun-Woo and Kim Jin-Wook transitioned between parts seamlessly during their performance. This created an unusual and innovative combination that delighted the audience’s senses.

As the music built up to the final verse, the once zombies-swarmed stage was now left with only the six members. The dim lighting gave way to a brightly illuminated stage. On this stage, the members performed with such grace and coordination that they seemed almost flying. Such flawlessness was a testament to their hard work.

Sensing the uniqueness of this performance, the fans cheered wildly. They were convinced that no future performance could surpass what they had just witnessed. Amidst the thunderous applause, Team D's performance came to an end.


I struggled to catch my breath, feeling utterly exhausted.

'Three dance breaks are indeed too demanding.' While gasping for air, I tried to be mindful that my microphone was probably still live.

The announcer's voice then filled the venue. "Yes! We just witnessed Team D's incredible performance!" It was only after Jeong Gyu-Chan's voice rang out that we allowed ourselves to sit on the stage with a relieved "phew!", despite the curtain remaining open.

“Huff, huff...”

I was drained to the point of wanting to puke. Lying there, staring up at the spinning ceiling, I thought to myself, ‘We really put everything into this performance.’

This sentiment perfectly encapsulated the intensity of our effort. The voices of our fans reached us, cheering, "Suh Hyun-Woo, you did an amazing job! You are the best!"

Despite my exhaustion, their words brought a smile to my face, affirming that our performance was well-received.

The journey to this moment had been intense, marked by fierce internal competition as our preparations advanced and our ambitions for the performance grew. We had pushed ourselves to our limits, leaving no room for regret.

"Are you guys okay? Can you stand up?" Still sprawled on the stage, Ji-Hyuk asked how we were faring with evident concern. Yet, none of us could muster a response, as speaking was a struggle in our breathless state.

Eventually, the staff stepped onto the stage, extending a helping hand to each of us. "Suh Hyun-Woo, you were fantastic. Truly impressive," one staff member praised me, but I could only nod, as I was too winded to reply.

We then made our way to the dressing room, collapsing upon arrival. There was still some time before the next stage, and we were nearly fainting. Therefore, the director allowed us to rest until the ranking announcement.

"Can anyone move?" a stylist lady asked after a brief pause. On-Sae was the first to raise his hand and say, "Me."

"Then On-Sae, you go change first. We can't go to the studio in these costumes," she advised. With On-Sae assisted by the stylist lady to the changing room, I gathered my strength and followed, feeling a responsibility to get up before the older members. The task of changing out of my sweat-soaked clothes was a challenge in itself.

Ten minutes later, we headed to the studio after all the performances ended. Perhaps due to the aftermath of our intense performance, everyone seemed quieter than usual. Ji-Hyuk, who was typically lively and conversational, was notably quiet, and only the first team and Joo-Han's team engaged in some conversation.

However, the vibe remained subdued. The extraordinary effort that all of us had invested in our unique performances understandably left us all drained.

Reina then initiated the conversation and commended, "Everyone, you've worked incredibly hard. Today, we have witnessed some of the most remarkable performances ever. Many people have appreciated and responded positively to your unique styles."

Her words refocused my attention on the screen. "The audience and viewer votes have now been tallied," she continued. "As this was a unit performance, the official website voting scores will not be included. Shall we take a look at the final rankings?"

In this competition, benefits were reserved solely for the winning team. Having put forth their best efforts in their respective teams, all members of Chronos eagerly awaited the rankings.

The scores were then displayed on the screen:

1st Place, Team D

2nd Place, Team B

3rd Place, Team F

4th Place, Team A

5th Place, Team C

6th Place, Team E

“Oh my gosh!”

“First place goes to Team D, who presented a horrifying stage with the song ‘Need.’ Congratulations!”

We reflexively stood up and embraced each other. It was a moment when our hard work paid off as a reward.

“Alright, Team D! It’s okay to celebrate, but there are still things to do! Please take your seats.”

It took a while for us to calm down, even after Reina’s comment, so some staff intervened and told us to sit.

“There is still more to do. It’s not over yet, Team D.”

Right, the member rankings were still up in the air. Within the first-place team, we faced the task of ranking each member.

“The rankings of D team members will be determined by audience votes, viewer votes, and among themselves. For efficiency purposes, we already requested all of them to vote in advance.”

All eyes were on us, and I could sense not just the gaze of the performers but also that of the audience and streaming viewers, who were probably watching the screen with bated breath.

“Let’s start by checking the member votes. Who did Team D's members think contributed the most to the team? Please, look at the screen."

Honestly, I didn’t have high hopes for the member vote. Leaders Ji-Hyuk and Kim Jin-Wook sacrificed sleep and break time for continuous practice. Being in the center position, I only counted on the audience and viewer votes.

As the names of Team D's members flashed on the screen, the scores started fluctuating, adding to the suspense. The rankings revealed were:

1st Place, Woo Ji-Hyuk 3 votes

2nd Place, Kim Jin-Wook 2 votes

3rd Place, Seo Hyun-Woo 1 vote

Ji-Hyuk and Kim Jin-Wook’s rankings were within my expectations.

‘But one vote for me?’ I racked my brain, trying to recall if I had done anything particularly notable to care for the members. Puzzled, I tilted my head just as Reina announced, "The first place in Team D's member vote is Woo Ji-Hyuk. Interestingly, two members voted for each other, so the fans will surely love to hear about it."

Reina's gaze turned toward me, and at that moment, realization dawned on me.

‘Oh, damn.’

The impending embarrassment was almost palpable. "Suh Hyun-Woo and Kim Jin-Wook!" she exclaimed.

I couldn't help but think, ‘No! Why did you vote for me?’ Kim Jin-Wook's expression mirrored my own dismay.

Around us, Team D and the Chronos members couldn't help but giggle, clearly noticing the awkwardness of our situation. Meanwhile, Reina was seemingly oblivious to these dynamics and pressed on. "Shall we ask? Why did you vote for Jin-Wook, Hyun-Woo?"

“...Umm." I wondered if I really had to verbalize this embarrassment. Then I said, “Jin-Wook worked incredibly hard. He sacrificed his rest and continued to practice when others took breaks."

“And why did Jin-Wook vote for Hyun-Woo?" Reina continued.

“...He was always there, helping during practice. Yes, other members were supportive too, but he was consistently there, even during breaks. To be honest, we didn't start off on the best terms, but he patiently taught me a lot, and I'm grateful for that," Jin-Wook responded, his voice tinged with sincerity.

Reina's smile broadened, and she remarked, "What a heartwarming display of teamwork."

Caught off guard and not sure how to react, I stood there somewhat dazed, and the chuckles from the Chronos members continued. It was embarrassing, but it was over. At least, I placed third and earned some points.

"Now, to the first place, Woo Ji-Hyuk, we will award seven thousand points. To the second place, Kim Jin-Wook, four thousand points, and to the third place, Suh Hyun-Woo, two thousand points," Reina announced. The gap between first and third place was significant. I wondered what the difference was between the first and second place in the last ranking. Could the viewer votes possibly overturn this gap?

"Now, let's reveal the final group rankings combining viewer and audience votes!" Reina declared.

Realistically, Air Senior wasn't strong in viewer votes, so a two thousand-point difference seemed surmountable. Conversely, Street Center could also make a comeback, overcoming the gap. Having unexpectedly climbed to third place last time, True Bye was also a group to watch out for.

However, I had faith in my own performance on stage. If the audience and viewers saw my contribution among the members of Team D, Chronos had a fighting chance to leap forward.

As the fluctuating scores on the screen finally halted, the suspense in the air was almost tangible.

Then the result was announced. "Chronos overcomes a five thousand-point difference and takes first place! Congratulations!" The declaration marked a triumphant moment, the culmination of our hard work and determination.

Chronos secured a stable first place. As the ending jingle filled the room, the atmosphere turned bittersweet.

“Hyung!” Chronos members who had been dispersed throughout the room gathered around me, and I stood up almost instinctively.

“It appears that Hyun-Woo’s impact as the center can overcome the score difference. Congratulations, Chronos!” Reina remarked, acknowledging the significant achievement we had earned over these challenging weeks.

Yet, amidst this success, my heart was filled with mixed emotions.

"You did great, Hyun-Woo! Let's have a more in-depth chat after the shooting," Joo-Han suggested.

"Sure, let's celebrate with dinner later," I replied. The Chronos members exchanged light pats on the back, offering each other silent support before returning to their respective places.

We all had worked together on the stage, but the results were varied, reflecting the diverse journeys we had embarked upon. The screen blatantly displayed the rankings and scores of each group. Within Team D, the emotions of the team members ranged from elation at being first to mere satisfaction and even feelings of regret and melancholy.

The atmosphere was laden with unspoken words, making it challenging for me to revel in the triumph. The situation was particularly poignant for High Tension, who narrowly missed the top spot, and Street Center, who fell from the first to fourth spot since the last competition.

In stark contrast, Air Senior's satisfaction was evident, having broken free from their perpetual sixth place to secure the fifth position.

"Great job, everyone. And Hyun-Woo, congratulations!" Their voices chimed in.

"Thank you. This competition has been a tremendous learning experience for me," I responded, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

As the congratulatory voices faded, the time for the final remarks arrived. "Now, the third competition has concluded. With only a short time left in Pick We Up, which has spanned about two months, I trust every participant will continue to flourish. The time to witness future stars of K-POP all in one place! Remember, Pick We Up will continue next week!"

With the end of this particularly lengthy third competition, a sense of relief and achievement washed over me. Without the manager's knowledge, I discreetly exchanged contact numbers with the members of Team D, offering each other words of encouragement and support.

Before we departed, my eyes locked with Kim Jin-Wook's. We maintained a brief but meaningful gaze, exchanging a nod of mutual respect before going our separate paths.

In the car, a heavy silence settled among us on the way back to the dormitory.


All eyes, including mine, were fixed on Joo-Han.

"What's wrong?" he asked, puzzled by our collective gaze.

"Do you really not understand why?" Even the typically reserved Lee Jin-Sung couldn't hide his frustration. In silent agreement, all of us looked at Joo-Han expectantly. Even our manager let out a sigh, nodding in understanding while driving. "Joo-Han, it was reasonable for the others to be upset this time.”

"I realize that, but I chose an old song I wrote since there weren’t any suitable options available," Joo-Han explained.

"Why didn’t you share it with us?" The question carried a subtle accusation.

"Even if I had, you wouldn’t have chosen it. Would you have gone along with all the barking and meowing?" Joo-Han retorted, his voice laced with a touch of defensiveness.

"...Ahem!" The tension in the air subsided a bit.

Apparently, that song had been a playful creation from a time before our participation in Pick We Up was even certain. Joo-Han had never really had a chance to present it.

"We could have used it during the Cha-Cha performance.” Just as the group seemed to accept this and move on, Park Yoon-Chan, who usually kept to himself, spoke up. "If it was a song made by hyung, we would have embraced it wholeheartedly... I can't help but feel let down."

Park Yoon-Chan's words carried weight, highlighting the depth of his disappointment.

Joo-Han looked at Park Yoon-Chan with a deep, understanding gaze and then lowered his eyelids in a gesture of acknowledgment. "It's natural to feel that way. I never thought I'd use that song. I created it just for fun. But when Team C suggested trying a concept like ChaCha, I saw an opportunity to use it," Joo-Han explained, his tone softening.

Goh Yoo-Joon then chimed in, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and complaint. "I was shocked to learn it was your song. I had no idea you were into songwriting.”

“I am sorry. I will write another song for Chronos, and it will be better than this one. I promise.”

“...Fine! Let me know if you need any help.” Goh Yoo-Joon couldn’t help but smile broadly.

Ugh, what a simple dude.’

However, thanks to this, Joo-Han would write a song for Chronos earlier than in the past. It was definitely something to look forward to. Chronos used to be only famous within Korea, but we made our debut on the Billboard chart for the first time with Joo-Han’s song.


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