Second Try Idol

Chapter 187: Joy (24)

Chapter 187: Joy (24)

* The fans’ reaction can be overwhelming. However, we've lengthened the content a bit more, so please don’t worry and dive in! Hope you enjoy the chapter.

— I'm so happy that I feel like I might actually pass out... I was sobbing uncontrollably, my heart pounding as if it would burst... Why do you guys have to do this to me? It's too much, but I love it <3

— High school vibes + Chronos + sprinkle in a dash of horror = Take all my money

— This is my first time literally dying from being such a fan. I'm a bit nervous, but hey, I'm all in. Let's do this.

— Can you believe that's a human face? I feel like I've got my money's worth from the album.

— I did some warm-ups just in case my heart couldn't take it, but I still ended up dying from the excitement... Thanks a ton...

Hundreds of new comments poured in with every refresh, and the view count skyrocketed. Chronos's stellar performance, the members' youthful laughter in their school uniforms, and the unexpected plunge into horror—everything combined was a recipe for success.

The fans were eating it up, and it was impossible to find any negative reaction. As the fans hit refresh on BlueBird and shared their heartfelt responses, the Chronos community and UTube were flooded with insightful interpretations of the music video.

[Chronos] "? : Joy" MV Breakdown and Insights


Have all of you been through the thirteen-minute journey to paradise yet? I hope no fan has left it unseen. Following the narrative from "Parade,” this music video unfolds slowly. We are going to dissect it piece by piece.

Let’s give a cheeky nod to YMM for always knowing just how to play with our hearts. It’s almost annoying (winks). Heads up, this is purely my personal take.

The opening and midsection gave us these lines:

Hide and Seek

Not Friends

After Graduation

I will find you

Ignore him

And the chilling English phrase in dark letters:

It's too late when you realize it

Combined with all the spoilers in BlueBird, I think the concept is drawn from Neapolitan ghost stories.

Neapolitan ghost story = A ghost story that stirs fear with a series of abstract phrases

The key lines to zero in on are:

1. Not a Friend

2. It's too late when you realize it

3. I will find you after graduation

From the first two phrases, it's hinted that there's one who is not 'a friend' among the five members (in the vein of a Neapolitan ghost story, 'not a friend' could mean 'not human'). And by the time you catch on, it's all over.

Also, the one who's not human, barring a twist, seems to be Jin-Sung.

(A shadowy hallway with Jin-Sung staring into the camera.jpg)

Then there's the third phrase: I will find you after graduation.

(Suh Hyun-Woo and Kang Joo-Han in a frenzied chase.jpg)

As night falls and the sky changes. Hyun-Woo and Joo-Han find themselves being chased by Jin-Sung.

(Goh Yoo-Joon stepping into the school when the class almost ends, Yoon-Chan oblivious to the turmoil.jpg)

Meanwhile, Yoo-Joon and Yoon-Chan enter the school under a peaceful night sky, untouched by the terror surrounding them.

Does this setup ring any bells? Right, it echoes the division in "Parade" between the members in the flower garden and those grounded in reality. Jin-Sung's role remains consistent in both "Parade" and "Joy". He is an enigma, different from the other four (we will need more clues to fully unravel this mystery).

And then there's the duo on the run.

(A glimpse of what might be Jin-Sung's foot stepping into a classroom.gif)

The climax happens as Jin-Sung enters the classroom where Joo-Han has been hiding, bringing the scene to a close.

“Parade” starts with Jin-Sung in the flower garden, Joo-Han in the same spot, and Hyun-Woo arriving belatedly. This sequence suggests that this music video might be a prelude to the events of "Parade".

(Hyun-Woo and Jin-Sung in conversation, Yoon-Chan looking on, puzzled.gif)

Hyun-Woo is seen chatting with Jin-Sung, and Yoon-Chan's puzzled expression indicates he finds something off about their exchange.

(In the club room, Hyun-Woo beckons to isolated Jin-Sung.gif)

Standing apart from the group, Jin-Sung is coaxed over by Hyun-Woo's gesture, and then Jin-Sung starts hanging out with the other members.

Taking in the story, here's a neat wrap-up:

- The school is bound by eerie rules that everyone must adhere to ("Ignore him").

- Yet, Hyun-Woo (and also Joo-Han) fails to disregard “him” (Jin-Sung).

- The moment they catch on that Jin-Sung isn't human, it is way too late. That’s when their hide-and-seek ordeal begins.

- The "Parade" unfolds with Joo-Han captured by Jin-Sung.

*Unsolved clues:

- What drove Hyun-Woo to willingly step into that realm?

- The lines from Joo-Han and Yoo-Joon seem like they are already aware of something.

- The enigma surrounding Jin-Sung, etc…

That's the scoop!

Hope you dive deep into the vibes today as well~

Catch you later!!

(Note: This post doesn't allow for comments.)

Chronos was famously meticulous with its storytelling. Hence, their enthralling universe didn't just charm the fandom but also reached out to anyone with a penchant for such tales. It was remarkable. The comeback hadn't even kicked off yet, but the surging wave of enthusiasm was undeniable.

YMM was surprised and excited, and they hustled to get the news out and sort the members' schedules. Clearly, YMM was handling this comeback with a bit more poise than the last. Although it didn't hit the top spot like Graduating did, achieving top trends on BlueBird and clinching the number one spot on UTube's hot videos in record time was a stellar kickoff.


The comeback performance was tomorrow. But as always, Su-Hwan put a ban on the practice room the day before to keep our conditions in check. So here I was, slouched on the couch, idly watching Goh Yoo-Joon and Jin-Sung mess around with a water balloon game.

“Man! I'm dying over here, literally about to die. Do something, quick!" exclaimed Goh Yoo-Joon.

“Come on, hyung. You've got an item. Just bail yourself out. Always making a big deal."

“No, I don’t want to use it. Hurry, Jin-Sung, it's gotta be you."

“Oh, why the fuss, hyung. Just a sec... Oh, shoot! Now I'm gone too!"

Jin-Sung's outburst had Goh Yoo-Joon in stitches. He laughed his head off.

Part of me wondered if it was alright to be this laid-back on the eve of our comeback, but past experiences had taught us well. The day before was all about unwinding and taking it easy.

So here I was, just zoning out, doing nothing in particular.

“Hyung, if you are sleepy, why don’t you take a nap?" Yoon-Chan sat down next to me and sipped on some barley tea.

I shook my head. “I am just a bit tired, that's all. What about you? Aren't you tired? Yesterday's practice was brutal."

“Nah, I'm good. I have to push myself to keep up with everyone's pace. You guys are just too good for me."

“Don't sell yourself short. You are doing an amazing job, really."

I lazily rested my head on Yoon-Chan's shoulder, soaking in the peaceful atmosphere. Even with Goh Yoo-Joon and Jin-Sung's playful squabble, it felt serene.

After quietly observing the two, Yoon-Chan murmured, “Hyung, I've mentioned to the manager that I'm keen on auditioning for an acting role."

“...Huh? That’s so soon."


“Ah.” I lifted my head and met Yoon-Chan's gaze. It struck me then that Yoon-Chan hadn't ventured into acting until after the team disbanded when I was a trainer. I hadn't caught wind of any auditions he might be eyeing now. Of course, perhaps I wasn't as close to Yoon-Chan before my return, so I wasn’t aware of the news.

Misinterpreting my mumble, Yoon-Chan hastily clarified, “Oh, not right away. I've toyed with the idea of trying out when Chronos settles into a steady groove, maybe around the time when we can arrange for a concert. But let's keep this just between us, okay?"

I pondered over what changes I had made that could have inspired Yoon-Chan to take this step.

Yoon-Chan caught my pensive look and added, “I just really want to contribute more to the team. I feel like I'm not quite there yet."

“...Who's been filling your head with this? You are more than pulling your weight. You should be more confident and proud of yourself. You know I lean on you a lot."

“...Thanks, hyung."

Yoon-Chan wore a bashful smile, a clear sign that he was stepping out of his comfort zone, inch by inch. It reminded me of Senior Yeong-Yee's advice about preparing for independence before finding oneself alone. She said that being unprepared and alone meant fading into obscurity. She also emphasized that we should start laying the groundwork early, especially as a newbie.

My love for Chronos and my desire to journey as far as possible with all five of us were always there. After all, the group was going to different paths compared to the past, promising a longer, more fulfilling future ahead. That was why I released "Once Again" for free.

However, with Chronos's rising fame, perhaps it was time to heed Yeong-Yee's and Kun-Ho's advice. I had to meticulously plan for my personal growth for the sake of both myself and the team.

“Hey, Joo-Han hyung is starting his Q-app live."

As I was lost in thought, I barely noticed Goh Yoo-Joon and Jin-Sung wrapping up their water balloon game to join Yoon-Chan and me on the couch.

“Let's watch Joo-Han hyung's Q-app live together."

We settled side by side on the couch while displaying Joo-Han’s livestream on the laptop. Goh Yoo-Joon chuckled and fetched the Chronos phone, ready to cause some mischief.

“Doesn't Joo-Han hyung seem super nervous?"

“It's his first solo live, so that's definitely a nervous look," I commented and relaxed back into Goh Yoo-Joon's shoulder.

- Hello, everyone. Good evening, hello.

Joo-Han's slightly dry voice emanated from the screen.

- It's been over four hours since the MV was released. How did everyone find it? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Greetings, comments, and a flurry of English responses started to flood in.

- Our mini album's title track "Joy" was a collaborative effort involving myself, Producer Do, our very own Hyun-Woo, the band Hongdae Peanut Butter, and many others.

At the mention of my name, I flinched, which caused Goh Yoo-Joon to burst into laughter and playfully flick my shoulder.


“Isn't this Composer Mr. Suh Hyun-Woo?"

“Keep your shoulder still."

— ??? Hyun-Woo ???

— Hyun-Woo was involved too?

— Whoa, really? Hyun-Woo...?

— Aaah There wasn't a single lacking moment in the music video<3 It was perfect!!! Seriously, we love you Chronos!!!

— OMG, I'm shook :0 Hyun-Woo was the composer?!]

Right, my involvement hadn't been officially announced yet.

Joo-Han glanced through the chat and nodded.

- Yes, Hyun-Woo played a significant role in it. From the initial concept and atmosphere to adding the final band performance, even introducing us to the members of Hongdae Peanut Butter, it was all Hyun-Woo. Most people thought it was just me and Producer Do.

Joo-Han skimmed through the chat and chuckled softly.

- My goal for the next album is to include a track that Yoo-Joon writes. Anyway, let me share a bit about the backstory of the song...

Joo-Han continued while engaging with fans, sharing the inspiration behind the song, the areas we focused on, and what we emphasized. Clearly, he had planned what to discuss in advance, as the session flowed smoothly. All the while, Goh Yoo-Joon's playful comments were completely ignored.

- Someone asked which member is the cutest. That would be Yoon-Chan. Ah, and Hyun-Woo too.



- Who's the least flexible member? The worst would be Hyun-Woo and then Yoon-Chan.

“No way."

- Has Jin-Sung's grades improved? Not yet. There's still a long way to go. I'm planning to get him into the top ten by next year. He's going to college.

“Whoa, what is wrong with him? I'm not going to college—"

- I saw this on Q-app earlier. Does Joo-Han oppa give the members an allowance? Not usually, but I gave some to Hyun-Woo and Yoo-Joon during the Graduating shoot so they could buy snacks and treat their friends. We haven't been paid yet.

Knowing we were watching, Joo-Han mixed his responses with jokes. Then, he smiled as he spotted another chat.

- This one might upset Jin-Sung. Any interesting stories from shooting the music video?

Jin-Sung bolted from the room at this question.


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