Second Try Idol

Chapter 179: Joy (16)

Chapter 179: Joy (16)

The sports day at Memory High was in full swing. As we entered the dodgeball arena for the opening event, teams naturally formed without anyone assigning the group—a testament to our collective spirit.

“Which team wants to claim the ball? I need one volunteer from each side," the PE teacher announced from the center of the court.

Our teammates nudged Yoo-Joon forward without hesitation as he was our tallest player. “You are up, captain."

“Go for it, Yoo-Joon."

“Alright, I'm on it. I will bring us the ball," Yoo-Joon declared with a confident stride, stepping forward to represent our team.

His opponent from Team B was equally towering, setting the stage for an exciting showdown. We all knew the drill even before the PE teacher laid out the rules. “I will toss the ball skyward, and both of you just need to leap and direct it toward your team."


“Get ready."

The PE teacher surveyed the two challengers with the whistle poised at his lips. At the sound of the whistle, the ball soared into the air, and Yoo-Joon deftly sent it flying our way with a swift leap.

“That's our Yoo-Joon!"

“Hurry, catch and throw the ball!" Yoo-Joon shouted. As he came back toward us, the ball started its erratic dance, tagging students out left and right.

“Suh Hyun-Woo, catch this!" shouted a Team B player. My distinct light brown hair made me an easy target, but I managed to snag the incoming ball and swiftly returned it to the opposing team.

“Ouch!" A player from Team B took the hit and was out. The ball dropped near Hee-Su in row three and ended up in Daniele's hands quite accidentally, who was now on the opposing team.

“Oh, Hyun-Woo! You threw the ball at me, but I caught it! Hehe."

“I know, right? Congrats!” I replied to Daniele while quickly retreating to keep a safe distance.

“Haha, you are funny, Hyun-Woo!" Daniele's laughter filled the air as he lobbed the ball back to me, which I caught without dodging.

“Hyun-Woo is surprisingly resilient, isn't he?" The PE teacher's voice carried a hint of genuine surprise. While my flexibility was lacking, it didn't mean I was not sporty! Despite being sidelined in soccer due to my back injury and perhaps seen as somewhat frail by the teacher, who had been a national athlete, I was competent enough in sports to handle even the relay race!

I tossed the ball to Yoo-Joon, who then targeted Daniele with a swift throw.


“Daniele is out."

“Yoo-Joon, that's harsh!" Despite Daniele's grumbling, Yoo-Joon merely flashed a grin and continued the game.

The outed players were steadily increasing, but Yoo-Joon and I somehow remained standing until the very end. Our dance practice and desperate determination to survive for the camera evidently paid off.

“How do they never dodge?"

“Right? They catch everything thrown at them. Impressive."

As the game dragged on, sighs from Team B grew louder, sounding almost like praise for us. It seemed that we'd secured enough footage for the show, so I was relieved. Then, I aimed the ball at Team B's last player, On Ki-Hoon, who surprisingly got hit easily and was out.

“On Ki-Hoon is out! Game over. Team A wins!"

It felt as though he had intentionally let himself be hit. While the victory was sweet, the manner of winning left me feeling somewhat hollow. As I stood there while being bemused, On Ki-Hoon approached with a casual shrug and said in a surprisingly gentle tone, “How could I possibly strike at Chronos?"


“Haha, let's grab lunch together later, okay?" With that, On Ki-Hoon joined Daniele, and they headed back to their team.

A staff member, who had been observing from the stage, approached and announced the break. “Great job, everyone! Time for a twenty-minute break!"

The students scattered as each found their own way to spend the brief interlude.


During the twenty-minute break, Yoo-Joon and I found a quiet spot to sit side by side, each with an earbud in, humming our parts of the new song. The talent show was a special stage for our new track, and though we weren't in full costume, it was still the debut performance of our latest song.

As a result, we nervously went over the choreography in our heads as we were determined to nail it, like students cramming for an exam

“The floor here is pretty rough, isn't it?"

“I'd take that over a slippery surface any day."

“True, just be careful not to fall. We wouldn't want a repeat of you being carted around by Jin-Sung in a chair."

“Yeah, for sure.”

As we half-heartedly exchanged words, our minds tirelessly rehearsed the choreography for the umpteenth time.

It was then that Hee-Su, who had been a short distance away engrossed in his phone and mingling with others, approached us with a curious look on his face. “Guys, have you seen this? There's a buzz about us online."

“An article?" My curiosity was piqued. I simply watched as Hee-Su extended his phone toward us, offering a glimpse into the news that had caught his attention.

[Chronos Takes on KEW's School-Themed Variety Show Graduating, Premiering End of January]

(Chronos members Suh Hyun-Woo and Goh Yoo-Joon at the year-end stage photo zone.jpg)

For the first time, Goh Yoo-Joon and Suh Hyun-Woo of Chronos will explore the world of school-themed variety entertainment. A KEW spokesperson revealed, “KEW's Graduating: Boys’ High School Edition, featuring Chronos members Goh Yoo-Joon and Suh Hyun-Woo, unfolds amidst a group of twenty-year-olds who, for various reasons, missed their high school graduation. They will spend their last month of high school together to create lasting memories. The show is aiming for a late January airing, with filming already underway.”

The spokesperson added, “As it is our inaugural youth-themed variety show, we are eager to see how it will resonate with viewers. Stay tuned for an exciting lineup.”

Additionally, KEW's Graduating: Boys’ High School Edition will not only feature Chronos members Goh Yoo-Joon and Suh Hyun-Woo but also up-and-coming actor On Ki-Hoon, model Daniele Rossi, and a diverse cast of about thirty non-celebrities students.

[email protected]

Copyright holder: GoGi News, Unauthorized Copying and Distributing Prohibited.

“Wow, news about us is already making rounds?"

“Looks like it." Hee-Su retracted his phone after a glance, and his lips pursed in thought.

“It's quite surreal to realize how renowned you guys are. The entire article is plastered with Chronos's involvement."

Having been thrust into the spotlight during the UNET competition and now handpicked by the production team for ratings, I had expected Chronos-centric coverage.

However, what truly took me by surprise was learning about Daniele's career as a model. I had pegged him as a regular, handsome guy with impressive stature who had moved from Italy, only to find out he was a model.

“No wonder my phone is bombarded with missed calls nowadays. With all the news about Chronos's participation, we are probably dominating the trending charts, hitting number one on real-time searches." Hee-Su's excited words drew a simultaneous chuckle from Yoo-Joon and me.

Our involvement in an unaired variety show wouldn’t place us at the top of real-time search rankings. It seemed pretty far-fetched.

“Ah, well, we are just doing our thing. It’s not a big deal."

“Well, maybe? But we are talking about Chronos here, so I wouldn't be surprised if it did make it to the searches."

We shook our heads at Hee-Su's guess once more, but we were interrupted by the call to resume filming.

“We are getting back to shooting! Please return to your spots, everyone!" A staff member signaled the continuation of the sports day events.

The second game of charades smoothly transitioned into the third, which was a tug of war. This paved the way for a short break before the relay race began.

It had barely been an hour and a half since Hee-Su shared the news about the article when our manager approached us, phone in hand and a look of sheer pride in his eyes. “Congratulations, guys."

“For what?" I asked with a puzzled look, only for our manager to gesture toward his phone.

“You've made it to third place on the portal site search rankings and first in BlueBird's real-time trends. Chronos has truly become a force to be reckoned with," he replied.

#Side Story - Concept Photo Shoot (Type B, Goh Yoo-Joon)

It was the day of the concept photoshoot for Chronos's latest track.

“I've brought what you asked for, senior."

“Thanks a ton."

Suh Eun-Hye, the youngest in the props team, then nodded in acknowledgment to her direct senior Oh Yeo-Rin.

She breathed a sigh of relief and accepted the golden watch from Suh Eun-Hye. “I nearly had a heart attack when it broke in transit."

The watch was a crucial prop that could make or break the ambiance of this set. However, it had met its unfortunate end, shattering into pieces within the car. The prospect of moving forward without the prop was daunting until fortune smiled upon them through the efforts of Suh Eun-Hye, the diligent junior, who miraculously found a similarly vintage watch.

“Lucky that there’s an antique shop nearby. It’s not exactly the same, but it will work.”

“Nah, this one is actually better for the vibe as it is more vintage. Good job, Suh Eun-Hye. Take a seat. I will handle the setup.”


Suh Eun-Hye plopped down on a chair, rubbing her legs that were weary from running around. She knew the industry demanded a grind, but she hadn't expected a frantic search for an antique clock in just thirty minutes. This task was a real challenge.

Suh Eun-Hye sighed quietly while watching Goh Yoo-Joon from afar. ‘Ah, jealous.’

Yoo-Joon looked completely at ease, listening to the director's guidance while enjoying a drink. The director was usually stern with the staff, but he was all smiles with the popular artist. It was clear why celebrities might get carried away with such attention, though it was just her tired musings. She knew Yoo-Joon was humble, always thanking the staff meticulously.

As Suh Eun-Hye's gaze lingered on Yoo-Joon, their eyes met briefly. She then quickly looked away, wondering if avoiding his gaze was rude. After that, she cautiously looked back up.

Facing the Chronos members for the first time, Suh Eun-Hye found Yoo-Joon's intense presence intimidating enough to make her nervous just by making eye contact. When she dared to glance again, Yoo-Joon had already turned away, his fatigue evident as he idly tapped on the desk.

Yoo-Joon seemed standoffish, not particularly warm or talkative despite his politeness. It was only the juniors in her team who felt particularly cautious around him.

‘I heard he is quite friendly with his peers.’ However, Yoo-Joon appeared more reserved now with no friends around him or perhaps because of his exhaustion.

Lost in thought, Suh Eun-Hye watched as Yoo-Joon suddenly perked up, his attention caught by something at the set's entrance. His eyes lit up, and then he broke into a wide smile. Suh Eun-Hye was surprised because Yoo-Joon, who had maintained a stoic facade all day, was now radiating happiness.

Following his gaze, she spotted Suh Hyun-Woo and Lee Jin-Sung, who had just finished their shoot.

“Finished already?" Yoo-Joon's demeanor lifted as he approached his group members. Their camaraderie and laughter were reminiscent of carefree high school days, and this lively exchange was familiar to the staff, who watched on with affectionate smiles, accustomed to the group's dynamics.

“Yoo-Joon, time to get back to set. Let's wrap up the shoot so you can go."

“Right!" Yoo-Joon, who had been lively among his members, returned to the set at the director's call.

“Alright, let's get this shot. Settle into position and adjust your expression."

Yoo-Joon got back to posing. The smile faded away as he adopted the cool demeanor required for the scene.

“Perfect, hold that look!" the director said with a pleasant smile.


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